World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Fifty-five zeros: my tribe! Lan Ling big marriage!

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“Long live … long live …”

“Long live Flame Demon Tribe!”

“Long live Chief Lan Ling!”

Flame Demon Tribe is established!

Without a house, without an inch of city walls, or even a chair, there is only an empty space.

But Lan Ling is still full of excitement.

Because this is the Lineage that really belongs to him. Three months after he came to Wild World, he owned his own tribe and owned his own Lineage.

“Three months, we have three months, we only have three months.”

“In these three months, no one can attack us? Because we have energy shield protection, any enemy entering energy shield will only get lost instantly.”

What makes Duo Duo and Duo Ning extremely enviable is this Ghost Territory World energy shield.

It’s too bad. In this energy shield, it is absolutely safe.

“But after three months, this energy shield will disappear!”

Everyone said something surprised.

Now this energy shield completely surpasses the strongest city wall and brings a sense of security to everyone.

However, Lan Ling actually said that after three months, this energy shield will disappear.

“Because the energy of Demon King Jing Zi is limited, it can only last for three months.” Lan Ling said: “That is to say, after three months, we are facing at least the siege of more than 20,000 troops of Chimera Tribe and Ankara Tribe! “

At this time, there are more than 1,300 people in External Clan Armed Force, but there are less than 900 real soldiers, and the rest are old, weak and sick.

One thousand people will fight against the upcoming 20,000 enemies.

“Our Flame Demon Tribe is like a newborn baby, but we do n’t have enough time to grow up, just three months later, we will face the killing of two powerful enemies.”

“Three months later, the battle will determine the life and death of our tribe. It will be our Great Tribulation. After passing this Great Tribulation, we will truly be Nirvana strong. But we ca n’t pass this Great Tribulation, our Flame Demon Tribe Died in a baby. “

Lan Ling‘s voice is full of tragic.

The brother of External Clan Armed Force immediately sounded the sentence that he said before, as long as he has his own tribe, with freedom and dignity, that one will not lose for only a few months.

“We will not have any reinforcements in the battle after three months, and we can only rely on ourselves. The only thing we can do is to train troops and become stronger, which is to build hard and build fortifications.”

“From now on, everything we do must serve a purpose, that is, the battle after three months!”

“We have one day to celebrate, but starting tomorrow, we will start to work hard, work hard, and build hard, in order to meet the battle after three months.”

At this time, the following External Clan Armed Force brother said: “Chief, we also need to organize a hunting team to hunt for food for everyone.”

“No.” Lan Ling said: “At least these three months, we do n’t need a hunting team. We have almost inexhaustible food. I guarantee that each of you can eat as long as you can. . “

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly showed curiosity and doubt.

This Mirror Mountain is a hundred miles in a beautiful environment, but you can’t see any prey, and there are not many wild millets that can be collected.

But Chief Lan Ling said yes, then there must be.

Lan Ling said: “Brothers who can swim stand out.”

Suddenly, at least half of the External Clan Armed Force brothers came forward.

Lan Ling ordered thirty people and said, “Thirty of you will come with me to prepare the food for tonight. The rest, organize a wide field and get enough firewood, we will tonight Hold a campfire party to celebrate the establishment of Flame Demon Tribe! “


Lan Ling brought thirty External Clan Armed Force brothers to the cave. In front of this pool, there were only three or four meters in diameter.

“Under this pool, there is food that we ca n’t take forever.” Lan Ling said.

Thirty External Clan Armed Force brothers were surprised.

Lan Ling took the lead in jumping down, followed by External Clan Armed Force brothers jumping in turn.

Can’t jump together yet, because the area of ​​this pool is too small.

But after falling into a dozen meters, External Clan Armed Force‘s brother was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, the water surface is so small, the following is so … so large.

How big this Dark Lake is, it is absolutely endless.

To be honest, Lan Ling does not know how big this Dark Lake is.

Lan Ling took out the big luminous stone bought from ghost market and illuminated the underwater.

All of External Clan Armed Force was shocked.

There are fish everywhere in this water

I was shocked by the fish in Dark Lake.

The water is full of fish, and no one may have been fishing for thousands of years, so the fish here is a few tens of kilos.

Moreover, these fishes are not afraid of people at all, so they can be caught easily.

Even after they were caught, they did not struggle. Because there were never natural enemies, their instinct to escape was weakened.

Oh my god? How many fish are there?

To be honest, Lan Ling does not know how many fish there are, but it certainly exceeds some Baili reservoirs on Earth.

Because the water here is too deep, and Lan Ling does not know how big this Dark Lake is now.

So, at least for now, this Dark Lake fish is endless. ,

Thirty External Clan Armed Force brothers, each holding a fish to the surface, and then throwing the big fish on the ground.

In just ten minutes, a few thousand pounds of fish were caught, enough to eat today.

“Chief, why is this lake so salty?” Suddenly, there was a brother of External Clan Armed Force.

Lan Ling was stunned, and then took a sip.

The fruit is salty.

All of a sudden, Lan Ling is ecstatic!

This is really great news.

This means that this Dark Lake is very long and very long, directly leading to the sea.

This Dark Lake water source should be a large river upstream. The reason why the water here is salty is because the water level here is so low that the seawater is poured back.

This Dark Lake leads to the sea, which means that the fish here are really inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Moreover, this also means an important material, that is salt!

In the Southern Wild world, there are two kinds of materials whose value is comparable to gold coins, even stronger than gold coins.

The first is food.

Wild World hardly cultivates, all the food is collected in the wild. There are wild millet, wild wheat, wild rice, etc. In short, almost all the food that Human State has is here, even the food that Human State does not have.

It ’s just that the production of these grains in the wild is scary.

So the main food of the tribe is the starchy pulp of some large fruits on the tree.

There is also a material that is more precious than food, that is salt.

In Southern Wild, all the mineral salt and well salt are eaten.

Heaven is really looking after the land of Wild World, which has many minerals, including salt mines.

Of course, neither Ankara Tribe nor Chimera Tribe has its own salt mine.

There are 13 tribes with a population of 500,000 on this 50,000 square kilometers of land. The only large salt mine is Silver Tribe.

So, Silver Tribe became the strongest tribe in this land, the only overlord.

This tribe has a population of 100,000 and 40,000 soldiers.

All the salt from the thirteen tribes around should be purchased from Silver Tribe.

Lan Ling made its fortune by selling salt in Human State. The salt price in Human State is about 4 kg for silver coins, which is about 70 yuan per kg for Earth. This price is similar to ancient China.

At the time of Human State, Lan Ling shouted that this value is simply profiteering, because the salt price of modern Earth is only one yuan a catty.

So what is the salt price in the Southern Wild world? Higher than Human State.

If you exchange meat for one hundred pounds of meat for one pound of salt. If you use gold coins to buy, one gold coins buys twenty pounds of salt.

So Silver Tribe does n’t need hunting or gathering. Just by buying salt, it can feed and drink the entire tribe and become the overlord in the 50,000 square kilometers.

The last time I went to the ghost market , Suo Mo did not forget to buy salt, but the entire ghost market was wiped out, and I only bought fifty pounds of salt, and spent ten gold coins.

Yes, the salt price of the ghost market is one gold coins five catties.

One gold coins twenty pounds of salt, that is the price of Silver Tribe, and only the chiefs of all tribes are eligible to buy at this price.

Nobody cooks salt for Wild World, because the two or three hundred miles of land near the sea is a cursed area and there is almost no life.

Even, the Southern Wild world does n’t know about boiling salt.

And now, the Dark Lake under Mirror Mountain is connected to the sea, which represents the water here, which can be used to cook salt directly.

Although cooking salt is time-consuming, laborious and costly compared to drying salt.

However, for the high price of Wild World, even boiling salt is a matter of great profit.

Of course Lan Ling does not need gold coins, because the value of the boiled salt itself may exceed gold coins.


The night is coming!

More than a thousand External Clan Armed Force, the forage has been cut, and the horses have been fed.

Moreover, a huge field has been cleared, and the fire barrier has been completed, and even seven wells have been dug.

Then, in the open field, dozens of bonfires were lit.

Tonight, they will use a campfire party to celebrate the establishment of their tribe.

Tonight, it will be the only carnival and relaxation that comes with the war.

Everyone is eating delicious grilled fish.

A large portion of these fish are marine fish, so they are naturally salty and delicious in the mouth.

This time I caught five thousand catties of fish. Everyone had four or five catties.

All the External Clan Armed Force songs and dances, they can finally laugh loudly, they can finally open their stomachs to eat.

No one can bully them anymore, and no one can look down on them anymore.

Although there is no wine, breathing the air here and infecting the joyous atmosphere here makes people feel drunk.

I do n’t know how many people are singing, singing songs that I do n’t understand.

I do n’t know how many people are dancing, dancing in a mess.

Duo Ning is eating fish and looking at it with envy.

Lan Ling and External Clan Armed Force have already established their own tribe, where will their Wild Horse Tribe go?

“Father, what should we do in the future?” Duo Ning asked.

Duo Duo did not answer.

Lan Ling has cleared the account and gave them 13,000gold coins at a time.

This money is enough for their team of 100 people to maintain for two years.

However, the ghost market may not always be able to buy things. Once Constantine and Alfonso collectively block, Duo Duo may have money and can not buy anything.

Moreover, in the following years, they not only faced Alfonso ’s hunt, but also Constantine.

He has less than a hundred people, where can he go?

Stay in Mirror Mountain, and gather all the remaining brothers into Mirror Mountain, so there will be at least three months of safety.

However, if Duo Duo stays in Mirror Mountain, should it be regarded as a loan? Still surrender?

For a time, Duo Duo really ca n’t decide.

At this moment, Suo Mo suddenly stood up holding the little girl and shouted: “great family is quiet!”

All of a sudden, everyone calmed down and stared at their former big leader, the Spirit leader in their minds.

Suo Mo laughed and said: “Today is my happiest day, almost my rebirth. We Flame Demon Tribe is established, we have the goal of struggle.”

“Whether it is Human State or Wild World, whether it is Divine Dragon people or Demon God people, there is only one purpose to live in this world, that is, inheritance. If there are no children, if there is no family, then our struggle will be nothing. Meaning. “

Finally, Suo Mo kissed the little girl’s delicate face.

“Clucking …” The little girl was tickled by his beard and giggled suddenly.

“Your chief, Lan Ling, promised me that I would marry each of you, and let each of you have a family and have children.” Suo Mo said loudly.

“Okay … long live the chief …” Suddenly, all the brethren roared.

Suo Mo sentimentally said: “Yes, we are looking for mother-in-law, we are going to have children, we ca n’t let the little girl even have a playmate of the same age. So, this starts with your chief, looking for mother-in-law, giving birth Child! “

As soon as these words came out, the audience completely boiled.

All the brothers clapped desperately and stomped their feet.

Suo Mo laughed and said: “Lan Ling, your wife and daughter who have slept Constantine, this is your skill.”

Everyone laughed loudly again.

“However, the normal mother-in-law still wants to marry.” Suo Mo said: “You are the chief, you are my Lord, I listen to you in the big things. But I am your Uncle, so you have to listen to the little things Me. “

Lan Ling got up and laughed: “Little nephew!”

Suo Mo said: “Okay! Dina, you come out!”

Dina was a little shy, and stood up with some excitement.

At this time, she put on a red dress, and at this time, her face was already very white, and under the light of the fire, she was particularly charming.

Suo Mo holding Dina in one hand and Lan Ling in one hand, asked: “Lan Ling, is my daughter beautiful?”

“Beauty!” Lan Ling has not spoken yet, the following brothers have yelled.

Suo Mo asked again: “Lan Ling, is my daughter’s buttocks big or small? Does it curl up?”

“Big, Alice!” Countless people answered instead of Lan Ling.

It sounds vulgar, but this is the case with Wild World, and the reproduction of offspring is the most important.

Suo Mo is already a gentleman, and others ’weddings are only more vulgar.

Suo Mo said: “My daughter is beautiful and has big buttocks. She can definitely have a bunch of cubs. Lan Ling, my daughter will marry you as a mother-in-law, do you want it?”

“Yes!” Lan Ling laughed.

All the brothers below shouted.

“Okay!” Suo Mo said loudly: “Then my daughter will marry you, you find a place to go and have fun, it is best to have a baby tomorrow.”

Wild World is like this, if there is no cave after the wedding, the first time after the wedding is happy, it must be done outside Rogue.

This means that the entire world is home to Barbarian people.

Barbarian people, advocating nature and freedom.

That’s it, Lan Ling and Dina completed the wedding.

As a bride, Dina, shy and bold, took the hand of Lan Ling and walked towards the mountain to complete the ceremony of the two of them.


Note: The second more than 4,000 words are sent, thank you great family! (To be continued.)

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