World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Five-one-five-five: Suo Hanyi, let you lose your reputation!

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At that time, Suo Hanyi and Zhi Ning were in secret talks and was broken by his wife Yang Hongyi.

In order not to lose his reputation, Suo Hanyi hurt his wife. But when it comes to hands-on, after all, because the green plums and horses grew up together, the last moment left a half-pointed affection.

So, Yang Hongyi did not die, but became a vegetative.

Moreover, in the past six months, Yang Hongyi has earned countless tears of sympathy for Suo Hanyi.

He staged a play of Peerless good man. During the day, he worked hard for Tianshui City. When he came home at night, he paid great attention to the vegetative wife. This is simply the most perfect man in the world.

In fact, most of the time, Suo Hanyi dare not face his wife, even if she has become a vegetable.

So, he specifically found four women and took care of Yang Hongyi day and night.

He only stays with Yang Hongyi when he needs to play with his wife.


Suo Lun, just outside City Lord Manor, all he has to do now is steal the Yang Hongyi without knowing it.

For this Elder Sister, of course, Suo Lun has no emotion at this time. But the original scum Suo Lun, but also very rich emotions.

First of all, Yang Hongyi is the sexual enlightenment object of Suo Lun. Of course, this is not to say what happened to Yang Hongyi and him. From small to big, she has always admired Suo Hanyi, Suo Lun in her eyes is just a jerk.

The reason why Yang Hongyi is the sexual enlightenment object of Suo Lun is because when he was 13 or 14 years old, he began to be curious about women. The first person to peek at the bath was Yang Hongyi.

Yang Hongyi didn’t find it once, so he beat him hard. However, she didn’t tell anyone else. After all, she treated Suo Lun as her brother. What’s more, the twelve-year-old kid knows what.

At this time, City Lord Manor is heavily guarded. With Suo Lun and Ye Jingyu, there are several family warriors who want to rush in to steal people. This is impossible.

However. This Tianshui City Lord house is his home. Although the pattern of City Lord Manor is not clear, but Elder Sister Suo Ningbing knows clearly.

There is an secret path that leads directly to the inner courtyard.

The reason why the ancestor of Suo Family built this secret path. In order to facilitate escape in case of siege, strictly speaking, this secret path will only be known by Suo Clan in previous generations.

Before dying, Count Suo Long did not forget to tell Suo Ningbing this secret.

However, Suo Hanyi has been in this City Lord Manor for so long, do you know this secret path. Then it is unknown.

The entrance of secret path is in a forest a few hundred meters north of City Lord Manor. There is even a tree growing on it. This kind of tree cannot grow much for hundreds of years.

At night, several family warriors carefully dig out this small tree and start digging with a hoe.

After digging a full four or five feet, there was a huge stone slab that opened the stone slab and was a deep passage.

When the stone slab was just opened, the rancid smell inside almost made the Suo Lun unbearable. This secret path. It has not been opened for at least a hundred years.

Suo Lun and others did not go down first, but waited for secret path to ventilate.

After half an hour, the rancid and terrible smell gradually disappeared.

Suo Lun and others took a deep breath, then jumped down and rushed forward with the fastest speed.

The entire secret path is made of stone, about 500 meters, and leads directly to a warehouse in the inner courtyard.

Two minutes later, Suo Lun and others reached the end of secret path. Suo Lun released Spiritual Force to sense the situation on the ground.

Make sure that no one exists, Suo Lun opens the following organization.

Suddenly. A secret door opened silently. Several people jumped out, and it turned out to be a warehouse.

Out of this warehouse, there was silence around. Ye Jingyu was familiar with the light car and took a few people to a small courtyard.

It was brightly lit, and several maids were massaging the limbs of Yang Hongyi to prevent her muscles from shrinking.

“Ma’s life is so good, it’s all like this, City Lord is still inseparable to her.” One of the maids said.

“Humph. You are young and don’t understand it.” said an older maid.

“By the way, I heard that Suo Lun came over, I do n’t know what will happen?” said the young maid.

“What else can I do?” said the elder maid: “Young Master Suo Lun is a waste, and she will not lose anything except playing with a woman. She must have lost everything and can’t even keep her life.”

The young maid said: “It is rumored that Young Master Suo Lun has been prostitute / concubine, and she has unkind feelings with Suo Ningbing Young Miss. Is it really fake?”

“Fake.” The elder maid said: “I was in the house when the young master Suo Lun was still young. Although he is broken, he loves to provoke beautiful girls, but it is absolutely impossible to commit prostitution. The chaotic mother concubine, seduce the matter of the sister, this is someone discrediting him. “

“Who discredited him?” said the young maid.

“Okay, do n’t ask, I do n’t have to say what I said today, did you hear that?” said the elder maid.

“Got it, I definitely won’t say that,” the young maid said.

Following the next second, Suo Lun and others rushed in, and immediately stunned the two maids.

Ye Jingyu picked up the Yang Hongyi on the bed, rushed out of the courtyard in the shortest time, and returned to secret path.

Then close secret path again, walk out of secret path in the fastest time, and come to the outside woods.

Close the secret path exit again, then fill the soil and plant new trees.

Finally, holding the Yang Hongyi that has become a vegetative into a safe house of Tianshui City.


In the basement of the safe house.

Suo Lun looked at Yang Hongyi who was unconscious in bed, and the next step was how to rescue her.

This Yang Hongyi is indeed a spicy and beautiful look, no wonder that Suo Lun beat from big to big.

However, she was originally fit and plump. Because she has been a vegetative for half a year, she is obviously thinner and has an unhealthy pale complexion.

Gently cut her finger, and then cut her own finger to fuse the blood of two people. Demon Star Energy Claw drilled through the blood, drilled into her body, and examined her whole body.

If Yang Hongyi is a brainstem death, then I ca n’t wake up anymore.

But if the brain is shielded, or the nerve is blocked, then you can rescue.

“How about Demon Star?” Suo Lun asked.

“Heart and lungs are injured by a palm, blocking the nerves. Shielding the brain domain.” Demon Star said: “It is possible to rescue, but it is impossible to recover Martial Arts, and it will be weak after waking up.”

Suo Lun said: “Then rescue her.”

The biggest reason why Yang Hongyi became a vegetative is because of damage to the brain. Temporarily stagnate.

Demon Star began to release energy to clear her blocked nerves. Then she released a powerful energy, which shocked her into the stagnation of her brain.

Once, twice, three times …

Finally. Yang Hongyi suddenly shivered slightly.

Demon Star increases energy impact.

Yang Hongyi shuddered for a moment, then opened his eyes in confusion.

Suo Hanyi, you beast.” The first time Yang Hongyi woke up, he came directly into a weak palm.

Suo Lun easily grabbed his hand and said: “Elder Sister Hongyi, it’s me.”

Yang Hongyi opened his eyes wide and watched Suo Lun for a while, as if he could not believe his eyes at all, how could Suo Lun be in front of himself?

Suo Lun, you were also caught by that beast?” Yang Hongyi asked.

Suo Lun shook his head and said: “No. Suo Hanyi has become the agent City Lord, and I came back with the army.”

Next, Suo Lun made a long story short, telling what happened in the past few months.

Yang Hongyi is even more unbelievable, is this still the ridiculous brother?

Elder Sister Hongyi, Suo Hanyi is your husband, but I am incompatible with him, I want to kill you by lending you, you are reluctant?” Suo Lun asked.

The painful color on Yang Hongyi‘s face, then gritted his teeth and said: “Suo Hanyi wolf heart dog lung. Sin should die, there is nothing to do. I can help you kill him, you immediately send me back to City Lord Manor, I still pretend to be a personnel Unconscious. As long as he came to see me, I immediately assassinated him. “

Suo Lun shook his head and said: “No, you are now almost lost to Martial Arts, and you ca n’t even hold a dagger capital.”

Yang Hongyi tried to raise his hands and found that there was really no strength. Even, it is difficult to sit up.

Suddenly. She burst into tears, thinking about how brave she was at that time. Although Martial Arts was not as good as Suo Hanyi, it was also High Rank Warrior. Even if she wakes up, she is still like a waste person,

“Relax Elder Sister Hongyi, after gradually recuperating and recovering, you will definitely walk as usual in the future. As for Martial Arts and the like, it’s no pity to lose it.” Suo Lun Road.

Yang Hongyi said: “Then I will immediately summon the officers of Tianshui City Guard Army and tell them the face of Suo Hanyi, so that he will lose his reputation.”

Suo Lun shook his head and said: “This will not work either. They and Suo Hanyi have become a community of interests. Even if they know the character of Suo Hanyi, they will not necessarily abandon him, but will kill you and kill your mouth.”

Yang Hongyi said: “What should I do?”

Suo Lun said: “Relax, I have a way, within two days, I will take Suo Hanyi life.”

After half an hour, Suo Lun, with Yang Hongyi and others, secretly overturned the city wall and left Tianshui Main City.


One day later, Suo Hanyi rushed back to Tianshui Main City without stopping.

There are no more than 10,000 troops in the legendary Suo Lun, but there are countless refugees.

The Suo Hanyi has a golden armor, which is majestic and tall, and looks very eye-catching.

Seeing his appearance, countless refugees knelt down and cried for help, as if they saw a savior.

His fame in Tianshui City is very high, it is totally popular, and he also enjoys it very much.

Although it belongs to Tianshui City of Suo Family, the reputation of Suo Lun in this city is completely unhealthy.

Although Suo Hanyi knows that it would be disadvantageous to let the exiles into the city at this time, he cares about his reputation very much. If he allows the exiles to go hungry outside, he will ruin his reputation.

“Turn on City Gate and place the people.” Suo Hanyi said loudly: “These are my Suo Hanyi‘s father and fellow folks, let them be hungry, how can I bear it?”

Suddenly, City Gate opened, and countless refugees poured into Tianshui Main City.

Countless refugees knelt down to Suo Hanyi, like a reborn parent.

After entering the city, he rushed to City Lord Manor for the first time, and then got a news that the thunderbolt was almost sunny.

His wife, Yang Hongyi is missing.

Moreover, a note was left.

“Dear brother Suo Hanyi, Elder Sister Hongyi is in my hands at this time, I have rescued her, and soon she will expose your true face in front of everyone, and you will soon be in disrepair. I know you are very I want to kill me, I will give you this opportunity, and soon I will lead the army to fight against you. “

The payment is the righteous brother Suo Lun.

In addition to the above, there is a row of very concealed writing below, almost invisible.

Suo Hanyi opened his eyes and looked closely, and found that it read: I have peeked at Elder Sister Hongyi bathing since I was a child, and this time I can look upright. Did n’t you say that I and Elder Sister have an indecent relationship? You’re right, it’s just not Ningbing Elder Sister, but Elder Sister Hongyi, do you see if there is green on the top of your head?

“Ah …” Suo Hanyi suddenly angered, and then shredded the secret letter left by Suo Lun.

City Lord, there are still many bad rumors in the city, saying that you colluded with Princess Zhi Ning, personally killed your master Yan Nu, and also hurt the wife to the wife Yang Hongyi.”

Suo Hanyi‘s face twitched, and despite his violent anger, he calmed down.

“Report!” A scout rushed in and shouted: “There is a team of tens of thousands, coming towards Tianshui Main City, Mrs. Yang Hongyi … as if they were in this team.”

At this time, Suo Lun led more than 10,000 people from all over the world, and came toward Tianshui Main City.


Note: The first one will be sent to you for support. (To be continued.)

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