World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Eight-eight-three: the world evaporates! Shocking news!

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The explosion of False Star Strength!

No one has seen this extremely shocking scene, and of course they dare not watch it.

In the face of this energy, almost any expert will be wiped out.

This is probably the most terrifying energy in the world, and it can destroy everything and subvert some energy, including plane and space.

This light spot, which is tens of thousands of times brighter than the sun, burst out instantly!

The light spot from small to extreme turns into a light mass, and then spreads at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. And where this light has passed, the entire space has been completely shifted and confused!

Lan Ling ca n’t see this scene, Naxue ca n’t see this scene, Tian Sha King ca n’t even see this scene.

But …

Everyone instinctively feels itchy facial skin, itchy scalp, and itchy body.

Even, I felt that the energy deep in the blood vein shuddered violently, but it was completely unclear why. The body of Princess Naxue even shuddered violently, although the amplitude was very small!

When I saw the inside of Yun E Imperial City, a white light burst out.

Then suddenly dimmed into a total darkness, almost engulfing all darkness.

At this time, it was approaching dawn, and the sky was already showing the morning light. The white light burst inside Yun E Imperial City just made the surroundings completely dark. At this time, the terrible darkness of Yun E Imperial City set off the surroundings as bright as the day.

Crown Prince Tian Sha suddenly said: “Lan Ling and Di Nie … have committed suicide? Not willing to die in our hands, so they committed suicide in the worst way?”


The False Star Strength made by Lan Ling is very, very small, that is, a light spot with a diameter as small as the pole, and then burst out and spread!

The diameter changes from a small pole to a centimeter, to one meter, ten meters, one hundred meters, one kilometer, two kilometers …

In the process of spreading and exploding, the light that is more than ten thousand times the sun gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely!

Its attack range is just a semicircular space with a diameter of two kilometers.

Because it is a plane weapon, even though it is extremely extreme, once it exceeds the range, all Strength is exhausted. It has no lethality to anything beyond the radius of 1,500 meters.

This Dark Energy with 550,000 catty equivalents and the False Star Strength inspired by Yun E Imperial City Hell Lightning directly dislocated the space, creating a dead space equivalent to 2 billion cubic meters. The largest flat area is three square meters. Kilometers.

Of course, all this is just theory.

Whether the dead space has been created really needs further verification.

Lan Ling left the safety zone and walked to the center of Yun E Imperial City. Di Nie also followed, and then the two stepped into the cave and stepped deeper into the core of the False Star Strength outbreak.

Everything here looks the same, almost everything remains the same.

It’s just that the Crystal Stone Energy Tower and the Dark Energy extracted by Starry Sky Demon Force have all disappeared.

Looking at the cave wall again, it looks exactly the same, even if it feels the same.

The explosion of False Star Strength does not seem to bring any change.

Lan Ling took out Energy Device from Divine Dragon Temple discarded Space Laboratory and exhibited Space Technique.

A burst of light was released from Space Energy Device, depicting an independent plane space.

The False Star Strength bombardment just now created a dead space of 2 billion cubic meters. It’s just that this space is completely chaotic at this time, and there is almost no space boundary, and any entrants must be crushed.

Next, Lan Ling will use Space Technique to paint this dead space. All Chaos Energy in the dead space will be expelled to the edge of the space to form an energy boundary. In this dead space, there is nothingness and you can hide people.

Lan Ling said to Di Nie: “Tian Sha King and Naxue are about to launch a total offensive soon, you go to the army, but do n’t show up. I strive to complete space delimitation in the shortest time. In short, always stay dormant, even if Naxue and Tian Sha No matter how close the legion is, do n’t go to war, unless you have already joined forces. “

“Yes!” Princess Di Nie said, then she turned away.

Lan Ling is in this huge cave, fighting Space Technique for space delimitation.

If Strength of Lan Ling alone, even if he has broken through Sub-King Level, it is impossible to complete space delimitation, after all, this is 2 billion cubic meters of space.

But he has this Divine Dragon Temple Space Energy Device in his hand, which contains extremely powerful energy, which can help Lan Ling to perform space delimitation.

Lan Ling held Space Energy Device and released a bizarre light, constantly expelling Chaos Energy in the dead space to the edge, forming a space boundary.

This is just the most basic one in Space Technique!


After yesterday ’s Hell Lightning , the sky above Yun E Imperial City is unprecedentedly refreshing, almost cloudless.

Before, because there were too many people killed in battle, countless grievances, countless Death Energy entrenched in the ground and the air, making the entire Yun E Imperial City sky like Netherworld(Wuming) hell, you ca n’t see the sun all day and night, it is always scary The dark clouds shrouded in the strange green and blood-red colors.

The terrifying Hell Lightning last night consumed all the dead Netherworld Energy cleanly and brought a clear sky to the entire Yun E Imperial City. For the first time, the smell of the earth’s earth filled the air.

The sun hasn’t risen yet, but the earth is already shining.

“March …” Princess Naxue ordered.

Suddenly, the four armies that surrounded Yun E Imperial City from east to west, north and south, approached the center again and narrowed the encirclement.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang …”

The Ten Million army, from the ground to the air, is scattered on the ground of more than 20,000 square kilometers around Yun E Imperial City, and it is constantly approaching.

Countless Airborne Legion , covering the sky.

Countless ground legions, like dark tides, overwhelming.

This is the final decisive battle, which will be the end of the battle between Lan Ling and Di Nie.

This battle will completely change the history of Demon Clan!

This is a battle on the following grams. This battle will overturn the decaying Demon Emperor tradition. This battle will prove the advanced and powerful nature of the new Vampire Demon Clan. This battle will prove that Vampire Demon Clan will abandon the imprisonment of Demon Clan history and embark on a new chapter of Demon Clan civilization revival.

If the so-called Demon Emperor is defeated and destroyed by Vampire Demon Clan, it proves that the so-called Demon Emperor is decaying and outdated, and it is a mountain that has suppressed tens of thousands of years above the Demon Clan world.

Of course, Naxue does not know the history of Earth. If she knew, she would compare the so-called Demon Emperor heritage to the Middle Ages in Europe.

In the Middle Ages of Europe, it was hailed as the darkest era on the Earth. Religious / religious rule overshadowed the whole of Europe, and the entire civilization was completely dead and lingering. Death and darkness enveloped the whole earth.

Divine Dragon Temple is the highest God’s power of Human State, then Demon Emperor is the belief **** / right of Demon Clan.

In the hearts of Naxue and Di Motuo, the rise of Vampire Demon Clan represents that they can get rid of the tradition of Demon Emperor and move towards a new road of renaissance, which is probably equivalent to the Renaissance in Europe.

Unify Southern Wild, and then struggle and compromise to achieve the purpose of merging with Mo Tuo Empire in the north, and then unify the entire Demon Clan world.

After the establishment of a completely unified Demon Empire, it still entered into a contractual peace period with Divine Dragon Temple, developed a new Demon Clan civilization, reproduced the glory of Demon Empire, and accumulated Strength until the day when Divine Dragon Temple could be completely destroyed.

This is the strategic vision of Di Motuo and Naxue, and Di Motuo has started research and breakthroughs in the field of new energy.

He wants to use his own example to break the myth of Demon Emperor. He has to rely on his Strength to break through the realm of Demon Emperor.

The Demon Star in Demon Emperor has half of the will of Divine Dragon, which means that Demon Emperor can never be a pure Demon Clan person. It means that it may be the ultimate conspiracy of Divine Dragon Temple, which means that he is the ultimate stumbling block to hinder the Demon Clan civilization.

Moreover, the legend of Demon Emperor is completely a kind of pedigree, fatalism!

Who gets Demon Star, who is Demon Emperor, who is the master of Demon Clan. This is completely contrary to what kind of prince Jiang Xiangning is? This completely stifles the value of self-struggle, which is completely reactionary and rotten theory.

If Demon Clan civilization wants to rise again, it must revolutionize and defeat the life of Demon Emperor.

Naxue admits that at the moment of seeing Lan Ling, it was really uncontrollable emotions, making her ideals almost shaken. But in a series of character confrontations, she gradually turned this feeling into hostility and jealousy.

And when she first came to Southern Wild, she felt that Demon Emperor Lan Ling was not a stumbling block for Vampire Demon Clan, and it might be a sign that could be used in cooperation and use. But in a series of fierce confrontation, Naxue has been completely determined, Demon Emperor Lan Ling is her Vampire Demon Clan stumbling block.

A few days ago, she received a secret letter from Northern Wild.

Di Motuo is breaking the Demon Emperor myth and breaking the pace of Demon Emperor. It has achieved substantial results and achieved brilliant achievements.

This further proves that she and Di Motuo‘s path is correct, and after Di Motuo invited her to unify Southern Wild in the secret letter, share this brilliant martial art achievement with him.

In the end, Di Motuo repeated the strategy of Vampire Demon Clan again at the end of MeSince.

Destroy tradition, destroy decay, destroy Demon Emperor, and move towards the future!


“Booming …”

On the Ten Million army, approaching Yun E Imperial City from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and narrowing the encirclement a little bit.

The shadow of death and the pace of the decisive battle are getting closer and closer.

The speed of the approach of the army is not fast, but it is very determined.

Naxue ’s air hall floats in the air, overlooking the endless Ten Million army.

“Destroy tradition, destroy decay, destroy Demon Emperor, and move towards the future!” she said, word by word, and words of Di Motuo continued to appear in her mind.

“You and I are in Mo Tuo Empire, constantly rubbing, constantly contradicting, and constantly enemies. But once you are away, you will continue to move closer to my thoughts and agree to my strategy. So if you and I are together, maybe Opposite. Once away, they will become like-minded companions. “

It turns out that Di Motuo is really correct.

Once Naxue has embarked on the road against Demon Emperor, it will automatically take the same position as Di Motuo.

The original Naxue was just ambitious, wanting to be constantly strong and expanding. Once the road of confrontation with Lan Ling is opened, this is against Demon Emperor, which is a kind of rebellion and betrayal. Then, she needs an ideological weapon to arm herself.

So, the program of Di Motuo, the elimination of tradition, the destruction of decay, the elimination of Demon Emperor, and the future, has become the Naxue ideological program and her theoretical weapon.

Otherwise even if Vampire Demon Clan is the new Demon Clan, but it is also Demon Clan after all, rebelling against Demon Emperor means betrayal.

A strong and proud person ca n’t justify his betrayal, so he needs a more theoretical program.

As the army approached step by step, Naxue felt that the belief in his heart had become firmer a little bit.

Originally, she came to Southern Wild‘s vague strategic direction, and it became clear at once.

“Boom …”

The pace of the army trembled the earth.

The breath in the air is becoming more and more depressed, and the dignity before the battle is almost breathless.

One hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!

The army of Kings Naxue and Tian Sha advanced 190 miles, and the first real soldiers came to the city.

Before the army has kept a distance of tens of miles from the Yun E Imperial City, the Di Nie army took the initiative in the two days of fierce battle.

And this time, the Ten Million army is really approaching under Yun E Imperial City.

All the Strength at the bottom of the pressure box are poured out of the nest.

The most terrible Soul Warrior legion of Princess Naxue, the Divine Dragon Temple Devil Pavilion Dark Priest group brought by Tian Sha King!

Two shares of Strength are more than ten times, dozens of times more than Di Nie Legion!

Hundreds of thousands of people in Di Nie can be wiped out cleanly, and all Lan Ling, Di Nie, and Demoness kings can be wiped out.

Everything is ready, Energy Array that Dark Priest directly destroys the soul of Demon Emperor Lan Ling Spirit is ready. You can directly make Lan Ling completely wiped out, and the soul is flying away, and you can no longer be reborn.

As for Di Nie, let alone.

Deprive her of energy, leaving her Peerless unparalleled body, and become the Tian Sha king or Crown Prince Tian Sha plaything, live a **** life that can’t survive, can not die.

Princess Naxue stands on the square of the sky hall, looking down into Yun E Imperial City.

Keep whispering in your mouth: “Destroy tradition, destroy decay, eliminate Demon Emperor, and move towards the future!”

She constantly strengthens her beliefs and destroys Demon Emperor ’s belief in justice.

Take a deep breath, Princess Naxue hissed: “Go to war! Kill the Di Nie Corps, and wipe out the Demon Emperor Lan Ling!”


With her order.

Vampire Demon Clan‘s elite Strength, Tian Sha King’s elite Strength, Divine Dragon Temple Devil Pavilion‘s Dark Priest group, lightning generally rushed into Yun E Imperial City.

Soul Legion , the tide generally rushed into Yun E Imperial City.

More than a dozen Sub-King Level strong!

Countless Demon Saint players, countless …

Magic Venerable Level strong, overwhelming!

This is a devastating Strength, enough to wipe out the Di Nie Legion and Lan Ling several times!

“Today in history should be the death of Demon Emperor!”

However …

There is nothing in the entire Yun E Imperial City!

Di Nie Corps, Lan Ling and all others seem to have completely evaporated from this world!


Note: The first four thousand words are sent, and great family is happy on May Day. Unfortunately, our author has no holidays!

There is a double monthly ticket campaign, please ask great family to guarantee the monthly pass, do n’t make the ranking too ugly, bow down!

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