Upgrading Every Second Chapter 2: Kill the gods

   Brother is Tang Junming and sister is Tang Mingjun. The names of the two are exactly the same, but they are reversed.

   This is the name of the parents of the two people, so they want to always remember that they are relatives, brothers and sisters, and take care of each other forever.

  Looking at the vivid and beautiful sister in front of him, Tang Junming realizes again that this is not a game, although his background is very similar to the protagonist of the game.

   This world is a real world, and the people here are also real, not the NPCs he designed in the game.

  At least Tang Mingjun is not the sister template he designed, the name is different, the appearance is also different, just the same identity.

   “Brother, the injury on you is not good. Hurry up and drink some oxtail soup, which can make up for the lost blood.”

  Tang Mingjun brought the oxtail soup to Tang Junming and wanted to feed him soup.

  Tang Junming quickly took over the oxtail soup: “I can do it myself, you can rest for a while.”

   “It’s okay, I’m not tired. It’s easy to cook oxtail soup.” Tang Mingjun smiled and sat down next to Tang Junming.

  Tang Junming can smell the fragrance of her sister, fresh and pleasant.

  Although I am not used to it, after all, Tang Junming has never been so close to girls, and is still such a beautiful girl, more beautiful than any girl he has ever contacted.

  But Tang Junming knows that they are brothers and sisters, and it is normal to sit together.

  In order to avoid the suspicion of his sister, Tang Junming did not evade deliberately and began to concentrate on the soup.

  The oxtail soup is delicious. Although it is a clear soup, the taste is quite mellow, but it is slightly salty.

  You think the smell on your sister is very good, Common Experience+88……

  Do you think my sister is very considerate and well-behaved, and her heart is warm, Common Experience+188……

  You think oxtail soup is delicious, it is the best oxtail soup you have ever tasted, Common Experience+288……


While drinking soup, lines of text appeared on the head of Tang Junming.

   These characters Tang Mingjun are naturally invisible, only Tang Junming can see them.

  The appearance of these words in the game will not make people feel strange, but will have a feeling of harvest.

   But when all this happens in reality, it makes people feel very spicy.

  Tang Junming is not a chimney, but these continuous texts are really a bit like special smoke.

   Oxtail soup is a big tonic. Drinking and drinking Tang Junming feels a bit hot, and a flame rises from the chest Burn.

   At this time, Tang Mingjun got closer, and the delicate face was full of colorful smiles.

  You feel extremely hot, Common Experience+144……

   Your eyes are green, Common Experience+166……

  You feel something is wrong, Common Experience+133…


   “Brother, why is your body so hot?”

  Tang Mingjun said softly, and the whole person fell into the arms of Tang Junming.

  Wenxiang nephrite embraced her arms, Tang Junming dropped the oxtail soup in her hand, hugged the Tang Mingjun in her arms, turned over and pressed her, and pressed her so she could not move.

  When Tang Mingjun closed his eyes shyly, Tang Junming grabbed the ghost at the head of the bed and sprayed it towards the Tang Mingjun under him.

  Gui Buding is a type of water developed by Xuanyuan Dynasty for ordinary people. It can be used to deal with some low-level Demons, and Phantoms, and the effect is very good.


The unprepared Tang Mingjun was squirted all over the face with ghosts, and immediately issued a screaming scream and collapsed under Tang Junming.

   “You… how do you see that I am not your sister?”

   “Tang Mingjun” was full of horror and his body gradually began to change.

  Under the influence of the ghosts, a layer of human skin on the surface of “Tang Mingjun” melted away and replaced with a crimson Phantom(s).

   “My sister is not such a person!”

  Tang Junming Lengleng (Coldly) looked at the scarlet monster on the ground: “Are you a female ghost?”

   “No, I am the demon girl of Goddess Peach of Sun Yang Country, you will save me with the still water, otherwise our Sun Yang Country eight million gods will not let you go.” Scarlet monster Zhangya dance claws authentic.

   its body has been sprayed with ghosts, not moving at all.

  After all, it is just an First Level Low-Rank Monster Ghost, and you can kill it without a ghost.

   In this resurgent Blue Star world, Demons, and Phantoms is divided into Tenth Level, and each First Level is subdivided into Low-Rank, Middle-Rank, High-Rank, Peak-Rank.

  Tang Junming smiled and said: “It turned out to be a Peach Spirit of Sun Yang Country. You just wanted to drain my blood to improve your strength. Do you think I should kill you?”

   Talking, Tang Junming grabbed the ghost but didn’t sting, “spraying” the peach monster.

   “Ah… our eight million gods in Sun Yang Country will not let you go.”

  The princess of peach screamed sorrowfully, and disappeared into a dust.

  As Xuanyuan Dynasty‘s Affiliated Country, Sun Yang Country claims to have eight million gods, but most gods are just ordinary Monster Ghost demon.

  Compared to the gods of other countries, the eight million gods of Sun Yang Country are simply the sea, full of water.

  You are cross rank killing, the demon girl of Sun Yang Country First Level Low-Rank Goddess Peach~IndoMTL.com~Common Experience+16666……

  You have gained 16,666 experience, and you feel very happy, Common Experience+222……

  You think your future is brilliant, Common Experience+111……


  Looking at the huge numbers coming out of his head, Tang Junming smiled brilliantly.

  With so many Common Experience, he can practice and upgrade.

   But there is one more thing to do before that, that is…

  I am the one who was poisoned by the peach demon Ji which belongs to spring. Who will detox me?

  Tang Junming thinks he needs Burn as a whole person. If he goes on like this, he might become a fireball.

   But there are no girls around, how to detoxify?

Do you want to use five girls?

   or ten girls?


  Don’t think too much, Tang Junming rushed out of the room with red eyes, ready to jump into the pool and set fire, and soothe his hot soul with cold well water.

  Just Tang Junming just rushed into the yard and saw a moving girl walk in and out of the yard.

   The girl has an exquisite and flawless face of melon seeds, white and white, and the tender ones are all pinched out of the water.

  She is wearing a white dress and her chest is bulging. Although she is not old, she is already well developed.

  The long curly hair is scattered randomly, with brown dyed hair, simple and stylish, pure and energetic.

  The two little white legs are smooth and delicate, glowing with shining light, which appeals to people’s hearts and souls.

   Black and white eyes rolled round and dropped on Tang Junming‘s body, smiling at him.

  Tang Junming was shocked and roared, sprinting towards this bright and picturesque girl.

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