Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 28: Who is a beauty?

28. Who is the beauty?

The rules of the typing competition are very simple. Just hit the keyboard against the English letters on the display, and whoever hits the most points within Regulation(s) will have a higher score.

This is a piece of cake for me, and the speed of my previous life‘s more than 800 letters per minute is not covered. When I participated in the game, I still retained half of my strength.

Results come out soon after the game is over, all are computer statistics. I am the first, with an average of 402 letters per minute, and Zhao Yanyan sixth, with an average of 171, which is a breakthrough from her last speed. Xu Ruoyun scores pretty good, third, 201. In fact, the results of the second to sixth places are almost the same. Only I got a terrible result that everyone was stunned.

The old man was excited with golden eyes on the spot, and his face was colorful. Xu Ruoyun didn’t look at me with a slightly better look until then.

Zhao Yanyan didn’t feel anything about her sixth place, but she was very interested in my first place, and kept asking the old man whether the first place was rewarded. Old Xu shook his head and said he was not clear.

The programming comparison on the second day seemed to me very chaotic, the rules of the game were chaotic, the topics were confusing, and even the scoring standards were messed up, but it was this kind of mess that made my work ghostly win the first place. .

This is the case. The title of the competition is to write a demonstration program. What it demonstrates can be a piece of text or a picture. In short, it is to arrange a thing with a dot matrix.

When the competition judges announced that the language used was unlimited, the game was doomed to be chaotic. Graphic text is easy if you are proficient in LOGO language, but other languages ​​are relatively complicated. I really don’t know what the person who thinks the problem is, but I can’t blame him. After all, the computer of Huaxia has not yet been popular, and there would not be many people. If the rules of the game are too strict, the game can’t be compared.

I chose assembly language. Although this is an extremely difficult language, I used to write the same code in this language no less than a hundred times when I was at previous life. After this code is compiled, it is a picture of the mature period of Zhao Yanyan. I still remember this code.

I don’t have to think at all, I quickly typed the code in my memory on the keyboard in one go. When the mature and beautiful Zhao Yanyan appeared on my computer screen, it took me less than ten minutes. The competition time is one morning.

Because I used to think of Zhao Yanyan as the goddess in my mind when I was in college, this picture is a perfect interpretation of my thoughts. In the sunset, Zhao Yanyan wearing a small white trench coat stood at the gate of Huaxia University Park. Every detail has been accurately interpreted.

I copied the written code and compiled files on a floppy disk, and wrote the number and name to the judges.

“Done?” The judges looked at me in surprise.

“Yes.” I nodded and walked out of the field.

I saw Xu Ruoyun‘s eyes full of surprise when I went out, but honestly, I am only interested in Zhao Yanyan for this little girl of this age, and others really can’t appetite. Although Zhao Yanyan is only sixteen years old, I have an indescribable affection for her. Later, I think it may be because I mixed adult feelings in it.

At the awards ceremony in the afternoon, my program was unquestionably set as the first prize. The second place Xu Ruoyun showed a picture, but her picture was black and white. Look, her is much rougher. The work of others is very simple, often a logo or a small object, and more people just a few words.

Zhao Yanyan After seeing my work, I was unhappy, and twisted my thigh with a small hand: “This picture is so familiar! Come on, who is this beauty? What does she have to do with you!”

I’m dizzy, I didn’t expect Zhao Yanyan would ask me this, how can I explain it! But Zhao Yanyan didn’t give up, let me tell who that person is.

In the end, I just made up my name. But I can see that Zhao Yanyan doesn’t believe it at all, and has been looking at the painting with skeptical eyes.

I won two first prizes alone in this competition. I went to the stage with me to receive the award. The old man Xu, who was my mentor, was full of glory, and his crease smiled like a big cake.

In the end, I got nothing but two certificates. This kind of fooling child has long lost my interest. Xu old man tirelessly asked me to hold a certificate and take photos with him. I know that, if nothing else, these photos will be hung in the hall of Shao Nian Hall as a capital and advertisement for admissions.

The copy of the program I wrote was snatched by Zhao Yanyan after the game. I asked her why, but she told me she wanted to collect it.

I’m sweating. From my test paper to the hotel sheets to today’s copy of the program, does this girl have a spleen?

We hurried back to Xinjiang that night. On the way, Xu Ruoyun had a much better attitude towards me than before, and my attitude towards Zhao Yanyan made me feel incredible. Along the way, the two little girls murmured and didn’t know what to say, and laughed from time to time. I can’t figure out what a woman’s mind is thinking.

The old man Xu saw that own‘s granddaughter was so much more cheerful that he couldn’t agree. The only person who was suffering was me, and Zhao Yanyan left me aside. I had to chat with the old man Xu, and what bothered me the most was that the old Xu always asked me where I had studied computer and other topics before.

But this old man just has no sense of sight. I’m so perfunctory. He keeps asking, so that I can only cross the topic: “Yes, Teacher Xu, I wrote a small program and wanted to sell it. To the software company, do you have any way? “

“You wrote a piece of software? Which one?” Old Xu didn’t believe I could make software that could sell money.

Um is a Chinese input method plug-in to WPS, which is more useful than the built-in input method. I believe that if it is properly promoted, its penetration rate will definitely exceed Wubi.” I said confidently.

“Ah! “The old man Xu was surprised that he knew the input method, and it was not written by ordinary people, including himself, who had such a level.

“Can I see it?” The old man Xu asked excitedly. If I had any results, he would have the capital to show off.

“Yes, wait for it. It’s in Shao Nian Hall‘s computer.” I said.

“If the input method is really as good as you say, I have contacted several software companies in this city and in city B. I can help you recommend it,” said Mr. Xu.

“Thank you then!” I said politely.

“I’m your teacher, what kind of politeness are you with me?” said the old man with a smile.

I thought that although the old man Xu hadn’t taught me anything, he is still an old man in the computer industry. With his living resources, I will definitely need his help when I set foot in the computer field.

So I respectfully said, “It’s troublesome Teacher Xu!”

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