World Destroying Demonic Emperor: August 31: Di Ming fate! Sword finger Naxue!

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Hearing this news, Princess Naxue‘s body shook violently, and then she closed her eyes immediately, making sure not to let any emotions of her show.

Whether it is sad or shocked, she does not want to show it.

Are you absolutely sure that Flame Demon Empire has no Sub-King Level strong?

Should n’t the so-called super killer of Lan Ling have no way to deal with the strong Sub-King Level?

The reason why Princess Naxue did not go to Flame Demon Empire and gave everything to Di Ming is to establish the majesty of Di Ming.

I did n’t even get up from where I fell, but where I was beaten, I paid back ten times. In short, Di Ming must be restored in front of the Demon Clan of the entire Southern Wild and in front of the sixteen Demon Saint venerable princes.

The most important point is that she is completely sure that there are no Sub-King Level powerhouses in Flame Demon Empire, because Sub-King in this world is completely counted, otherwise Princess Naxue will not let Di Ming take risks alone.

Di Ming is not just a confidant or an emergency for her, it is a courtier, but a relative, even the only relative.

Naxue desperately suppresses his emotions.

Her chest began to undulate.

Desperately suppress, suppress …

But still can’t suppress it, the gorgeous magic lines emerge from her white skin.

Suddenly, the messenger immediately put his forehead on the ground, not daring to glance at all.

“Boom …” The **** red dress on Princess Naxue instantly burned into gorgeous **** wings.

At the same time, half of her body was a burning flame, and half was terrible ice.

Her venomous screams came from her throne, and countless poisonous snakes were burned to death.

Although the messenger ca n’t see anything, she can feel an extremely powerful energy flooding all the air here, making her unable to breathe, as if a mountain is pressing down on her head.

Then she clearly felt her armor shatter and the smoke disappeared.

Then, the skin on her back was extinguished and turned into powder.

She was terribly painful and terrified, but she dared not make any sound at all.

Naxue did not intentionally want to hurt her, but because she could n’t restrain her anger and shock, the energy leaked out, causing fatal lethality to everything around her.

After half a minute, the terrible lethality disappeared.

The poor messenger who was kneeling on the ground was dying, and her body was all scorched.

She is a strong devil Venerable Level , and she can’t bear the energy leakage damage of Princess Naxue due to inner concussion.

Princess Naxue returned to peace, the magic lines on her body disappeared, and her gorgeous red dress appeared on her body again.

She came to this messenger, and her jade hand waved gently.

The scorched black on the messenger disappeared and her body healed.

It really feels like a spring breeze is blowing, and the withered flower branches once again have green leaves and red flowers.

Princess Naxue said lightly: “You go to Flame Demon City and tell Lan Ling! I do n’t treat Suo Mo as a loved one because I was too young at that time and many things were forgotten. So Di Ming became my only loved one. He is accompanying me and protecting me. If Di Ming is in trouble, I will retaliate regardless of the consequences and kill the important people of Flame Demon Empire, including … “

She didn’t say who was included, but she already showed her greatest will.

Hearing her words, the emissary felt a wave of envy and jealousy in her heart.

Princess Naxue‘s heart is as hard as a cold iron, and someone can occupy a weight in her heart, how happy it is, how difficult it is.


Flame Demon Empire, Flame Demon City!

Di Ming has been completely quiet, looking at Lan Ling and saying: “Kill me, don’t try to do any transactions with me and Naxue, and don’t try to make her pay anything to kill me!”

Across the energy prison, Lan Ling sat down and said: “Di Ming, you love Naxue.”

Di Ming said: “Of course, but I will not blaspheme her, and I will not have any unconscionable thoughts about her.”

Lan Ling said: “Why? You can take care of her.”

Di Ming said: “She also loves me, but it is only the love of loved ones, not the feelings of men and women. If I try to treat her, it will only make her unhappy and only make her sad, why should I Do this. “

Lan Ling said: “Then Naxue has no feelings for Netherworld(Wuming), why do you want to match the two?”

Di Ming said: “Because Di Ming is a good candidate, she and Di Ming can get married without feelings between men and women, but she and I can’t.”

Lan Ling fully understands this.

Lan Ling said: “Before you and her, you should be very sinister, suspicious, fierce, lonely, why are you so trusting and intimate.”

Di Ming said: “We have lived together for 22 years. I protected her for the first 15 years because I was 11 years older than her. She protected me for the next 7 years because she was stronger than me. “

“You protect her?” Lan Ling wondered.

Di Ming said: “When Prince Di Sha sent troops to destroy Suo Clan, I also followed the army. Prince Di Sha killed her mother, but also to kill her. I saved her life and she became my little servant. I was seventeen years old and she was six years old. Later, Prince Di Sha saw that her talent was amazing, and she had to kill her many times, which was blocked by me. “

“Blocked by you, what is your identity?” Lan Ling asked.

“On the surface is the son of Prince Di Sha, actually the illegitimate child of Di Motuo. Di Motuo slept the woman of Prince Di Sha and gave birth to me as an illegitimate child.” Di Ming said.

Lan Ling was shocked, but did not expect that there is still this past, is it not rumored that Di Ming is a distant member of the Bloodsucker royal family?

Di Ming said: “Since I stopped it, Di Sha ca n’t kill Naxue. And Naxue showed amazing talent, so Di Sha personally kissed Naxue. The result … Naxue is completely different, after being kissed She does n’t have any Vampire Demon Clan characteristics at all, her blood talent is shocking, and she does n’t show any energy characteristics of her Prince Di Sha offline. The energy of her body is completely independent and noble. From then on, she Her cultivation was a thousand miles away, and she couldn’t manage it. Prince Di Sha collected her as a righteous girl! “

Lan Ling said: “However, she eventually killed all the sons of Prince Di Sha, and finally killed Prince Di Sha, which replaced all Vampire Demon Clan legions of Prince Di Sha and completely replaced the position of Prince Di Sha in Mo Tuo Empire.”

Di Ming sneered: “That’s because, Prince Di Sha didn’t want Naxue to be a daughter, and wanted to make her a wife. So, Naxue killed all the Di Sha, and of course I also helped to kill on the side. Then Mo Tuo Crown Prince , My half-brother wants to marry Naxue. So with the fight between Naxue and the prince, I faced a choice. On the side of the prince, I will become a member of the Bloodsucker royal family and become the prince of Mo Tuo Empire 1. Motuo Great Emperor will also admit that I am his son, and give me the energy to break through Sub-King. You may know that all the princes of the entire Mo Tuo Empire and all the Sub-King Level strongmen were only broken by the gift of Di Motuo. “

The choice is superficially difficult.

On the left, loyalty to the prince, you will get a gift of powerful energy, become a prince of Mo Tuo Empire, and become a strong Sub-King Level.

On the right, continue to be loyal to protect Naxue, then you may have nothing, or even suffer the disaster of extinction.

Lan Ling said: “This choice must be easy to make.”

Di Ming said: “Yeah, it ’s very easy to do, it does n’t take a second to decide. So I was expelled from the Bloodsucker royal family, but Naxue gave me the golden veins in my heart, and I … broke through Got Sub-King, and then followed her south to Southern Wild. “

After speaking, the two fell into a brief silence.

Di Ming raised his head and said, “Lan Ling, if Naxue can compromise, she has already compromised. Although Prince Di Sha is a jerk, he is good in any way.”

Not only is it good, prince of Mo Tuo Empire, the power is very powerful, Martial Arts is extremely good.

Di Ming said: “But when he was a teenager in Naxue, he refused him. He even killed him and expressed his will. Mo Tuo Crown Prince is good.”

Not only good, but a character who will stand at the top of the pyramid of the whole world, because he is the future Mo Tuo Empire emperor.

Di Ming said: “Mo Tuo Crown Prince has been pursuing Naxue for three years and has exhausted all means, but Naxue still refused, why?”

Lan Ling said: “Because she is on top, she wants to control her destiny.”

“Yes!” Di Ming said: “Prince Di Sha, Mo Tuo Crown Prince are very powerful, very defying, and of course they are also jerks. You Lan Ling are also very defying, very powerful, and very jerk. Naxue would rather pay no price to Di Sha Compromise, not compromise Mo Tuo Crown Prince , why do you let her compromise with you, just because you are World Destroying Demonic Emperor, just because you are Lord of Demon Star? Why? “

Lan Ling did not speak.

Di Ming said: “Your Lan Ling has never compromised with others. You have to control the fate of others and ride on the heads of others. The same is true for Naxue. The two of you have the same personality. Naxue does not want to be ridden by others. On the head, I do n’t want her to be riding on my head, so I ’m willing to pay any price for it. ”

“So … don’t put your brains on my head.” Di Ming said: “I know that you are World Destroying Demonic Emperor, I know that your thoughts can make me die, but … so what? Kill me? , Kill me … “

Di Ming‘s eyes at this time cannot even be described as dead.

Lan Ling has been looking at Di Ming for a long time!

The man’s feelings for Naxue in front of him are profoundly complicated.

He admires Naxue and loyal to Naxue because Naxue is so powerful.

But he also pity Naxue and desperately want to protect Naxue, because in his eyes, Naxue may always be the little girl twenty years ago, the six-year-old girl, the one he saved from the butcher’s knife little girl.

Not just love, but love.

There is no eternal loyalty in this world. The so-called loyalty is just that the weight of betrayal is not enough.

This is good.

But sometimes loyalty and emotion will become a part of the body. Once betrayed, it is equivalent to cutting a part of the body alive, and it will bleed to death.

Many parents love their children even more than their lives, which is the reason.

Lan Ling breathes continuously, then opens his eyes.

Next, he unlocked the energy prison and opened a door.

“You go out, let’s go back to Naxue.” Lan Ling said.

Di Ming shuddered and could hardly believe his ears.

But in the next second, he flashed out suddenly, came to Lan Ling, and raised his palm violently, aiming at Lan Ling and chopping off.

Lan Ling just released him, he will hack Lan Ling, because only Lan Ling is hacked, Princess Naxue will not have the biggest threat.

However, after raising Di Ming‘s hand, he stopped in the air and did not split it after all.

Not because he was afraid of death, because Lan Ling‘s idea moved, he could easily kill him Di Ming.

Di Ming is not afraid of death. If he can kill Lan Ling, he does n’t care at all. The point is, he can’t kill Lan Ling.

Lan Ling is almost Undying Unextinguish.

“I will not promise you any conditions, and you should not try to get anything from Naxue.” Di Ming said: “You let me go, and don’t try to get any gratitude for me.”

Lan Ling said: “I let you go, I’m worried that Naxue is going crazy, understand? After going back, I told Naxue to let her come to talk with me in person. I wait for her for the second negotiation. Of course, the content of the negotiation and It ’s irrelevant to release you. I release you without any favors, just to let you recognize the status quo and then conduct real negotiations. “

Di Ming glanced at Lan Ling and said, “I will tell you.”

Then he left the underground prison directly, flew directly into the air, and flew towards the Naxue legion on the northern seaside at the fastest speed.

After more than ten hours, Di Ming entered the air hall and appeared in front of Princess Naxue.


Note: The first is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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