Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1298: Taunt from Lin Sen

Lin Sen and Ye Cang can feel that this Fire Arrow-tall giant is very scary. Although it looks the same as ordinary zombies, the scary thing is that it has thought Intelligence, which is the most scary.

The hands and feet on the ground wall where the teeth and claws were originally on the side suddenly swelled and all came. They moved on the polyps like a conveyor belt and swept across the polyps like waves.

Ye Cang’s all the tentacles stick out on the polyp, waving and cutting continuously, but these things not only have not become less, but more and more, the new giant hand emerges from the ground of polyps at the moment of cutting, Lin Sen pulse storm It ’s just like boiling soup and frothing, the lifted polyps spread again, and the giant did n’t even move, just watching the two people not far from tangling with their body parts, and stepping on the meat to begin with The flesh links and raises his fist and punches downwards.

Ye Cang can’t feel the trajectory. A giant fist rises from the ground flesh instantly. It is almost the moment when the punch is dropped. The protruding fist hits Ye Cang. At speed and Strength, it directly beats Ye Cang into meat. foam. .

Lin Sen Looking at the speed of this punch secretly said, too fast, without warning. .

The Ye Cang, which was beaten into a smashed ground, was rolled by the tentacles, the disk was in it, and the tentacles were quickly released. The Ye Cang intact magic girl’s body fell again, and her eyes passed through countless hands and feet to see the giant Action, and then looked at those eyes on the flesh, which is almost a dead end insight into all their actions, if those eyeballs can really see.

The giant stretched out a finger and inserted it into the flesh. Ye Cang lost once, but a thick finger poked it in half from the bottom of his head to the top of his head. .

“Go at high altitude !!! Otherwise you can’t react !!!” Lin Sen thinks there is something wrong with this speed. Even the speed of light can be avoided under the premonition, but this speed is actually not as fast as light. .

Ye Cang once again reshaped the body from a tentacle, immediately spread his wings and reached hundreds of meters above the sky. Just looking down, the hunch immediately folded his wings and bowed his waist, and his huge fist wiped his face. However, the flesh on his face was rubbed off. . An anger lurking deep in the gene was calling him, took out the small round mirror and looked at his flesh-faced face suddenly screamed “My face !!! Ah! What have you done !!! You can put I ’m beaten into a meat sauce, you can kill me, you can devour it! You can even endlessly chase me !!! But !!! You ca n’t come up and ruin my face !!! Just like this, it ’s a priority to destroy the face. This is the magic girl The biggest insult !!! “

“In fact, I just ca n’t let you know. Seeing, ‘Caution’ is all about your injured face. Before that, I was curious. Sometimes AOE will also hurt your face, but this magic girl, my face The effect seems to have certain conditions. First, you can’t hurt yourself. Second, you need to know what your face looks like now. The worse the effect, the stronger it will be. “Lin Sen secretly analyzed, then it is’ know ‘,’ Face injury ‘, which will affect its potential rampage, tentative contempt says “You are all ugly face by it … Your face now looks like a very disfigured CXK … “

“What did you say !!!?” Ye Cang Picked up the mirror again and looked at his bad face, bad face CXK, bad face CXK. . Even if the rotten face is still rotten CXK, it is already in a collapse and loses its reason. rampage of Ye Cang , Stimulated by this sentence, the kind of humiliation caused him to lose all his intellect directly (this is really to lose his mind, Ye Cang No matter the virtual, spiritual, or even real body has been affected by Dasha, the eternal heart, has fully owned all magic Girl’s hidden constitution and traits).

both eyes turned into a deep angry pink, all the tentacles disappeared, holding the two sides of the halberd, and disappeared into the air instantly, Lin Sen looked back at the giant to stop, Ye Cang’s afterimage appeared, kicked away, The giant turned into countless small pieces of love, scattered all over the place. Lin Sen looked down, so fast. He just completed the love and love chop in an instant. The kick was scattered and fluffy. The speed was too fast, the flesh. Didn’t respond so quickly at all! but. . Looking at Ye Cang, the only thing that seeks destruction is the sum of the grievances accumulated by the 100 million small three greens who also scratch their face every time. There is also a scalp feeling numb, and the Lin Sen scalp feeling numb is not Ye Cang’s crazy, but looking at the pair of pink The deep crazy eyes are different from their own blood pupils. This guy must keep himself rosy and sweet even for rampage crazy. .

Ye Cang Like the same super-speed lawnmower, they constantly chop those hands and feet back and forth, but these things quickly come out from the meat hoe, and the depth of these meat **** can not be dug to the bottom, not to mention how much it is long How many.

“It’s useless, this world !!! This universe !!! is destined to be assimilated by me !!!” A rotting mouth sneered at the meat maggot.

“Shut up !!!”

A huge flame stomped on that huge mouth, and the green inflammation giant Zhang Zhengxiong stepped on the flesh and started spreading. Looking at the Ye Cang over there, “Brother, I’m …”

A’Xiong, don’t worry about him !!! Don’t approach him !!!”


“His face was smashed first.”

“Amount …”

“I said he’s a bad-faced CXK …”

Zhang Zhengxiong took a breath and murmured, “No wonder my brother rampage, you are too ugly to speak …”

“I just try to see what his” face “can affect the intensity … It seems a bit frowning.” Lin Sen smiled shrugged.

“Master Lin, try this. While my brother rampage, I sing chicken you are too beautiful, you jump …” Zhang Zhengxiong made Lin Sen hold back, and then looked at him “You guys … want to destroy everything Is it … “

I’m just kidding …” Zhang Zhengxiong laughed, then watched the angry lawnmower Ye Cang and told Lin Sen the death of Avanti.

“Great wisdom, great ignorance, and oneness. Like Ji Gong, he can’t save the world, he can’t save the world, but he always thinks he can save it … hmm.” Lin Sen thought of watching the children’s program when he was a kid Fanti’s story, shouting and shouting that he must be like Avanti! Help those who are weak, but as they grow older, it is justified to watch those who are poor and want to do evil, and wealthy people who want to do good and evil, it is ridiculous! poor person must have something mean! After all, weak meat and strong food! In the end, I decided to destroy the world. .

“But don’t you like their story?” Zhang Zhengxiong asked.

Lin Sen turned up without talking, but speechless blood pupils, with **** eyes ‘white’, ‘white’ gave him a look, and then seriously said to Zhang Zhengxiong “I just admire people like Ji Gong, Avanti, but back In reality, **** is **** after all, and people’s whitewashed virtual stories make you feel those ‘justices’, but, A’Xiong! You need to know, what is **** !!! The world is **** !! The torture of eighteen layers of hell, for the real For those who live in **** on earth, it is not painful or itchy. If the pain of pulling the tongue out can make people feel painless without love or hate, then **** is really a lovely place. “.

Zhang Zhengxiong did not speak, looked at Lin Sen, then closed her eyes and looked at the figure of Ye Cang. . If there is such a person inferior to hell. . . may. . Yes. . The previous one. . Brother.

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