World Destroying Demonic Emperor: May 24: Flame Demon Tribe! The tribe I built!

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The thirty-three Demon General of Demon King Jing Zi, of ​​which twenty-nine are red cloaks and silver armor.

There are four others, with black cloaks and golden armor.

It’s also a distinct hierarchy, so it should be 29 Demon General and 4 Demon Commander.

And Lan Ling was found. In this small Demon King empire, all cultivation above the warrior can be Demon General.

But in Real World outside Jingzi(Mirror).

The thirty-three Demon General are also in ragged clothes. They are really wearing armor, but they are all made of branches, and they really have a cloak, but they are made of leaves.

It looks really ridiculous.

By the moment of drinking, four Barbarian demon warrior-level men, armed with wooden sticks, surrounded by Lan Ling, tried their best to move towards Lan Ling, front and back, left and right, and beheaded fiercely.

Lan Ling doesn’t care about the other three, Great Sword only cut one of them.

“Brush …” Lan Ling‘s Great Sword easily cut off the wooden stick in his hand, and then strangled his neck with lightning.

Rushed forward to bite violently, Bloodsucker frantically, and sucked him into a corpse in just two minutes.

At this time, three other Demon General wooden sticks have been cut to the back of Lan Ling.

Lan Ling rushed to resist the powerful Strength.

Severe pain came, but the ribs were not broken.

Then he turned suddenly and flashed, pinching the neck of one of them.

It turned out to be a woman, and still a Close Human Clan, and she looks pretty.

In the illusion of Jingzi(Mirror), she is rich in rhyme, but in the real world outside, she is thin.

After a moment of hesitation, Lan Ling opened his mouth and extended his fangs, biting hard at her neck, and then ferocious Bloodsucker.

This Close Human Clan woman, her eyes are panic-stricken at this time. Before she died, she seemed to have seen through this illusion, and the world in her eyes was changing in reality and illusion. So she opened her eyes in amazement and opened her mouth desperately to say something.

Lan Ling threw her away.

Then, continue fighting and continue Bloodsucker.


Lan Ling‘s cultivation is a huge improvement.

Because he killed a demon warrior barbarian, it has become very easy.

However, the next barbarian, Martial Arts is getting stronger.

Lan Ling killed the first four warriors, followed by the second, third, and fourth waves …

Full day and night!

Lan Ling killed the sixth wave of magic warrior barbarian.

Fighting is no longer easy, it is getting more and more painful.

Because the enemy ’s Martial Arts is getting higher and higher, the damage to Lan Ling is also painful.

Of course, because Lan Ling heals quickly and has an infinite blood power crit, it can still win.

But the time it takes has become longer and longer, and the battle is getting closer to the limit.

Not only that, his desire for blood is getting stronger and stronger.

When he defeated an opponent, he rushed up completely desperately, crazy Bloodsucker. At this time, other places frantically hacked his head with a wooden stick.

The Strength of these people is already huge, so the skull of Lan Ling does n’t know how many times it was smashed and fractured.

Golden Bloodline continuously releases energy to help heal wounds.

Fortunately, the real weapon used by the enemy is a wooden stick, not a real sword, otherwise Lan Ling is really already in a different place.

But in short, the sixth wave of Demon General battle should have reached the limit of Lan Ling.

Because, when killing the last enemy, Lan Ling was once dark and almost lost consciousness.

This means that the energy that Golden Bloodline can output has reached its limit, and can no longer catch up with the damage caused by the enemy.

Once the limit is exceeded, there will be only one consequence, Lan Ling faints directly.

And once he faints, these Barbarian people can easily cut off his head, and then it will really die.


After killing the sixth wave of enemies, there are eight people left.

Four Demon General, four Demon Commander!

These eight people are the strongest, especially the four Golden Armor Demon Commander.

“Shoot …” The seventh wave of Demon General stepped forward and surrounded Lan Ling with lightning.

Take a deep breath, this time it’s really life-threatening!

Each wave of Demon General, Martial Arts is at least one level higher. At the end of the sixth wave just now, Lan Ling has already felt that their Strength has exceeded Lan Ling by one level.

Then the four people in front of you, Martial Arts will only be higher.

The four people in the sixth wave have just reached the limit of Lan Ling.

Next, it is no longer possible to rely on pure force, but to rely on Spiritual Force.


A loud shout, one of the Demon General lightnings rushed in generally.

The speed is faster than Lan Ling, Strength is greater than Lan Ling.

Lan Ling gathers the powerful Spiritual Force, stares at his eyes, and releases suddenly.

Spiritual Force crit!

However …

His Spiritual Force just left his eyes, as if hitting a mass of copper walls and iron walls.

“Ah …” Lan Ling screamed violently, extremely painful.

This kind of feeling is like a sudden kick on the wall, a toe fracture, and the pain of tearing directly.

“You even use Spiritual Force to crit, you don’t have to look at it, where is this? This is my plane, my empire!” Demon King Jing Zi sneered.

Yes, this is plane of Demon King Jing Zi!

It is just a body of energy, a shadow, a group of thoughts, so there is no real force. However, it has a powerful Spiritual Force.

In its plane, Lan Ling uses Spiritual Force, which is based on pebbles.

Lan Ling painfully pressed down the almost torn brain area, and the whole body immediately freezed.

At this time, four Demon Generals attacked Lan Ling crazy.

“Kacha …” The skull and ribs of Lan Ling are broken, and Golden Bloodline rushes to repair energy.

So, a very tragic scene appeared.

The bones in Lan Ling‘s whole body are constantly cracking and recovering.

This terrible pain is completely beyond words.

However, it is a good thing to feel pain, which means that the brain and nerves of Lan Ling are still full of vitality. And once Golden Bloodline can’t provide enough energy, then his nerves will start to numb, so it’s really not far from death.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang …”

Four powerful Demon General, the Death Wood stick in his hand furiously hit the body of Lan Ling.

Blood flew, bones shattered.

Yes, the sixth wave of enemies is already the limit of Lan Ling. This seventh wave of enemies cannot be beaten anyway.

And at this time Lan Ling entered a painful cycle, Golden Bloodline energy desperately restored his crushed bones, torn body.

But as soon as he recovered, he immediately fractured and tore.

That is to say, Lan Ling has completely lost its ability to fight back and can only be passively beaten.

If this situation continues, Lan Ling will lose consciousness, and in this environment, once it loses consciousness, it will be divided into corpses and will die.

After all, the energy of Golden Bloodline is not infinite.

Gradually, Lan Ling has felt that his body is gradually numb, and the pain is getting smaller and smaller.

This is an extremely dangerous signal.

If this is not stopped, Lan Ling will die here.

All of a sudden, Lan Ling shouted loudly: “You wake up immediately, all this is fake, this empire is fake, this palace is fake, the Demon King you see is also fake, except it can control you Spirit is completely weak. “

“Do you want to talk nonsense before dying?” Demon King Jing Zi sneered: “Steal his sword, cut off his tongue, and see how he talks nonsense.”

Suddenly, one of the Demon General took away the Great Sword of Lan Ling, then pulled out his tongue and cut it sharply!

Boundless pain, blood spray.

In the illusion of the Jingzi(Mirror) world, Lan Ling had his tongue cut off and blood spattered.

And on the top of the real world, Lan Ling also had his tongue cut off alive and blood spattered.

Lan Ling did not allow Golden Bloodline to recover his tongue, but used his own broken tongue and said: “Look, my tongue is cut off, but I can still speak? What does this mean? This means I use Spirit and you completely Doing communication means that you are in a Spiritual Illusion, everything you see is fake! “

Whether it is a dream or a fantasy, what is the most fearful thing?

It’s doubt, it’s a flaw!

Once suspicion arises, it seems that a crack has been torn in this world, and the whole world will be crumbling.

At this time, Lan Ling‘s tongue was cut off, why can he still speak, and his voice is exactly the same as before?

For the time being, the four Demon Generals present or the four Demon Commanders were in doubt.

At the same time, the world of illusion in Jingzi(Mirror) shook violently, like a fierce earthquake.

Demon King Jing Zi in a stern voice said: “Dare you dare to doubt this king? Have you forgotten your previous life? You lost the tribe’s shelter and went into exile, hiding from the east and hiding from the west, hungry, full, and uneasy. And After you enter my empire, you have enjoyed countless beauties, eat delicious food, and have great power. don’t tell me do you want to go back to the past? “

As soon as Demon King Jing Zi said this, several Demon General thoughts were firm again.

Anyway, they do n’t want to go back in time.

Golden Bloodline quickly recovered the tongue of Lan Ling. After hearing the words of Demon King Jing Zi, he suddenly laughed heartily.

“However, all of this is fake, the beauty you enjoy is fake, the delicious food you eat is fake, even the silver armor and gold armor on your body are fake, all made of wood Yes, your cloak is made of leaves, you do n’t have a sword in your hand, otherwise I would have broken the corpse for a long time, the sword in your hand is just a wooden stick. “Lan Ling said loudly:” Otherwise, your Why did your majesty Demon King let you take my sword, because the sticks cut my tongue constantly. “

As soon as this word came out, the whole palace in Jingzi(Mirror) was once again crumbling.

The four Demon Generals and the four Demon Commanders on the scene all generated strong suspicions.

And at this moment, a person crawled out of a pile of corpses.

A Close Human Clan woman, except in the illusion of Jingzi(Mirror) or the real world outside, she looks pale and weak. She wears armor made of branches, a cloak made of leaves, and Jingzi(Mirror) The magnificent hall inside is out of place.

She was the Close Human Clan woman who was just taken by Lan Ling Bloodsucker. Lan Ling did n’t kill her, and she turned around again.

Probably because she passed through this illusion because she died once, so the fake silver armor on her body disappeared, and the mighty cloak disappeared, leaving only a ragged.

“Brother, yes, all of this is fake.” This Close Human Clan woman said: “I thought I was very rich and fit, but in fact I was already thin. I thought I was wearing a mighty armor, in fact just The branches are made up, you are all like me. “

“Booming …”

The palace illusion in Jingzi(Mirror) is once again crumbling, like the most intense earthquake, it will collapse at any time.

At this time, four Demon General and four Demon Commander are already strongly questioning the truth of this world.

Moreover, the majestic armor on their body is constantly changing, for a while it is silver armor and for a while it is a rotten armor made of branches. Their image, majestic for a while, was disturbed for a while.

Once you have doubts about this fantasy world, you ca n’t make up for it anymore.

Demon King Jing Zi coldly said: “What is true? What is false? What you see is true, that’s true, you feel comfortable with women, that’s true. Everything you feel is true, that’s Really. “

“One side is a beautiful illusion, countless cuisines, countless beauties, wonderful powers.” Demon King Jing Zi continued: “The other side is a cruel reality, not eating enough, not being able to live in peace, embarrassed, embarrassed, nine lives. What are you Which one to choose, a wonderful illusion? Or a cruel and ugly reality? “

Demon King Jing Zi‘s voice is full of confusing.

Suddenly, the crumbling world is once again stabilized.

Yes, as long as everything you perceive is true, why bother about true and false?

In the illusion, they have gorgeous houses, countless beauties, enjoy endless wine and food, maidservants like clouds, countless soldiers.

However, in reality, they do n’t even have a piece of clothing or a thatched hut.

Who wants this reality?

In this way, even if it is a fantasy, just feel the truth.

Most of the eight people present were persuaded by Demon King Jing Zi, and they planned to stay in this fantasy territory and become their slaves.

Lan Ling burst into laughter suddenly: “If you never know the truth, you can still enjoy it with peace of mind. But you already know the truth, can you still deceive yourself? When you eat wild fruits, Can you still cheat yourself that this is venison? When you drink the lake water, can you still cheat yourself that this is fine wine? Let you clearly persuade yourself, or persuade each other, you can also persuade yourself to be in awesome Beauty? When you do n’t know the truth, it ’s an extremely real dream. It ’s wonderful and enjoyable. But after you know the truth, this is fantasy, which is daydreaming. It will only bring deeper emptiness and fantasy! ”

With Lan Ling, the truth is brutally pierced.

When you are married in a dream and dreaming of a dream lover, you will only feel incredibly sweet when you kiss.

However, the dream was interrupted and returned to reality.

You tried to continue the unfinished things in the dream, so in reality you started to dream of kissing the dream lover, even the cave.

At that time, there was only endless emptiness and loss, because you could not deceive yourself anymore.

“Even in this way, I don’t want to go back to the past.” Suddenly, a Demon Commander said: “Even if it’s fake, I’m willing to stay and enjoy. At least everything I see is magnificent. Don’t go back to the past. “

“I will not go back to the past, nor will I go back to reality, it is terrible and cruel.” Another Demon Commander said.

Then nine people were divided into two camps.

Four people are unwilling to be immersed in a false illusion, and five people are unwilling to return to the terrible reality.

Demon King Jing Zi bewitched: “They will destroy your wonderful world, kill them, and you will continue to enjoy this wonderful life.”

The five people who did not want to go back to reality suddenly pulled out the false sword and the real wooden stick.

Lan Ling loudly said: “Reality, not necessarily terrible! We can create our own tribe, no longer in exile, no longer being chased.”

“Create your own tribe?” An Demon Commander said: “This is more daydreaming? Every inch of Wild World has a master, and every Wild Beast has a master. Where do we go to create our own? Tribe? “

Lan Ling said: “Here, this Demon King Jing Zi envelopes a hundred miles of territory. This is a land of no ownership, and the surrounding tribes, whether it is Chimera Tribe or Ankara Tribe, think this is Death Forbidden Area, dare not enter .As long as we wipe out Demon King Jing Zi, can we create our own tribe in this land? “

As soon as these words came out, the bright eyes of the Barbarian people who were on the scene were very exciting.

Creating your own tribe and having your own sanctuary is the dream of all exiles.

“Create your own tribe, dream!” A Demon Commander said: “There are only a few people present, only ten people. Do you still want to create your own tribe?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt cold.

Yes, any tribe needs people. Ten people in every district can only be prey, it is impossible to set up their own tribe.

“More than ten people.” Lan Ling said loudly: “Behind me, there are more than a thousand people, even thousands of people. I have an army.”

“Impossible …” said Demon Commander: “What is your identity? Why do you have your own army? If you have your own tribe, why do you have to create your own tribe? If you don’t have a tribe, you can’t have Army. “

Chimera‘s External Clan Armed Force.” Lan Ling loudly said: “Do any of you know Suo Mo? That’s my Uncle, he has a External Clan Armed Force, more than a thousand people, living in Chimera Tribe. I will take this thousand more External Clan Armed Force Be independent and build our own tribe in this territory. “

Lan Ling noticed that 70% of the audience was Close Human Clan, so he said again: “And our tribe is called Flame Demon Tribe!”

Flame Demon Empire is the motherland of all Close Human Clan. Flame Demon Great Emperor created this powerful empire more than three thousand years ago, sheltering the entire Wild World Close Human Clan.

That was the most brilliant, safest, and happiest time for Close Human Clan.

“Our Close Human Clan is in Wild World, just like the lambs to be slaughtered. We are all the survivors of the Close Human Clan. We should unite and build our own tribe to protect the Close Human Clan from exile everywhere.” Lan Ling loudly said: “Flame Demon Great Emperor I have been here before, so this is the starting point for us to reproduce the glory of Flame Demon Empire. “

“Are you willing to immerse yourself in a sad illusion? Or are you willing to go back to reality to fight, fight, fight?” Lan Ling said loudly: “In this sad illusion, can you have children? Can you pass on the lineage? “

“Can’t …” Lan Ling shouted loudly: “My compatriots, wake up, for our Flame Demon Empire, and for our children and grandchildren to have a place of refuge, let’s go back to reality again!”

“Now, let me kill this Demon King Jing Zi, take this piece of land and become the starting point of our Flame Demon Empire!”

Finally, Lan Ling stood up, step by step, toward Demon King Jing Zi on the throne.


Note: The second more than five thousand words will be sent, please ask for support, and ask for the guaranteed monthly pass, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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