Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1229: Mind

Fina frowned, listening to the settlement of the battle report, and slowly got up “No, about …”

“About what?” Ye Cang smiled, eyes full of jokes, Fena also understood, shook her head “Nothing, I will report this to your Majesty truthfully.”

“That’s all right.” Zana Hersia looked at Fina with a sneer, then glanced at Ye Cang. Does Lord Sage want to start with Holy Church? What Ye Cang wants is to let Holy Church report Holy Church report.

Youdis is full of joy, great, Sage PaleSnow really is the next step is Holy Church.

Salion looked at Ye Cang, without saying a word, and could not intervene. Kailong was even more afraid to interfere. The offending side was not good, and he just caught in the middle.

The atmosphere of the meeting started to be a bit subtle, and Ye Cang got up slowly. “Since there are no objections, then let’s go.”

The public Leader left the main hall with all their hearts and went to their residence, waiting for the triumphant ceremony tomorrow.

Makarlo small channel “Guild Master, will it be too urgent?”

“Hurry? What’s the hurry?” Ye Cang didn’t feel good.

Makarlo didn’t say any more, glanced at Zana Hersia and Sakiri Muse, the three looked at each other, but what they didn’t know was that Ye Cang didn’t know the meaning of Makarlo.

Zanahija and Makarlo, and Agaros began to formulate a strategy to conquer Holy Church south after Ye Cang‘s departure. Of course, this can only come in secret, only when Holy Church and Goddess Temple or Temple of Darkness completely conflict , Immediately took the opportunity to declare war! !! Now the war Goddess is also standing in the Goddess Temple, and once declared war, she will be granted the sanctuary of her godhead.

Kundala also joined in later. The four looked at the sheepskin map. Zanahia sneered. “It’s time to shuffle the world … Lord Sage becomes a dealer.”

“Only in this way will the world be full of love.” Kundala is a loyal asylum of the Goddess Temple doctrine of love.

The Agaros dagger was inserted in Holy Church‘s capital, the city of light, and Stosa, “belonging to our new holy place.”

“Everything is for the sage, for Goddess Temple …” Makarlo murmured without looking over the distance.

Hefeliss didn’t say a word at the meeting, and kept weighing in his heart. If Goddess Temple is really the next step, Holy Church, what should I do? Goddess Temple is now a powerful force, and also has the shelter of the World Tree, the great Goddess of Life, if it is you.

At this time, Anna is waiting for Mahjong to arrive in the apse, and she is fighting the landlord with Fimir and Irinas.

Lean Qi didn’t think much about it. Tomorrow, the triumphal ceremony will bring people back to the Temple of Martial Arts. The resumption of war on the mainland is irrelevant to oneself. Practice is the most important thing.

Ye Cang leaned on a chair and looked at the moonlight outside the window. Sakiri Muse on the side still asked “Lord Sage, is this really necessary?”


“To Holy Church.”


Ye Cang gave him a nasty look, and the wool came out of the sheep. The Holy See was so fat that he didn’t jump up and slaughter them. That’s my keen business mind! ?

Sakiri Muse looked at Ye Cang and looked at herself with an expression of hate for iron and steel. She lowered her head in shame, yeah, she had to fight for believers for Lord Amos!

Agaros still returned to the temple and told Ye Cang’s‘s ‘intent’ to Arsenosh.

“Unexpectedly, his ambition is far beyond your imagination, this is the person who can cooperate with me Arsenosh, wait a minute !!! I want to confuse it while I’m distracted !? Bar !!! Arsenosh shook off Dana who wanted to touch the card.

Agaros exited the temple with a shame.

“What?” Dana asked.

“Our sage, intends to declare war on Holy Church, spend on the bar!” Arsenosh said in a good mood.

“I knew that man’s ambition …” Ibado secretly said.

“Oh, that counts us, don’t go! A fried!” Fimmel threw 4 a.

“The king exploded! Reported double!” Anna hurried down the double king and finally lied to your bomb. “I will not be involved, neutral, anyway he and I are close relatives.”

“It’s time for me to return Lord Sage, and touch it, Azure Dragon is seven!” Ronath said with a serious downfall.

“And me …” Amos also said calmly, naturally the three sisters simultaneously got excited, eyes full of war.

“Everyone agrees, then there is no way, I will come tomorrow … Give them a gift named war …” Irinas sneered on Willy Hill’s back.

“What about the reason for the war?” Little Jade could not help but interject.

Everyone stunned, then laughed, often making Dana calling Little Jade look at her like an idiot. “Don’t you know what **** she is?”

“War Goddess …” Little Jade said weakly.

“Do you know what the most common reason for her to wage war?”

Little Jade shook his head.

“It’s just looking for trouble and not being pleasing to the eye.” Dana’s words made Little Jade look at Irinas for a while.

“Don’t make fun of mortals, Irinas and the Lord of Light have old enemies.” Ibado glanced at Willie Hill.

“I obey as long as it is the decision of the temple, and I am willing as long as the decision of the sage.” Willie Hill was very religious.

Ye Cang entered the apse, watching the Goddess playing cards a little helpless “hey hey, are you playing again?”

“Today is exactly the seventh day.” Amos weakly.

Ye Cang seems to be the same, looking at Arsenosh and looking at himself comfortably, everyone else looks at him with strange eyes, came to Amos and looked at the card she just built, good! The all-in-one basic card “You get up, this is me to fight, win is considered me, lose is yours.”

“Ah, no, Lord Sage, I …” Amos looked at Ye Cang and looked at himself indifferently, closed his mouth and stood obediently behind him, looking at such a good card, this is the first today Touch such a good hand.

However, the other three companies have to play 4D. In the end, they didn’t even listen to the cards and lost a lot. Amos Heartbroken looking at myself Conviction crystal, Ye Cang Slowly get up “I blame you, standing behind me, blocking luck Goddess Look at me! !! “

“………” Amos wants to cry without tears.

“By the way, is there any lucky Goddess?” Ye Cang wondered.

“Yes, lucky Goddess Carin Lucy, but her whereabouts are erratic, and no one in the realm of God knows where she is …”

“Oh, that’s it.” Ye Cang nodded slowly, thinking of a way to pull in Goddess Temple, but it looks like I can only say it later.

Ye Cang feels a little bored and is going to go out of the temple hall.

Arsenosh shouted at him, “Did you really decide? Tomorrow …”

“Otherwise! Waste me so much time rehearsing! Please give me some serious tomorrow! Otherwise, you guys will look good …” Ye Cang walked out of the temple directly.

“Irinas, tomorrow, let the world see what Excalibur · War really looks like.” Ibado’s words brought the eyes of other gods to her Excalibur.

“I will …” Irinas stroked her sabre, then continued to cut the landlord.

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