World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Four forty-nine: Ambiguous Fang Qingzhuo! Fish dead net broken!

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This highly toxic body in Fang Qingzhuo is called entanglement!

The same is Monster Island Strange Poison, and will not die immediately, but there is no solution except Monster Island.

It is directly entrenched in the heart and constantly devours vitality.

In this way, the life chance of poisoning is gradually dying, and if you want to survive, you can only beg for medicine to Monster Island.

This principle is generally the same as seizing the effect of Fang Qingzhuo as a hostage.

Demon Star turns into inexhaustible energy, enters the heart of Fang Qingzhuo, and then pulls the Strange Poison entrenched here bit by bit.

These toxins are mixed in the blood and flow out of the body from Gold Needle stabbed in the heart.

The whole process is really like pulling silk.

It can be said that there is really no way to unlock this poison except Demon Star, because it has completely occupied every corner of the heart.

One quarter and two quarters!

An hour later, the Strange Poison that was entrenched in the heart of the Fang Qingzhuo was forced out of 80%, leaving 20%.

However, when 80% of the venom was discharged, Fang Qingzhuo gradually returned to life.

At this time, her delicate body shivered slightly. At this time, she woke up, her long eyelashes shook, and her eyes opened.

Then she saw her **** open, and Suo Lun‘s fingers pressed on her chest.

This look is too intimate and too difficult to explain. This is really embarrassing.

Fang Qingzhuo is like a frightened little beast. Instinctively, he has to cover his shirt and then quickly looks at the owner of this hand.

After seeing Suo Lun, she was stunned, then relaxed, completely red and red, and immediately understood what Suo Lun was doing.

Next, she didn’t know how to do it, and she hated why she woke up.

I do n’t know where to put my eyes or hands or feet.

In the end, she closed her eyes, as if nothing had happened.

A quarter of an hour later, the last one thread venom slipped down along Gold Needle.

After Demon Star has been detoxified, Suo Lun‘s hand has left Fang Qingzhuo‘s chest.

Fang Qingzhuo stayed for a while, then opened his eyes and said: “Okay?”

“Okay.” Suo Lun said.

Fang Qingzhuo stayed a little longer before putting on his clothes in a hurry.

At this time, she was really cute, and the reaction seemed to be half a beat slow.

“Don’t tell anyone about this matter.” Suo Lun said.

The soft face of Fang Qingzhuo suddenly turned red again, nodded hard and said: “Relax, I wo n’t say anyone.”

Suo Lun is suddenly speechless, she must have misunderstood.

So, he said again: “I mean, the way I detoxify you, you do n’t tell anyone.”

Fang Qingzhuo just thought, why Suo Lun can tie himself to detoxify, this is really strange.

This is Strange Poison of Monster Island, why can Suo Lun solve it? And the way of detoxification is so peculiar, that is to insert Gold Needle into the heart, and then squeeze out the venom a little.

Fang Qingzhuo immediately thought of the seriousness of this and nodded seriously: “I know, I don’t say anything about Zhi Ning.”

“Thank you sister-in-law.” Suo Lun said.

Fang Qingzhuo immediately looked at Ashi Liren next to him and said, “You will save Ashi Liren City Lord, if we don’t have her, our mother and daughter will be in disaster.”

“Relax, I will.” Suo Lun said.

“Do I need help on the side?” Fang Qingzhuo asked softly.

Suo Lun shakes his head.

“Then I went up.” Fang Qingzhuo said.

“Wait a moment.” Suo Lun said, and then supported her shoulder with one hand and reached out to pull the Gold Needle out of his chest.

Fang Qingzhuo blushed, and then pretended to leave calmly, but just a few steps away, he staggered and almost stumbled.

Suo Lun looked at her back and sighed in her heart.

She really can’t imagine why in the environment of the four Hidden Islands, she can cultivate such a gentle and kind woman.

The four Hidden Island people he knows are all high above the ground and defy life. The kind of indifference, fierceness, and ruthlessness from the bones is true of almost everyone.

Only Fang Qingzhuo, compared with most people, her heart is more full of love.

Maybe this is related to her studies at Divine Dragon Temple.

The learning of Divine Dragon Temple is divided into two types. The first one is aimed at the children of the four Secret Island. This is true elite education. There is only one teaching content. That is how it rules Human State.

The second kind is aimed at the royal members of Human Kingdom. This kind of education is brainwashing, allowing you to receive advanced ideas and then be better ruled by Divine Dragon Temple.

Fang Qingzhuo, as the daughter-in-law of Hidden Island, should have received the first elite education.

But in order to better control Zhi Li, Hidden Island sent Fang Qingzhuo to approach him, so put Fang Qingzhuo and Zhi Li together and received the second education.

Of course, character is destined.

After receiving education, Zhi Li is still cruel.

Even if it is Princess Zhi Ning, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp, that is, it is completely changed after giving birth to a child.

Fang Qingzhuo is really attracted by the values ​​of kindness and compassion, and has become a truly kind and just person.


Suo Lun came to Ashi Liren!

At this time, Liren is covered with a layer of frost.

The whole person looks more like ice and jade bones.

She was already beautiful to the extreme. At this time, after being repulsed by Dragon Absolute Yin Veins, in this frosty, she added a bit of glamour.

This kind of beauty is really a bit mortal.

In addition to her delicate body with devil curves, this Demoness is really only suitable for some kind of scripture.

Every time you save Ashi Liren, Suo Lun will risk your life.

When Demon Star freezes the cold energy of Dragon Absolute Yin Veins, it will pass through its body and finally reach the heart, because Demon Star is lodged in its own heart.

And once the swallowed ice energy exceeds the limit of Suo Lun, he will be in danger of life.

Taking a deep breath, Suo Lun took out the dagger, cut a mouth on the Ashi Liren Xueyu’s wrist, and then pressed the wound of his finger up to let the blood of the two people blend.

“Uh …”

In an instant, Suo Lun can hardly bear it.

If there is no Demon Star, the ice cold at this moment can abolish the entire arm of Suo Lun.

Then, Demon Star swallowed frantically, swallowed, swallowed …

At a speed that is visible to the naked eye, Suo Lun‘s body also began to be covered with a layer of frost.

The whole body gradually became an icicle.

At the beginning, Suo Lun still felt extremely painful.

But afterwards, the whole body gradually no longer felt.

At this time, thanks to Demon Star, Suo Lun can be guaranteed to live forever, otherwise he will die.

After only one quarter of an hour, Suo Lun was completely unconscious and passed out.

And Demon Star is frantically devouring the cold energy of Ashi Liren Dragon Absolute Yin Veins.


Zhi Capital Temple!

Saint Priest Ge Li categorically rejected the request of Hidden Island Young Master Fang Qingyi.

Joke, dispatch Saint Temple Army to kill Suo Lun?

This is equal to the battle between Divine Dragon Temple and Raging Wave Kingdom!

By then, this storm will not only be in the territory of Raging Wave Kingdom, but will also detonate the entire world.

At that time, regardless of winning or losing, Ge Li will be finished, and Luo Ge will be finished.

Hidden Island young master Fang Qingyi said: “So what should I do? don’t tell me watched the Suo Lun fish dead net broken, broken jar broken, let Raging Wave Kingdom completely collapsed into chaos?”

Saint Priest Ge Li coldly said: “Your Excellency Fang Qingyi, Suo Lun would rather smash Raging Wave Kingdom completely than compromise. That ’s because the kingdom is not his, and he does n’t have much affection for him. Princess Zhi Yan is different, Raging Wave Kingdom is Zhi Family The Lineage, which the family took hundreds of years to beat, was destroyed in this way. How could she be willing? “

Fang Qingyi said: “I know that Yan Ping Priest has already found Princess Zhi Yan and threatened her with a coronation, but she did not compromise.”

Ge Li said: “Zhi Yan is right, even if Sky Priest is to crown her, it is just a matter of face. And Suo Lun is her lining, and no smart person will lose his face because of face. But Suo Lun is going to die with you now, and the price is to completely destroy Raging Wave Kingdom. Then this is not only related to Lizi, but to the root of the kingdom, Zhi Yan is not so stupid. “

Fang Qingyi fell silent, and then nodded.

Ge Li said: “Now it is you Hidden Island, what price are you willing to pay to let Princess Zhi Yan abandon Suo Lun?”

Fang Qingyi said: “Hand over gold coins inventory of King City Gold Brokerage, 11 million!”

“Not enough.” Saint Priest Ge Li said: “And this money is Raging Wave Kingdom‘s savings, it does not belong to you. You are talking to me, so just put the conditions in one step.”

Fang Qingyi said: “Remove Raging Wave Kingdom‘s 4.5 million gold coins debt owed to the hidden Yuan and help repay the Zhi Li misappropriation of the 3.8 million gold coins deficit of King City Gold Brokerage, and within the next year, borrow Give Raging Wave Kingdom 150,000 gold coins to help keep Raging Wave Kingdom running. “

Ge Li said: “That is to say, for the sake of a Suo Lun, you are willing to pay the price of Ten Million gold coins.”

“Yes.” Fang Qingyi said.

Ge Li smiled and said: “You are too cunning, you are stealing the concept!”

Fang Qingyi is indeed stealing the concept and buying a life of Suo Lun with a Ten Million gold coins, which is a ridiculous proposition.

With this amount of money, it is enough for Dark Society to assassinate Suo Lun ten times.

On the surface, Hidden Island does have to pay the price of Ten Million gold coins, but half of it is debt, and Hidden Island is not needed at all.

As for filling the shortfall caused by the misappropriation of Zhi Li, it is basically turning gold coins from the left hand to the right hand. This money is always going around in King City Gold Brokerage.

It ’s really only a matter of lending Raging Wave Kingdom 150,000 gold coins every month.

However, at least 80% of these 150,000 gold coinss will be returned to Yinyuanhui through various channels.

So, for the Yinyuan Society, it is just a few digital games.

But for Raging Wave Kingdom, this Ten Million gold coins is really real, enough to save the entire kingdom and not let the kingdom order be destroyed.

Saint Priest Ge Li said: “Okay, on this condition, I will let Yan Ping talk again.”


After more than half an hour, Yan Ping Priest of Zhi Capital Temple visited Princess Palace again and met Princess Zhi Yan.

“His Royal Highness, I believe you already know that the gold coins reserve of King City Gold Brokerage has disappeared, a full 11 million gold coins.” Yan Ping said.

Princess Zhi Yan nodded.

Yan Ping said: “I know Suo Lun‘s plan, first use force to take King City Gold Brokerage and master the 11 million gold coins reserve, which stabilizes the Kingdom ’s basic economy. Next, get corruption from the Minister of Finance Suo Fu Corrupt officials and nobles’ accounts, and then copy them one by one. The millions of gold coinss seized were used to fill the deficits embezzled by Zhi Li and maintain the operation of the kingdom. As for the debt owed to the Yuan Yuan, Suo Lun will certainly be pushed onto the head of Zhi Li, Never return it. I have to say that this is a very effective method. “

Princess Zhi Yan and nodded.

Yan Ping said: “But now, the gold coins reserve of King City Gold Brokerage is missing, and the deficit of Raging Wave Kingdom has suddenly risen from seven or eight million to two Ten Million gold coins. Even if Suo Lun has great skills, it cannot make up for the deficit. Next What will happen? Can Princess Zhi Yan imagine? “

Zhi Yan said: “King City Gold Brokerage runs crazy, but we can’t get an gold coins, the kingdom’s credit collapsed completely. Next, we have no money to pay soldiers’ rates, no money to give officials salaries, and the entire national machine stops. Kingdom order, completely collapsed and disintegrated! “

Yan Ping said: “Yes, Her Royal Highness made it very clear. Of course, Suo Lun actually has a way, because most of the kingdom ’s dignitaries live in King City Zhi Capital, and Suo Lun can get 1,000 if they copy all the expensive ownership. More than tens of thousands of gold coins, which almost filled most of the shortfall and was able to keep the army running. But did you know the consequences of doing so? “Princess Hercules?”

Princess Zhi Yan said: “Me and Suo Lun have become public enemies of all princes, nobles and officials in the world, completely Undying endlessly.”

“Yes.” Yan Ping said: “There is a good saying, if you break my money, I will break your life. And Suo Lun fills the shortfall to run the national machine, but who constitutes the national machine? What about these princes, nobles, officials, if Suo Lun copied off their homes, it would be equivalent to removing the entire country ’s machinery, which would be equivalent to cutting off the flesh of the head to fill the hole in the trunk! “

Zhi Yan is silent.

Yan Ping said: “And once this step is reached, all the nobles, princes, and officials in the world will jump into the wall. How big is Strength? By then, you will face more than a million troops.”

Princess Zhi Yan is still silent.

Yan Ping said: “His Royal Highness, Suo Lun can break the net and break the jar. Because Raging Wave Kingdom is not his Suo Family, he does not love this country. However, this Raging Wave Kingdom is your Zhi Family. Suo Lun does not love this country, but you Love it! “

Zhi Yan said: “What do you want to say, say!”

Yan Ping said: “The only thing that can save Raging Wave Kingdom right now is Hidden Island. Hidden Island is willing to return the 11 million King City Gold Brokerage gold coins reserves, and is willing to help reimburse Zhi Li for embezzling 3.8 million gold coins deficits of King City Gold Brokerage. Raging Wave Kingdom owes a debt of 4.5 million gold coins to Yinyuan. And in the next year, Yinyuan will be willing to lend Raging Wave Kingdom 150,000 to gold coins every month without interest, so that the whole country’s machinery can run smoothly. “

Zhi Yan said: “You are so generous? What about the conditions?”

Yan Ping said: “Kill Suo Lun!”

Zhi Yan said: “I killed my husband Suo Lun?”

Yan Ping said: “Yes, you killed it yourself! Of course, if you ca n’t bear to do it, you can also hand it to Yinyuan Hui.”

Then Yan Ping smiled and said: “Princess Zhi Yan, Hidden Island is willing to spend one Ten Million gold coins to buy a life of Suo Lun. This is the most expensive life in thousands of years. Even if Suo Lun is dead, it should feel extremely glorious!”

Zhi Yan is still silent.

Yan Ping continued: “With one person’s life in exchange for the entire Raging Wave Kingdom, I think there will be no more cost-effective business in the world. Your Royal Highness, no longer hesitate, kill Suo Lun alone in exchange for Kingdom stability!”

Princess Zhi Yan raised his beautiful eyes, and a sneer sneered on his gorgeous face.


Note: The first more than 4,000 words are sent, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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