Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1119: Desperate barriers rush

The chefs are fascinated by these special kitchen utensils. They are no longer kitchen utensils, but kitchen treasures!

Zhang Lao is holding a four-color splicing big soup pot. “This is mine, no one of you can grab it! Mine! Mine! Can you give it to me, Brother Bai …”

Ye Cang shook his head unfortunately. “These are actually what I plan to leave to myself, but what you want is not impossible, but it took me a lot of energy to search overseas and find what I can do.” Master, it took a huge amount of material … “

How does Zhang Lao feel familiar with this routine, but the temptation / confusion of the pot makes him have no other time, especially in the face of other people’s jealousy, especially Chen Shangyi Li wants to eat her own eyes. “Relax, I take It’s worth it in my heart !!! “

“Zhang Lao, I can’t help you, so be it …”

The chefs looked at Zhang Lao, knowing that in order to share these things, it is necessary to bleed heavily. Chen Shangyi Li thought that she would basically lose her house just by opening the mushroom forest, but these kitchenware really wanted to Yes! Especially the spoon with the two-color crystal, the bowl of salted crystal, and the bowl of black crystal, at this time Ye Cang put her hand on her shoulder and smiled, “Your sincerity, I see it, choose any four All right. “

Chen Shangai Li was moved to cry, watching Ye Cang as if seeing a real owner, kind and cruel, would have been able to get all three, and finally chose a soup pot, although I know these things Can’t burn.

Lao Li has won Ye Cang several times and allowed him to take three samples. After that, he will pay sincerity fees. Li Lao took three samples and paid the sincerity fee. Then he said the same to Ye Cang. Crystal grinding disc … “

“It can, but it’s the price, I’m afraid …” Ye Cang pretending to frown is very difficult.

“The two of us also talk about money and hurt our feelings. As long as I have, I will always be the contract chef of the food city.”

“Okay, let me try …”

“How long will it take.”

“How long do you want?”

“As soon as possible …” Li Lao secretly said, three years and five years may have to wait.

“Let’s do it tomorrow.”

“…” … “

Lao Li suddenly felt indescribable. I might have gone wrong.

“Okay, the rest are public kitchen utensils. They can be used, but you must take good care of them and keep them well.” Ye Cang gave all the kitchen utensils to Lao Li, and Chen Shangai Li looked at Lao Li jealously. He keeps it means that he can use it all! Sighed, but this is no way. He is the first batch of champion chefs. He does not seem to have a special relationship with the owner. It seems that the owner intends to take time to make a crystal mill for him. How big of a handwriting, you have to work hard, and your concentrated soup dew also needs such quality crystals to nourish each other.

Ye Cang arranged accommodation. Generally, no one can live in the room, but the chefs did not have any drowsiness to study the ingredients, but Old Wang and Old Li are used to it, rest first.

Ye Cang returned to the game. The changes are not that big. Minas and Effiintos have also recovered their consciousness and joined the Guard.

At the regular meeting, Sargaen watched the omnipotent maiden Maynas and Asius run through the grass and mud horses, and he knew that it was impossible for the commander to let them go because they were all attacks. He has the right to deal with his own crimes. If you want to let everyone see his relationship with Holy Church, Temple of Darkness and the Goddess alliance are linked together, and my heart is full of suffocation. For the time being, I ca n’t turn my face with him before the Northern Expedition. He broke the logistics together with Meynos, and the Northern Expedition was even more impossible. He even once doubted that if this guy did not look for him in the natural disaster, he would be the enemy of the mainland. After a long time of contact, he could not see that he was a man of justice and piety. .

At the meeting, quest of the exploration team was again formulated, trying to find the outer circle of the ring of Yan and Yang, and exploring the movement of natural disasters.

Linda took people again, this time Ye Cang specially sent Agaros to follow, repeatedly stressed to Agaros to protect Linda, this is one of the main sources of Conviction believers in our temple, originally Agaros hesitated After a while, I thought that Fandal replaced his position protection, and Makarlo, Minas was enough, but for insurance, I left a mystery rune on Ye Cang, so that I can see that the sage is in danger to pass the mystery. Realm protects him directly.

Within a few days after the expedition left, while Ye Cang was studying the cooking manual, Lesley rushed in with black blood in one eye. “Commander-in-chief, something happened over the barrier of despair! I can’t contact Youdi Her Majesty, she cut off all connections. “

Ye Cang slowly got up and said to Sachelie Muse and Minas, “Go and call everyone and have a meeting!”

Ye Cang helped Leslie “to be specific.”

“Finally, His Majesty Youdis connected to my consciousness, told me that the barriers of despair were badly damaged, and Lionci was also injured. The number and strength of the Evil God crowd exceeded her expectations. Let me inform you, and then I cut off Contact. “Lesley’s eyes are still bleeding, Ye Cang is restored with water, and the effect of forcible recovery makes his eyes improve soon.” I will save her, we are allies, this friendship is not counted Anything, but if she didn’t save it, then, mingling with me, I will support you in Temple of Darkness. “

“……………” Leslie was ashamed, and he started digging into the corners to pave the way. “Your Majesty, you have great gratitude to me …”

“Don’t I say anything, just in case she hangs up …”

“Can you meet for rescue first?

“Ah, all right …”

Leslie thought that if Her Majesty were killed, he would probably not escape his clutches, hey.

The emergency meeting was held, and Leslie told the situation.

Evil God people …” Sagaon frowned. “I suggest giving up the barriers of despair and thinking long term.”

“Impossible !!” The Rikong Wusheng and others blew up, and the Wu Shen Temple was the heaviest friendship, not to mention Leader Lanec.

Ye Cang knew that Holy Church was anxious for Temple of Darkness to disappear, and said directly that “rescue is inevitable, and we must do our best to rescue, let natural disasters and Evil God look at us is not a mess …”

“I agree with the commander. We must fight this tough battle. Your Majesty Sagaon will stay behind for us if you have any objections.” Steel Marshal Salion also agreed with the Ye Cang’s decision. In a tough battle, not only morale but also the trend of the battle are very important.

“Who else is willing to go with me !!” Ye Cang stood up and screamed a bit like the general commander.

“I would like to personally enlist the commander of PaleSnow.” Garza, the emperor of Beastmen, stood up.

“All members of Wushen Temple are willing to join the army !!” shouted Wukong Sheng and others.

“Red lotus tower ginseng,” Jia Xiusi laughed.

Even the Fight Club, Adventurers Association, etc. responded one after another, Sagarn had to say, “I just look at your determination. Since it’s all so decided, then I and the Holy Church four Grand Knight team can’t beat each other !!”

“No, we must leave someone to watch and live here. The Scourge will surely take advantage of it. I or Her Majesty Saga’an must leave the guard, and some other allies must also leave some. Come out! “Salion shook his head.

Following discussions, Salion chose to defend the base camp, as well as Ritualist Association, Psychic Association, Fight Club, etc., Ye Cang left disaster, Maffeindos, Effeintos, and 忒Mina, all the other members are ready to enter the support of despair barriers, Meynos looked at Ye Cang with anxiety “I …”

Ye Cang posted quietly, “Let the seaside be ready.”

“I see.” Meynos hopped on the airship to prepare for the sea.

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