World Destroying Demonic Emperor: 1015: Hiring Sky Temple! Zhi Yan secret!

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The next person brought in should be considered a big man.

The father of Huai Bingyi, the master of Tyrant Island.

Of course, he, too, must be double quoted. If Sky Temple successfully survives this disaster, Huai Bingyi will successfully become the next generation leader of Sky Temple.

But can the key Sky Temple survive this disaster? Not sure!

Moreover, when Sky Temple closed all the space entrances, Huai Bingyi even abandoned his own father, which was really cruel.

Of course, Ji Xiuning also abandoned his father Flame Emperor.

When the Tyrant Island master Huai Ningan knelt in front of Lan Ling, he seemed very calm.

“Your son Huai Bingyi is not like you.” Lan Ling said.

The master of Tyrant Island Huai Ningan said: “Your Majesty has good eyesight, Sky Priest Gu Ban has slept my wife and gave birth to Huai Bingyi. With my bloodline, it is probably impossible to give birth to such an excellent son Huai Bingyi.”

Oh, no wonder!

The power of the four major Secret Island and Tyrant Island is not the strongest, Monster Island and Hidden Island are the strongest. But only Huai Bingyi succeeded in making a splash in Sky Temple, and even such outstanding people as Ji Mengbai were marginalized. It turned out that it was for these reasons.

Huai Bingyi turned out to be the son of Gu Ban.

“Does Gu Ban have a woman in Sky Temple?” Lan Ling asked.

“It does.” Huai Ningan said: “It is an alternate Sky Priest. When I was young, the practice was too ruthless and too ruthless, so I lost my fertility.”

Lan Ling laughed: “In this way, when I hit Sky Temple in the future, I would grab my Gu Ban woman to let you sleep, and then put you to death after sleep, how?”

Huai Ningan was amazed, is this great emperor who has mastered the whole world, just like the sky and the sky, what do you want?

“Sinner knocks Xie Tianen, Long live your majesty, long live, long live!”


In less than two months after the Northern Expedition Human State, Demon Emperor Lan Ling occupied the entire territory of Human State, destroyed all countries and princes, destroyed all ground Divine Dragon Temple, and destroyed four Secret Island.

The entire Human State has more than 100 million square kilometers and a population of nearly 500 million, all falling into the hands of Lan Ling.

“His Majesty Dragon Emperor, His Majesty the Great Emperor Flame Dragon Empire, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live!”

On the day of September 13, Lan Ling announced in Flame Capital that Flame Dragon Empire was officially reinstated, and the second Dragon Emperor Lan Ling served as the Flame Dragon Empire emperor.

At this point, Lan Ling officially unified the entire world and became the co-owner of Demon Clan Territory and Human State,

In charge of Human State, Northern Wild, Southern Wild, a total of more than 500 million square kilometers of land and a population of more than 1.2 billion (the total of Demon Clan and humans)

He completed a career that E Tian Great Emperor, Eyun Great Emperor, Dragon Emperor did not complete.

Although the land of E Tian Great Emperor and Eyun (misfortune) succeeded in the northward expedition, it almost destroyed Human State, but unlike Lan Ling conquered Human State, it became the co-owner of two Divine Power plane.

As for Dragon Emperor? Although it has a complete Divine Dragon Nihility Bloodline, the merits are worse than Eyun Great Emperor. This Dragon Emperor is too soft-hearted.


In Water Prison!

Zhi Yan is pale, almost without blood, and lips are almost transparent.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty, restore Flame Dragon Empire of Dragon Emperor.” Zhi Yan trembled.

Lan Ling said: “Unfortunately the first king Zhi Bian is gone, but unfortunately Duke Zhi Ting is no longer here, otherwise I will definitely enclose him as the Empire Prime Minister.”

Zhi Yan said: “Although Uncle Zhi Ting is excellent, he can’t serve as Empire Prime Minister.”

“It doesn’t matter …” Lan Ling said: “I do what I want. Ordinary people die in a month in Water Prison. You haven’t died yet.”

Zhi Yan said: “Thank you, Your Majesty, for having your energy essence in my body, so always Undying.”

Lan Ling said: “I want to attack Sky Temple, what do you think?”

Zhi Yan Road: “First, the location of Sky Temple is unknown, it is a separate plane, usually entered and exited by Energy Channel, and once these channels are closed, it seems to be a world of complete isolation. Second, Sky Temple is now subject to Moon Temple Protection, there is a layer of energy shield, Moon Temple energy shield. Third, Sky Temple is a separate plane, not subject to the power of Dragon Emperor living plane of Demon Emperor. Fourth, Sky Temple uses Dragon Emperor Energy Heart to create a puppet, cultivation is very powerful. , On cultivation alone, can you break through Emperor Level? “

“Not yet.” Lan Ling said: “I inherited cultivation of Eyun Great Emperor, and then inherited Divine Dragon Nihility Bloodline, only blood, no cultivation. Because as you said, Dragon Emperor‘s cultivation has been taken away by Divine Dragon Temple.”

Zhi Yan said: “Your Majesty is in Human State and Demon Clan Territory, you do n’t need cultivation at all, you can use plane God’s power. But if you want to attack Sky Temple, you may need to rely on your own cultivation. If you ca n’t override Sky Temple on cultivation, there are some Trouble. “

Lan Ling said: “Have Dragon Emperor used to be Emperor Level cultivation?”

“Yes.” Zhi Yan Road.

“How is it possible?” Lan Ling said: “To a certain extent, Dragon Emperor is incompetent, and it is not as good as Eyun Great Emperor in terms of merit, how to achieve the Emperor Level strong?”

Zhi Yan said: “When His Majesty Dragon Emperor came out of the Demon Prison secret realm, it was a large Demon King level cultivation. Later he agreed to Divine Dragon Temple‘s petition, inherited the Dragon Emperor heritage, and obtained the complete Divine Dragon Nihility Bloodline and Emperor Level cultivation.”

Lan Ling said: “So, where did this Emperor Level cultivation and Divine Dragon Nihility Bloodline come from?”

“Ancestor Dragon Emperor.” Zhi Yan said.

Lan Ling narrowed his eyes: “That is to say, before this generation of Dragon Emperor, is there Dragon Emperor?”

“Yes.” Zhi Yan said.

Lan Ling said: “What about this ancestor Dragon Emperor?”

“Feathering into immortality.” Zhi Yan said: “After immortality, everything left behind, including Divine Dragon Nihility Bloodline and Emperor Level cultivation, was inherited by Dragon Emperor more than three thousand years ago.”

Lan Ling said: “That Dragon Emperor puppet, what is cultivation?”

Zhi Yan said: “Dragon Emperor puppet completely inherits all Strength of Dragon Emperor, but can not have Nihility Bloodline, so it can never become a Emperor Level strongman, probably Sub-Emperor Level, just like you.”

Lan Ling said: “So in Sky Temple, will I be suppressed by plane?”

“No.” Zhi Yan said: “You are Chaos Bloodline, of course not.”

Lan Ling said: “If I fight with that Dragon Emperor puppet, whoever wins will lose.”

“You will win.” Zhi Yan said: “Although both of you cultivation are Sub-Emperor, your bloodline should be noble two levels. Although there is no plane Divine Power blessing in Sky Temple, you are still stronger than Dragon Emperor puppet.”

Lan Ling said: “However, there are more than sixty King Level strongmen in the Sky Temple, and more than two thousand Sub-King, so it is not easy to say that there are many enemies and no one?”

Zhi Yan said: “You still ignore any of their attacks, but your army will suffer heavy losses after entering Sky Temple, it should be at a disadvantage and suffer heavy losses.”

Lan Ling said: “So, is it possible for Sky Temple to show someone who can hurt me?”

Zhi Yan said: “It should be impossible, unless Moon Temple sends an emissary. But this possibility is almost impossible. E Tian Great Emperor destroyed Sky Temple, and Moon Temple did not send half an emissary from beginning to end.”

Lan Ling said: “You said that once Sky Temple closes all entrances, it cannot be found and cannot be reached. So how did E Tian Great Emperor attack Sky Temple on that day?”

“Internal rape.” Zhi Yan said.

“Inner traitor?” Lan Ling said: “E Tian Great Emperor had an ambush early in Sky Temple?”

“Not really.” Zhi Yan said: “Instead, E Tian Great Emperor differentiates Sky Temple and promises surrender allegiance to some people.”

Lan Ling said: “So, Sky Temple is split internally?”

“Yes.” Zhi Yan said: “Because no matter how to ask for help from Moon Temple, there is always no response. And Sky Temple at that time was far less powerful than today. Although E Tian Great Emperor couldn’t find the plane entrance of Sky Temple, he kept shuttle Within the dark fissures, continually search for any clues to Sky Temple. Perhaps E Tian Great Emperor has harvested, making Sky Temple anxious, so there has been an internal split. Some people opened the Sky Temple entrance to welcome the arrival of E Tian Great Emperor. “

“As a result, E Tian Great Emperor killed all Sky Temple members?” Lan Ling asked.

“No, E Tian Great Emperor really accepted the allegiance of this group of people, probably occupying half of the members of Sky TempleZhi Yan said: “But after Sky Temple was wiped out, E Tian Great Emperor was about to attack Moon Temple and suddenly disappeared. The members who surrendered E Tian Great Emperor They rebelled one after another, and these people are the ancestors of Sky Temple members today. “

Lan Ling said: “So, are these Sky Temple members surrendering E Tian Great Emperor, is there fraud?”

Zhi Yan said: “I will not know this at all.”

Lan Ling said: “According to the normal trajectory, once Sky Temple closes all the energy outlets. Then I want to find Sky Temple, it will be very difficult?”

“Yes, just like finding a needle in a haystack.” Zhi Yan said: “In countless plane, looking for an plane is like looking for a grain of sand in countless beaches.”

This point of Zhi Yan is right. After Eyun Great Emperor wiped out the entire ground forces, it took Kung Fu Hustle to find the location of Sky Temple for several years.

“No wonder that after Sky Temple closed all plane entrances on that day, even the masters of Flame Emperor and the four major Secret Island can only stay on the ground and wait to die.” Lan Ling said: “So, can you get the information of Sky Temple in Underworld Sea? After all, Sky Temple People will die. “

“No.” Zhi Yan said: “Underworld Sea is the reflection of plane of the entire Dragon Demon Planet, while Sky Temple is outside the plane of the entire planet. Therefore, the people of Sky Temple die, but the energy will be retained and will not enter Underworld Sea . “

Lan Ling said: “That is to say, in the past countless years, Sky Temple has been extracting the energy of Dragon Demon Planet, but never feeds back, and never enters Underworld Sea for the energy cycle.”

“Yes.” Zhi Yan said: “So the energy of Human State is so weak.”

Lan Ling said: “Zhi Yan, what do you think is the best way to find the entrance to Sky Temple?”

Zhi Yan Road: “Surrender!”

“Recruitment?” Lan Ling said in surprise: “Like E Tian Great Emperor at that time, let Sky Temple internally differentiate and secretly open the plane entrance, making E Tian Great Emperor successfully attack?”

“Yes.” Zhi Yan said: “A large number of people have accumulated in the Sky Temple. They have failed in the struggle, were marginalized, and filled with resentment. So, as long as they surrender to Sky Temple, then a group of people will be tempted . Even if they dare not really rebel, they dare not really open plane to welcome you, but at least they will provide enough cover for the Hell Knight fourth. “

Lan Ling looked at Zhi Yan and pinched her pointed chin: “Zhi Yan, are you smart? Why didn’t you say anything in front of me at that time, as if you didn’t understand anything?”

Zhi Yan said: “Because you were not strong enough.”


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