World Destroying Demonic Emperor: Eight-eight-one: Anti-sky Space Technique, open!

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Suo Lun, let’s save Yuanba, let’s save Qinqin, let’s save everyone!” Ashi Liren said with tears in her eyes, Lan Ling.

At this time, she no longer has the coldness and toughness before, only incomparably weak.

This sentence, she has endured for more than seven years.

She has always been a lonely woman, and there are only a few people in her heart.

And the lifeblood is Ashi Yuanba, maybe add a Qinqin. She is a cold woman, but a simple person. After staying with Qinqin for a long time, she has Qinqin in her heart.

She stayed with Fu Yan’er for a long time, and she began to care about Fu Yan’er. Even if Fu Yan’er had something wrong, it was very unflattering.

But after the big upheaval, the mission of Ashi Liren is to protect the mother and child of Zhi Ning. After successfully coming to Southern Wild and entering the country of Demoness, mother and child of Zhi Ning are safe. The mission of Ashi Liren becomes the search for Suo Lun.

Even, she did not mention saving her son Ashi Yuanba and Qinqin with Demoness Wang. Because she feels that this belongs to her and Suo Lun‘s mission, not Demoness.

Demoness Wang told her to stop looking for Suo Lun, which basically means she already knows where Suo Lun is, so there is no need to find it.

So, Ashi Liren began a career of drifting.

Demoness Wang accepted her as a disciple, then she was practicing every Heaven Capital . Demoness King intends to let her be the heir to become the next generation queen of the Demoness country. Ashi Liren has no objections. Just do it.

Demoness King intends to join Demon Empire United Battlefront and let her play with Princess Di Nie, then play.

In short, Ashi Liren is not willing to use his brain at all. She is used to finding a dearest person, and then the other party will do what they say.

The first is Master Jiang Shang, the second is Suo Lun, and the third is King Demoness.

And in these seven years, every Heaven Capital of him is waiting for a reunion with Suo Lun, and then to save Ashi Yuanba, to save Qinqin, because this is her common mission with Suo Lun.

This is her mission and her conviction, even maintaining her desire to live every day.

Unconsciously, she missed Suo Lun deeper and deeper, and finally reached the point of being memorable.

At the time of Human State, she became dependent on Suo Lun, which was a little emotional, but nothing more.

After coming to Southern Wild, in order to save Ashi Yuanba and Qinqin, she began to miss Suo Lun endlessly, looking forward to meeting him again and then going to save two children.

It was so long, her thoughts about Suo Lun became unforgettable, as if Ashi Yuanba and Qinqin were her common children with Suo Lun. She and Suo Lun also seemed to be a family.

“Okay, it won’t take long for us to save Yuanba and Qinqin.” Lan Ling said.

Ashi Liren nodded, then leaned slightly on Lan Ling‘s arms, closing his eyes slightly as if he were asleep.

Lan Ling bowed her head and kissed her on the forehead that was as clean as jade.

Although this woman is very powerful and frosty, she is very lonely in her heart, strong and fragile.

She will be very strong when she does n’t rely on her, and she will carry all the heavy tasks on her shoulders. For example, at that time, she alone protected Zhi Ning mother and child, Fang Qingzhuo mother and daughter, tens of thousands of miles.

But once she has depended, she depends on someone wholeheartedly, and then she doesn’t want to move her mind.

Now, like a child, she found Lan Ling as a spiritual support, but almost fell asleep.

Lan Ling gently stroked her waist and said, “Time is running out, I’m going to discuss things, let’s go together.”

Ashi Liren shook his head and said: “I’m not going anymore, you decide what to do, just tell me what you want.”

“Good …” Lan Ling said.

Ashi Liren left Lan Ling ’s arms and looked at her, saying: “In these years, every Heaven Capital I was thinking of you, thinking of meeting you again, and then going to rescue our children.”

Lan Ling kissed her lips and went out!


Go back to the lobby!

Di Nie, Demoness King, Wing Clan King, Wing Clan Crown Prince are already waiting there, waiting for the decision of Lan Ling!

“How many of us are there?” Lan Ling asked.

“Seven hundred thousand.” Di Nie said: “In the past two days, four hundred thousand died in battle.”

Lan Ling‘s face twitched for a while. He hadn’t delayed for half an hour, but he came a little late.

“My plan is, all members break through!” said Lan Ling.

Di Nie and others did not speak, looking at Lan Ling, waiting for his plan.

In fact, Di Nie and Demoness are very complicated.

They are very pessimistic but full of hope.

The so-called pessimism is because the situation at hand is simply unsolvable. No one can save these hundreds of thousands of people. Even if it was Demon Emperor Lan Ling who came in person, he only brought dozens of people, and the situation was completely useless.

But there is hope because Lan Ling is Demon Emperor, the highest master of Demon Clan. It is mysterious and unknown, it is extremely powerful. Even if the current Demon Emperor Lan Ling is not as good as the Demoness king or the Di Nie on the Martial Arts cultivation, he is Demon Emperor after all, and he must have some very powerful and mysterious energy.

This is a mysterious and unknown feeling brought by the worship of Demon Emperor by Demoness King, Wing Clan King and other most loyal fanatics for a long time, which in turn brings the feeling of omnipotence of Demon Emperor.

But as far as the situation is concerned, if Lan Ling can save hundreds of thousands of people, it is really a miracle.

Lan Ling continued: “As far as I know, Yun E Imperial City has a very large underground cave.”

Demoness King Road: “Yes, to be precise, there are very large underground cave groups. The largest one, with an area of ​​more than hundreds of thousands of square meters.”

At the time of Crown Prince Tian Sha, hundreds of thousands of Ground Monster Legion were hiding in these underground caves of Yun E Imperial City.

Lan Ling said: “My plan is to know an independent space plane similar to the ruins of Misfortune Demon Capital and similar to Eternal Life Curse World in these holes **. This space plane overlaps with the real space, but it is completely hidden. Then Hundreds of thousands of us are all hidden in this hidden plane space. By that time, it would be as if the world had evaporated. “

As soon as these words come out, the Princess Di Nie and Demoness kings can’t help but look beautiful.

This is really an incredible idea, genius and devil.

An extremely shocking idea that even dare not even imagine.

Whether it is King Demoness or Princess Di Nie, they never dare to imagine knowing an independent space and then hiding everyone in.

Demon Emperor Lan Ling really has a way to save these hundreds of thousands of people!

Sure enough, it ’s Demon Emperor, it ’s incredible.

Lan Ling said: “The first step of my plan is to use an extremely powerful Black Hole Energy to bombard the underground caves of Yun E Imperial City, causing space dislocation and creating an independent dead space.”

Demoness Kingship: “Your Majesty, in ancient times, the ultimate Strength of Divine Dragon Temple bombarded the ancient Misfortune Demon Capital. But that is Strength of Star, which is extremely incomparably huge energy, we cannot provide this energy for the time being.”

Lan Ling said: “I know that if it is elsewhere, it is impossible to have such a large amount of energy. But I brought 550,000 catties equivalent of Starry Sky Demon Force extract, pure Black Hole Energy. This is the destruction of Fire Demon Mountain equivalent Five times, of course this is not enough. “

Yes, the Black Hole Energy equivalent to half a million catties is not enough to create a dead space plane.

Lan Ling continued: “However, Yun E Imperial City has gone through several battles and died a few Ten Million people. Countless deaths Netherworld Energy, the Hell Lightning made here, is an unprecedented energy. And this Hell Lightning is just a Primer, a primer that breaks down 550,000 Starry Sky Demonic Force Energy . “

“According to E Tian Great Emperor‘s Energy Blueprint, the powerful Netherworld(Wuming) lightning can decompose Starry Sky Demonic Force Energy to the third state. Once Black Hole Energy decomposes to the third state, its power will be increased by several hundred times. By that time, fifty Fifty thousand pounds of equivalent Black Hole Energy is enough to bombard an independent dead space of several million cubic meters plane. “Lan Ling said:” Then, I use Space Technique to demarcate this chaotic dead space, making it a hiding place Normal plane. In the end, hundreds of thousands of us all hid in this independent dead space. It completely evaporated from this world and disappeared! “

After hearing all the plans of Lan Ling.

The eyes of Demoness King and Wing Clan King are extremely fanatical, immediately kneel down and knocked: “Demon Emperor, long live long live long live long live!”

Their ecstasy does not come from being able to escape, in fact they are not afraid of death at all.

The ecstasy of the two comes from the Lan Ling‘s anti-natural performance. Demon Emperor is indeed Demon Emperor, and it is omnipotent. Even if his cultivation is very low, he can override the world and master the world Divine Power.

Such Demon Emperor, Demoness King and Wing Clan King are full of confidence in the future career and full of confidence in the revival of Demon Clan civilization!

Lan Ling said: “Then I announced that the world evaporation plan has officially started. All the Yun E Imperial City will be evacuated to a remote area, away from the central cave.”

“Yes!” Princess Di Nie said, and then immediately deployed.

One hour later, the Di Nie Corps had 710,000 people and hundreds of thousands of corpses, all evacuated to the most marginal zone of Yun E Imperial City.

The second step is to build Starry Sky Demonic Force Energy Array in the underground center hole of Yun E Imperial City!

Lan Ling brought dozens of people, they did not come to fight, but carried a variety of Crystal Stone, a variety of materials.

It is necessary to build an Starry Sky Demonic Force Energy Array in the shortest time.

Five hundred and fifty thousand pounds of Starry Sky Demon Force extract will be decomposed in this Energy Array, and then detonated instantly, creating an independent dead space!


Note: The first chapter is sent, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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