Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 98: Battle Lizard Leader

Ye Cang noticed the leap from Lin Le, and the skill cd is almost the same. Before its leap, it chanted Tidal Wave, GreenDew also bypassed the obstacle from the side, casting magic cooperated, ThornyRose and others withdrew a few steps for it, two The impact of the water wave gun came again, and the two Bosss were completely crashed together and hit the stone pillar.

Lin Le is like a warrior who walks by the waves. He stepped on the stone pillar and closed it, throwing a dark moon blade downward, blood moon cut! Blood enters the column, Ye Cang turns into afterimage Dashing Straight Thrust again, pierces the head and side of the lizard Leader, straight straight thorns, Straight Thrust, quickly brings up several small caves, stepping on the stone pillar wall, the landing Lin Le rolls over, and stands up and pulls out Slash! Whirlwind Strike! “Brother Little White! Dodge!”.

Ye Cang looked at the dark moon whirlwind that was about to sweep, turning on the jewelry skills, Kilaris seamless combo, turned into a black shadow and brought a red mane shuttle around the two Boss, five deep and deep cuts Fall, blend with Lin Le’s Black Moon Cyclone, blood splattered everywhere, and finally fell behind Lin Le with the last blow turned upright, and then stepped back, took the two-handed sword to the back and buckled the sword, and took the long position. Bow, pull the arrow quickly with one hand, Precise Shot caught up, Zhang bow full of strings.

The cooperation between the two, gorgeous skills, Zhang Zhengxiong envy, attack skills, attack skills! ThornyRose is more shocked. This guy has a strange skill just now. It is a combo skill that can evade attacks and attack target at the same time. It reminds me of the only jewelry that was exchanged with the quartermaster. It turned out to be him. As long as he thought about it, his reputation was much higher than others.

While the two Bosss were weak, everyone surrounded them, FrozenCloud turned on profession equipment, martial arts special effects, and the body made a faint airflow burst. The speed increased a lot, and then launched his own sprint skills, Wolverine Strike, Triple Strike, sunken body, Shouryuukenn, put the lizard queen into vertical back, FrozenBlood raised eyebrows, this girl has good things, Strength, speed has increased a lot, this should be a temporary state, attacking the beastly beast Lizard Leader.

“Be careful! Leader is about to put skills !!” Little Ye Tian noticed that the lizards Leader, although they are all weak, but the brown energy of the body is swinging, countless Earth Spikes rises, Zhang Zhengxiong jumps away quickly, but is still rushed by the spike On the shoulder, HP dropped nearly 40, and everyone else hurriedly dodged.

NalanMoon did not receive any damage from several assassins, ThornyRose suffered a slight injury, only Zhang Zhengxiong suffered slightly. As for Ye Cang, it was removed when Little Ye Tian reminded, Lin Le did not know if it was good luck or how. Yes, Earth Spikes popped up beside him, just didn’t get him.

The queen in sternness screamed violently, and everyone burst into feeling numb. At this time, all the Earth Spikess burst into pieces and exploded into small stones. The siege and everyone in the Earth Spikes formation suddenly felt big shock, and they were going to suffer! !!

Ye Cang felt a huge decrease in blood volume, a piece of stone may be very low damage, but so many crosses, it is very horrible, quickly lay down and shot as little as possible to sacrifice potion.

A few people have fallen to the ground,

Zhang Zhengxiong quickly reached out to open holy text, a soft light swinged, and everyone who was shot and killed by the small stones after the explosion was instantly held up, and the damage received was also reduced a lot, which is considered to have passed this stage. , But it is only half of the blood.

Ye Cang is relieved, and the battle must end as soon as possible! Looking at the cd of all skills, there are still too few, is there only two consecutive shots and Magic Stealing?

ThornyRose is the same. This is the big move at the closing stage. Fortunately, the Shaking Bear guy has a trump card in his hand and is looking at the holy text classics, Priest? I was about to forget that his profession was working normally. I couldn’t help laughing and wrestling again and again, but I was able to get through it. There should not be such a terrible move in the back. I was stuck with a rushing cd connected to the queen who was about to leave the rigid, and the shield attacked leap. Rising straight to the front door, taking advantage of weakness, stun(ned) again, the long sword brought up two crossed sword glow, and the decent damage popped up.

SpyingBlade dived down and escaped the tail of the lizard Leader. It was very understatement and jumped up. Three afterimages danced on the hooked sword.

“Okis, spouse of Congratulations, you’ve killed Rock Lizard Leader, gained experience935.”

The rock lizard Leader screamed with sorrow and anger, and went violent!

“Furious!” Little Ye Tian reminded that the Light Shield blessed to ThornyRose, waving the wind blade of the monster bird and chicken, Ye Cang fired two consecutive shots, and turned on the shoes to accelerate, like a ghost around the side of the lizard Leader. Feather clothing, five feathers and feather blades flew out, three of them were stabbed, and two of them fell through. At the same time when turning around and throwing clothes, put the heavy long bow into the back, the sword was loosened, and the two-handed sword was pulled out again. , Straight Thrust! Strong wind is coming, not good! Mirror Image is left, but the hidden Ye Cang will be swept away.

The Ye Cang flying out looked at the remaining HP with less than 10, almost out of the scope of accidental injury, and detonated into two stages of doppelgänger/sockpuppet! explosion!

The rock lizard once again, FrozenBlood left his face in the water to wash his face, NalanMoon on the other side, reached out to block the water droplets from the attack, the two slipped across their belly.

FrozenBlood short sword pierced his heart, kicked upwards, and Double Strike struck again.

NalanMoon watched FrozenBlood occupy the fatal point of the heart. To his abdomen, the feather blade pulled up a long mark upwards, blood rushed out, drew out, and the bleeding blow passed across.

The two instantly caused a huge amount of damage, SpyingBlade smiled a little, did not go to make fun, and stepped back to cope with the walk and look for other opportunities.

Zhang Zhengxiong has no choice but to step back, temporarily take the role of treatment, always looking for opportunities, there is only one Boss, and you can’t hang up unexpectedly, quickly add blood to your blood, and get blood potion.

ThornyRose shield run under the Ye Cang’s tail sweep attack, step back a few steps, Lin Le’s dragged handcart, rushed in from the scattered water droplets, danced with a full handcart, Handcart Home Run out!

“Eat Me handcart!”

The fierce muffled sound, the rock lizard Leader was bombarded on the stone pillar, hit the fly again + stun(ned)!

The moment Ye Cang fell to the ground, he stood up and retracted his sword to take the bow. At the same time when he stood up, the arrow was already full of bows, and Precise Shot locked in again with a force.

The action of the Rock Lizard Leader is getting slower and slower. Although the attack has been greatly increased, the violent state may be a dangerous signal for most players, and for the first-line characters in profession players such as ThornyRose, NalanMoon, it is like a good news, most of them are violent It will make it lose its sanity. Although Attack is doubled, the attack law and speed are better grasped.

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