Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel: 54. Stress on strength

Since the reputation of the dark Tribe broke out, there will always be several Tribes coming to the door to take refuge in one month. Withdrawing from such an actively lowered Tribe, Liu Kesheng formulated a good treatment. Among the dark Tribe, those who enjoy the same treatment as others, and who are physically strong can also be drafted into the army!

You know, being a soldier is a good job! Who said that a good man is not a soldier, at least now in the dark Tribe, it is very popular to be a soldier! Not only do you have a good house to live in, but even the food is much better than everyone else, because the army gives priority to supply!

If you have a prey, you must feed the army first! This is a system formulated by Liu Kesheng, so he is not afraid that he will not recruit soldiers! In this way, it is difficult for the dark Tribe not to be powerful!

Raul is taken into the dark Tribe‘s palace. Along the way, Raul looked around and was stunned by the appearance of the palace in front of him! It’s like Liu Ye entered the Grand View Garden, of course, provided he knew who Liu Ye was!

The Dark Temple is built in the belly of a large mountain. There is a naturally formed cave. After being redesigned and redrawn by the modern man Liu Kesheng, the drawings were created by the dark Tribe labor force.

Moreover, Liu Kesheng first proposed the concept of currency, and issued a dark coin of this planet. Then according to the amount of labor of each person, the original cauldron rice has also become a purchase.

Liu Kesheng ’s army, when there was no war, also became Liu Kesheng ’s free labor, helping him build some houses and his people.

So, on the star of life. A money society with more labor and less labor has gradually formed. And this hero is Liu Kesheng. The era of bartering was completely ended.

Liu Kesheng is very proud of the own initiative. He believes that after his death, he will be worshipped by future generations as the creation god!

Raul looked at the seemingly young King of Darkness in front of him, and felt indescribable in his heart! I thought it should be a very majestic old man, but I did not expect it to be a cunning youngster.

But Raul was relieved to think that the **** of Arcata tribe was also very young. I thought maybe the gods are immortal, so they just look young that’s all!

So I dare not to despise the slightest, kneeling respectfully and saying, “The King of Darkness, I am Raul, the patriarch of Xixibi Tribe, and I will lead all the people in the dark Tribe!”

“Well, how many people do you have on Tribe?” Liu Kesheng asked.

“About a thousand people!” Raul said.

A thousand people! It really is a big Tribe! I have not received such a big Tribe before! Liu Kesheng’s heart was excited! It seems that the reputation of own has deterred to the north, even the Tribe with more than a thousand people has come to rely on itself! Liu Kesheng became yy again in his heart, and became enthusiastic about Raul: “Very good! You can come to our dark Tribe. It means you are wise! I will never treat you!”

“Thank the King of Darkness!” Raul seemed very pleased to meet the people in front of him, and he himself was very pleased, and it seemed that he was right this time! If you ignore me, then fuck!

“Well. You don’t need to call me the King of Darkness. That’s what people outside of me call me. Since you have become your own, just call me King like the people here.” .

Dawang Ba? what is this? Raul frowned. But since they say something, just do it! So he said respectfully, “Okay, King Ba!”

“Dawang Ba?” Liu Kesheng was sweating, and he dared to make a mistake about this guy! Fortunately, there is no Wang Ba in this world, otherwise this joke will be a big deal! “Not King Ba. It is King!”

“Oh, lord, yes!” Raul said quickly.

“You go down first, I’ll study to seal your official position in a while!” Liu Kesheng said.

For such Tribe leaders who take the initiative to rely on, Liu Kesheng will give them a position. One is to meet the Pride of these people, and the other is to let other Tribe look. How generous I am!

After all, war is very costly. Liu Kesheng now thinks that the tribe’s civilization should be brought up first.

Otherwise, facing a group of primitive people, even if there are beautiful women, there is not much sexual desire.

Raul was naturally glad to hear that Liu Kesheng was about to seal his tube. Led by the soldiers, he came to a stone room to rest.

“It is indeed the place where the Protoss live!” Raul lived in such an upscale place for the first time in his life! The king of the dark Tribe must be more powerful than the **** of Arcata tribe!

A short while later, Liu Kesheng instructed the own army to queue up and get ready.

Rather than Tribe joining the ceremony. Raul and Zi Xiao are neatly lined up in the army into the dark Tribe territory!

Raul feels that this decision is very wise, it’s just too shameful! Let the dark Tribe army come out to greet, who can have such treatment!

It is true that the previous Tribe did not receive such a grand welcome, but this time is different. Liu Kesheng also fancy so many people of Sixi than Tribe, only to be happy to make the battle bigger!

See that the people are not left out. Zi Xiao is also relieved! I am even more pleased with the Xixibi Tribe locals. Before, they were afraid that they would be treated as slaves of the Dark Tribe. Now that they know that they can eat and wear like other dark Tribe people, they can also work to earn money to buy their favorite things This is simply amazing!

After all this, Raul was called to the King Palace of own by Liu Kesheng again. Let the soldiers read the purpose of the canonized Raul, who is the Deputy Prime Minister of Civil Affairs, responsible for the collection, deployment and sales of civilian food every day! This can also be regarded as a moderate official. Although the management is narrower, he used to rule only a thousand people. Now, the people under his indirect jurisdiction do not include the army. There are more than eight thousand people! Suddenly expanded eight times!

It also makes Raul happy. And the Deputy Prime Minister of Civil Affairs is also considered to be fat, at least not worry about eating and drinking in the future! And also respected by others!

I got what I wanted, and Raul’s words increased. Talk with Liu Kesheng! At first, Liu Kesheng was not interested in the things before their Tribe, but because it was the Tribe in the north, he didn’t know much about it, so he could barely listen to his temper.

Laure later said that when a **** appeared in Arcata tribe, Liu Kesheng immediately became interested!

“What? A **** appeared in the place called Arcata tribe?” Liu Kesheng asked.

“Yes, but I don’t know too well, it is said to be very respected!” Raul said here, suddenly paused, and then had an idea in his heart: “But it seems like nothing is a divine power, I don’t know if it is a lie Yes! I see that the house of Arcata tribe is far worse than the dark Tribe. There is no such advanced technology here, and the food is not delicious here! Bacheng is deceiving! “

Because of hatred of Arcata tribe, Raul wants to avenge himself through Liu Kesheng! The reason why he talked about Tenjin was incompetent because he thought that Liu Kesheng would definitely eat Tenjin! If he knew that Liu Kesheng wasn’t an opponent of the gods at all, he would definitely not encourage these things!

“That’s it!” Liu Kesheng was a little disappointed after hearing it, and his thoughts were the same as Raul’s. Bacheng was a liar!

“King, aren’t you going to slay Arcata tribe and that god!” Raul saw that Liu Kesheng didn’t respond, so he continued: “Only you can be called a **** in this world, he just offends you Exists! “

Liu Kesheng did not speak, but stared at Raul for a long time, and then slowly said, “What do I do, you do not need to tell me! Do you have Ah? against Arcata tribe

“I … I don’t!” Raul quickly pleaded.

“I don’t like people to lie to me!” Liu Kesheng said arrogantly.

“Uh … yes, Sisibi Tribe and their Arcata tribe are deadly opponents …” Raul said, “Yes, I want the king to slay them!”

“Oh, then you can tell me! Maybe I’ll be happy to be a military officer!” Liu Kesheng smiled lightly: “But I’m not going to go that far!”

“Yes, it’s all up to the King!” Raul said.

“Okay, you go down …” Liu Kesheng waved his hand and began to think about going to that god.

Are there another traverser here? It’s impossible. People above me say that I’m the biggest here, and the world here can be picked by me! Is it really a liar?

Hum, no matter who you are, if you really come through, there is no way, who made you meet me Liu Kesheng! My current abilities are not what your traversors can achieve with their minds and mouths!

Now it’s about strength! Suddenly an fireball came out of Liu Kesheng’s hand, and he threw it on the wall, sparking a cluster of sparks!

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