Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 218: [Transition]

“Dad, why did Dawn Group suddenly find us to cooperate with Su? And it also offered such favorable conditions, wouldn’t it be a liar?” Even Su Yingzi, which doesn’t care much about business, noticed that this cooperation was wrong! And it’s very wrong!

“How come, the contracts have been passed over!” said Su Yuanchao.

“Dad, I heard that there are so many commercial frauds now. This Dawn Group cooperates with us. Even I can see that this is obviously a unilateral grant. The benefits are all for us. Su. What is the reason for Dawn Group? Invest in Ah?Su Yingzi wondered.

Xiao Zi, don’t worry about it! Don’t worry about engaging with Mr. Liu. The business will be handled by my dad!” Su Yuanchao said: “Furthermore, 100 million US dollars have already arrived and the production line is also What can we be deceived during transportation? “

Su Yingzi Hearing his father and Liu Lei, his face flushed. Although she did not know why her father was not opposed to her and Liu Lei, she became enthusiastic. But she just established a cooperative relationship with Dawn Group and Su, which caused her father’s mood to improve.

“It’s just because we made too much money that we doubt it! Dad, do you say that the person in charge of Dawn Group is sick? This investment has no benefit to them at all!” Su Yingzi shook his head Said.

Su Yuanchao said in his heart, aren’t you scolding your own husband! And the money and technology, haven’t you got it for you? But Su Yuanchao can’t say it.


Back to the long-lost Xinjiang, the long-lost city. Walking on familiar streets, just like when I was just rebirth, but my mood is completely different. City S and his party have made me mature a lot. I am ready to completely give up the soft-hearted faults before. Being soft to the enemy is cruel to own! It seems that this sentence is not unreasonable!

Zhao Yanyan and Chen Wei’er have long received the news that I am going to return to Xinjiang City today. Even the Chen Wei’er who was intensively reviewed in the senior year of high school has taken a vacation. I came to my newly bought villa early to wait for me.

Because the previous owner of this villa was Zhang Yongfa, my parents and my mother were worried for a while, then they were relieved after hearing that I was okay. As the chief commander of this major economic case, Jiang Yongfu, also successfully received the attention of provincial and municipal leaders, and was transferred to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee as Minister. This is the position that Liu Kesheng and his dad had vacated. However, Jiang Yongfu is much more low-key, and it will also constrain the own family. They never do excessive things, so their reputation in the officialdom is very good, and this transfer is also very smooth.

However, he had to invite me to dinner to show his gratitude, and said that this case was solved, and I provided important clues. No way, I can only tell him that things have been too busy lately. If you want to invite me to dinner, you have to wait. Jiang Yongfu didn’t care, he also knew that his relationship with me was not established by eating a meal or two, so he was not in a hurry.


“My husband, look, your bedroom was designed for you and me by Wei’er elder sister!” As soon as I got home, Zhao Yanyan pulled me around in my newly bought villa.

Looking at the neat new decoration inside, I know that the girl Yanyan must have done a lot of work! My parents and my mother have never lived in such a large house, and I do n’t know how to renovate. The old house in my old house was not renovated, it ’s just a simple scrape, so the new house ’s decoration and design, my mother must be Will find this little girl to help.

“What, Yanyan younger sister, I didn’t participate. It’s not all you made. Don’t shy away from others!” Chen Wei’er heard Zhao Yanyan‘s words, and suddenly blushed and said.

I wonder, this design room is a good thing. What’s wrong with Chen Wei’er? So he said, “Wei’er, why don’t you like my new room?”

“No! Yanyan younger sister you are really hateful, you have to be like that, everyone is embarrassed to go in!” Chen Wei’er shyly.

“What’s going on, Ah? Yanyan?” I asked strangely. Because the villa was still being renovated when I left, I just chose a more spacious room on the second floor as my bedroom. As for the appearance of cultivate successfully, I have not seen it yet! Did they make my room a haunted house?

“Hee hee, husband, you know if you go and see! Guarantee you like it!” Zhao Yanyan said with a smile.

“Guarantee I like it? How do you know that I will like it?” I was a little confused: “Don’t you like Wei’er? Would I like it? You little girl is so secretive that I want to see What do you make the room look like! “

No way, I was pulled upstairs by Zhao girl’s tug and soft foam and hard foam. As soon as I got home, my **** was not up on the sofa. As I passed by my dad, I found that he was smiling at me strangely!

I’m dizzy

How do I feel so strange for my family? My subconscious girl and Chen girl, yes Ah?, am I too sensitive?

But as soon as I opened the door of my bedroom, I knew why Chen Wei’er and my dad had that expression! The idea of ​​bt is that Yanyan knows my girl so well!

In addition to the normal writing desk and bookshelf and computer desk in my bedroom, the most conspicuous thing is the super-large bed in the middle! It’s more than four meters wide, and it doesn’t matter if you sleep five or six people on it!

no way? So spectacular?” Even I was startled! Yanyan really knows me!

“How about, Pervert husband, do you like it?” Zhao Yanyan said proudly pointing to the masterpiece of own.

“Like …” I touched my nose and smiled bitterly.

How do I feel that the current Zhao Yanyan and the quiet, indifferent, and proud Zhao Yanyan I know of previous life are not the same? Or am I too attractive, Yanyan changed for me?

“Haha! Now that the beds are in place, Yanyan and Wei’er, don’t go back two nights, let’s sleep together together! It turned out that in my little bed, I was really afraid of being crushed Come on! “I said.

hateful! Yanyan younger sister you have been broken by him, always thinking about these things!” Chen Wei’er said to me at a glance.

“What’s the name, food taste …” I said, “Well, let’s exercise before eating …”

Ah?, what are you going to do … **** … Yanyan younger sister, go to the police!” Chen Wei’er exclaimed: “This time you and Big Brother Jiang have all been transferred, to see who will back you up! Let the police shut you down Go to prison! “

As the saying goes, Xiaobie wins the wedding, and the newly renovated bedroom bed naturally staged a spring garden.


The next morning, I asked Zhao Junsheng to arrange the acquisition of the electronics factory. The specific issues regarding the acquisition and the reorganization of the original electronics factory will be finalized in this negotiation. Negotiations were scheduled for 9:30 this morning in the conference room of the electronics factory.

My dad, as the representative elected by the electronics factory, has full responsibility for the electronics factory. Many electronics factory workers originally chose my dad. They were just dead horses, and they chose a leader to talk about. How much hope. Now I see my dad is so powerful, even on the line with the national Celebrity enterprise Dawn Group, one by one is very excited, boasting that my dad is a capable person! The electronics factory is hopeful in the future!

My Jetta crashed last time. After repairing it, I threw it to my dad. I haven’t seen it for a while, and found out that my dad actually got a driver’s license and can be proficient on the road! This surprised me a lot, but I didn’t get him back through the door at all, I didn’t even know about it! In other words, my dad passed his driving test with his true skill!

Before I returned to Xinjiang, I had asked Guo Qing to order a high-end car for the Benzs series. But this guy then ran to City S, and before I had time to meet him, I didn’t go to get a car.

Jiang Yongfu has reserved a set of “Song a88888” brands for me. I know that these brands are generally reserved by the government for auction. I don’t want Jiang Yongfu to be difficult to make, but donated it symbolically. 500,000 yuan. Although I do n’t have to spend it, first I do n’t care about it at all. Second, I do n’t want to give other people an explanation. Let the granddaughter of the secretary of the provincial Party committee choose a license plate without spending money. .

Jiang Yongfu is naturally grateful. Otherwise, if this leaker is used as a handle, it is likely to affect his promotion.

Because I did n’t have a car, I went to the electronics factory as my father ’s Jetta.

“Son, I’m really nervous. When I see my in-laws, what should I say?” My dad asked as he drove.

“Dad, you always look like you! Uncle Zhao is a very nice person. Besides, I already told him in advance that it is already a fact to acquire an electronics factory. Today, I will discuss some details! “I said.

“Son, if you say your dad is so dismal now, will it affect your image in the eyes of future husbands Ah?” My dad is still a bit worried.

“Dad, this electronics factory has changed to what it is now and it also has nothing relationship with you. What do you want?” I asked.

My dad nodded and said, “I’ll speak normally in a moment. If you say something wrong, please remind me by the side!”

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