World Destroying Demonic Emperor: 1021: Demon Emperor is coming to Sky Temple!

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Ji Xiuning is Ji Xiuning, and the fourth is the fourth, even if they occupy the same body.

The fourth son of Hell Knight, I do n’t know how many generations have been latent. The study of the human brain domain has surpassed almost anyone, including Demon Emperor Lan Ling, including Divine Dragon Temple.

The complexity of the human brain is comparable to the entire universe. The known brain domain, the developed brain domain, is less than 10%, and the remaining 90% of the brain domain is still running, such as discharge, such as instinct, etc …

However, ninety percent of the brain area is like the myriad dark nebula deep in the universe, completely mysterious and unknown.

And the fourth of Hell Knight, most of them are lurking in this unknown brain domain.

One more point, every time it lurks before the target has not entered Divine Dragon Temple.

For example, the target Ji Xiuning lurked by this generation, only a few years old, was lurked by the soul of the fourth son into the unknown brain domain.

So, during this time, is the fourth son asleep?

Yes, neither!

First of all, she will not make any move, any order, will not let Ji Xiuning discover her existence. It seems to be a special vegetative soul. It can be seen and heard, but it cannot make any instructions.

Only when Demon Emperor recovers, it will be activated instantly.

And at that moment, every Hell Knight will renew the soul contract with Demon Emperor, and then get very powerful energy, not only Martial Arts, but also Spiritual Energy .

So the moment the soul renews the contract, the fourth son can immediately take control of the entire brain domain and suppress the soul of Ji Xiuning into the unknown mysterious brain domain, which can be seen, heard, but unable to do Any response, any instruction.

After being activated, Hell Knight the fourth elder wanted Demon Emperor Lan Ling to send three real messages.

The first information is about the strength of Sky Temple.

The second information is about the specific location of Tanzhou plane.

The third piece of information is that Ji Xiuning is willing to descend.

And this third piece of information is a trap for Demon Emperor Lan Ling.

And this third piece of information is a key step in Hell Knight ’s fourth plan to split Sky Temple.

Sky Temple completely closes all Energy Channel and looks very incompetent. But in fact, it is wise, according to this, Sky Temple closed for decades, even hundreds of years.

At that time, how far will the Flame Demon Empire civilization develop?

Yes, as long as Demon Emperor Lan Ling does not use Strength of Star and does not tear plane enchantment, Moon Temple will not be shot.

But … If the civilization of Flame Demon Empire develops to a certain level, enough to threaten the level of Moon Temple, then Moon Temple will not be able to help.

At that time, Sky Temple will sit and wait for the victory.

Although this kind of victory is foolproof, it may really come. Therefore, Hell Knight fourth must break this situation, but at this critical moment, Sky Temple is monitoring everyone and looking for Hell Knight fourth. So be very careful, and you must find an opportunity to act brightly.

So, Hell Knight took the initiative to propose a trap to the four giants of Sky Temple and seduce Demon Emperor Lan Ling into Dark Void for burial.

And the Hell Knight senior will appear in Drift Plaza, which is also part of her plan. She never rumors this rumor in person, but only used very complicated energetics to make these appear in the drawers of several people. These people were dissatisfied with Sky Temple and spread the news without any surprise.

The fourth son at this time is already in danger. Because this move of hers was not monitored by Spirit once every seven days. However, she plans to explode the division of Sky Temple within seven days.

Next, she defrauded Lan Ling in Universe Tower, as if introducing Demon Emperor Lan Ling to Dark Void to destroy him. With such a huge contribution, her view was immediately valued by the Sky Temple giants, so she put forward a cleansing.

However, several giants feel that Demon Emperor Lan Ling has been eliminated, and there are no external problems.

So, that ’s it …

The situation, step by step, step by step, developed to the situation that the fourth son wanted.

Sky Temple split internally, and Energy Channel was actively opened.

So, this man ’s strategy is really no less than Demon Emperor Lan Ling.

Demon Emperor Lan Ling has no intention of inserting willows, and everyone under his command has quite a few amazing talents.

So, does the fourth elder have any hint in the third message to Lan Ling?

Yes, but only a little.

Because she was sending signals to Lan Ling in Universe Tower in the presence of the four giants of Sky Temple, and the voice signal was sent, not the text signal.

Where is the hint?

Ji Xiuning is willing to drop …, this drop word, she vaguely read into trap words, trap trap words!

One has a postnasal sound, and the other has no postnasal sounds. (Xiang and xian)

The most important thing is that she reads xiang in front of the four giants, but when sending it, it cut off the signal 0.01 seconds in advance. So, when it reached Lan Ling‘s ears, the G of the back nasal sound disappeared, and it sounded like xian.

It ’s just a hint!

How careful is this person’s mind, and how unpredictable is this? It can also be seen how bold and adventurous she is.

In case Lan Ling ca n’t comprehend it, it really crashed into Dark Void, it was really buried in eighteen layers of hell, and it can never be freed.

So, the fourth son not only gambled his own life, but also gambled the life of Lan Ling.

She is betting that her master, Demon Emperor, is so cunning, so terrible, so nuanced.

In front of the four giants of Sky Temple, he actively sent information to Demon Emperor Lan Ling without revealing any flaws!

Of course, before the Sky Temple was completely closed, she sent a signal through Corpse Ghost Peerless. The content of the information is: the person who sent the first message from Sky Temple is me! (This is a notice, so it doesn’t include the three real information mentioned above)

This information also gave Lan Ling enough reminders!

So, when Lan Ling heard the news that Ji Xiuning was willing to descend (xian), it was immediately understood, how amazing his heart was at that time.

So, he set off immediately.

In this plan, Hell Knight is the protagonist and Demon Emperor Lan Ling is the supporting character. He gave himself to the eldest son and cooperated fully with her.

The result is a big win!


“Turn on Energy Channel!”

With the orders of Shi Tian and Tian Daoqi.

The huge Energy Array opens and two Starry Sky Demonic Force Reactor Cores start to operate.

Two huge beams of energy directed at the sky.

Energy Channel to Dragon Demon World is officially opened!

Sky, one after another, there are platforms of energy, there are platforms to go out, there are platforms to enter.

Every time, if you want to go to Sky Temple and fly directly to somewhere in the sky, Energy Array will appear, enter this Energy Array, and it will appear on this platform instantly. And every time you leave, as long as you fly to the platform that goes out, it will automatically be sent to the sky above Dragon Demon World.

So everyone instinctively feels that Sky Temple is in the air. Because every time you go or leave, you are in the air.

As everyone knows, Sky Temple is in the center of the earth.

Accurately speaking, it is in the darkness in the heart of the earth. This piece of darkness is very small and very small. It enters the internal plane and is extremely large.

Because, although Sky Temple is located in the center of Dragon Demon Planet, its instinct plane borrows the space of countless universes. Every mountain, every palace and every drop of water in it does not belong to Dragon Demon Planet, but is collected from the starry sky and constructed into a plane that is absolutely independent of Dragon Demon Planet, and then stored in the center of Dragon Demon Planet.

In this way, you can control the entire planet and absorb the energy of the entire planet without being controlled by this plane master.

Because all the absorbed energy will be transformed into the core of Starry Sky Demon Force and then used by Sky Temple.

Moon Temple made this Sky Temple, it was really a deliberate effort.

After all the energy is turned on!

Sky Temple, can immediately perceive relevant information of Dragon Demon World.

There is no soldier pressure, no Demon Emperor coming, and even Divine Dragon plane and Demon Clan plane have not found the energy and shadow of Chaos Great Emperor Lan Ling.

Fang Naide could n’t help being dizzy!

don’t tell meDemon Emperor Lan Ling was really eliminated? Was it wiped out by the four giants without knowing it?

Demon Emperor Lan Ling is over, then Fang Naide will surely die!

Tian Daoqi ’s gaze became incredibly gloomy, saying one by one: “Fang Naide, what else do you have to say, you rebel, who is so determined, I can keep you, and Sky Temple ca n’t keep you!”

Next, Tian Daoqi‘s eyes were like electricity, and more than a thousand Heavenly Grave Priest were shot slowly: “Zhujun, where should I go?”

Tian Daoqi presided over the elimination of Demon Emperor Lan Ling, giving everyone an unparalleled shock, holding the power of extinction Demon Emperor, no one dared to face it with Heavenly Grave Priest.

Next, Tian Daoqi looked slowly: “Demon Emperor Lan Ling is over, then the entire Dragon Demon Planet is ours, and our energy is endless. Heavenly Grave veterans can enjoy life, Hahahaha ha …”

More than a thousand Heavenly Grave Priest were stunned, and then followed laughed heartily.

Hahahaha …”

Of course, Fang Naide‘s face is extremely ugly, and he is almost desperate.

But at this time, the dead Daoist Undying is poor, you can go to die with peace of mind, we still have great life enjoyment.

At this time, Kui Shuangshuang (Twin Viper) suddenly said: “Oh, go to do not be the first, nor the last one, the first bird will die.”

“Who said no?” Ning Wuya sneered.

Then, he raised his palms violently, saying one by one: “All the rebellions on the drift plaza, including Fang Naide, Ji Mengbai, etc., will be killed!”

“Following the order!” screamed in unison with hundreds of thousands of Temple Warrior.

More than a thousand Sub-King Level Heavenly Grave Priest, dozens of King Level Heavenly Grave Priest shouted in unison, awe-inspiring.

“Kill, kill, kill …”

Fang Naide and Ji Mengbai trembling, closing their eyes, almost losing the will to resist, despair!

And at this time …

The sky suddenly fell down a huge figure.

Actually, it turned out to be Demon Emperor Lan Ling!

“Hey, what are you doing? What are you playing with? Can I join?”


Note: The second one is sent to you, beg for support, beg for the monthly ticket, thank you great family!

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