Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 102: Ambiguous (on)

At this time, Zhong Yang led a group of people in police uniforms into the general manager’s office. (Zhong Yang, please refer to the chapter “Brother Meets Others”, Wu Tian comrades.)

Brother Zhong, you are here!” I said.

“Here, I brought all the comrades of the Economic Investigation Department. Is it okay with me?” Zhong Yang laughed.

“It was gone, but now this guy is also under the control of your criminal police. This fat man raped!” I said. Hum, this guy is enough to drink a pot of this time, economic crime and attempted rape, it is estimated that it will not come out in 30 years, or it will be a lifeless one.

I really hope that this fat man is more greedy, and he’s so stupid.

Zhang Fatty knows that he is really planted today, but he is very puzzled. How can I keep an eye on him? So he asked unwillingly, “You need to understand death, right?”

“Then I’ll tell you, it’s not good for your son to provoke anyone, but to harass my wife Zhao Yanyan and profess to be your son!” I said coldly.

“This bunny!” Zhang Fatty said indignantly, “I would have known him before, so I wouldn’t let him come to the company!”

“But this is not the main reason for me to be angry. I also started a company called New Century Group myself. I wonder if you have heard of President Zhang?” I asked with a smile.

“Ah! That’s it! I know! I was still wondering why Dawn had to cooperate with your small company. I thought it wasn’t investigated clearly above. I thought that you guys would suffer for a few days. I didn’t expect it to be this relationship! It seems to be my intention! Zhang Liguang this prodigal play! “Zhang Fatty sighed.

“Take it away!” As soon as Zhong Yang waved, a few policemen took Zhang Fat out.

“Why are you so heavy? You make people look like pigs! When you entered the detention center, you didn’t know it was because our police gave it to you. Didn’t you discredit me!” Zhong Yang laughed .

“It’s okay, this guy is thick-skinned and will swell in two days!” I laughed.

“Yes, is there any news about Wu Tian recently?” I asked.

“Don’t mention it! Don’t you know? Wu Tian has committed a crime!” Zhong Yang shook his head.

“Is something wrong? What is wrong?” I wondered.

“Last month. There were a few foreigners tearing a child from our country on the street. I saw Wu Tian, and I gave those foreigners a fat meal without saying anything!” Zhong Yang shook his head.

“Bullying people in our country, or children, Wu Tian is right!” I said.

“If that’s the case, that’s right! The key point is that when I investigated later, it wasn’t the case at all! Those foreigners were sent to our country for inspection! They are all political officials in those countries. Very background! “Zhong Yang sighed.

“I said Zhong Yang! What’s the matter with you Ah? foreigners can have arrogance? You still Huaxian?” I said.

“If I was bullied by a child, I would rather be fired from the police force, and I would go ahead! The key is that it is not the case at all. The foreigner did nothing at all, it was the child holding a bunch Flowers. The foreigner had to buy it because the language was inaccessible. The communication was impossible and the translator happened to be absent. The foreigner thought that the child had given him flowers and wanted to leave. The child said nothing. Holding the foreigner ’s clothes, the foreigner returned the flower to the child, and the child still refused to let him go. No way, the foreign talent forced the child away! But the guy Fatty Wu did n’t know the cause and effect. It ’s unknown. Go up and give people a fat meal! “Zhong Yang smiled bitterly.

Fuck! I just realized that this Fatty Wu is a bit too much.

On the streets, some people in the community have used children to sell flowers for strong buying and strong selling. I have also heard of some things. I did not expect that Fatty Wu would run into such a coincidence.

“But then again, Fatty Wu is enough to be wronged! Beating foreign dignitaries is enough to go to military court!” Zhong Yang continued: “But fortunately, the original intention of Fatty Wu is good, the People ’s Liberation Army is for the people. Well! I’m looking for someone to do some activities, but I guess I can’t stay in the army! “

“This Fatty Wu has a hot temper!” I was relieved when I heard about the Fatty Wu nothing event. In fact, this matter is a misunderstanding.

“Well, Brother Zhong, my goddad is hospitalized. Let’s revisit the old day!” I said.

“Well, I have to go back, my colleagues are waiting for me below!” Zhong Yang nodded and said.

After Zhong Yang left, I said to He Xiyuan: “Little Xi, which hospital is your goddaughter? We will go now, and the condition will not be delayed! I ca n’t see the doctors until I pay enough money ! “

“Third person in city b ::

“Well, Chu Gao, you stay here first and talk to our new manager about our cooperation matters! Rest assured, you are all alone, and mutual benefit is all you need!” I said to Chu Gao: “You yourself Go back, I’m leaving now for something! “

“No problem! I have a bottom in my heart this time! It turns out that your boss has such a hard relationship. It is difficult for our company to be underdeveloped!” Chu Gao laughed.

“Don’t be too proud of yourself, computer sales are only a small part of our business, you must follow up other projects!” I ordered.

“Okay, boss, I’m at work, rest assured!” Chu Gao grinned.

“Be assured, rest assured, this time I haven’t figured it out!” I said.

It looks like you are causing trouble yourself this time, Chu Gao thought to myself, but said in his mouth, “That’s right, when the boss comes out, get it right away!”

He Xiyuan and I got Dawn Group and got into Bentley.

“Brother, is this car expensive?” He Xiyuan curiously looked at the luxurious interior of the car.

It’s just that this “brother” listened to me. I didn’t know if the girl was intentional or unintentional. Isn’t that tempting me to make a mistake!

“It’s not expensive, Little Xi, I’ll send you a car when you get your driver’s license!” I said.

Oh …” He Xiyuan nodded, and couldn’t hide the excitement in his eyes, but said in his mouth, “Forget it, let the Yanyan sisters know that they should be angry …”

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