Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1126: Kundala

Asius looked at the horror’s eyes that were scared to the soul. Fear of Ye Cang was better than Ibado. Who is the cult? I thought that I looked at Ye Cang silently. This is a cult. For those who are intimidated, his behavior is more terrifying than cults, his cruelty is cold-blooded than natural disasters, deep-fried himself to curse, and feels that he is crispy and eats his own bite, tastes the taste, and sits tired. She really sat on Willy Hill’s back, took the Goddess as a chair, and happily touched her head. “You have successfully passed, congratulations on your formal membership in the Goddess alliance.”

“Then I can stand up …”. Weil Hill’s weak question before stepping on Ye Cang and stepped on her face, smiling slightly. “I just said you By becoming, I haven’t reached the point where I can stand up in front of you. That still requires you to continue to express your love and devotion to me, to the entire Goddess Association … “

Familer felt a little sympathy for his Willie Hill’s arrival at this time. Naturally, Goddess pulled Willie Hill’s chain “back and continue to accept new training!”

“Ah !!!” A scream of humiliation came from the void, and the Goddess disappeared into the plane.

Ye Cang calmly treated his wolf hair, “Let’s rest, Xiaosha, Willi, you supervise those who are to be baptized. Everyone is a course of treatment, and that magician, Although we have reconciled, but as human beings, we must say that we can do it. It means that there are seven courses, which is seven. “

“Sage … ah … not six … is it …” The words of the curse of the third course has collapsed Ye Cang once again unhappy and seriously corrected “It is eight, you I heard it wrong. “

The smell of terror permeated the air, and Sagarn and others all dispersed to rest, and these cults were also molds that had fallen for eight lives.

Before leaving, Ye Cang glanced at Sagayan and motioned, Sagayan understood it.

Back in the lounge, Ye Cang thought of the identity of the Leader from the natural disaster, and silently glanced at the mysterious ring that he brought from novice village “It was him … Kundala …”

Sargan also came in at this time “What do you mean?”

“The natural disaster’s Leader is Kundala …” Ye Cang’s‘s words make Sagaan’s look complicated. “It’s him …”

“I learned from Asius that it must be someone from the past of Holy Church, I thought about him, but I didn’t expect it to be him.” Sagaan sighed. “You know about him …”

“I know.” Ye Cang Revealing her own ring, Sagaon looked at the ring and remained silent for a while. “Brilliant and promising. Kundala Finally fell into choice Temple of Darkness Is actually because Alina Death, although the holy light will protect the world, there are always a few in the holy light hiding in the shadow of light Devil At the time Leader That’s the case with Jason. Alina While jealous Kundala ,then Kundala While holding him, let him see how he raped / killed Alina How to become a piece by piece of body, and blaspheme the body, even the fetus in the belly that has been formed, Jason is the illegitimate child of the Pope, everything after that, let Kundala Despair of holiness. . . At the same time, Udis was shortly after taking over the defending, and he could not trust him. White Stone City He chose to explode in World War I, and it was an extremely painful life for him. . “

Ye Cang suddenly felt like a villain. “Ah, the original trouble is caused by you. If it is me, it will probably be more violent revenge. It was killed by your Holy Church. In this way, an additional 5 million gold coins will be reported. Me … “

“………” Sagaon felt that every time he spoke to the commander, there was always a big sputum. “The ten million is our limit.”

“Then Jason?”

“Family happiness, sprouts and leaves, good end.”

Sargan’s words made Ye Cang think of reality. Perhaps this is reality, but I hate it most. I ca n’t go back to Evil Ghost myself, but I am for the loved one, morality, rules. , Have to do so, involuntarily, must guard this rule, those evil behaviors of ‘nobles’ are always on the edge of the rules, like gamer is a very kind and excellent person, he at least gave the winner Hope, and the “noble” is just as ordinary people as toys, food, plastic bags, The Lord of Salvation, Ten Thousand Souls to purify the world, and damage caused by the “noble” has a certain relationship, their crimes are too cruel.

Ye Cang thinks of a place where Fool (Venerable) took himself to visit in a powerful manor. It is a cruel picture that can only be found in the game. He uses a girl ’s body to grow vegetables and flowers. The soil is the girl ’s upper body. , The plants below, and the skull and brain are covered by flower rhizomes. The dead girl both eyes can no longer be said to be a human, but it is really a ‘vase’. They have really become containers for plant parasites, even toilets and food. It also includes his wife, who uses men as toys, utensils, and flower pots. These people can no longer be described as cruel, but have they suffered retribution? No.

“Don’t worry about anything, don’t ask anything. Just when these things are real plants and toys, there is no retribution in this world. When I touch this” world “, I know that if there is, it wo n’t They have been there all along. “Venerable said ‘Yi’ over Ye Cang with his face very serious and serious, and there was still inexplicable sadness in his eyes.

Ye Cang just closed his eyes, inexplicably sorrowful in his heart, and he has a brother to protect, Axue ’s last wish, not to mention that he is only a artificial person, these people. . these people. . ‘People’, think of Ye Cang here without looking back and seeing “I … got it.”

This is why Ye Cang scoffs at karma. He believes in good and evil, but does n’t believe in retribution. Grandma Ye and Qinxue let him know the beauty of the good world, and he also entered ‘in’ at the end. In the world, he protects the “good” that is worthy of his own protection. There is no retribution, no sin is due. He finally understands, to protect the beautiful together, to keep them together. This is what I want. As for those, myself Already blackened by blood, don’t care if it’s more dirty.

Sargan saw no change in the look of Ye Cang and could not see any response at all.

“I will … take him home.” Ye Cang just said a little, and went to his bedroom.

“Does he still have a home?” Sargaen murmured.

Ye Cang left the game, thinking on the bed, the world of weak meat and strong food is not terrible, terrible is weak meat and strong play, artificial people, mutants, humans, Asians, is it true that only humans are humans? The others are just products that can be directly destroyed?

Little Ye Tian felt that the Ye Cang’s fluctuated strongly, and came to the Ye Cang room to drill into the bed. “Father, what do you want.”

Ye Cang told her what she thought.

“I don’t care who is indifferent, as long as I can be with my father, you, Sister Nana, and stinky roses.” Little Ye Tian‘s words made Ye Cang smile. “I think too much, you know about the life of artificial people. Is there a mustard? “

“Before, but now, I have learned a lot and at the same time cherish our lives together.” Little Ye Tian got into Ye Cang arms.

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