Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 359: Giant Blade Warrior promotion

“Destroy in the absence of light.” Bakaraza brought a helmet and a sword and clasped his hands. ∈↗

“Stupid .., this second line, Lele will not be used as a child.” Lin Le shoulders a huge blade, his left hand turned his eyelid and made a face.

…. …. …. …. ..ThornyRose a few females froze a bit, so sharp sarcasm + spit.

Bakalasa roared, turned into black light and appeared in front of Lin Le. The backhand of Lin Le was a hand-knife coming first, stopping his sword’s power-strengthening hand, and taking his knees to bump, The withdrawal force suddenly pulled down, and the hilt struck the knee instantly. As soon as Lin Le gritted its teeth, the movement speed reduced its posture. Holding the right hand carrying the huge blade and hitting the homeopathy hilt on its shoulder, hit it back two steps, although Bakaraza and Lin Le are both heavy weapon players, but if they are divided, Lin Le is two sizes larger than Barakasa. They are super Heavy-Type weapon players. Strength is a better grade than Barakasa, but Speed ​​is a lot worse in other areas.

The two-step distance, Lin Le ahoge stood up, with a very sharp edge “giant beheading !!”

Bakalassa coldly smiled. The giant blade crossed his body as if looking in the air. There was no ripple. Ye Cang frowned. “That’s fake, it really should be on the back of Lele. “

ThornyRose also vaguely noticed that looking at the challenge trial, I was a little unwilling. If I challenged, I would be promoted. I shook my head and I was not ready. This is self-knowledge. I still have it. I It is not like these guys have almost demon-like abilities, watching someone in the club come in, it is SpyingBlade, he looks like an ordinary person, without even special training. But his terrible state of mind that he plans to exercise his life at any moment is his biggest weapon. No one dares to underestimate him. From watching his promotion to trial, he knows that the more desperate, this kind of people burst The more terrible Strength is, the same is HeavenBlessed . From the beginning of the teasing to the end of his anti-killing, his face was wiped out, and even clever MistyVeil suffered a big loss. He underestimated the SpyingBlade who just debuted and was assassinated and hated FallingStar. At that time, the FallingStar was very strong. Ying, his cooperation with CompassionateStar is very dazzling. Known as a super star of Heavenly King class, but the good times are not long , but now he and CompassionateStar make up, no, CompassionateStar must be thinking about digging people, shit, how to leave SpyingBlade .

The newly arrived SpyingBlade watched ThornyRose stare straight at her, her eyes glowing green, and some scalp feeling numb shook her body. Turn around and look at the challenge scene.

Lin Le is in a big disadvantage, and it is suppressed by Bakarasa, who is speed-oriented. Unable to make a sword, he can only free up his hands to launch boxing, hand-knife, and palm-like small general skills from time to time. Facing the oncoming black light beheading, Lin Le had to block his sword. Shouting forcibly pushed it away, then skipped a step “You bullied Lele so much, Lele fight with you!”

Lin Le throws off all the body armor except the ring and necklace like a kid, and wears a pair of triangle underwear`, barefoot. Rushing with a giant blade, ThornyRose covered his forehead “Lele started to lose his temper again, and the armor was lost. This is the rhythm to give up”.

“In contrast, Lele should know that he ca n’t win as long as he is carrying that case. He simply chose the strong man to break his wrists, cut off the defense and attack bonuses brought by all armor, and chose a substantial increase in body speed. With that super Heavy-Type weapon, Attack is enough SpyingBlade shook his head.

“As SpyingBlade said, you see what Lele has been following the rhythm of the Upper Baka.” Zhang Zhengxiong nodded.

“Look at Ye Cang smiled indifferently.

The situation has reversed, Lin Le has the upper hand, the same speed, but the repression brought by Lin Le’s weapons is very strong.

Lin Le opened its own crazy dog ​​mode, utterly unscrupulous Wild Blows slashed, watching SpyingBlade, ThornyRose and others were shocked. Lele launched fiercely compared with Shaking Bear, it feels irritable because the contrast is too great.

Limit Break Ultimate got ..SpyingBlade looked at Baccarassa, which was restrained everywhere, and the big sword almost blown off in his hands emits a strong black light “Floor ….

The venue was immediately swallowed by black light, and all the vision disappeared. Lin Le felt that he was still bleeding .

“It’s hard to fight. These are out of sight. Even if Bakarasa can’t come out, Lele will be devoured by black light. ..ElegantFragrance is a bit worried.

“Well, Giant Blade Warrior has no detective and vision skills, it is not good to play …..” ThornyRose just nodded, Lin Le had ahoge on top of his head, and turned to the left like a pointer. Lin Le pretended to turn his body slowly to the right. As soon as ahoge moved, it was suddenly a powerful hilt strike with a strong charge, but in an instant, he dashed away from the slash, hitting the face of Bakarasa who came from the silent attack, and turned in a rigid stun(ned). Karratha’s neck “Ultimate. Smash Star!”

The black light dissipated, and the venue was restored. Bakarasa was cut into two sections by a single blow and only wearing Lin Le in triangle underwear. He raised his chin, carried a huge blade, put his left hand on his waist, and his nose was breathing heavily. “Know the end of bullying Lele, .”

ThornyRose‘s mouth is wide, and SpyingBlade is also stunned. How did he determine the position of Bakarasa? And it is obvious that it is not only determined, but also a clear understanding of his movements. Otherwise, it is impossible to hit the face of someone with a hilt at that time, but also to avoid the deadly black light. It is incredible to complete the one-shot kill of the Jedi Inversion.

“I just seemed to see his ahoge moved ,” FrozenBlood said.

“Is it really something like a radar detector?” ElegantFragrance murmured, pinching his chin, then flushed slightly.

“Player HappyAndCheerful successfully completed the promotion challenge! Giant Blade Warrior was promoted from S-Rank to SS Rank!” Virtual World Notice.

The virtual world suddenly boiled, all wiped my eyes and looked at the announcement. Giant Blade Warrior completed the promotion challenge! ? CloudDragon can’t help but wonder, that Lele is not simple .

Lin Le felt a burst of light, so warm, a voice came, whether to abandon all armor, Lin Le did not think about it, yes.

ThornyRose watched the armor of Giant Blade Warrior turned into scrap iron and finally turned into ashes, and the giant blade was again one size large, full of faintly visible writings, and Lin Le as the body of Giant Blade Warrior, except for the three `corner underwear None. Even the necklaces and rings were discarded. Finally, the shameful three-corner **** disappeared in the light, leaving the mosaic Giant Blade Warrior, carrying the giant war blade. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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