Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel: 41. The reason (in)

Although Xiao Gang has some doubts about the true identity of these people, it is just doubt! Because he did not understand the French police’s handling style, nor did they understand the procedures for handling the case. Maybe someone took him to confirm the scene! However, when these people admit that they are not policemen, things are different.

The reaction of Xiao Gang is bad! They are not police! Who would it be? And why are they posing as police?

This makes Xiao Gang very confused. If it is own, or the owner who lost these antiques, then there is no need for them to impersonate the police! The more I think about Xiao Gang, the more incredible.

Actually, there are reasons for these people to impersonate the police! Because the police is a government department and an absolute authority for violence! If you break into the villa in other identities, these people Xiao Gang will inevitably resist, may they follow these people obediently? If there is resistance or escape, in this case, one’s own side must fire, and the result is not what his own side wants to see! With the deterrence of the police’s identity, the possibility of Xiao Gang‘s resistance will be reduced, reducing a lot of unnecessary trouble!

However, these people still looked at Xiao Gang a few times. Xiao Gang they have no other skills besides their dexterity. Therefore, no matter who the other person is, as long as they are threatened by a gun, Xiao Gang will not resist at all. !!

Same place, those sentries have been removed at this time! Xiao Gang They were taken to a back room, where a middle-aged man was already sitting.

“Friends from Feiyanmen from Huaxia, how are you!” The middle-aged people were shocking and broke their identity with Xiao Gang.

“Who are you?” Although Xiao Gang was not able to resist. But there is still calmness as a professional thief, so there is no surprise in his expression, but in fact, his mind has set off a stormy sea! It seems that these people have long known the identity of these people! So who are they? What is the purpose of catching yourself?

Xiao Gang can be sure at this moment. Those fake antiques are not because the buyers don’t understand them, but they are already fake! Intentionally trying to seduce myself to hook up!

I often walk by the river. The old saying is good, Xiao Gang is this mood now!

“Who are we? Huh. Naturally, all my colleagues!” Middle-aged man sneered.

“Move?” Xiao Gang was a little surprised, somehow! Did you think everything was wrong before? These people just robbed themselves and others to come to eat black because they waited for them to get started first, and let them go empty?

“Those things are fake!” Thinking of this, Xiao Gang said quickly.

“Fake? Yes, we certainly know it is fake!” The middle-aged man nodded a little funny.

“Since you know it’s fake, what else do you want us to do? If you want it, you can take it away!” Xiao Gang said.

“What do you do to catch you?” Middle-aged man looked at Xiao Gang. Some said indifferently: “Do n’t you fly the flying gates across the world, do we think we don’t know?”

“You are members of the Thunder Party!” Xiao Gang immediately responded at this moment, it turned out that the other party was a member of the Thunder Party!

The middle-aged man nodded and confirmed the words of Xiao Gang: “Yes. I am indeed from Thor Party!”

“What do you mean!” Xiao Gang immediately felt wrong: “Did you arrange this time?”

“We arranged it? Oh, you can think so!” The middle-aged man spread his hands and said, “We just prepared a batch of imitation antiques to put here, and you tried to steal our things and were We were stolen and caught! “

Xiao Gang‘s face changed and changed. It turned out that from beginning to end, this was a conspiracy of the Thunder God Party, and she was framed! But to this day, no matter how bad or bad. After all, they have fallen into the hands of others! Xiao Gang also knows that you have to talk about rules when you come out!

“Well, I admit it! Let’s say, what conditions do you have!” Xiao Gang said helplessly.

“Your flying bird gate belongs to our Thor Party and becomes our branch in Asia!” The middle-aged person directly put forward the conditions.

“What? Come under your thunder party? What a joke!” Xiao Gang said angrily: “How is this possible! Even if we fly across the world through the flying bird’s gate, what about it, isn’t it difficult for you to be a strongman! “

“I never like the difficulty of strong men. If you don’t agree, then I will hand over what you do to Interpol, then what will be waiting for you to fly to Yanmen?” Zhong


“You threaten me?” Xiao Gang glared at the middle-aged man and said: “Okay, everything is evidence-based, I don’t admit it, what can Interpol do to me? Well, even if I refund 10,000 Step by step, even if I admit it, what about it, who knows that I am Feiyanmen? As long as I do n’t acknowledge my relationship with Feiyanmen. The big deal is me alone, so what can I do! “

“Oh, yeah, what if you don’t admit it?” The middle-aged laughed, “But it’s all too late!”

“What do you mean?” Xiao Gang asked back.

“Do you know where those water columns come from?” the middle-aged asked suddenly.

Xiao Gang was asked a moment, but still shook his head: “Did we accidentally hit the fire hydrant?”

“How can there be such a coincidence! That was our deliberate arrangement, in order to let you take off the mask!” said the middle-aged man: “What you have just done has been completely recorded. In the video, why, do you want to enjoy it? “Then, the middle-aged person picked up a remote control on the table and pressed several buttons above, and immediately started playing the vault on the large screen opposite, Xiao Gang, etc. Here comes the scene of the crime!

“So what?” Xiao Gang knew that he was framed, and he was not so surprised after seeing the video! Although he had smashed the monitors at the four corners when he committed the crime, who would have thought that monitors were also set up in the dark! Pinhole equipment is hard to find!

“I have already said, then I just need to say that this is just my personal behavior, and it has nothing to do with Feiyanmen!” Xiao Gang said.

“Oh, yes, but you don’t think about it, since we were able to record video just now, why can’t we record it now?” The middle-aged man said slowly: “What you said just now has your expression All are recorded! You said that if I handed these two things to Interpol, can you still say that you have nothing to do with Feiyanmen! “

Xiao Gang heard the middle-aged man’s words, his face became pale immediately. At this moment, he was shocked and angry. He slaps the table and points at the middle-aged man and says, “You are too despicable! How can you count me like this?”

“Did I count you? Have you made a mistake! We are all good people at Thor Party! We just bought a lot of imitation antiques and put them here, but you stole them! Now, I caught you, shouldn’t you have to put in some conditions? It is also my right to hand you over to the police? “Said the middle-aged man without any anger, humble.

“But aren’t you afraid that the police will find evidence of your Thor’s crime from this conversation?” Xiao Gang was helpless in the end and struggled.

“Evidence? What evidence? I said that I stole something or killed someone? No, I just said that we are all good people in the Raytheon Party!” The middle-aged laughed: “Ha ha! But I will put some sensitive Things are deleted, such as letting you belong to us! Anyway, the video is in our hands, how we can do it is not what we say! “

Xiao Gang is completely wrong this time! I blame myself for lacking experience, so I was counted! Now, even if he wants to carry his own sin!

Unfortunately, Xiao Gang made a call to Jin Hongzhong. Tell the story to Jin Hongzhong. Jin Hongzhong did not panic like Xiao Gang, but calmly asked to talk to middle-aged people!

“Mr. King?” The middle-aged man answered the phone.

“It’s me, may I ask your Excellency?” Jin Hongzhong‘s voice was still so calm.

“Oh, this is Ben Luther.” The middle-aged man laughed.

“It turned out to be Mr. Ban Luther, the leader of the Thor Party! Fortunately, I’ll be lucky!” Jin Hongzhong said with pleasure, but his voice was still so indifferent.

“Well, you must know my request, too?” Banlude asked.

“That’s impossible!” Jin Hongzhong directly denied Ban Luther’s words: “You do not conform to the rules of the road!”

“Oh, of course, I won’t do this.” Ban Luther, he seemed to know that Jin Hongzhong would not agree, and agreed with him with a smile!

Ban Lude, no matter how it is, Xiao Gang is planted, or if Feiyanmen crosses the boundary, things will naturally be accounted for, but if Feiyanmen becomes a vassal of Thor, then Jin Hongzhong directly points out : This is not in line with the rules of the road!

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