Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1009: Dragon Breath

Agaros is going to help contain the raging bear tyrants, and finally glanced at Min Mina, who made her hair with peace of mind, and Ye Cang with a good smile, as if she saw the hands of a devil. One more doll was added to the marionette. . Deeply sighed and went in the direction of Xiong Baba.

Villali is getting harder and harder. Sarah Hill’s mix of ice and fire makes Veraly unable to deal with it. She is still unable to cause a fatal blow to Sarah Hill. Stamina and the response slowly slow down, and the final punch At Sarah’s dragon’s head, people sat on the ground and quickly took out food and began to irrigate. Most of the dragon’s skull had been broken. Sarah-hill climbed up again, flew into the sky, opened the circle, and began to condense. , Willi Li has not much strength to hide, can only bite the piece of meat, stand up and prepare to resist, and in the mind appeared her Goblin husband and the newborn child.

At this time, a more dazzling shadow of the moon and the moon surged on the higher horizon. At the top, the entire sky turned into a moonlight day. Velari grinned and it was the old fan. raise one’s head looked at Covering the clouds and covering the moon-shaped fire of the shadow moon, Sarahhill felt the inexplicable chill and suddenly turned away from the dragon head and looked at the dazzling shadow of the moon. “No! This is impossible! Shadow moon dragon cannot have such a thing.” Dragon Breath !! “

Frostfire Dragon Breath blasts towards Fandal above the sky, but the Shadowmoon Fire, which is overwhelming like a tsunami, directly submerged this Dragon Breath, and the Shadowmoon Fire immediately swallowed it together. The dragon began to melt and burn in the Shadowmoon Fire “What kind of flame is this?!”

“Um …” Vilari watched the fire of Forehead Moon stunned as she continued to be submerged. She might be able to resist the frost fire, but the amount of fire was the same, Fan Dahl killed the thousand swords. .

“Go!” A familiar and mighty roar came, and Velari felt like she was being resisted. She knew this voice, and was extremely familiar with it. It was the battle martial arts that almost every day since the establishment of the alliance. · Linqi, Xiaowei, I finally survived, and looked helplessly at the doomsday scene that was once again burned by the shadow moon fire.

Ye Cang in the city looked at the familiar scene “Elder Vandal is mighty … I went up without seeing him.”

“Your Goddess Temple people are extinct to humanity than natural disasters … too cruel.” Udis hurriedly opened a dark barrier to protect Ian, and Fena also launched a barrier of light to cooperate.

Agalos smiled bitterly. This time it is a lot more powerful than the last time. It is estimated that the next time you can rely on the barriers of Yodis and Fenna to keep you. .

Leanch broke the space and took Velari to shuttle into the barrier, came to Ye Cang and laid down Velari and looked outside like a sea of ​​flames with a grinning smile. “This is the craziest guy I have ever seen. All Strengths release their Strength in such a rude way.

Agalos enters the mysterious realm and moves from another world in parallel. He arrives next to Vandal who is dying in the fire and sends it back with a arcane package. Ye Cang sees that Strength is exhausted like death before he has time to say something A dog-like coma Fan Daer “Elder Fan Daer !!! Your credit! I will write it down for you !!! Xiaosha, please record the great achievements of Elder Fan Daer …”

Then he whispered and asked “Old man, he won’t die?”

“It’s okay, just like last time …”

“That’s good, so !!! This time the nutrition fee will be doubled. You can see that Vandal’s nutrition has not been replenished in the last time, and you are almost killed because of the cruel natural disaster. You see that you have lost a lot of weight … My heart hurts … Elder Fandal !!! “

Lianqi was ashamed, he didn’t notice it, he was a bit stronger than before. .

“City master, can you stew Vandal …” Velari said slowly and ruthlessly.

Ye Cang Whited her and pulled it over at a glance. “This time we can cheat a lot of money. Then you can eat whatever you want. It’s not a problem to buy you a whole dragon when it is grilled for supper … “

“Elder Vandal, loyalty and loyalty.” Veralie said decisively. Loyalty and loyalty was also the only adjective she could think of that was a good person. She learned it from Ye Cang.

Agaros continued to go to the bear tyrant, thinking of Fan Daer, shook his head and smiled, maybe he did not dare to offend after Goddess Temple, this guy is neurotic. . This feeling is like you just strategically disturbed him, and he directly blew himself. The key is that he doesn’t care if he is affected or not. Sarahhill does not expect that he will be ruled by the Shadow Moon Dragon instant kill.

Agalos Perception is writing around the Scourge. The fire of the soul is declining precipitously. Even the blood ancestors died under the influence of the Shadowmoon Fire.

ThornyRose, Zhang Zhengxiong. Looking at the barrier like an aurora flashing across the sea of ​​flames, I was still thinking about how to fight the blood ancestors. I wanted to find an elder over Ye Cang to support it. . . Nothing is known outside, only these Shadowmoon Fires.

Xiongba is fighting hard, his body is injured, and the wound is black qi, but the day behind him relieved him, the neurosis came, and he decisively turned into a bear and began to run away. The shadow moon fire spread over, but when the corpse gas was burned instantly, I chose to retreat, and I was able to walk while the flame spread to here, and crushed the rear corpse undead with earth shaking. Already.

Agalos watched the bear tyrant who was going to be burned, and quickly wrapped around the arcane barrier and pulled back into the mysterious realm. He went back and forth in parallel, and saw Ye Cang and others sitting down and taking out honey. Healed by himself, but no matter how it is used, the corpse gas is difficult to be eradicated. “It seems that I am going back to the emerald locust forest … Lord Sage, if you please take my body back?”

Ye Cang two therapies dispelled the corpse energy and forcibly treated Xiong Baba, “Elder Xiong is worried …”

Xiong Baba looked at the wound as normal, but was a little happy but couldn’t laugh. I may never go back, oh, my emerald locust forest. . My bees, my honey.

Saron looked at the sea of ​​fire outside without stopping, he was shocked, and came to Ye Cang next to “This fire …”

“It’s okay. This is the masterpiece of Elder Van Dahl, who we are very successful in. We successfully eliminated the enemy’s living Strength. The fire lasted for a long time. This time, it is estimated that it will be a long time. Let’s chat and wait for tea. … “Ye Cang smiled at Aurora with his chin.

Dean returned with some anger. The cape was full of fire. He threw the cape to the ground and dropped the burning gloves on the ground. “Commander, my cape, and gloves, all his fire. It’s scrapped, and a saying, don’t set fire to your own Strength. “

“What a big deal, go back and ask the Pope Sagayan to reimburse you. The little Shakespeare, Pope Sagayan owes Dean a cloak and gloves. Although it was destroyed by the illustrious Elder Vandal, but This is the responsibility of Holy Church to agree to let Elder Vandal Dragon Soul, who has not recovered from his injuries, and whose spirit is not stable come to support. “Ye Cang’s words made Fina’s mouth grow big, and this can hit us! ?

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