Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1292: Nyalatotip

“Then where to go first, it is better than aimless. Take a map to see it.” ThornyRose‘s words are also the meaning of everyone. Looking at the map of the city travel manual, you have to go there to go to Qing Cang The Leaping Bridge, Ye Cang, was chased down by the giant to the sea. I saw the bridge full of large creatures of Cthulhu around. On the route, the bridge passed. There were three bridges on the island of Zhuxin, and the sea to the east. The north-south side is the current trunk road of the estuary. I waited for someone to go north to the estuary over there to the economic development zone. NASA is on the edge of that side.

“I feel that this journey is extremely dangerous …” XV’s words made everyone look down, nonsense.

“How come, so many people, large creatures, and buses can’t get stuck …” Gongsun Qian asked.

Countless huge tentacles are stuck out under the Ye Cang’s fluffy skirt, and the wet and sticky wings of Devil are spreading out, “Come on my tentacles!”

The crowd sat on the tentacle, watching the sharp edge of the tentacle. The tentacle took the crowd Ye Cang to the sky, Sky Moth, and Star Aura. It didn’t need to just follow, and Zhang Zhengxiong became a A huge green flame, compressed by Lin Sen into a small fire, was suspended in his palm.

Flying to the bridge, countless black goat pups flew, Ye Cang’s tentacles came out of the sea and started tearing these pups, but the tentacles under the skirt were also punched by the whips, but they soon healed. .

Gongsun Qian watched Ye Cang’s Cthulhu, huge wings, huge tentacles under the skirt, but the body is still so small and cute, and the makeup has not changed. “Was the magic girl ’s idol bag so heavy? Even Cthulhu must express his mark when it is changed. “

“Do you think magic girls are so good? Only the most loaded X, with X in their bones, can be a genetic person to become a magic girl, not to mention male. Enough … Even the tentacles are pink, sucker It is love-like … “The well-informed Lin Sen felt the chill, a serious underworld, SpyingBlade could not help nodding,” The predecessor said it is reasonable … “

“Be careful …” Lin Sen looked at the sea below, the huge Antarctic shadow was getting bigger and bigger, holding a coin in his hand and started to inject Strength.

Ye Cang can’t fly too high, fly too high, the tentacles below you will lose control. “Please pay attention, I can’t fly too high, fly too high, the tentacles held below will wither.”

The Antarctic world jumped out of the water, his arms moved away from the Ye Cang’s wings, Lin Sen shook his hands to shoot coins, and a magnetic arc was like a silk thread in the night. Magnetic pulses and high-explosive pulses exploded instantly, and the upper body of Antarctica was directly blown away, and flesh and blood splashed out like rain.

“Also!” Nalan Qinghun looked at the one under the Antarctic Earth, and at this time he flew up. He grabbed the tentacles under the Ye Cang skirt with his arms and started to pull down. Ye Cang felt the weight and started Slowly fell, pulled out both sides of the halberd and threw it to Lin Sen “I can’t be too busy !!!”

Lin Sen reached out to catch the two halberds, feeling the Strength inside, and the Strength injected by itself was cured! well! “A good weapon!”

Euphorbia blasted the entire Antarctic world directly and exploded again. Numerous compressed air blades exploded, and even Ye Cang tentacles were cut into large pieces.

“Brother! Take your time !!!” roared Ye Cang.

Lin Sen didn’t expect that the power was so horrible. The ability to inject it has doubled several times. Ye Cang started to rise. Countless zombies Migo flew to besiege. The crowd responded under the cover of the tentacles under the skirt. CloudDragon , LordAsked and others are like Tarzan in the jungle, avoiding sharp blades to glide across the tentacles and attacking, the mothman and the star’s color help, Aventi machete keeps beating Migo, the smile is still mild and unchanged, Despite the blood on his face, the donkey, who looked down on the man, was wrapped in tentacles, still in such an uncle’s posture, arrogant and chewing books.

Lin Sen looked at the shore, throwing out the green fire in his hand, the sea of ​​fire spread, the giant green inflammation giant stood up from the sea of ​​fire, cleaning up the black goat cubs, macro worms and other creatures on the shore, and docked. Ye Cang immediately drew up the tentacles, and was slightly weak. “Lao Lin, I did n’t know the enemy you just consumed, but it consumed a lot of my energy.”

Lin Sen lost both sides of the halberd. The Ye Cang took over. It needs to be restored. For the time being, it cannot be transformed into a deep dive. ThornyRose looked at the Ye Cang girl and opened the road with the fang halberd in front. Blood on the face, don’t try to escape tonight! !!

But when everyone thought that the most dangerous thing might be the ocean, when they saw the huge black goat cub, it was no longer impossible to call it a cub, like a tree-like giant body that climbed from the ground for several kilometers, and even had Features of their mother, Shab Nicholas! !! The most important thing is that this stuff is constantly incubating the corrupted black goat cub. Zhang Zhengxiong rushed towards the stuff while running, but it did not take any advantage, but was hit by countless huge whiplashers. Lin Sen Throwing out a bunch of coins, the magnetic pulse attracted like a grid, and instantly covered it, but at the same time it caused damage, Lin Sen also consumed too much energy.

Little Ye Tian covered the box, an unspeakable voice was chanting, the box began to show the disgusting black light, Little Ye Tian immediately placed on the ground and the wheelchair dragged towards the nearest werewolf Little Wang, Little Wang immediately grabbed the wheelchair and resisted On my shoulders, I started to flee.

“() * & () () *” made an inexplicable roar in the darkness, like a human and a beast, and the sound hit the depths of the soul, making people fear and awe. Everyone looked at a huge creature from Gushing in the darkness, although a bit like a human, the head is a huge tentacle, without a face, with huge blood, and the body has a lot of tentacles dancing.

“Night Roar …” LordAsked killed a deformed Cthulhu dwarf creature.

“No !!!! Hidden !!!” Lin Sen watched the night roar suddenly found something wrong, the night roar is the incarnation of Naiaratoph, but this! !! The chaotic atmosphere made him feel different from the old dominator, but more terrifying! !! Shouted.

Everyone started to pay attention to this situation.

Nyalatotip watched the black goat make an unspeakable voice, and Ye Cang translated, “The fallen goat, the fallen is the world. Judgment !!! It says so.”

“Hide to Team Leader !!!” FrozenCloud said that everyone immediately headed for Ye Cang.

Ye Cang transforms himself again, wrapping his tentacles around him and wrapping them around, and finally, like a huge and huge stool pyramid.

And Zhang Zhengxiong can flame himself, but did not hide in it, and chose to deal with himself.

Countless giant tentacles rushed out of the ground like arrows, pierced the black goat into a sieve, and then, under the impact of Nyaratoph, the tentacles were scattered and shredded.

Ye Cang’s was penetrated by the tentacles. Fortunately, only the tentacles were passed through. The crowd was not knocked down. The Ye Cang’s body was not penetrated by the tentacles. It was temporarily escaped, but after that, it was more interesting. It was Neyala Totip who must have noticed himself and others.

Ye Cang put away the tentacles around, and everyone looked at Nairattorp, who was constantly walking, and Ji Xiao whispered “White Team Leader, don’t you?”

“Looking at its intention, if possible, don’t hesitate to let go, don’t leave a little bit of effort!” Ye Cang also whispered.

Nyala Tottip looks at the crowds not far away, especially Ye Cang and Lin Le “You call me.”

Ye Cang translated, Little Ye Tian nodded.

“This world has been corrupted, and Arthas’s will has been humiliated, and he must be purified. I hope you will become believers in purification … as believers in Arthas …” Naialato Tip is not surprised that Ye Cang can understand his words, because it feels the breath of the deep dive, Cthulhu.

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