World Destroying Demonic Emperor Chapter 89: : Detonate King City! Zhi Ning tragedy! (2 more)

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“Tenth place, Feng Yizuo, with a total score of 525 points.”

“Ninth place, Tie Long, with a total score of 528 points.”

“Eighth place, Duo luo, total score 532 points.”

Jian Yong Dean is thinking of getting the top ten list of the graduation exam, but no one cares about the previous name.

Everyone is waiting, is there the name they want to know.

Although everyone knows, Suo Lun‘s results this time are very good and amazing. But the other party can even get the blind eye. Who dares to guarantee that there will be no shady in the final score?

“The third place, Zhi Min, with a total score of 539 points.”

After the name was announced, everyone immediately looked at Zhi Min, especially the noble girl student, because he was the only royal member to participate in the graduation exam this time.

Seeing all the sights, Zhi Min showed a long-smiling smile, and then waved to everyone, he received royal etiquette education since he was a child, naturally one thread meticulous.

However, everyone only looked at him and immediately looked away, even the eyes of most noble girls were very unfriendly. Because in suppressing Suo Lun, the royal family played a very disgraceful role.

“Second place, Tuling Duo, with a total score of 547 points.”

As soon as the name was announced, all the boys immediately looked around for the figure of the name owner.

Tuling Duo, daughter of Duke, the school flower of this noble college.

Despite the name of the school flower, most of the time she is not in Imperial City Institute, but is practicing Martial Art everywhere, and Divine Dragon is not the end.

Sure enough, she is still away. The first time after the graduation exam, she left Imperial City Institute.

So although Suo Lun and her are classmates, they have n’t really met. In the first two exams, although she was in one exam room, she only came in from the back door when the exam started. Leave before the exam is over.

“First place …” Jian Yong Dean raised his head, looked at the crowd, and slowly pronounced the name.

Suo Lun, with a total score of 567 points.”

In an instant. The entire Imperial City Institute boiled thoroughly.

Although I have mastered the high score of Suo Lun, I was completely surprised when I heard this score.

With a perfect score of six hundred points, Suo Lun actually scored 567 points.

You know. He was the last one a few months ago.

Under such pressure from the royal family, he got such a high score. Tuling Duo has always been the most outstanding student of the entire King City student, there is no one.

However, this time, Suo Lun‘s score actually crushed her by 20 points.

It’s too powerful, it’s too bad.

Soon, everyone sees the specific score.

The first basic theory test of Suo Lun, 172 points (out of two hundred)

The second session, Political Theory, 95 points (out of 100)

The third game. Arts, 100 points (out of 100)

Fourth session, Budo Archery Department, 100 points for fixed target, 100 points for moving target.

In two of the exams, the Suo Lun scores created a historical record for King City students.

Political theory examination, the highest score in the previous history is 92 points, and Suo Lun is 95 points.

In the art department, the highest score in the previous history is 90 points, and Suo Lun is 100 points.

As for the Budo section. There are many students with full marks. But Suo Lun is different, but after being blinded, he got a full score in the archery exam.

This is not a miracle at all, it is a complete miracle!

This history. Not only are there no ancients before, but there must also be no one to come.

Looking at this score against the sky, the noble students under the big list really have an urge to kneel down and worship.

It’s really … too powerful, too defiant.


The news that Suo Lun got the first Imperial City Institute graduation exam is like a bomb. Thoroughly detonated throughout the King City.

In an instant, the entire King City Zhi Capital was crazy. The games of Suo Lun and Princess Zhi Ning have been frantically hyped for several days.

Today, there are finally results.

Unless anyone is optimistic, Suo Lun has completed the move against the sky.

Especially everyone has heard that when Suo Lun was completely invisible in the last exam, he still got full marks in the archery exam.

All of a sudden, everyone was completely unbelievable, and then was completely shocked.

Before, the entire King City people paid attention to this matter, completely out of the psychology of watching the drama. At this time, they were really shocked and began to really care about the fate of Suo Lun.

Change to any other person, in this situation, doomed.

And Suo Lun has staged such a shocking reversal, what else can stop him next?

Now that Suo Lun ’s results have come out, everyone ’s eyes are on the royal family.

King, will Suo Lun be awarded Aristocrat Warrior Medal, will he be listed as Tianshui Count, Tianshui City Lord?

If the royal family violates the agreement, it will be spurned by millions of people in King City.

According to the rules, on the sixth day after the graduation exam, the royal family will be officially sealed.

Whether the royal family will default or not, everyone will stare at that day.


In Princess Palace of Zhi Ning, she was a little weak after vomiting blood, and her beautiful face was pale.

And the boss of the Gambling House knelt outside with a pale face, two battles.

After the results of Suo Lun came out, he fainted almost instantaneously, because this represented his Gambling House, and he had to pay the astronomical gold coins.

How could this happen? Apparently it was gold coins that fell from the sky, but it became the demon who swallowed him?

Is this Suo Lun don’t tell me really a possessive spirit? Can even such a gamble be against the sky?

“How many gold coins are there and bet Suo Lun to win?” Zhi Ning asked.

“Fiveteen thousand three hundred and twenty-three.” Boss Gambling House said.

Zhi Ning was dark, almost dizzy.

Here, this means that she is going to pay 150,000 gold coins, which … this is more than astronomical figures?

This is a provincial, one-year tax, which is more than five times the total assets of Silver Gambling House.

If you want to lose this money, you must use King City Gold Brokerage money. This astronomical gold coins really hurt her and Zhi Li.

Her money is very useful, for the throne of Zhi Li.

This time the rebellion of Tianshui City, she paid tens of thousands of gold coins military expenses for those greedy High Rank Warrior lords.

A large sum of gold coins is required to buy royal family members every year. The layout of 100,000 Dashan and South Barbarian Continent requires a large amount of gold coins, and a large amount of gold coins is required to maintain a strong underground intelligence system.

And the most expensive gold coins is to secretly train the army.

She has a lot of gold coins. But each one is useful, and this time it costs hundreds of thousands, and the consequences are really serious.

“Isn’t it damaging this gambling debt?” Silver Gambling House boss cautiously said.

“Fool!” Zhi Ning said coldly: “Is gold coins important, or is Your Highness Zhi Li‘s reputation important?”

“Yes!” Gambling House boss knocked down.

“I will raise this gold coins as soon as possible. You get out.” Zhi Ning said coldly.

Boss Gambling House kneels on the ground and crawls out directly.

Li Zhu, Tianshui City, what is the situation there?” Zhi Ning said: “Can those high-level lords besiege Tianshui Main City, can 30,000 still defend against 10,000 defenders don’t tell me?”

Li Zhu stooped outside and said, “The lord, it shouldn’t be that fast, but it’s just a short time before the war. Suo Hanyi is a military genius, and it’s hard to get results without ten and a half months.”

Zhi Ning closed her beautiful eyes, tried to calm her mood, and then asked: “How is Suo Lun now?”

“Unconscious personnel.” Li Zhu said.

“Will his eyes be completely blind?” Zhi Ning asked.

“Yes.” Li Zhu said: “Yao Yue shot. Never missed.”

“That’s good, that’s good …” Zhi Ning sighed: “Even if she is a genius, her eyes are blind, it is difficult to do anything anymore.”

Li Zhu saw the gaunt and tired eyes of Zhi Ning and hesitated for a moment: “Since the result has already come out, then … Is n’t it better than the county master to sleep well?”

He should n’t have said that as a minion, but he did feel a little distressed.

“Okay …” Zhi Ning‘s rare soft mouth Qi path, and then walked into the room, lying on the bed, retracted into the bed.

Normally. She didn’t like to sleep with her naked body naked, but now it didn’t matter, even the skirt didn’t take off, and she went directly into the bed. Then the lovely and graceful body curled up completely.

She ca n’t sleep because she never fell so big, never lost so badly.

She knows that the people of the whole King City are talking about her now, especially the snake kiss gambling game in Suo Lun. In the mouths of the nasty guys, Zhi Ning did not know how many times it was devastated by Suo Lun.

Her innocence and her reputation are certainly long gone.

Feeling the twists and turns of Mistress, Li Zhu sat down outside and remembered Peaceful Secret Art.

Finally, she gradually became quiet and finally fell asleep.


I do n’t know how long I slept, and suddenly the Zhi Ning in the bed began to tremble and start to struggle.

“Don’t, don’t … Suo Lun don’t … let me go, please let me go …”

She had that nightmare again, even more so.

In the dream, Suo Lun picked her cleanly, pressed her to the ground in disgrace, whipped and whipped desperately.

In his dream, he is no longer strong, crying desperately, begging for mercy desperately.

However, Suo Lun became more and more fierce, and finally grabbed her throat, coldly said in her ear: “Zhi Ning I said, I will **** you first and then kill!”

Then, Suo Lun in the dream slammed her wild waist, letting her kneel down and spread her legs apart.

Next, Suo Lun took her in the most brutal way.

At the same time, the delicate body of Zhi Ning in the real bed shuddered violently, and a violent tide surged from the depths of the body and mind.

“Ah …” Zhi Ning screamed.

Then, woke up suddenly.

In this nightmare again, her body and mind reached their peak.

Feeling that the skirt was already in disarray, and the body was still in that trembling aftermath, Zhi Ning finally couldn’t help but cried and cried loudly while holding the quilt.

Suo Lun, you shameless person, torture me in my dream, and humiliate me …” Zhi Ning gritted his teeth and said: “I swear, I swear, I will not let you live this month. “

At this moment, there was a slight rush of footsteps outside.

“When is Li Zhu now? What happened?” Zhi Ning asked.

“It is already noon.” Li Zhu said: “There is a message Flying Sparrow over Tianshui City to report.”

“The result of the battle over there? Has Tianshui Main City been won?” Zhi Ning asked.

Li Zhu was silent for a moment, and said: “The 30,000 rebels led by Lord High Rank Warrior were killed in a big defeat, and Suo Hanyi won a great victory!”

Zhi Ning ca n’t believe it, trembling: “Do n’t the battle just start yesterday?”

Li Zhu said: “Yesterday during the day, Suo Hanyi only sent six thousand soldiers and four thousand militia to guard the city, pretending to be the illusion of full military strength. With this army of tens of thousands of different brands, he resisted five attacks by 30,000 rebels There were countless casualties on both sides. At night, Suo Hanyi and Yan Nu led a well-knit 4,000 troops out of the city to attack at night, killing more than 20,000 rebels. “

Zhi Ning instantly had a blank mind.

She spent tens of thousands of gold coins armed 30,000 rebels, only half a day was beaten down by Suo Hanyi?

More than 20,000 rebels were defeated by Suo Hanyi and 4,000 soldiers.

“Waste, waste, the waste of thousands of dollars!” Zhi Ning in a stern voice said.

Then, she couldn’t help it anymore, a sharp pain in her chest and a sweet throat.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, fainting and falling down, unconscious. (To be continued.)

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