Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1271: Crawler

Ye Cang pinch instant noodles are still crispy! !! You can bring two packs, taste, taste, what to choose, Master Chop, this brand sounds great, tastes, durian bean curd dry noodles, chocolate garlic sauce noodles, old almond stinky tofu jasmine double sauce and instant noodles Both took two packs and felt very good. Yan Hansha looked at the taste of these kinds of instant noodles and immediately took two packs of braised beef. She did not eat the noodles he chose, and she was free. Yan Hansha Looking at the attributes, Strength, Agility, Stamina, spirit, and Intelligence are all evaluated based on stars. Their Strength and Agility are relatively low, but Stamina, spirit, and Intelligence are all good five stars. The identity is the lobby manager. The trait is a bonus to experience. When you get a reward, you have a higher chance to get one extra stat. One very good trait is “What’s your stat.”

Ye Cang also looked at his attributes.

Name: PaleSnow.

Gender: Male

Strength: Two stars

Agility: Four stars

Stamina: Four stars

Spirit: Two Stars

Intelligence: Two stars

Identity: Unemployed Nomads

Migration characteristics: overeating

Characteristics: The spirit will no longer be rewarded, and will increase by itself, but it will always maintain half the star rating of Agility.

I don’t have much feeling. I continue to visit my supermarket. I don’t know ThornyRose is waiting for rescue in the toilet.

Ye Cang Feeling something crawled over the glass of the French window on the side and said, “There is something …”

“Well, I also saw Yu Guang, but I didn’t see it clearly, but the movement was fast. Find a shelter first.” Yan Hansha said while hiding behind a corner shelf, her vision was better, and It is not easy to suffer the enemy on the back, Ye Cang squatted in the u-shaped counter of the cashier counter and looked around the floor-to-ceiling window. That thing must have seen itself and Yan Hansha. This is also the idea of ​​Yan Hansha. There is no direct attack, but restraint. It has a certain Intelligence, which is troublesome. .

Ye Cang noticed that the head protruding from the right corner of the floor-to-ceiling window was also looking, and quickly retracted his head. He held the mirror under the cashier cabinet in his hand and placed it on the ground with an angle refraction to see its movement, and he would not expose himself. With his left hand loading the crossbow, the other hand clasped iron pot. The protruding head in the corner disappeared into the mirror again. It should be on the wall. Ye Cang quickly reached out and made a few gestures, Yan Hansha understood. Covering the ambush, he left the shelf and hid near the refrigerator, which was slightly near the counter in the middle. His position was seen by that thing. Just now Yu Guang aimed at that thing and saw his movement. . Then the next step is how to attack yourself. From where, this is the key. Look around. The window on the side of the detour door climbs up from the blind area below. The possibility of a surprise attack is the most. The focus is mainly on the side. Far aisle window.

“Upper !!” Ye Cang sighed.

Yan Hansha slammed into the refrigerator sideways to the right, avoiding something and inserted it, and she saw a cylindrical tongue rubbing the front of the shoulder and piercing the floor tile. It was extremely fast like a bullet. Not his reminder, I’m afraid I was going to be inserted into the Tianling cover, his tongue quickly flew and caught Yan Hansha’s neck, pulled it up, and dragged it to the skylight vent above. The Ye Cang crossbow blasted out directly. Hit his eyes and penetrated to stop him, but Yan Hansha was choked and difficult to move, even with the ability to rescue herself with a dagger, stepped on the cashier, jumped into the refrigerator, and grabbed again Roll your tongue around your hand, slamming down and pulling force, add Yan Hansha’s weight and the weight of the equipment, and pull that thing down, only the Ye Cang up close can see clearly what the pulled down thing looks like , Full body with abscess, humpback, although the head is human, but the mouth is bigger than the head, the limbs are very powerful like reptiles, the dagger is pulled and cut continuously! ? not good! !! !!

Ye Cang iron pot smashed into the creeper’s head, but was blocked by his arm, and he jumped out of the aisle window with his strong legs kicking the wall, his tongue carrying Yan Hansha, Ye Cang immediately caught Yan Hansha Strength flew out of the window with both of them, Yan Hansha felt extremely uncomfortable and her head was torn off, especially Ye Cang‘s pulling force to grab her leg.

Ye Cang followed the force, stepped on the aisle window, Kan Erduan accelerated dagger stuck in the back of his head, pulled his head directly by inertia, but the inertia could not stop at all, Ye Cang flew out 42 The building railings fell from the patio inside the building, and the creepers just hit the strong alloy railings. Although the railings were deformed badly, they did not fall.

Ye Cang in the high air caught the horizontal banner. Fortunately, although the rope was strong, although the hand was cut out of blood by the force of friction, it still wrapped tightly in a circle like Mount Tai, hanging in the middle. Seeing the living person in the middle, the zombies were eager to open their teeth and dance on the railings. Ye Cang saw that the zombies upstairs were going to jump down and fling themselves. With the remaining inertia, he swayed and jumped to 33. Lou, Thunder resolved a few decisively. He just came to a drug store to lower his body and went to give his hand some medicine. This game actually suffered a physical injury. His right palm was seriously injured, which affected the use of his right hand. Fuck, this works, chef’s hand with spatula! !! Carefully look for the medicine and read the instructions.

Yan Hansha picked up her life, coughed, and came out of her tongue. She hurried to the railing and saw Ye Cang escaped the upper zombies and flew to the position of more than thirty layers. The next floor, ready to meet again in the past, Ye Cang‘s recent move also made Little Jade, Nalan Qinghun saw it, wrote down the number of floors, and are ready to find him on the 33rd floor.

Ye Cang found that one of the attributes is the starvation value, which is already very high, and the impact of the attribute is halved. That is to say, the evaluation of the attribute’s number of stars is halved. My hand is temporarily unavailable, so I have to open a window in the corner to make a bubble. What kind of noodles do you want to eat? Try this durian milk rotten noodles. When you are ready to fire, you will find a water dispenser and self-supplied electricity, start boiling water, and then make noodles. The smell of smashed into the nose, Ye Cang was ready to eat, saw a zombie walking around and saw himself at the window, immediately picked up a crossbow to shoot, but the zombie showed a terrified expression and jumped straight from the railing. The first crop became a pool.

Ye Cang froze a bit, then took a bite, spit it all over the ground, and then looked at the production date, expired three years, this noodle has not expired, but the sauce has tasted and fermented to the extreme, rub After wiping the mouth, the hunger became high-risk, so I had to take out a can and eat a can. There is still half a month before the shelf life. The taste is just the best time to taste. Hunger returned to normal.

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