Unlimited Cycles of Death: 71. Aixia Hospital (3)

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Out of courtesy, Mu Qin also subconsciously replied “Hello”, and then Mu Qin saw the half-blood smile in front of him. His exquisite and beautiful face made his smile get full marks. A good appearance is a kind of With a seductive and beautiful feeling, Mu Qin had to say that this half-blood was the best-looking person he had ever seen.

Although it looks good, it also makes Muqin feel inexplicably disobeyed.

But Muqin couldn’t tell why this sense of disobedience came from. He could only press this strangeness from his heart, and approached the person two steps, then stayed in place, keeping it at a certain level. distance.

Just as Muqin was thinking about opening his mouth to say something, the man first introduced himself and raised a big smile: “My name is Jin, how about you?”

What’s the matter with this harmonious opening?

Mu Qin smiled brightly at each other, as if he was not in a gloomy and dilapidated hospital, but standing on a sunny prairie, surrounded by flowers and green grass, leisurely and romantic.

Not at all the tension of being caught in the horror reincarnation game.

Of course, Mu Qin’s sense of tension is not very high, and he did not consciously smile at Jin and replied; “My name is Mu Qin.”

“…Mu Qin?” Mu Qin’s name seemed to have caught Jin’s attention. He seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his face was even greater, and he said, “Ah…You are Mu Qin.”

Mu Qin was not only taken aback when he heard this, but strangely said: “What do you mean…Do you know me?”

“I don’t know you.” Jin Yan said slowly and softly, “but I know your boyfriend Zhou Yue.”

The three words “boyfriend” spoken by the other party made Mu Qin’s heart startled, and then Mu Qin suddenly realized that this person named Jin might have a deeper relationship with Zhou Yue. Because Zhou Yue couldn’t tell others about his relationship with Mu Qin casually, unless that person was trusted by Zhou Yue.

Aware of this, Mu Qin relaxed a little. He said to Jin: “Are you friends with Zhou Yue?”

“Friends…not really. I and him are just partners, but we have been working together for a long time, so I am worthy of your trust.” Jin also noticed that Muqin was less on guard, so he boldly moved towards As Mu Qin moved closer, he almost walked to Mu Qin’s.

However, Mu Qin doesn’t like Jin’s approach very much. He has a strange illusion that he wants to retreat and stay away from this person. Even if Jin looks innocent, he even clearly shows his affection for Mu Qin. friendly.

But Muqin believed in his instincts more, so when Kim approached him, he moved back in small steps, always keeping a safe distance from the opponent.

“You are so wary.” Jin noticed Mu Qin’s estrangement, and sighed regretfully, “I want to take a closer look at what you are like, someone Zhou Yue likes… I’m curious. That’s pretty good!”

The corridors of the hospital are a bit dark, and some sensor lights don’t seem to work anymore, sometimes bright and sometimes not bright. Muqin happened to be standing in a relatively dim place where the light could not shine on his face, so Jin thought Take a closer look at what Muqin looks like.

Mu Qin said coldly; “My face is nothing beautiful, I have everything on your face.”

“Even if you say that, I still want to see it. Why can’t I satisfy my curiosity?” Jin’s tone was a little bit of imploring, even a little coquettish, with his Zhang is a face that can be called a male and female killer, and it can definitely make people feel good.

It’s a pity that Mu Qin remained motionless, still staring at Jin coldly, and Mu Qin said, “I hope your focus is not on my face. Since you know Zhou Yue, you came in with him in this round. Right?”

“No.” Jin smiled, “I took a peek at the conversation between you and him on the blackboard, and determined when you entered the game, and then sneaked in with him.”

Jin’s honesty surprised Mu Qin. Mu Qin wondered: “Why do you want to do this? If you want to team up with Zhou Yue to enter the game, since you are partners in cooperation, just say no. Right?”

“If I speak directly, he will never let me follow.” Jin spread his hands out with a grin, “Because I am a large light bulb, it will disturb you lovers meeting sweet talk, and… he doesn’t Hope I meet you.”

This guy called “Jin”, whether it is the manner of speaking or the deep meaning of the words, reveals a taste that makes Mu Qin uncomfortable.

Mu Qin wanted to continue to retreat a little further away from this guy. This man obviously had a beautiful face that was so angry that everyone was angry, but Mu Qin felt like he was facing a poisonous snake.

“Since Zhou Yue doesn’t want me to meet you.” Mu Qin really stepped back, a little further away from Jin, “Then we’d better not meet.”

“Haha!” Mu Qin’s words made Jin laugh. Jin Yong didn’t know if it was a mockery or looked at Mu Qin with pity, and said, “You really listen to him. For you, Zhou Is Yue that important?”

Mu Qin replied: “Since you know he is my boyfriend, if he is not important, would you be more important than him?”

“I really hope…In your eyes, I can be more important than him.” Jin’s words became more and more weird. The soft voice of the other party was heard in his ears, making Muqin feel like he was getting goose bumps. I got up and frowned deeply.

“What the **** do you mean?” Mu Qin asked the other party sternly, “I don’t want to have any strange misunderstandings with you, so you’d better make it clear now.”

“It seems that you don’t understand.” Jin spread his hands regretfully.

He suddenly stepped forward and approached Muqin. Muqin didn’t like his approach and shouted: “Don’t come near me, stay away from me.”

But if Jin Fang didn’t hear it, he still walked toward Mu Qin, with a still sunny smile on his face. Muchinton felt bad, he immediately turned his head and ran away. Before he knew what was going on, he had to ensure his safety and stay away from all the guys that might bring him danger, such as Jin in front of him.

For escape, Muqin still has some advantages. His death awareness skills can allow him to avoid fatal attacks, and he also has a pope on him, a pope who is “immune to most negative effects”, which represents Muqin It’s hard to be stunned, and it won’t affect your mobility due to pain, just like a killer is immune to pain and dizziness to a certain extent.

So, even if he is hurt, Mu Qin can escape very smoothly. Mu Qin is very confident about this, and the only thing to solve is the question of where to escape.

The Weixia Hospital is very large, and its scale is extremely rare more than ten years ago. It is said that the senior management of this hospital has some sensitive backgrounds in the country and has received a lot of financial assistance, so this hospital can be built so large. The internal roads of the hospital are intricate, with many rooms and many places to hide.

Mu Qin knows the hospital well, and he has roughly remembered the structure of the building through the floor layout diagrams hung on the wall before, so he is methodical, turning his head and ran towards the passage leading to another building. .

He is going to the main building of the Aixia Hospital. The main building has a great opportunity for Mu Qin to meet other “teammates”.

Mu Qin, who had made plans in an instant, just ran a few steps away, and felt a strong wind behind him. The highly concentrated Mu Qin subconsciously adjusted his body to avoid the attack, and turned his head to look in a hurry. Glancing at the gold behind.

However, seeing that Jin still had his strange smile, his gray-blue eyes looked at Mu Qin without blinking, maybe he noticed that Mu Qin was looking at him, and the arc of his mouth became more distorted. The whole face was terrifying with a smile.

His speed is very fast, which surprised Mu Qin very quickly, because even in Mu Qin’s highly concentrated sight, his speed is still no different from ordinary people!

Know that when Muqin activates the skill “Death Awareness” to use his passive concentration. Everything in his vision moves very slowly.

It’s not really slow, but Muqin’s nerve activity is too fast, and his dynamic capture ability has increased to a terrible level, so the trajectory of everything is very slow in Muqin’s eyes at this moment.

Even so, Jin’s speed is still far beyond Mu Qin’s imagination. Mu Qin who is highly concentrated can only see his body shake, leaving only a residual shadow, and he came to Mu Qin in the blink of an eye. Around.

Jin grabbed Mu Qin’s arm with his bare hands. Mu Qin tried to adjust his body and tried to avoid it, but he couldn’t avoid it, so he grabbed his arm with one hand.

Jin’s strength is also great. It is definitely not the strength of ordinary people. When he was caught by him, Muqin felt that his bones would be broken by this guy, so Muqin immediately realized with horror: “You are a ghost! ?”

Only a player who becomes a ghost will have such a great strength and such a fast speed. What’s terrible is that his power and speed are much stronger than ordinary “ghosts”.

This can only mean one thing. This guy who calls himself “Jin” has been strengthened to the point where Muqin can’t imagine his physical fitness.

In the game, players can spend bonus points to improve various physical values, such as strength, intelligence, agility, spirit, and endurance. These values ​​are the basic values ​​of players. Players can spend one thousand bonus points to increase one point of any one of these values.

One thousand bonus points = one point value.

Muqin spent three thousand bonus points to increase his agility value to ten, and later spent two thousand bonus points to increase his endurance to eight, because his basic endurance value is very low, which means his physical fitness is not good.

Although it has improved agility and endurance, Muqin does not actually feel much, and his body does not seem to have become so agile or strong. I am afraid that these values ​​need a lot of bonus points to increase to see the obvious difference.

And now this guy named Jin can clearly see the terrible difference that is completely different from humans.

He subdued Mu Qin almost within a few seconds, grabbed Mu Qin’s arm and pulled, stepped on Mu Qin’s calf and forced Mu Qin to kneel directly on the ground. Then Mu Qin couldn’t move, Jin grabbed an arm, his other hand pinched Mu Qin’s neck, and his foot was still on Mu Qin’s calf.

“Don’t run.” Jin’s voice sounded behind Mu Qin. This gesture made Mu Qin unable to look back at Jin’s face, let alone know what kind of expression he was.

“I won’t hurt you.” Jin spoke slowly in Muqin’s ear, “As long as you are obedient.”

“You don’t act like it won’t hurt me.” Muqin’s voice is hoarse, but he speaks calmly. It was not the first time that he suffered this kind of loss. The first time was under the hands of Zhou Yue, when he was ambushed at the door by patient Zhou Yue and then caught.

But even Zhou Yue wants to catch Mu Qin, but it takes some time, but this gold…

It’s totally overwhelming.

Is there such a strong guy in the fringe world? Or does Muqin have underestimated others so far?

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