Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1169: Kasumi Todo

Four young sons recovered after a short blood of rampage. Looking at their hands, what happened just now, just feeling that the blood and blood are extremely violent. Is this the Strength given by the master, his courageous courage! !! Yes, it must be the case. raise one’s head watched Fujimori Kasumi coming up, and stroking her hands with her hands on her knees, she said seriously, she didn’t bother about the injuries on her body and the blood on her forehead. “Come, sister Fujimado.”

“Fujido, be careful, she has the ability of blood rampage, for the time being it is not clear what it is,” Yamazaki Ryuji reminded.

“Hmm.” Fujitang Kasumi nodded slowly, stood upright, put his hands on his abdomen, bowed, and then took the pose of Aikido.

Both of them are good at throwing and throwing joints. The four youngsters did not dare to rush directly, but chose to slowly approach them and find a chance to pounce. Fujitang Kasumi’s fighting skills are different from the four youngsters. The aspect is very good, and we always keep picking.

Outside the court, Ye Cang looked at pepper spray and looked at Ruyiying Er with a lip and worried, “Your eyes are fine, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.”

If Yueying Er is trembling, she must kill this yellow hair! Glaring at Ye Cang.

The four young boys felt that they could n’t find a chance at all. In the end, it was Sister Fujimoto. One of the tentative rushes away, and the first-come volley immediately came, pinching the joints of the four young boys accurately, and pulling. , The feet are very fast with stumbling, but the four chicks are not rookies. When they pass, they use their sumo skills to lower their elbows and lower Fujitang’s body. They are also stumbling around the lunges against her. Press down on the joint of the other foot.

Fujido Kasumi’s mouth slightly raised, yes, but! . The other hand was turned upside down and shook hands and shouted “Ha!”

Four young sons were rolled over and pressed to the ground. Fujindo leaned down and punched hard.

Four young children quickly protected one’s chest with one hand, but the entire left hand was fractured, and the right hand was also misaligned with the joint. Kicking was about to kick it away. Fujitang Kasumi opened it as if his eyes were open. After waiting for the knee joint to be intercepted, she put her strength into the armpit, and turned and turned! Shitoko bit his teeth painfully, wolf-backed rattan uniform, watching the Ye Cang cast a pity on his eyes, clenching his teeth, I can’t be easily subdued just like that! both eyes started to turn red “Ah !!!”

Fengtang Orange felt a runaway Strength, almost let go, immediately caught again, “Give up, young son! You are already very good.”


The whip-like back kick kicks Fujitang Orange back. Fujitang Kasumi looks a little moved when she looks at the four chicks who are standing with dislocated hands and one foot. Has she lost her mind? Is this crazy blood? wrong! !! Although she was red-eyed, it was unwilling and the desire for victory, the desire for recognition!

Four young sons snapped their misplaced joints back quickly, and they all looked so painful outside the field. They sank again, spread their feet, and pressed their hands on their knees as if they were on the level of Yoko. !!! “

Say that it was turned into afterimage and pushed away with both palms. Fujimori Kasumi was fully absorbed, so fast! She had staggered a few accurate breaks and captures, with both hands carrying the blade-like Battle Qi storm shock, come on! !! Chick! !! Super coincidence! Immediately open Perception with four young children in the Battle Qi storm movement, hands raised and relaxed, coming! !!

Severe pain in my chest!

Yamazaki Ryuji watched very carefully outside the court. “I was hitting the jab quickly. This one is too scary. Does Sumo also start to use this assassination?”

Fujido Kasumi was horrified. He arrived at Perception but did not escape the punch. It was too unexpected. This punch was really difficult to respond quickly and immovably! !! Feet never slipped off the ground, holding four young hands with both hands, eyes! Ge Luo! Forcibly took advantage of the Strength of the four chicks to turn over and fell to the ground, punched his chest, stunned to death on the spot, but he also spit out blood, watching the groove on the chest armor, Looking up at Li Xiangfei, did she teach it? Xiang Fei, come on. .

Ye Cang had just wanted to support it, but the Battle Qi storm could n’t get in by herself. This woman considered her own, jumped into the ring and raised four young children to come out. After that, she has no use value anymore, and I plan to go back and cut the hob from my face … “

Li Xiangfei took a breath and said, “Master! You !!! You !!! You !!!”

“Just kidding, come on the field! I’ll heal this girl.” Ye Cang slaps her back in the back of her head, and then throws four chicks to the ground, holding her fingers, knowing that she is ready to punish, He was still healed, Li Xiangfei went to the ring with cold sweat, but soon came the screams of the four young children, “It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Master Zhang! Rape! Ah! Pain! !!! My spare ribs !!! “.

“That’s a rib, you’re not a pig!”

Li Xiangfei didn’t dare to look back, Leng Han wet his vest along his back.

Qianle Qianhe looked at Ye Cang to get rude, but the treatment was obviously cruel. Is China‘s medicine so terrible? Knocking back the wrong bones with a kitchen knife. . Second-hand computer repairs next to the shrine are not so rude. . Don’t let him heal himself if he is killed. Frequent electric shocks are used.

At this time, Li Masu ’s doppelgänger/sockpuppet came over, and the injuries of the four young children were continuously repaired with Strength. The four young children’s hearts were very inflexible, “Why not come earlier …”

“I should deal with all the problems. I ’ll deal with them. If Xiang Fei is made like you, it ’s not the same. At least you have to do the most basic rescue … do more with less, understand? “Ye Cang laughed.

Li Xiangfei felt a lot of pressure at this moment. There were wolves in front and tigers in the back. But compared to the front, there was still more horror behind him. Kagura Chizuru asked, “Honko, have you just noticed your rampage? ? “

rampage? What rampage? Oh, do you mean courageous courage? Isn’t that the master blessing me?” Shihiko thought it was inspired by Ye Cang’s, a kind of courage and fearless Strength.

“Have you lost your mind …” Kagura Chizuru continued to ask.

“No, it just feels like Strength, and the blood is boiling.” The words of the four young children allowed Kagura Chizuru to basically determine the crazy blood ‘filtered’ by the Ye Cang’s method, which suppressed the madness very well, but kept it at the same time. The rampage part is indeed not as good as the real blood rampage, but the difference is not particularly large. It may only have a half increase of Strength, but it has not lost its reason and seems to have no side effects. This is very scary. If you have eaten it yourself, that means you Surely it can be turned on, but the condition “are you starting courage?”

“Is there some unwillingness at the time, I can’t fall down like this, I must defeat the idea, and then I feel the chest is hot, the blood is boiling, that’s it …” The four young children felt Limasu’s treatment Energy thought back.

Kanakura Chizuru secretly said, the inspiration to inspire this Strength is courage, unwillingness, that is, obsession, longing, trying to think of everything in the past, looking at Gounitz, his eyes suddenly flushed, his body was boiling with blood, clear Feeling the increase of crazy blood, the world has begun to slow down. Immediately, Qingxin, both eyes restores color, is this the true blood of crazy blood Strength under the guidance of God of Food? Looking at Ye Cang, I feel that this person is deep and unfathomable. Gounitz is the most shocked. He saw that Kagura Chizuru has also entered the blood rampage, but he did not have the meaning of rampage. He recovered instantly and did not lose. Reason, how did they do it! ?

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