Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel: 75. Calmness and recovery

However, Xu Qingwei does not seem to intend to let me give him a chance to let him go.

Liu Lei, do you think I only have a piece like Yu Gang?” Xu Qingwei laughed: “Hum, a dragon-runner, it’s just that’s all that I used to confuse your sight. You really take him seriously. Are you there? “

I know what Xu Qingwei said may be the truth, indeed, Yu Gang does not look like the ultimate boss! But Xu Qingwei‘s so-called back move, is it because he still has chess pieces? There is no doubt about the people around me, and how many other chess pieces are not afraid. What does he mean?

Liu Lei, you do n’t have to think about it, you do n’t understand if you want to break your head, because when I developed these weapons for you, I already had a selfish mind. The weapons I developed are already better than yours now. The advanced generation is used! Originally, I didn’t intend to let you die immediately, I plan to borrow your team to complete the construction of Yan Huangxing and kill you, but since you already know me, then I ca n’t keep you Now! “Xu Qingwei sneered.

“Okay, I think I misunderstood you!” Then, as soon as I waved my hand, a beam of spiritual energy shot like Xu Qingwei‘s brain. I was going to make him an idiot and give this guy a self-destruct opportunity.

But something strange happened! My spiritual energy hit Xu Qingwei, he has nothing at all!

“It’s useless, Liu Lei. Yu Gang only interferes with your Psychic Ability, and I can already defend it!” Xu Qingwei laughed: “Hahaha, didn’t you think? The clothes on my body are a layer of armor!” “

I frowned, I didn’t expect Xu Qingwei was so cunning, there was still a hand behind it! Do some scientific research sneakily!

Liu Lei. Your death is here! Don’t hesitate. Are there any last words to say?” Xu Qingwei laughed wildly: “Yes, I can take care of your woman for you. Hahaha!”

“Do you only laugh?” I looked at Xu Qingwei coldly said.

“Well, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!” Xu Qingwei saw my land, thinking that I was still trying to calm down, and said disdainfully, “Look at heaven!”

After speaking, Xu Qingwei reached out a finger. A spaceship was written so lightly by him and turned into a flame.

“What is your Ability? Ability is no better than Technology!” Xu Qingwei Yangyang said contentedly: “Do you think your Ability is invincible? Wrong! Look at me? Just this A thin layer of armor. I can easily kill you! “

I looked at Xu Qingwei and shook his head with regret. This person can be regarded as a science geek, but his ambition is too great, and his pursuit of power and women is now close to insanity! Almost abnormal!

“Why? You don’t believe it?” Xu Qingwei seemed to look down on him when he saw my eyes, suddenly annoyed, and pointed at a hill. The hill immediately vanished.

“I believe. Why can’t you believe it?” I smiled: “However, you are too confident, you all know that you have hidden your heart and surpassed the level of own Technology by my generation. Do I have no secret weapon? Are you there? “

“You? Chief Liu. It’s not me who devalues ​​you! After working with you for so long in your life, you are not a technical talent at all. Your talent lies in employment and management! It is no exaggeration to say that you have no technology Local innovation consciousness! Don’t see that you can always come up with super-modern things now. But those are all cheats you got after rebirth, and there are alien Technology products! But these. Which one did you invent yourself? Do you have a secret weapon? I don’t believe it! “Xu Qingwei laughed at.

“Yes, I really don’t excel at this! But it doesn’t mean that others can’t! You also said that I am good at employing people!” I said with a smile.

“People? Don’t make a joke. Here you only have me and Sun Sikong two technicians. Sun Sikong technology. I know everything! Speaking of this, I want to thank you, if not you sent me here , I haven’t killed you in a lifetime! “Shouted Xu Qingwei.

“Oh, well, since you can’t believe I can’t help it anymore!” I shook my head and said, “Lyles. Come on out, this person is over to you!”

A small white ship in the shape of a silver plate quickly appeared in the sky. A light was emitted from the ship to cover Xu Qingwei.

Xu Qingwei, can you still move?” I looked mad at Xu Qingwei,


“You … Liu Lei, what is this! Impossible, how can you have a back trick! Who are these people? I have already investigated and you have nothing on earth except our research base. Research base! “Xu Qingwei‘s incredible expression!

“Yes, yes, I do have only one research base for you!” I nodded.

“Then they are …?” Xu Qingwei looked at the tiny UFO-shaped object in the sky! But he knew that although this thing was small, it was very powerful! I don’t know how many times more advanced than what he researched!

“Oh, they are my friends, Lyles and Crete, from the planet Animas!” I smiled confidently: “All of our alien Technology is provided by them, you think, Can you be more advanced than them? “

“What! Alien(s)!” Xu Qingwei looked at me in horror: “Liu Lei, I never thought of it, you can even find Alien(s) to help you! Liu Lei, I lost, I also recognize! This time I am convinced that you are a leader. You can make good use of all the resources around you! I am not as good as you in this respect! “

“But even if you say that, I won’t forgive you! You have missed my last chance! You are a person who values ​​hatred! I won’t put a time bomb Beside me! “I shook my head.

“Charles, deal with others, after all, work together, don’t make him too painful!” I shook my head, sighed and turned away.

After a beam of light, Xu Qingwei turned into countless particles, and the wind blows away and dissipates in the air …

The small silver spacecraft landed on the ground, and the two Alien(s)s I had saved in Antarctica came out of the fat and thin!

Yan and Huang Xing returned to peace and everything began to recover …

The screen goes a few days ago.

Zhao Yanyan told me that two people visited me that day, and these two people were Lyles and Crete on the planet Animas!

The identity of Lyles is actually a director on the planet Animas! The highest ruler of the planet! When I learned his identity, I was also very surprised! I actually saved a director!

Lyles The main purpose of coming to me is to discuss with me about the future of their planet. According to predictions from scientists on the planet, there will be a major disaster on the planet Animas soon. The spiritual energy hidden inside the planet will erupt, in fact, it is a volcanic eruption! But the area of ​​the Animas planet is very small, so as long as the volcano erupts, it will spread to the entire planet!

As the director of Animas, Lyles has to consider this issue. In order to keep the people on the planet, all immigrants must be carried out! The planet that meets the living conditions of the Animas is not so easy to find, so Lyles thinks about the earth. On the earth, he only knows me, so I want to discuss with me whether I can People move to earth!

But the current situation of the earth, no country will welcome Lyles theirs! Who would have hoped that there would be a group of unstable factors in the own territory?

So Lyles and I explained the benefits here. Although Animas’ Technology level is far ahead of the earth, their number is very limited. Once a war is started, Lyles is really a bit vague, and Lyles is not sure. How many Ability people on the earth are like me, don’t **** it up when the whole army is overwhelmed!

This is also the terrible atmosphere on earth that I specially created for him! There are many Ability on the earth, and there are n times more powerful than me! I’m not cheating him, my Yama (King of Hell) brother is very powerful!

My words make Lyles shudder, this place is really dangerous!

Next, I threw out my olive branch. Yanhuangxing is safe. There is my territory. I’m sure that the people of Animas can move to the past, and I can give Lyles an official title. !!

I feel very evil. In order to find some civilized people to lead the cultural rhythm on Yanhuang Xing a few days ago, Lyles came to my door! And he has to thank me!

Of course, Lyles will not refuse such a tempting condition, and immediately agreed. And promised me to use Animas’ Technology to build Yanhuangxing! So there is the scene just now!

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