Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 150: [Class meeting]

By the afternoon, Ye Xiaoxiao held the first class meeting of this semester. For i girl, I still feel very strong. How can I say that I am an old man with a psychological age of over thirty, and it is impossible to not be interested in this mature woman.

So I still stared at the chest of Ye Xiaoxiao with all sorts of eyes, but since the last condom incident, Ye Xiaoxiao has always taken precautions against me, and almost never had my chest facing me during class. But now I am different, I can always X-ray Vision. Quack ~! This is a really good capability.

“This is our first class meeting this semester. There are two important things. The first thing is that we have to reselect the class cadres. Why should we reselect them? It is not because the original class cadres were not The main reason for being competent is that the original class cadres were designated by me temporarily, and everyone does not understand. This time we used the method of democratic voting. All Schoolmates participated together. In addition to the original list of class cadres, I will propose Several candidates, others who want to participate in the election can also recommend themselves. “Ye Xiaoxiao said.

Re-election? I remember that the re-election of previous life occurred during the sophomore year, and the final election result was still Liu Kesheng being elected. Did my rebirth advance this election? I’m not interested in the selection of class cadres. Class cadres in middle school say that it’s a vain job for nothing. They just work Pride that’s all to satisfy themselves. previous life is enough for me to shine. This life has made me like a low-key. The current school life makes me feel like a game Mortal World (Renjian), so I can’t hide this kind of thing, it is impossible to participate. But to my surprise, Ye Xiaoxiao even wrote my name on the blackboard. I looked at Ye Xiaoxiao strangely, but it turned out to be a look of demonstration, which made me puzzled.

Looking at the forthcoming voting results, I have to admit that Liu Kesheng’s Brat still has some means. Although his father has been arrested, this Brat is more active in attracting interpersonal relationships. Eighty percent of the Schoolmate in the class have ever accepted Liu Kesheng’s small favor. I guess this Brat may be stimulated by his father’s affairs.

Ye Xiaoxiao frowned and watched that Liu Kesheng’s votes were more than half, how could she never have thought that such a small-bellied chicken can get so many votes. To be honest, she was very optimistic about Liu Kesheng at the time, but several events that happened later made Ye Xiaoxiao‘s impression of Liu Kesheng plummet. Because a narrow-minded person is simply not enough to lead others. If I let her know what Liu Kesheng had done, I don’t know what she would think.

Liu Kesheng looked at the ballot on the blackboard and knew that his mind had not been wasted for the past six months. The situation of own is not the same as before, and everything will depend on you in the future.

Ye Xiaoxiao is also very difficult now. According to the ballots on the blackboard, Liu Kesheng was elected as the squad leader. However, Ye Xiaoxiao‘s intention in this selection is to re-elect a squad leader. As for other positions, it is not so important Already.

Although I am indifferent to the selection, I am very concerned about Ye Xiaoxiao. I never looked away from her, and when I saw her expression at this time, I also knew about it. It doesn’t matter who the monitor is at first, but who makes Liu Kesheng Brat hate me, let alone our beautiful Ye Xiaoxiao lady also has a lot of opinions on you.

I looked at the Guo Qing sitting in front, this guy is sleeping. Dare to know that he already knew that the cadres of the selection class had nothing to do with him! So I kicked the chair with Guo Qing hard with my foot, Guo Qing was frightened and suddenly woke up. Looking back, I was about to scold, and found that I kicked it, and immediately regained a smile and said, “Boss, is there anything wrong?”

“Look at the blackboard, Liu Kesheng is about to be elected as the next monitor.” I threw this opportunity to Guo Qing.

Guo Qing nodded and immediately knew.

“The result of the selection came out. Liu Kesheng Schoolmate led with 38 votes. According to the selection result, Liu Kesheng will become the monitor of this class. Do you have any doubts about Schoolmate?” Ye Xiaoxiao said frowning. Although this result was not what she wanted, but the fact was there, she couldn’t help it.

“I have!” Guo Qing lazy Yangyang stretched out and said, “I don’t agree, I want to re-elect!”

Liu Kesheng was shocked. In the past six months, he has not bribed others less. Even if the Schoolmate in the class does not choose himself, it will not be troubled! But when he saw that the speaker was Guo Qing, his heart suddenly became cold. This eye-catching thing has been barred by others, not to mention how angry it is.

“Re-election? Why re-election?” According to Ye Xiaoxiao, the number of elections is the same.

“Because I just slept!” Guo Qing said exaggeratedly.

“Sleep! What does your sleep have to do with elections?” Ye Xiaoxiao said strangely.

“Don’t you say that the whole class is participating? I just slept and did not participate, so I have to re-evaluate!” Guo Qing said.

“But … I’m afraid …” Ye Xiaoxiao actually hopes to re-elect each person to replace Liu Kesheng, but the result of this election cannot be changed at all.

“Well, when others are improper, I ca n’t control Liu Kesheng! Let’s keep it simple and agree with Liu Kesheng as the monitor’s hand!” Guo Qing waited for Ye Xiaoxiao to finish, and said to the class’s Schoolmate. .


They looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, no one raised their hands silly, who is this Guo Qing! That was a triad. Since he made it clear that he didn’t want Liu Kesheng to be elected, who would dare raise his hand! A few iron buddies who were very irony with Liu Kesheng usually raised their hands for a long time.

Guo Qing saw that some people dared to raise their hands and stared at each other. He scared the man almost without urinating pants. He just raised his hand halfway and put it down again.

Teacher Ye, no one agreed with Liu Kesheng as the monitor!” Guo Qing said with satisfaction.

Ye Xiaoxiao has been surprised to add at this time. I did not expect that the usual bad student actually helped own at a critical moment, but what puzzled her was why he ascended to the high and everyone changed. Hexagram, but also unusually neat. If you let Ye Xiaoxiao know that own students are afraid of triad revenge before they change their minds, I don’t know how she will feel.

Liu Kesheng’s lungs are about to explode. Things that are about to be successful are smashed by Guo Qing, but he can’t say anything. Who can make the Guo Qing stronger than himself now?

Guo Qing sat down after speaking, Ye Xiaoxiao just happened to wipe Liu Kesheng’s name off the blackboard. As a result of the re-voting, a person named Yu Yang in our class became the monitor. I have an impression of this person nothing, but I feel that he is very honest and belongs to the group who can’t get a fart with three punches. Looking at Liu Kesheng’s vicious eyes, I guess this Yu Yang may be unlucky, but this is related to my nothing. To my surprise, I was elected the learning committee member of our class! But casually, anyway, this post doesn’t need to do anything at all, it belongs to the category of name. Zhao Yanyan is still elected as the secretary of the League Headquarters. The popularity of the little girl is really good. Fifty-nine of the 63 people in the class voted for him. Of the few who did not vote, I know that Guo Qing is sleeping and did not participate. Zhao Yanyan and I did not vote to avoid suspicion. The fourth person is probably Liu Kesheng.

After the list of class cadres was finalized, Ye Xiaoxiao announced the second major event of the class meeting, that is, the school held a spring sports meeting, encouraging us all to actively sign up for the class, and strive for glory for the class.

I remember when previous life, I was also mobilized by Ye Xiaoxiao, and signed up for a five-kilometer long distance race. As a result, my game was scheduled to be the first in the afternoon that day, when I had just finished fried rice. I thought, if I ran like this, I would n’t have appendicitis! So I thought of the school’s slogan of “emphasis on participation” and resolutely entered the field. Because I was afraid that I might be in danger of my own life, I walked behind when others ran forward. When everyone else reached the end, I didn’t even walk a thousand miles.

At this time, a physical education teacher came over and kicked me with a kick and scolded me: “t ***! What fun would you not run to make fun? Slower than mother turtle! You are so After a while, the games will not be played! “

I limped out of the stadium silently due to the weakness of my character at that time. But I vowed in my heart that one day I must discount this guy’s leg that was used to pinch me. I clearly remember that this person was called Guo Songshu.

Ye Xiaoxiao mobilized for a long time and found that very few people signed up to participate in the sports meeting. Even the minimum standard of one person in each class and each game was not reached. Although for students, academic performance is the most important, but other aspects should not differ too much from other classes!

So he said: “The class cadres take the lead, and each person must report more than three. Others volunteer.”

This class of cadres has just been selected. Naturally, there is no doubt about the proposal of Ye Xiaoxiao, except that when Yu Yang‘s stalk-like body filled out a shot put and two sprints, I was a little worried for him. I don’t know if he throws the shot or throws the shot, or they both fly out at the same time.

When Yu Yang asked me with the registration form, I did n’t even read it, and I was lazy. Yangyang replied: “Just do it, leave it to me without anyone reporting it!”

Now these sports are the same for me. It ’s easy to win a world championship if I want to. After I said this, I found that Yu Yang looked at me gratefully, and I saw my hair straight. Isn’t this Brat gay? I wondered.

But I quickly understood why Yu Yang smiled so strangely to me. When I saw the final list, I almost did not faint, and these guys even reported me “men pentathlon” “Five kilometers” and “10,000 meters marathon”! And “five kilometers” and “ten thousand meters” are almost next to each other, which means that as soon as I have run five thousand, I have to run ten thousand! t ***, gave it to me! If I ca n’t Ability, I must not be exhausted on this playground!

Yu Yang looked at me holding the item list and was embarrassed and said, “Liu Lei, please give me one …”

I said with a smile: “It’s okay, don’t you add 15,000 kilometers to the pentathlon! You just wait for me to take the first place!”

Yu Yang was shocked when he heard it, and opened his mouth and looked at me in horror. He didn’t speak for a long time.

“Boss, why did you report so many?” Guo Qing said with a look of surprise at the final item list.

“Hehe, I’m Superman, your boss! How about, you can also report a few projects, how can you compete for honor in the class?

You’re at this level, isn’t it easy to take the first? “I patted Guo and said.

“Oh!” Guo Qing sighed and said, “Forget it, I now feel farther and farther away from the students, and I feel like they are not the same kind of people at all.”

I nodded. What Guo Qing said is the fact that Guo Qing is now the boss of one party. The daily life is very different from that of an ordinary student. It is impossible for him to look at things as a student.

“How are you and the people in Taohua Alley?” Suddenly I thought about this very important thing, that is, this year, Yu Wenfeng was mentally handicapped by Ding Bao San. Due to a series of chain effects brought by my rebirth, I can’t guarantee that the person who shot it will not be Ding Bao San! Because this life is different from previous life! The boss of the previous life food market port is Ding Bao San, but now it is Guo Qing, and so on. Those who are disabled in Wenfeng this year are likely to become Guo Qing! I can’t just watch the own gang die in jail, so I must think of a perfect solution before this happens.

“Did you say Yu Wenfeng? The Sanhouzi leader smashed a few of their places in the next few years. Maybe they were scared and never moved.” Guo Qing said indifferently.

My heart moved after listening! No, definitely not! Yu Wenfeng is definitely an insidious villain. This time he suffered such a big loss without moving, it is likely that he is planning a bigger conspiracy, and it is likely that it was the battle that I experienced in previous life. And it happened in April this year, only one month from now! And this time the contradiction was provoked because Ding Bao San smashed several places in Wenfeng!

“Guo Zi, Yu Wenfeng cannot possibly eat a dumb loss like this, it may be planning something!” I reminded.

“Hey! Boss, I don’t know if you know this, but how can he grasp it? I’m not afraid of him at all, and anxious, I will lead people to Taohua Alley to follow him!” Guo Qing said arrogantly .

Sure enough! I am sure now that the big event of previous life started because of this. But I have to remind Guo Qing that Xinjiang is now a period of severe crackdown. Some time ago, because of the Su Yingzi incident, the Provincial Public Security Department issued a notice to Songjiang City to crack down on crimes. If Yu Wenfeng was beaten stupid, it may be easy to be settled because of the rage between underworlds. There is no way to tell who is right or who is wrong. But it’s different now. If Guo Qing hits the muzzle at this time, it will be troublesome!

The arrest of Ding Bao San in previous life also catches up with severe beatings, but I do n’t know exactly because of the severe beatings. In short, it is definitely not Su Yingzi, because there is no Su Yingzi Celebrity in previous life.

Same time, different causes lead to the same result! After rebirth, I can basically confirm that the general direction of history will not change. The only thing that changes is that I still have people who have a relationship with me.

“Strike hard now, that Yu Wenfeng is better not to have a direct conflict with him.” I said to Guo Qing very seriously.

“Strike hard? What does this have to do with us?” Guo Qing asked strangely.

Guo Qing, do you believe me?” Of course I can’t tell Guo Qing that I have already experienced this once. I can only use this trick, and that is to use Guo Qing‘s trust in me. After rebirth, every time I gave Guo Qing advice, he benefited a lot, which also caused Guo Qing to speak to me with a god.

“I … believe!” Guo Qing saw me say this, and although I didn’t understand why I brought it up, I agreed.

Liu Lei! Someone is looking for you outside!” cried Schoolmate at the door.

I walked to the door strangely. There don’t seem to be many people who know me in this school! When I went out, it was still Qi Dapeng‘s mental retardation.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“I’ve chosen our challenges, and I’ll be at the sports meeting in a few days!” Qi Dapeng pretended to be calm and casual.

I sneered in my heart. I don’t know what this guy thinks? Do you think you can beat me in sports because you are a sportsman? It’s dreaming! Even if I do n’t know Ability, I still get you easily! When I was in previous life, I won the first place of men’s decathlon at the Games!

“Just do it!” I said, “What project?”

“You decide the project! Pick three projects at will, two wins in three games, how about it?” Qi Dapeng saw that I agreed, very proud. He originally chose the Games as a challenge. He thought he had already taken a big advantage. As for any project, in his opinion, it was easy to win me.

Oh, that’s exactly right, others reported three projects for me, and I will take it as a test against you.” I said.

“Okay! You tell me the project, I will report it when I go back!” Qi Dapeng said. In his opinion, he had already won this test.

“Men’s all-around pentathlon, five kilometers and ten thousand meters,” I said without any hassle.

Oh, I wrote it down. Men’s all-round pentathlon, five kilometers, one … ten thousand ?!” Qi Dapeng suddenly said in shock, “What? Five kilometers? Ten thousand meters?”

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