World Destroying Demonic Emperor Chapter 110: : Uprising, lore!

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In Real World, the past six days.

So how long has it passed in Contemplation World? Nearly three years.

It looks very exaggerated. However, many actual facts can also prove that the time trajectory in the brain is different from reality. This is not from the “Inception” movie, but from the actual basis.

For example, when you were sleeping, you had a very long dream. However, in reality, your dream time may be only a few minutes.

With an inappropriate metaphor, the human brain is regarded as a computer.

When awake, it is disturbed by many factors, so the running speed is very slow.

When shielding all external factors, mobilizing all resources, and carrying out a certain thing. Then its calculation speed may increase geometrically.

However, meditation is not omnipotent. It can only be used to study a very specific, pure, and even repetitive thing.

For example, to perceive the inherent regular attributes of a certain set of swordsmanship.

If it is used to practice Martial Arts, it is of no use at all, because Dragon Force cannot get any improvement in meditation.

And in Contemplation World, Suo Lun also spent the most painful and boring time.

This set of swordsmanship looks extremely stunning, but the actual practice is really painful.

Nine strokes and eighty-one styles, all need to learn not to speak. Moreover, the ninety-nine changes also need to be fully understood.

And this kind of comprehension cannot make mistakes at all. Once an error occurs, your next sword move cannot be performed directly, because your body balance has been completely destroyed, and even your tendons have been injured.

So, this set of swordsmanship is not to learn a certain action at all. It is to sense the balance of positions within the body, the flow of breath within the tendons, and to achieve perfect coordination and balance with Jianyi.

In short, let the veins of veins and veins of swordsmanship. Naturally, perfect coordination is achieved.

So, this set of swordsmanship has also become the highest way for Swordsman to perceive Swordsmanship.


In Contemplation World, Suo Lun fully realized the first move. It took eight full months.

Yes, it took eight months. Only then can the body veins and sword veins be perfectly coordinated.

It is also fortunate that in Contemplation World, any selfish thoughts have been ruled out, for irritability and boredom. It has long been numb.

If this is the case in reality, I am afraid that it will be unbearable for a long time, and it will almost collapse.

But also because of the numbness of emotion and perception, the Keenness degree in Contemplation World is much worse than that in reality.

What can be completed in half a year in reality, but in Contemplation World, it may not be completed in one year.

The next second move, the difficulty increases again. But because of the perception of the first move, the second move only takes half a year.

The third move, the fourth move. It also took only half a year.

However, the fifth move, more than half a year later, is still not completely completed.

Why, because Suo Lun‘s own Spiritual Force is exhausted, Suo Lun‘s own Dragon Force is exhausted, and Demon Star‘s stored Dragon Force is almost exhausted.

In order to support the final cultivation of perception, Demon Star even had to devour Suo Lun‘s own energy to supply the energy needed for brain meditation.

Wait until the fifth stroke is completed, his whole body. Already completely empty, even weaker than ever.

All the energy in the body is consumed cleanly, and all the energy is exhausted.

The first time you open your eyes. Just thinking about falling down immediately and sleeping.

However, it is absolutely impossible to sleep, because this sleep does not wake up in a few days and nights.

“My Excellency Sword Venerable, I have been meditating for a few days.” Suo Lun asked, barely supporting.

“Six days.” Sword Venerable Bi Xiao said: “There are three days before the contest you said. Nine Calamity Swords. How many tricks did you complete?”

“The fifth move.” Suo Lun said.

Sword Venerable said: “Then how long did you spend in Contemplation World?”

“Less than three years.” Suo Lun said.

Sword Venerable frowned: “Then your speed is slower than I thought. Is your Spirit Talent not as strong as I thought, or is it deep in meditation, you still have distractions?”

Perhaps, there are both reasons. Because he entered meditation instantly, Bi Xiao was greatly overestimated on Spirit Talent of Suo Lun.

His true talent is around 8.1, although there is nothing in it. However, in the eyes of Sword Venerable Bi Xiao, it is not top-notch, even worse than Gui Qinshao.

It sounds strange, Gui Qinshao is so arrogant, and the imagination is not very deep. Why is Spirit Talent high?

In fact, this is the case. Suo Lun and Zhi Ning are very deep-hearted, but Spirit Talent is difficult to reach the top.

People with high Spirit Talent tend to have relatively pure personality.

Sword Venerable said that Suo Lun was deep in meditation and still had miscellaneous thoughts, which is indeed the case.

Because, Nine Calamity Swords ninety-nine changes, just to write a word with the tip of the sword, Ling!

So, when he was training in perception, this thought even invaded the deepest part of his meditation.

So, the progress of Suo Lun in Contemplation World is not as perfect as expected.

Gui Qinshao has practiced Nine Calamity Swords for ten years, and now completes the eighth move and fifth style.

However, she hasn’t practiced every moment in this decade. Adding up the time to practice Nine Calamity Swords will not exceed two years.

And Suo Lun has been in Contemplation World for nearly three years, but he is always feeling the practice.

Although in Contemplation World, the body’s Keenness degree drops and perception drops, so the cultivation efficiency is not as realistic as it is.

However, in the past three years, I have only realized five strokes, and I have to say that the cultivation process has been greatly disturbed.

Ten days now, two-thirds of the past, plus one day to go.

So the remaining time is only two days. To win Gui Qinshao, at least the eighth move of Nine Calamity Swords must be completed.

The difficulty of the remaining three moves, the geometric multiple increased, but the time was only two days, and the Spiritual Force Dragon Force of Suo Lun was completely exhausted.

At this point, it seems completely impossible to succeed.


Demon Star, is there any way to face this situation?” Suo Lun asked.

Demon Star said: “There is only one way to improve your Spirit Talent. I said, the higher the Spirit Talent. The faster the perception of Swordsmanship. If your Spirit Talent can reach about 8.5, the speed of perception of Swordsmanship can be at least double . “

Suo Lun asked: “Then raise my Spirit Talent from 8.1 to 8.5. How much Spiritual Force is needed?”

Demon Star: “Spiritual Force devouring 2.8 Shadow Spider Queen .”

At this point, Suo Lun was completely stunned.

Before, Spiritual Force, which only ate half of Shadow Spider Queen , raised his Spirit Talent from 7.5 to 8.1.

At this time, it is increased from 8.1 to 8.5. Actually need nearly three Shadow Spider Queen Spiritual Force.

As we get to the back, the Spiritual Force required for Spirit Talent to improve is a fewfold increase.

As a result, it is almost impossible. Shadow Spider Queen , as Spiritual type Monster, has been practiced for hundreds of years before condensing so many Spiritual Force.

Now, we need nearly three Shadow Spider Queen , I ’m afraid that I ca n’t find it all over the world.

Of course, there is no such place. In Divine Dragon Temple, Spirit Palace, Artistic Palace. In Sword Art Palace, there is a bunch of Spiritual Force super strong big Cultivator.

Just killing them and swallowing them Dragon Force Spiritual Force is enough to increase Suo Lun Spirit Talent to 8.5, which is more than enough.

It’s just, go to Divine Dragon Temple to devour those big Cultivator? It is still faster to die.

Suo Lun was not close to Divine Dragon Temple, and was immediately killed by a samurai standing outside.

However, Spiritual Force, which devours astronomical figures, is the only way for Suo Lun to win.

Suddenly, Suo Lun sighed inwardly. Nine Calamity Swords that ninety-nine changes. In order to write an Ling Character with the tip of the sword, it may be one of the biggest mysteries in the world. But at least this time, Suo Lun is not shallow.

This distracting thought directly invaded his deepest meditation. It made him feel that the efficiency of Swordsmanship was greatly reduced.

“Your Excellency Sword Venerable, is there such a place with a very, very large amount of Spiritual Force, except for Divine Dragon Temple.” Suo Lun asked: “Monster is also possible, other methods are also possible.”

Sword Venerable Bi Xiao looked at Suo Lun in amazement and hesitated a little. Then nodded: “Yes.”

Suo Lun was shocked. When he asked this question, he was almost hopeless. Unexpectedly, there really is such a place.

“Where?” Suo Lun asked.

Heavenly Grave!” said Sword Venerable.

Heavenly Grave? What is it?” Suo Lun asked in surprise.

Sword Venerable said: “Do you know that once a person dies, all Dragon Force and Spiritual Force will dissipate and return to the world?”

Suo Lun nodded.

Sword Venerable said: “But there is a group of people who are not willing to die like this. They want to get a certain degree of eternal life. So before dying, they buried themselves in Heavenly Grave to get an alternative eternal life.”

Suo Lun said: “That Heavenly Grave is similar to a completely enclosed Energy Array. After entering, people immediately die, and the smoke disappears. However, the soul of Spirit is not hurt, and is always imprisoned in this energy prison, Get an alternative immortality. “

“Yes.” Sword Venerable said: “And only the strongest Spirit Master in Divine Dragon Temple can enter the Heavenly Grave to get an alternative eternal life. Because these Spirits and souls undertake some very mysterious mission. Even if the whole world is destroyed, their souls and Spirit still survive, waiting for Divine Dragon Temple to explore and explore thousands of years later. “

All of a sudden, Suo Lun felt a very mysterious breath.

There is no doubt that what is contained in these Heavenly Grave is the biggest secret of this world.

So, these souls buried in Heavenly Grave may not be for their own eternal life, but for the purpose of passing down the top secret of Divine Dragon Temple.

Because such secrets cannot be written in any words.

Sword Venerable, where is Heavenly Grave?” Suo Lun asked.

Sword Venerable said: “Except for the few Divine Dragon Temple heritage Priest, no one knows where Heavenly Grave is and whose soul is buried inside.”

Yes, Heavenly Grave is the biggest secret of Divine Dragon Temple. How could the world know?

“Then Heavenly Grave, are there any peculiar characteristics?” Suo Lun asked.

“Not at all.” Sword Venerable said: “Maybe, but no one knows.”

As a result, all roads of Suo Lun have been cut off.

At present, his Spiritual Force has nothing left, and even the most ordinary meditations cannot be performed.

Then the perception of Nine Calamity Swords was completely interrupted.

After three days, he is going to compete with Gui Qinshao. With his current Nine Calamity Swords cultivation, it is not only a defeat, but it is really about to break her legs.

At this moment, Demon Star suddenly said: “Master, this Sword Venerable is lying. He has been telling the truth almost all his life. When he lied, there was a strong energy fluctuation that I caught.”

Suddenly, Suo Lun was shocked? Sword Venerable is lying?

Which word lies? He said he did n’t know where Heavenly Grave was? If this sentence is lying, it proves that he knows where Heavenly Grave is.

Expanding Lenovo further, why did he choose to retreat in this place?

Is there anything special about this place? Well, it is quite special. It is on the top of a lonely mountain on the sea island, very quiet and unmanned.

But not completely away from this world? Why did he choose to come here to retreat?

He is almost seventy years old, why did he choose to accept his disciples in the Lin Hai City territory?

Is Gui Qinshao‘s talent really so strong? Why was he admitted as a disciple?

After careful association, everything seems to be abnormal. There is a feeling of careful thought.

Take a deep breath, Suo Lun suddenly said: “Hello, Sword Venerable, is there a Heavenly Grave near here, so you choose to retreat here?”

This statement by Suo Lun is completely risking his life.

Once he is right, he is likely to be killed by Sword Venerable. Therefore, he is betting again.

Sure enough, after hearing Suo Lun‘s words, Sword Venerable‘s eyes shrank sharply.

After hesitating for a moment, he directly picked up the wooden sword in his hand and cut it towards Suo Lun.

There is no hesitation for one minute and one second, so just cut it off.

And Suo Lun, the whole body instantly seems to be completely solidified, completely unable to move.

Then, Mu Jian chopped lightly on his neck.

Without any pain, the eyes were black, and he fell directly to the ground, endless darkness and cold hit.

This is Sword Venerable, which is the legendary first Sword Grandmaster. When there is no last resort, never kill.

However, when you really need to kill someone, you will definitely not hesitate or talk nonsense.

Straightforward killing, and letting those killed will not cause any pain.


After killing Suo Lun, Sword Venerable‘s expression was dull, with a touch of pain.

It has been many and many years, and he has not shot anyone to kill. Now he has to kill again, and he is still such a young, so talented, and so sympathetic young man, it is really painful, but he has to kill again.

The young man in front of him is extremely intelligent, but not sensible enough.

He had long guessed that once he told his secret, he might be killed by the murder, but he couldn’t help but say it.

After killing Suo Lun, Sword Venerable picked him up and walked out of the cave, directly throwing it towards the bottomless cliff.

Under the thousand cliffs, there is the vast sea.


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