Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 121: First arrival in New York

A bar controlled by the famous local Gangster Hell Ghost in New York, USA.

“The chief, instructor.” A white young man said to me and Du Xiaowei in blunt Chinese.

“Call my boss in front of outsiders.” I nodded and said.

“Yes, boss.” The white youth changed his voice immediately.

“His name is Hank. He is the head of our company in the Americas. He is mainly responsible for the ammunition business. He also undertakes some assassination or temporary employment services for the local Gangster.” Du Xiaowei introduced to me: “The people we want to see in a while are Gree, the boss of the ghost of hell, is the underground emperor in New York. “

“How credible is this person?” I asked.

“Oh, Lei Family is just a rich man, and we, to put it bluntly, provide them with weapons for Gangster. Do you think they need to offend us because of Lei Family?” Du Xiaowei laughed.

“This is the best.” As he said, the door of the private room opened, and a white fat man in his forties came in.

The white fat man glanced at the three of us in the house, walked towards me, reached out to me and said, “Hello, distinguished oriental guest, I am the person in charge here, David Gree, of course. , You can also call me David, this will be more intimate. “

“Hello, Mr. David.” I stood up and shook hands with him with a smile. I have to say, this David’s vision is still very good, can be seen at a glance. I am the highest of these three.

But it’s no wonder that Du Xiaowei and Hank are both dressed solemnly. The only suit I wear is the casual sportswear. If I weren’t above them, I wouldn’t be so casual in front of them.

From David ’s attitude towards me just now, he also understands that my strength is much stronger than him, and the boss behind the world ’s largest employment company. Being able to bother him is also an affirmation of him.

David must also know that if I really rely on my line, it will be very delicious for his future development!

“Did you get the Lei Xiaolong data?” I didn’t need to be false and polite between David and me, and I went directly to the subject. I was surprised at the general information of Lei Xiaolong, but detailed. A ground snake like David is needed to help.

Lei Xiaolong is a man who is very frivolous and has not the calmness of his father at all. In New York this time, I often patronize places such as bars and Casino,” said David.

It seems that this person is still the same as before, he will not do anything except pretend and spend money. It should not be very difficult to engage him. It turned out that I was going to meet him at the wedding. Fuck him in advance, everything is easy to say.

And most importantly, I can be sure. Xia will never like such a prodigal brother!

“Any plans for Mr. Liu?” David asked.

Um, it’s kind of a bit clue. But it needs your cooperation. You can borrow a few men from you, you know. I didn’t bring anyone this time.” I said. After all, this is David’s place, and I’m a bit disgraceful when I bring someone by myself.

“No problem. It’s easy.” David nodded. “Anything else?”

“Also, I would like to ask, Lei Xiaolong often go to those Casino, do they have their own place?” I thought and asked. Roughly planned I have formed in my mind.

“Oh, open Casino in New York, who can drive without me nodding David?” David laughed.

“This is easy! If Lei Xiaolong patronizes again. Notify me immediately.” I laughed. David is right. He is the underground king of this city, an underground business. He has the final say.

I took a moment to change the appearance of own slightly, but to be honest, I have n’t seen it for so many years. Lei Xiaolong probably forgot about what I look like. The rich man’s teeth were jammed, so can he remember that it’s all about me?

“Okay, my distinguished guest. Take it easy and relax, everything is in my head.” David stood up with a smile and said, “Sorry, you know, in my position There are many things every day … “

“It’s okay, Mr. David, you can be busy, we’ll just play for ourselves.” I got up and sent David out of the booth.

It didn’t take long for more than ten babes to fill the room. Behind him was a subordinate of David.

“Several guests, this is Mr. David’s heart. If not, I can change it … but these are the best.” David’s men said.

My face is slightly changed. Fuck, am I looking for a chicken, and actually fool me with some rotten bars. Can’t I pick up myself!

Hank may see that my face is not right, stand up and mutter a few words to David’s men. Hank and David are acquaintances, so David’s men are also familiar with Hank.

After listening to Hank, David’s men immediately explained: “Maybe I didn’t make it clear. Honorable guests, you misunderstood. They are not doing that. They are all supermodels or famous movie stars. Mr. deliberately came to help a few. “

After listening, I raised my eyebrows gently and looked up at these foreign beauties in front of me. To be honest, all of them are in good shape … Suddenly, I saw someone, Shirley!

Fuck, isn’t she a popular Hollywood star! I remember when previous life, I was still one of her fans. I was once fortunate to chat with her at a reception, but at that time she was so noble. In high society, many people did not succeed in trying to get her ideas. !! Now … she would actually be here as a guest!

I have to admire David’s forces! Being able to do this shows that the character of David is very simple.

Du Xiaowei has followed me in the past few years and thought very well about my mind. Now when I see my eyes, I immediately understand. Pointing at Shirley, “You stay.”

Then he and Hank picked two models at will, and David’s men led the rest out.

Du Xiaowei and Hank are not serious men. They are both familiar with the road, and there are few women who do not stick to this industry.

But I was still engaged in a fierce ideological struggle just now. Should I let her stay or not?

Without waiting for my decision, Du Xiaowei has helped me make this decision.

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