Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 416: Three Goddess

“The blessing of Congratulations, you’ve obtained Goddess Jam, Perception + 3, Mental Immunity + 2%, and a certain chance to obtain a botanical skill, because Goddess Jam is very satisfied with your achievements for liberating her, specially bless you

Congratulations, you have comprehended skills Wind of Hundred Flowers

Wind of Hundred Flowers (Jam.Beginner): Sing 3 bars (about 2 seconds), blow the Hundred Flowers phoenix full of healing energy to the range target, make the range target allies, restore 7 HP per second, random remove one Negative state of continuous blood loss (need to be determined), lasting 20 seconds, consuming mana: 35, Cooldown Time: 20 minutes.

Congratulations, you’ve obtained extra blessing, master the implantation of Jam

Implantation of Jam (Jam.Beginner).

Jam. Planting: The seeds of the gathering plant line can be found, identified, and cultivated.

Jam. Acceleration: It can be launched on large-scale planting plants to reduce their growth cycle (it only speeds up, and it can’t be superimposed. Plants in the same range only receive the effect once, lasting until the end of maturity period).

Ye Cang is very satisfied. Planting and own cooking is just an official match. The effect in your hands is not only 1 + 1 = 2, or 1 + 1 + 3, but 1 + 1 + n! Full of infinite possibilities!

Everyone looked at Ye Cang‘s buried feeling numb smile, and he was thinking of something madness .

At this time, the light in the temple was masterpiece, three Goddess doppelgänger/sockpuppet appeared in front of everyone, NextDoorOldWang looked dumb, it was indeed the wildness of three Goddess, Anya, the solemnity of Mallow. Jam is fresh, Lin Le instantly measures the three cups of Goddess `cups and divides them into f, d +, e in order.

“Warriors. Thank you for liberating our sister’s palace in Black Peak Mountain Range. If possible, I hope you will help restore the appearance of the temple, let it return to the prosperity of the past, and let us continue to protect the people of Black Peak Mountain Range ….Jam Jiao`s panting gradually subsided.

Jam, the Prosperous Canyon is now trapped with zerg bugs. It is imperative that only the warriors call for more warriors to clear up there,” said Anya.

Anya is right. Will the warriors be willing to clean up the prosperity canyon and build repairs for us?” Mallow looked at everyone seriously.

Ye Cang figured it out, the reward must be very generous, but not to mention cleaning up the Death Canyon. It is to build and repair three temples. This is almost a project of three Bal Villages. Can you manage it yourself? A glance at the financial Little Tian consultation.

Little Ye Tian weighed and nodded.

“Honest Ye Cang took over quest.

“Congratulations on your taking on the epic quest” The Recovery of Nature Three Goddess “, rebuilding the temple for them, recruiting believers, and cleaning up the worms and evil creatures in the Death Canyon to liberate them. quest Limited time: None, reward: unknown”

“Recruit Ye Cang frowned slightly. The competition between the Black Rock City associations is so fierce. You have been quiet for nearly a thousand years and you have to join in the excitement. I feel that there is no competitiveness. “Black Rock City. Most associations have ….` who teaches skills.”

“No matter, we have already returned here. The descendants of the core people who have been sheltered by us have received our call and will come to help you recruit believers Mallow smiled.

Little Ye Tian understands what she meant, and it is indeed God. Just like when a star always has a lot of diehards, not to mention the three Goddess should be even after the temple was destroyed. I still do work and blessings for these diehards and their descendants, so to speak. Such a force should be the kind that the family has believed in for generations, even if it is secretly “the temple appears abnormal, Goddess adults, do you know what is going on?”

The three women shook their heads.

Little Ye Tian said something in the literature, the three women simultaneously frowned, Anya raised an eyebrow “I knew it was the ghost of the Sha Qina sect ….

Little Ye Tian knows a little, it is a large sect in the desert. The Goddess he believes in is Sha Qina, an Goddess known for being cruel, devious, and ruthless. The three Goddess Temples were destroyed, and most of the believers were killed. The desert has not been in contact for hundreds of years. In addition, Seven Luminaries Empire and Steel Empire have been fighting, and there is no time to take care of ... Black Rock City is basically laissez-faire to Black Peak Mountain Range. All associations do not want to slap this rotten bone. The original prosperity valley has become the death now Canyon .

“Sooner or later I will report it, but not now Mallow sneered.

Ye Cang is still thinking about how to promote, increase competitiveness, take a deep breath to enter its ‘one second to decide things’ state, lose one hand raise one’s head for one second, and immediately have results, came to the three Goddess “three Lord Goddess, please come closer to

Three Goddess doubts together. Ye Cang allows Onuo to tear off his clothes and expose it almost half a ball, blocking Mallow‘s waist, and then let Jam reach over Anya‘s buttocks, staring at the chest of Anya‘s wonderful man. Back, and then let the three women violently expose as much as possible. For the anger of San Goddess, Ye Cang sighed and explained to San Goddess with pure expression. Now male believers like this. What is the meat marketing tactic is invincible Tactic! Then started a serious flicker, what is no way to catch up with the times, what is also for the temple, can learn from the world, plus a Ye Cang’s professional nursery. Lin Le, facing Ye Cang innocence, opening his mouth as if it were out of the world The admiration eyes of the master, the three Goddess were nodded and apologized to Ye Cang. After that, Ye Cang let Wu Na, FrozenCloud, SpyingBlade, the three art-learning starters to draw (NPC), and he was like a photographer in various poses Take a photo with a virtual camera (for players).

NextDoorOldWang and Zhang Zhengxiong opened their mouths and stared at Ye Cang. They solemnly held the right f of Anya to a certain position, and said in a professional tone. Laugh at ! Good! “

Ye Cang took out the picture like a picture “how?”

The fanatical Anya nodded shyly. Instead, Ye Cang frowned and said, “No! Come again! Do you want to let go and know !? That shows your wild taste! Not a kitten !!! One more! “

“Put your chest here, and smile at me, you must have the wild flavor peculiar to you.” Ye Cang demonstrated again on his own hands, his expression was serious and professional, Anya had a bit of brain Can’t turn around, show again as Ye Cang said.

“Nice Ye Cang turned the photo into a painting and showed her again. Anya was also somewhat satisfied. She was really beautiful.

“Are you so afraid of no believer in such a beautiful poster?” Ye Cang said with a light smile on the work, and said that his high-b smile like his own child made Anya blush a little and nodded The rest of the two Goddesss were also somewhat Ana, and they asked for posters.

Wu Na is a little bit crying. This guy seems to be serious, no matter what he does. He is not a familiar person, and really thinks he is a good character. (To be continued)

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