World Destroying Demonic Emperor: July 28: Misfortune Cave Master, come and die!

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“Your Excellency Lan Ling, we have fulfilled our contract, so we will leave.” Rakshasa Ghost Mother said toward Lan Ling.

Lan Ling said: “How do you plan to find the whereabouts of Ghost King, will don’t tell me carry these millions of Skeleton Legion?”

“Just me and these four children are going to find their masters. I will bring these millions of Skeleton Legion to dormant overseas first.” Rakshasa Ghost Mother said.

Lan Ling said: “Your master is lurking in Divine Dragon Temple, I believe you also know how dangerous this organization is. So don’t go rash.”

Rakshasa Ghost Mother said: “Observe, we certainly will not dive into Divine Dragon Temple. We will search the world for the energy trail left by the master. This is the most stupid way, but it is also the most direct way.”

Lan Ling said: “Good luck and thank you for this battle.”

Rakshasa Ghost Mother said: “It is our honor to say goodbye, Your Excellency Lan Ling!”

“Farewell!” said Lan Ling.

Then, with the order of Rakshasa Ghost Mother, millions of Skeleton Legion rushed towards the sea in the east like **** green tide at a very fast speed, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

After the millions of Skeleton Legion left, the area finally returned to light, and the sunlight shining on the earth again.

The dark clouds like **** finally dispersed completely.

Lan Ling waved his hand.

On the ground, there are 17,000 Centaur Legion s, and the tide is generally running in the direction of Flame Demon Banner in the south.

They carry three thousand Centaur bodies, carrying shields and broken Great Sword.

Lan Ling riding on Three Headed Chimera , looking at the body of these three thousand Centaur, the real heartache is like a twist!

The last time I played against the millionth army of Nai Shu, the Centaur casualties were not more than a thousand, and the real deaths were no more than three hundred.

And this time, Centaur Army was killed in three thousand.

This is his most powerful ace Strength of direct subordinate . This is his most loyal and courageous Strength.

Lan Ling‘s heart is bleeding.

In fact, these casualties are completely avoidable. If Skeleton Legion is summoned early, Centaur will not have any casualties.

However, all this was requested by Centaur.

Feeling the pain in the heart of Lan Ling, Chi Yan Khan suddenly said: “My master, you do n’t have to feel sad. I can feel how excited and glorious these dead brothers are, because they are for the great master. And die, each of them has a lot of merit. As a warrior, the most sad thing is to die on the bed, the most glorious thing is to die on the battlefield. And, our Centaur Tribe is gestating frantically, young generations, young Centaur Warrior They are training desperately, and soon they can fight for their masters. “

80,000 Demon Leopard , following behind 17,000 Centaur, seems very tame, because they are the defeat of Centaur, willing to look forward to these Centaur horse heads.

In the back, there are two hundred thousand fierce war horses.

These horses are not like Demon Leopard . They have a certain amount of intelligence, but following the big army is completely a group behavior.

In these 300,000 grounds, there is a mighty southward.

Two thousand five hundred Death Warrior ride Ghost Ray, five thousand Ghost Ray, more than ten thousand Flying Rider, and cover the sky and south.


After a day!

Lan Ling came to the southern end of the Heavenly Demon Banner territory, and he saw a group of people in Wutuo.

After seeing Lan Ling, the group of people kneeled down on the ground neatly and said in unison: “Wish to see the master, congratulations on the return of the master, long live, long live, long live …”

It is Close Human Clan!

The war between Lan Ling and Heavenly Demon Banner lasted for twenty-three days, and the liberated Close Human Clan slaves exceeded 500,000.

At this time, these half a million slaves are waiting at the southernmost point of the Heavenly Demon Banner territory.

Lan Ling hovered in the air and ordered: “Two people, three people and one horse, get on the horse!”


The hundreds of thousands of Close Human Clan began to line up, one team and one team on horseback.

This is a horse of Heavenly Demon Banner Lord cavalry. It is very majestic. It is much larger than ordinary horses. It is easy to carry two or three Close Human Clan.

Because they are afraid of falling, each Close Human Clan straps himself to the horse.

The violent horses do not want strangers to ride on their backs, and want to violently lift these Close Human Clan off their horses.

However, 17,000 Centaur Legion burst into a roar, and then 80,000 Demon Leopard Legion also followed the threatening roar.

Suddenly, these two hundred thousand fierce battle horses obediently carried two or three Close Human Clan.

“Master, how to get there?” Chi Yan Khan suddenly said.

There are two roads in front of you, one is the road when you come, and return to Flame Demon Banner along the barren land by the sea, it will be two thousand miles away.

There is another way to directly enter the territory of Blood Demon Banner and go straight back to Flame Demon Banner.

Because Flame Demon Banner and Heavenly Demon Banner are not bordered, there is an Blood Demon Banner in between.

When Lan Ling went to attack Heavenly Demon Banner before, he had to bypass Blood Demon Banner and walk a long way, just not willing to provoke an enemy.

“Go straight and enter Blood Demon Banner!” Lan Ling ordered.

Chi Yan Khan excitedly said: “Follow your orders.”

The Black Demon City master Hei Zhou next to him wants to stop talking. Such a large army directly enters Blood Demon Banner, which is tantamount to declaring war directly, but Lord has already ordered it, and Hei Zhou will never be able to object publicly.

Just like this, Lan Ling has hundreds of thousands of ground Strength, 20,000 air Strength, and has entered into Blood Demon Banner, so that it can take two thousand miles less.


Deep into Blood Demon Banner less than a hundred miles, it was immediately detected by Airborne Legion of Blood Demon Banner.

Blood Demon Banner, it sounds like Vampire Demon Clan, but it is not.

Of course, blood Demon Clan also likes blood, and even the blood demon family has always eaten blood. However, unlike Vampire Demon Clan, you can kiss others.

The blood demon family can also promote cultivation through blood consumption, but it is definitely not like Lan Ling. The blood consumption is only a means for the blood demon family to improve cultivation. It is almost the same as the blood bath. It can never be compared with Vampire Demon Clan.

Among the Thirteen Devil Banners, Tian Demon Clan is the undisputed first, and this blood Demon Clan should be ranked third or fourth.

After Blood Demon Banner ’s aerial reconnaissance saw the Lan Ling ’s overwhelming legion entering, it was suddenly distracted, and it reported to the blood Demon City at the fastest speed.

After the news entered the blood Demon City , the whole city was like the end of the world, and the blood demon family felt that the disaster of extinction was coming.

Despite the fact that the news of the Lan Ling and Heavenly Demon Monarch wars has been blocked, how could the blood demon family be caught between the two?

When Blood Demon Monarch learned that Lan Ling had a big victory and completely wiped out Heavenly Demon Monarch , his body was cold and full of endless shock.

Then, I felt a huge threat, lest the Lan Ling will focus on the Blood Demon Banner bordering.

At this time, I learned that Lan Ling‘s army had entered his own Blood Demon Banner, and Blood Demon Monarch was even more terrified.

“What exactly does Lan Ling want to do? What does this Close Human Clan **** want to do? Does his don’t tell me have too many enemies? Without Skeleton Legion, does don’t tell me think he will be the opponent of my blood demon family?” Blood Demon Monarch growled: “He How dare I break into my territory with such a big swing, this is provocation, serious provocation! “

Nine elders of Blood Demon Banner and several sons of Blood Demon Monarch are silent.

“Come here, gather troops, expel Lan Ling …” Blood Demon Monarch shouted.

Lan Ling led the army into the Blood Demon Banner territory, and it was really a slap on his Blood Demon Monarch.

But just a few seconds later, Blood Demon Monarch sighed and said: “Forget it, it’s as if nothing has happened, send someone to monitor Lan Ling‘s every move. I see when he really wants to be proud? When the prince is scrapped The day is when his Lan Ling perished. “

In this way, Lan Ling led hundreds of thousands of troops across the entire Blood Demon Banner and returned to their Flame Demon Banner territory.

The severely offended Blood Demon Banner is treated as if nothing happened, as if nothing happened, like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand.


When Lan Ling led the army back to the Flame Demon Banner territory, an incredible scene happened.

Countless people came to greet his army, not only Close Human Clan, but also Rakshasa Clan, the original people of Black Demon Banner.

Although Lan Ling conquered this land and became Flame Demon Banner Lord, the Rakshasa Clan people on this land have always been full of indifference, even hostility.

Unexpectedly, in this battle he completely defeated Heavenly Demon Monarch , but instead received the support and surrender of these Rakshasa Clan people.

“Goodbye Lord, goodbye Lord …”

Where Lan Ling passed, countless people knelt like wheat in the wind.

All the tribes along the way, all came out of the nest.

In Demon Clan Territory, it turns out to be the strong.

The first goal of Lan Ling is the new Northern Ning City .

The entire Flame Demon Banner is 1.1 million square kilometers. There were originally two big cities, Flame Demon City and Black Demon City.

This number is far from enough, so Lan Ling planned three new big cities, namely Northern Ning City , Central Wild City , and Southern Mu City .

Master Northern Ning City , ex-Wild Horse Tribe chief Duo Duo kneels to welcome Lan Ling.

In order to build Northern Ning City , Flame Demon Banner used more than 300,000 Rakshasa Clan people to build a city from scratch.

Now more than two months have passed, the wall of Northern Ning City has taken shape, and there are hundreds of houses in it, but more of them are tents.

Lan Ling will arrange 200,000 Close Human Clan in Northern Ning City , they will become the future people and builders.

Stay on Northern Ning City for one day, and Lan Ling continue to the south the next day.

Come to Central Wild City .

It was very unexpected. At Central Wild City , he saw his nominal wife, Princess Shayan.

She brought tens of thousands of followers, astronomical gold coins, materials, various craftsmen into Central Wild City . At this time, Central Wild City is just a prototype.

After seeing Lan Ling, she rushed over directly on Ghost Ray, and then fell in the air, directly into Lan Ling ’s arms, and her hot lips kissed wildly.

In the evening, in the splendid tents, Lan Ling and Princess Shayan turned their backs.

Princess Shayan, as if she did n’t know the tired female beast, asked frantically until she screamed and exhausted herself, limp like water.

“Husband, how do you give me Central Wild City ?” Princess Shayan suddenly said: “I promise, I will give you a very magnificent and magnificent city, and the city you designed will jump on paper.”

The Central Wild City master, even the Southern Mu City master, Lan Ling has not been appointed, because there is really no suitable candidate.

When he heard Shayan, he immediately remembered that Princess Shayan operated one of the largest chambers of commerce in Rakshasa City. Her wealth can no longer be described as a wealthy country, but it was not very useful in Demon Clan Territory, so she did not Master the wealth of astronomical figures and have great power.

However, as a City Lord, there is no doubt that she is competent.

“Okay, I will appoint you as the master of Central Wild City .” Lan Ling said.

“Observe, Lord!” Princess Shayan glanced at him sullenly, then stretched out her gorgeous little tongue and gently rolled up Lan Ling‘s toes.

Arrange 150,000 Close Human Clan in Central Wild City , leave Lan Ling the next day, order 1,000 Centaur to **** the last 150,000 Close Human Clan to Southern Mu City .


In Flame Demon City!

Lan Ling held a Flame Demon Banner secret meeting with only one theme, handling Misfortune Cave Mansion.

As the wife of Lan Ling, Princess Shayan attended the meeting, but she never spoke, but just listened.

Chi Yan Khan, Xie Li Khan, Chi Huo Khan, Duo Duo and other people are very determined. They must completely destroy Misfortune Cave Mansion and kill it. Only in this way can we prove the majesty of Flame Demon Banner Lord Lan Ling.

As a President , Suo Mo did not comment.

And Black Demon City is the main Hei Zhou.

“Kee Hei Zhou, please speak freely.” Lan Ling said.

Hei Zhou got up and said: “Lord, Misfortune Cave Master as the Flame Demon Banner martial leader, not only did not fight with us at the critical moment, and even fell to the ground, it is an injustice! However … Misfortune Cave Mansion has tens of thousands of martial artist after all, is a precious Wealth, if directly destroyed, the loss is too great! “

Lan Ling said: “What does Hei Zhou feel like?”

Hei Zhou said: “Send a messenger to Misfortune Cave Mansion and order Misfortune Cave Master to immediately come to Flame Demon City to plead guilty and follow Lord‘s disposal.”

Lan Ling said: “Do you mean to abolish Misfortune Cave Master, keep Misfortune Cave Mansion, and replace Misfortune Cave Mansion with another person?”

“Yes!” Hei Zhou said: “Misfortune Cave Master‘s brother Eeye has been traveling outside the cloud, but cultivation and Misfortune Cave Master are comparable, and they are in charge of Misfortune Cave Mansion.”

Lan Ling looks at Suo Mo.

Flame Demon Parliament President Suo Mo said: “I think Hei Zhou‘s words are good.”

Lan Ling said: “Okay, then according to Hei Zhou, send a messenger to Misfortune Cave Mansion and let Misfortune Cave Master personally ask for sin!”

Hei Zhou knelt down and said: “Thank you Lord.”

Lan Ling said: “Who should send this messenger?”

Hei Zhou said: “Chen wants to send my eldest son.”

“Yes!” Lan Ling said.

Next, he took the pen and dipped it in cinnabar magic, and wrote in **** words: “Misfortune Cave Master, Sulai Flame Demon City condemned to death!”

These words, not many murderous aura, are full of majesty and shock.

The next day, the eldest son of Heavenly Demon City master Hei Zhou, riding Ghost Ray, holding an autograph of Lan Ling, flew to Misfortune Cave Mansion to inquire!

One day later, he flew over Misfortune Cave Mansion and said loudly: “Where is Misfortune Cave Master? Come out and lead me to Lord‘s will!”


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family.

To go back to Jiaxing by train from Zhang’s family today, so this chapter is updated a little late, sorry.

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