Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 96: Doubts of NalanMoon

Lele, you remember to keep Berserk, leaping fast, and blood moon cut, this set of combinations, at the right time I will let two Boss set, you seize the opportunity to hit hard.” ThornyRose whispers, Lin Le Slowly nod “I know.”

Everyone is ready. Ye Cang takes the lead. When he comes to the stone pillar, he reaches out the arrow and puts it on the bow. He can also say “Go in.”

“Up!” ThornyRose yelled low, and entered according to the points.

The lizard Leader and its spouse simultaneously noticed movement and made strange noises. 5,6 rock lizards crawled out in the low-lying small passages on both sides, killing several people.

ThornyRose frowned, and the prelude to summon small monster, more and more feeling numb was tired of “Return, focus first! GreenDew, PaleSnow, ready Tidal Wave.”

The crowd gathered not far from the exit and welcomed the dozens of lizards killed. Ye Cang and GreenDew stood at the forefront, with waves in their hands. NalanMoon looked at Ye Cang with a long bow and an arrow in his left hand, and casting magic in his right hand. Unexpectedly, a good all-round guy, not only has strong abnormal continuous recovery skills, but also attacks magic spell, but it feels a bit too complicated, even Ranger.

Two Water Cannons exploded, obviously the power of Ye Cang’s was much greater. GreenDew turned its knock-back and Ye Cang’s on the basis of it and directly knocked it over simultaneously. ThornyRose looked at Ye Cang with a strange look. His spell damage is so high! ? It is much higher than GreenDew. The previous water healing operation was puzzled. It is equivalent to the two continuous amounts of Little Tian. What are his spell power and Intelligence? It should be supported by special expertise, such as what attributes are affected by spell power, as well as the support of specific equipment.

NalanMoon is also shocked, his Magic Damage is so much higher than Mage! ? Almost doubled.

With the support of the magic spell of the two, everyone stood up and quickly resolved these rock lizards. The distant rock lizard Leader issued an angry hissing and the lizard queen swung the body, bringing up dust.

“According to the previous points! GreenDew is ready for magic, low life, and you will provide full support” ThornyRose watched Boss hurriedly shaking the ground, and included Ye Cang in remote full support, his magic spell ability is also very strong Although there are few skills, only one Tidal Wave, but this is a very good limiting skill. Let ’s stop, signal Zhang Zhengxiong to pick up the monster, and rushed up, the two teams greeted separately.

Ye Cang lifted the left hand holding the bow and arrow, filled it with the right hand, Precise Shot was ready to go, and constantly judged the timing. Little Ye Tian analyzed the trajectory for GreenDew, and also provided Ye Cang with a speed and the next two seconds. Approximately, Lightshield’s chanting began to read ahead.

Zhang Zhengxiong remembered my own holy text tome, only Minor Healing Light, so the store records two in it, no need casting magic, no need to consume, it is almost as secure as bringing two bottles of instant potion, let alone There is also the skills of holy text. Looking at the lizard Leader raising his mouth corner, FrozenCloud hurriedly said, “Don’t run into it!” This guy is bold and not ordinary. If he is Barbaric Tackle directly, he will suffer.

Zhang Zhengxiong didn’t return to her. She turned her back to a stone pillar and slammed up. The lizard Leader opened her mouth and bumped it. She rushed sideways and swept over. The lizard Leader smashed the stone pillar, stopped slowly, Zhang Zhengxiong climbed up, and ran wild Go, roar, Barbaric Tackle! Holding the shield against his waist, he knocked it back several meters away and fell into stun(ned).

Catch the Queen’s ThornyRose with clever energy, and can’t help but lament the boldness of the Zhang Zhengxiong, a natural duel player, very good at brutal gladiatorial scenes. The key is that this guy looks like five big and three rough, reckless, in fact, otherwise, if you really want to describe, The top tank has the same physique as imposing manner, and has the same technical response as the top assassin. Such a good newcomer with the potential of a superstar, as a result, chose a Priest and also used it as a mallet. The key is that the effect is better than himself. It is the unquestioned main tank in the regiment. Hey, I leaned over to avoid the sweep of the tail, and a flying arrow whistled in my ear, and penetrated into the eyes of the lizard queen accurately. That guy is also, Heavy-Type long-range shooter, and Magic Damage is higher than Mage, what freaks, if focus one item, how good.

The mourning rose again, and the lizard queen roared endlessly.

NalanMoon ca n’t help but look at Zhang Zhengxiong. Good tanks, a team, and how important a good tank is. It ’s all known. It plays a vital role in conquering Boss. Taking advantage of the opportunities created by Ye Cang The feather blade took a **** blow, drew into the abdomen, Double Strike, pulled back to avoid stepping, FrozenBlood shifted up, and it is also a set of output, but even the abdomen, its defense is abnormally high, resulting in a very limited damage, On the contrary, the damage with Ye Cang‘s eye is very amazing, and the guy’s damage is not low.

The NalanMoon who walked away looked at the SpyingBlade‘s attack, evasion, and attack. If the FallingStar Pavilion is also in Really New Village, it is estimated that there is a good show. This guy has always been a mystery, and the origin is very simple. According to what I know For some unknown news, he should have been a couple with FallingStar‘s Boss · CompassionateStar. He also helped her get on Guild Master in the last season. It can be said that it is the biggest contributor to helping CompassionateStar in FallingStar, but I do n’t know Why did he break completely, and he appeared in a cleansing meeting, CompassionateStar hated him very much, but it was strange that every time she asked him for trouble, she would never kill him, wanted only to report the position, this guy never accepted the reward of assassination CompassionateStar Gold quest, then he changed from Virtual World China Top Ten Assassin’s DarkBlade to Bounty Hunter · SpyingBlade, which has always been a mystery, and SpyingBlade is the one who dared to defeat the first Assassin · HeavenBlessed with China, and it all came to an end. Super newcomer · Shadow of Madness · DarkBlade, no more than 5 people know this thing, most people think it is DarkBlade Retired, and he also inadvertently learned from PureSoul, he and CompassionateStar in the end what happened? .

Lin Le took advantage of the lizard Leader‘s stun(ned) status and cut it straight. Although it could not reach the beheading blow of anger, but the opportunity should not be missed.

ThornyRose secretly said, the beheading was successful.

The lizard queen heard the scream of Leader, roared, the ground began to shake, and several people retreated, it was at casting magic! Too fast to interrupt! !! At this time, on some steep ground, the Earth Spikes suddenly popped up, quickly moved to avoid the puncture of Earth Spikes, looked at the one meter high Earth Spikes in front of me, and watched the queen separated by Earth Spikes not far away to support the lizard Leader All kinds of hurry to chase through the terrain restrictions.

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