Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 914: Commander

“Things are more severe than imagined … Sage PaleSnow in Goddess City, what do you think?” Lu Jiaxi was even more jealous of Agaros and the city lord than those present.

“Be prepared for the war and the northern expedition, and do the intelligence work at the same time. There is not much communication in the desert for hundreds of years. The situation over there is very strange. As the leader of the Heifeng Mountains that is also the barrier of the mainland on the north front, I The territory supply will be fully opened, and Meynos will also supply a lot of military supplies. On the other side, I can also prevent danger at sea, and let Alabachia tribe occupy the coastal area around the rear view. As a surprise attack force, you do n’t need to worry at sea. No one can dare to oppose us on the sea, and the sea giants ca n’t do it. ”Ye Cang said here with a confident smile, it is not a lie, Alabachia is a hegemonic intelligent creature at sea, and it is only the sea giant. In addition, Little Ye Tian developed the Magic Crystal injection device. The speed of Alabachia‘s fishmen in the water is turned on, and the speed is terrible.

Although Garza doesn’t want to admit it, the seal people are not the opponents of the endless sea darling Alabachia in the water. The entire deep sea is almost a paradise for them and sea giants, but the overlords in the East China Sea are the mermaids and Naga.

“I thank the King of the North for you,” Sagaon laughed.

Kayron brow raised, oh boy, don’t you think. . .

“Little ghost …” Salion also smelled the ambition of secretly said, no matter how senior you are here, but he said that the control of the sea line is really important in some respects.

“Choose the commander immediately, this problem is solved, and then we will talk about the specifics of the natural disaster …” Liu / Mao Xun yawned, “If you vote, I will vote for Master Mai.”

“Here is only Her Majesty Kailon of Seven Luminaries Empire, and of course Her Majesty Sagaon is also eligible.” Claire said.

“I don’t have anything to say about the Pope, Seven Luminaries‘s little ghost, forget it, you are exactly like your dad, you have no shame.” Saline laughed.

“Old dog, do you still have the strength to go to the desert expedition?” Claire sneered.

Salion suddenly broke into trouble, and Velari reached out and stopped his fist. The tiger’s mouth cracked and slipped back a few steps. He shook his hand and instantly healed. You can eat him, but you can’t hit him … “

“………” Everyone, Ye Cang froze a bit, she said it makes sense.

“Okay, Salion, I apologize to you on behalf of me, or let go of the two countries’ grievances temporarily, and say after the natural disaster.” Kailong let Claire back down.

“If you want to choose the commander, I only recognize the PaleSnow city owner, not him, this time when I did not come.” Meynos did not care, looked at his nails and laughed.

“Gukara, Dodorasa! Chia!” Abado patted the table.

“He said that he meant something like Meynos,” Ye Cang translated.

“………” Everyone looked at Ye Cang again for a while and was speechless. How did you translate it?

“I also choose Sage PaleSnow as the commander.” Garza showed teeth.

“The mysterious realm will be your backing, Lord Sage.” Agaros.

“I … hey, I also choose PaleSnow city master.” Lu Jiaxi saw Agaros’s eyes, sighed, can’t afford to provoke, irritable.

“The subordinates of the six gods count only one vote.” Salion looked at Agaros, Vandal Dragon Soul, Jedi Ranger · Linda, and Feng Quan all voted.

“I also chose him as chief commander.” Kailong spread his hands.

“You …” Salion didn’t understand, then looked at Sargaon.

Sargan looked to Ye Cang, how did this guy get Arsenosh to persuade the spirit of water to intervene in the natural disaster, of course, the thing that Kyle would also intervene Ye Cang did not know “I agree.”

“I choose him too.” Jasius nodded at the table.

“And me,” said Lin Le, plugging Lu Lili’s ear with a stopper.

“………” Vijayn, this boy doesn’t know how horrible the chairman is? The three generations of Holy Church have eaten ravioli in her hands.

Temple of Darkness‘s actress, Udis, always said nothing, but looked at Ye Cang, gave a snorting cry to Sagaon and gave up voting.

Ye Cang did not expect Sagarn to choose himself. As long as he comes forward, his chance of being elected is very small. Several major churches and associations will choose him. He basically chooses himself. Salion stares closely at Ye Cang. , And finally sighed, “Where is the Deputy Commander?”

“I recommend Salion Marshal …” Sagarn’s words made Karon look at him in confusion, but the person who thought that the commander was Seven Luminaries did not say anything, and Sagarn’s purpose was simple. There must always be a battle-hardened person among commanders. Here is only him who is the most suitable. The 500-year-old border Marshal, and the Elf Queen, Seven Luminaries Empire, and Beastmen South Expedition to the grassland, all his life in the war. There are no children and no children, and some are just their own merits and glory.

Ye Cang recruited temporary guards with the guards, recruited Little Mar, Little Ye Tian, Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le, LordAsked, FlameEmperor, CloudDragon and other people to participate in the parliament. Standing behind them, Little Ye Tian obtained through intelligence Out of his own drawn map, Salion wanted to scold Ye Cang, but he saw the map’s sights attracted to him. The strategic drawing is very beautiful. The general division is similar to what he thinks, but he lacks actual combat experience, and soon I discussed the specific division in the desert with Little Ye Tian. On the other side, Sagaon was a little concerned about why he recruited the Mar bishop knight and thought that both were Half-Elf. It is estimated that the bishop knight Black Rock City Mar helped him a lot.

Little Ye Tian was recognized by Salion, and boldly presented a blueprint in front of everyone. “Our city of Goddess intends to build two supply lines, ground tracks and empty boat stations, but we must find the first suitable one. Oasis, in the information of the elders of Linda, the oasis disappears very quickly. Now the only remaining oasis is far away from Death Canyon, so an extra force needs to be sent to search for the most suitable first supply station recently. And I found a word ‘Paradise Garden’ from the literature and letters they brought back. I think this is a key word, do you know? “

“Ian Safi?” Sagain said.

“Hmm.” Little Ye Tian was indeed the word before Ye Cang was translated.

“Legend is the residence of war Goddess · Rosely, Paradise Garden · Ian Safi, the Holy See’s literature on the origin of the Great Desert has been recorded. Originally, the Great Desert was a very rich place, but people were too Conviction to war and be deserted After everything, the land gradually desertified, the crops gradually disappeared, and finally turned into a desert. The entire desert became a sandy and windy zone. Until the surviving people forgot the heavenly ladder and heaven garden, and the war Goddess, the oasis was slowly Appears in the great desert … “Sagaon remembered a history book about the origin of Iscafanda. Sagaan did not show impatience with this little Knight Captain.

“The Holy Land has become forbidden …” Lane murmured.

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