Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 793: The Guards

Ye Cang with perfect night vision is the first to go down. Although it is dark inside, there are dim lights at intervals, exquisite patterns are painted on the wall pillars, and the Ye Cang at the end of the spacious corridor is feeling a recovery. The sense of danger caused everyone to stop Mark of the Wild. Hidden to give themselves, plus the concealed breath effect of the cloak to move forward from the shadow of the crevice, because he noticed that the ray of light can reflect himself, and at the end is the tomb entrance. In the hall, eight vertical coffins are placed in eight regular corners. There is a small platform in the center, and there are three traps inside. The small platform has a dark grid mechanism. Write down the image to avoid the gloom. When the light is weak and when the light is strong, everyone looks at the Ye Cang hiding from the air. “How?”

Ye Cang placed the terrain inside, Little Ye Tian began to quickly make a three-dimensional holographic map of scene restoration. “There is enough space inside, and the eight coffins are tentatively all Boss. After entering the entrance, I mark it clockwise and output the first time set. The fire has the characteristics of magic system, especially in melee and tanks, we are still lacking, but Uncle Liu is also very good in their equipment. It should be OK for three people to pull one, and Paladin can suppress the undead system.

Little Ye Tian began to allocate tanks. According to the location of the coffin, the estimate at 12 o’clock is the ‘master’ position. Zhang Zhengxiong noted it down, and the rest was quickly allocated. Little Wang also summoned the pressure of mire elements to share the pressure. As for the other Little Ye Tians to pay attention to, no more information was obtained, and it was decided to say on the spot. Everyone passed out a glare light, looked back at the darkness, and finally entered the hall. The entrance door was blocked by the gloom enchantment.

“Ready!” Ye Cang placed all the totems in the rosary, pulled out the Arcane Blade, and began to sing, “The warriors are all in front of the array! Pro !!!!”

Ye Cang opens the mystery magic spell.

The blue mystery light envelopes his eyes, ThornyRose rolls his eyes, and the magic spell instantly has to add a spell. This guy will not die if he doesn’t pretend to be x. . .

The lid of the sarcophagus started to fall, and eight tall dwarfs Zombie opened the blue both eyes. At 12 o’clock, the dwarf heavy armor with dual-armed tomahawks, and at 3 o’clock, the Priest costume dwarf with shield scepter. 9 The point position is a dagger but not an ordinary dagger, but a Mage dagger. LordAsked charged directly to Pursuit.

“I am the King of the Imperial City Guard Guard Team Leader! King of the Holy Land !!! Stepper !!! Dead !!!” The Guard Guard Team Leader at position 12 jumped out with a roar, Zhang Zhengxiong directly went up and chopped. The force made Zhang Zhengxiong stick out very close to the ground, and the weapons almost flew out. HP lost 15%, secretly said. This is still damage, which was blocked by itself. Pick up the war halber and attack again. Liu Suncao decisively Chose the female dwarf Mage siege tune / play.

Ye Cang directly marked the Mage dwarf, and the site could not perform too much group attack. He took out the heavy Ballista spiral Meteor Shot in place, directly entered the dwarf Mage, and nailed it back into the coffin. Quickly filled it with the other hand. An Austrian pulse hit the hidden dwarf thief with an impulse pulse and knocked it out of hiding. Numerous arcane missiles exploded from its body and then surged back.

CloudDragon took advantage of the opportunity to make Sword Finger, and instantly hit the back of the dwarf thief like a flash of lightning, hitting the back of the dwarf thief, the left palm hit, and the thunder broke! Second paragraph Thunderbolt! Overlord elbow! Shake hands, seven consecutive stars Sword Finger, Feiyan! Wuyan feet! Decapitation kick! Ascending Dragon Kick! Ben Lei Shan! Qi Energy Dantian One Dollar Cannon! Tiger Xiaoshan Forest! Guiyuan collapses!

The one-on-one combo made FrozenCloud lament this. It was absolutely impossible for him to do so seamlessly, but he had to be honest as a tank. He ran from the other side to catch the dwarf thief, and he posted it! Wyvern Kick! Wolverine Strike! Qi Energy Dan Tian · Bright combo! The sickle whirlwind kicks!

Zhang Zhengxiong turned around to avoid a beheaded kill. The Little Toad responsible for holding a dwarf Warrior hit dwarf Warrior on the wall after a series of leap and left. Stepping on the wall dwarf Warrior like a shell, A sneak attack came from the other side, a sacred slap in the face of the guard Team Leader broke into rigidity, a joy in Zhang Zhengxiong, opportunity! Immediately opened Shenghui Blade, silver flames covered with halberds, Holy Judgement! War Halberd and Dance, the final judgment of the critical hit was successful, entered stun(ned), and knock-back, and then took a step back, pounding Huanglong! The Slime ring triggers with super variable speed. It hits the wall directly at the speed like teleport, and it jumps, and Thunder hits! !! The war halberd inserted from its eyes, Little Toad Qi Cheng Dan Tian once again jumped back to the Warhammer Dwarf Warrior, and when flying out, he did not forget to spit the Holy Light and thick sputum bullets on the nailed head of the guard Team Leader. Above, the green smoke rushed straight, and the dwarf Warrior who just woke up here was pressed by his face to hit his face crazy again.

SpyingBlade lamented that Little Toad changed / morphed while slashing Magician dwarf, Priest and Magician had no chance to cast magic. It was stolen, interrupted, countered by Ye Cang under the recognition of the mysterious eyes, VastSea Cooperating with Tiger-kin Little Lei and pulling the two shield guards to play, and the holy water bottle continuously weakened the undead breath of the two shield guards, and Lin Le side was smashed by Priest with doppelgänger/sockpuppet near Priest, and then used pupillary sight The Lin Le transferred (single skill and middle person will regard Lin Le as invisible target) with handcart overturned to the ground with various smashes.

Magician The dwarf was killed in the first place, but the news of the death did not come. The broken body was enveloped by the dark light and stood in front of the three of Liu Sun and Cao. Liu Bei sighed. “It seems you think we The fate is not over, I’ll send you a ride. “

Priest was also killed by panting Lin Le, but it is the same, it will be restored soon, ThornyRose and others secretly said, not good, it is conditional killing! You must know what the killing conditions are! ?

“Kill clockwise! Kill counterclockwise! If you can’t create conditions and kill at the same time! If not, let’s talk.” Little Ye Tian quickly concluded and shouted.

“I agree with the little girl, but we will kill them at the same time, because we still have a lot of power and we still can do it, first meet this condition and try it.” The experienced VastSea tumbling to avoid two The shield’s pinch and interrupted one of them intending to charge from a distance to NalanPureSoul in the casting magic output.

Little Ye Tian secretly said, he is very experienced, indeed he said yes, killing at the same time is preferred, after clockwise, counterclockwise, even if he has the ability, it is not as easy to achieve the conditions of killing at the same time now, decisively “output control damage, clockwise output, must not be killed, and finally killed at the same time! Father, PureSoul brother, the final simultaneous output to you, it is estimated that two tanks will be killed, but don’t hesitate.

The mud of Little Wang was quickly slashed by the dwarf of the big sword Warrior. Tiger-kin Little Lei took over the two blades while resisting, and did not fight hard. It waited for Little Wang to sing and summon the mire element again, while Yu Guang was watching VastSea. The trend, always ready to help, and Nightmare Deer monster Little Meng and Weak Sauce dance in the corner, ready to support at any time, sometimes Ye Cang think again, why did n’t you insert that Lesser Devil with one shot, and sighed deeply, “Hurry and help! Or stew you!” ! “.

Wu Na also helped control the Tomahawk dwarf with the ice magic and sighed, “I feel like I’m not half as good as Little Lei …”

hey hey, this team seems to be able to play Little Lei with duel. Only Team Leader and Little Toad are estimated …” NalanPureSoul ashamed.

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