Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1122: Dragon Slaying King

The screams and begging for mercy of the curse make Evil God people extremely scornful, traitor! Pseudo Conviction! !! Deserve it! !!

Asius looked at the eyes of the Evil God people. The same goes for you. The feeling is not only pain, but also contains the extreme humiliation of the humiliation, plus the triple limit damage on the soul. I did not expect it. Who can go in and accept without asking for mercy, not to mention this, and it’s still adding material, shaking like a seizure, those three seconds have been horrible to myself, it takes five hours to blow, I dare not think about it, offend anyone Don’t offend this ‘good Great Sage‘.

Villary and others joined the battlefield, and the situation began to turn around. Ye Cang left only Sakiri Muse and Vandal Dragon Soul to guard again, sitting on the sofa drinking an iced drink and enjoying the sha-sha In the shadyness of Qi Li Muse, Sagarn couldn’t stand it anymore. You beat me to death. You look more like a cult than a cult. You sighed, commander, smiled a bitterly, and began to cast a super-ranking curse. Holy Word · Rain of Light.

Light rain pours down, pierces evil, and heals the Northern Expedition at the same time, putting the Evil God people into a hard battle, uncomfortable.

“High priest, how long is the ritual to complete …”

The black robe Magician was sneered when asked, “It’s finished, everyone Evil God will come down one by one, and the Northern Expedition will be wiped out.”

“First of all is Lord Hilda Despair, the grudge, the curse, and the pain.”

Sargan and others felt an extremely unpredictable foreboding. For the sake of insurance, it took a lot of divine power to perform the prophecy · Eye of True Knowledge. “Not good !! Go and kill that black robe, Magician !!! Hurry up! Don’t let him summon it! “

“It’s late …” The black robe of the black robe Magician was raised from the back, the scarlet magic array unfolded, and a freak creature with tens of thousands of huge faces appeared, constantly mourning, crying, each His face was stunned.

“Lord Hildoria, please help your servants, get rid of these heresies, and let the world return to the rule of yours …”

“… &% (* & * (… & * ……”) Hildoria’s countless faces made sounds.

“He said, that’s natural, heresy must be cursed !!!”

Countless faces looked at Sargaon. Sargaon felt that his head was black, his body was shaking, and his eyes were about to burst. Ye Cang rushed over and jumped and kicked him into the pan. The scream made Fina very nervous to go to salvage, Ye Cang stopped him “to fry for ten seconds to talk.”

At this time, some of Hildoria’s faces began to bleed, and the pain was endless. Ye Cang seemed to feel what she had found. Fina looked at the pope like the fried peanuts. When the time came, she was fished out and looked at Gane’s disappointed look “Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

Sargan was clever, chanting, “It’s okay, the curse was broken, but this feeling … I would rather be killed by the curse …”

“………” Sagaon turned to look at the magician in the pot, for five hours? Hissing a sigh of relief “Thank you, Commander.”

“What is the relationship between us, don’t talk about thanks, just write down the feelings.” Ye Cang’s made Sagaan sigh with a bitter smile.

“Vilally! And you guys !!! See who has hit the curse and hit me all back!” Ye Cang issued instructions.

The backlash of the cursed annoyed Hildoria, cursing countless people in an instant.

Vilally punched and dropped into the pot with a quasi-continuous blow, Fandal was responsible for timing out, and Hildoria gradually shed blood on all faces. “This is impossible !! What have you done! !!! “

“Congratulations on your faction defeating Hildoria Despair, the faction owner level +3, permanent stat + 5%, curse resistance permanent + 30%, diamonds-legendary items of varying quality, and very small Chance of getting a sacred weapon, almost impossible chance of getting times Godly Artifact. “

Disappeared in the circle, the curse of everyone was cracked instantly, ThornyRose was relieved, and a few seconds later, this curse could kill the entire Northern Expedition. It was too scary, then turned to look at a lot Out of the pan, people who are in a state of mental disorder, the feeling there, must be turned off all pain.

The black robe Magician spit out blood, and the pot can even crack the curse of Lord Hildoria. . Where is this commander sacred! !! ? “This is just the beginning …”

Although all the people turned to the black robe Magician, the other Evil God members and the Legion were not vegetarian, and they tried their best to cover.

The second incarnation of Evil God soon appeared, a pitch black giant dragon like a worm.

“Great Lord Ferenzalion, devour everything that drowns the enemy with your darkness !!!”

Dragon soul overwhelms! !!

All giant dragon in the sky fell to the ground in wailing, kneeling and shivering, unable to move.

“… &% ……% ¥% ……% ……”

“He said, the flood of death …” Ye Cang continued to translate calmly. As soon as Sagaing’s heart sank, did the Northern Expeditionary Force end? Ready to go back to the temple and discuss it in the long run “Chief Commander PaleSnow, if you can go, we can only return to the north to resist”

“Wait a minute.” Ye Cang watched Zhang Zhengxiong stand alone at the forefront, the water droplets on the ring receded, and the black water droplets fell in. Everyone looked at the figure and felt inexplicably awesome.

“Don’t say …” Although Sargaon thought about it, he meditated in his heart and prepared to return to the temple.

The black torrent flooded Zhang Zhengxiong like the tide of doomsday, and everyone looked desperately like the death of black. They were all hopeless. Was there no miracle?

But at this time, after everyone found that the flood swallowed the knight, they did not move forward for a moment, but began to shrink, even Ferenzalion became confused, and soon the death torrent became smaller and smaller, Zhang Zhengxiong from Black torrents shot out, and all the torrents were swallowed by him. Suddenly, Ferenzalion was startled.

giant dragon puncture !!”

The blood halberd penetrated the dragon’s head instantly, and opened a huge hole.

“This … this … no … but …” Ferentharian was horrified and unbelievably watching the Dragon Slaying with a blood halberd in the sky falling to the ground and disappearing into evil energy. .

Everyone takes a breath, who is that! !! Put the incarnation of Ferenzalion straight away!

Zhang Zhengxiong The blood halberd on the ground directly cut off the axe of the giant sheep’s head Evil God. I spared the sheep’s head directly. Under the white aura, it was too weak to be killed in aura. Kill seventeen generals in a row, look around and then yell “Save me !!”

Slowly running towards Minas, Minas didn’t respond, watching a snakehead assassin attack him, Holy Sword flung out of the block, picked up the sledgehammer, and rushed to respond. Warrior !!! Behind me !!! “.

“Brother, how about it?” Zhang Zhengxiong came to Ye Cang and laughed.

“Okay, it’s still too short.” Ye Cang looked at the Zhang Zhengxiong ring, he knew all the effects on the ring.

“I will see if I can evolve again in the future. I just upgraded more than 40 levels, and there is a 100 level difference. Zhang Zhengxiong Let Ye Cang I’m so ashamed Conviction Upgrades are now only level 91, ThornyRose Looking at the first on the ranking list Zhang Zhengxiong , Grade 98, the second is Ye Cang Level 91, the third is Lin Le Level 54, the fourth is FlameEmperor Level 53, there is still a way to play this game! ? He jumped level 44! It can’t be moved anymore, and this is also crushed with a level. It is estimated that the hairs will not be cut off.

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