Unlimited Cycles of Death: 64. Library (ten)

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Although the ghost girl said that it can be done, she shook her head slightly in response to Muqin’s expectations: “Although it can be done, it takes a lot of time, energy and money to prepare, and you also need A companion will help you.”

Mu Qin also knew that things could not be that simple, but he still wanted the answer: “How to do it?”

“First you need to get the king’s’white card’, which is the kind of blank tarot card. That card is the key to open the throne map. Without it you can’t enter the throne map. Second, except Grim Reaper, you have to prepare two world cards, one is the inverse world for yourself, and the other is the upright world for your companions. Third, in addition to these, you must also have an inverted lover, an upright lover It is a two-way transfer card. Players holding a lover card can randomly designate a companion to be their’lover’. After the designation, the two parties can teleport to each other’s location. Inverted lovers only allow ghosts to teleport to humans. Fang’s location.”

Speaking of this, the ghost girl paused, and continued: “After you have these cards and a companion, you bring death, the world and the lover yourself, your companion only needs to bring a positive world, and then You enter the throne map together. After entering, first establish a “transport relationship” with your partner and your partner, and then let your partner stand at the entrance and exit of the throne map and wait. You kill the king in the past. When you finish killing, use the reverse The lover teleports to his companion, and then jumps with him to escape, so that the throne cannot catch you.”

She explained the meaning of the ghost girl very clearly. She said: “The Butterfly Throne will immediately search for any player in the Throne Map to become a new king after the king’s death. Suppose the “heir” designated by the king is on the throne. In the map, the throne will attack the “heirs” first. However, no matter what kind of attack, the throne attacking the player and dragging the player onto the throne takes time. As long as you react faster, kill the king and teleport to escape in time. Out, the throne will not catch you.”

“As long as the Throne can’t catch players, this location becomes vacant, and the Throne and Throne maps will begin to collapse, and everything will disappear… Of course, maybe a few hours later, the Butterfly Throne will refresh again, refreshing in In other maps, there will be other players who don’t know the truth sit on them and become the brand new puppets of the Butterfly Throne.”

After listening to the ghost’s words, Mu Qin’s face was a little gloomy: “Your method is indeed feasible, but it is as difficult to implement as it is… It’s almost impossible to just use two world cards forward and backward. I did it.”

“Yes, that’s why I said it was a time-consuming, labor-intensive and cost-consuming method.” The ghost girl tilted her head and said, “As far as I know, the probability of drawing world cards in the game is very, very low, unlimited. Approaching zero probability… so if you want to get it, you have to use some other means.”

“Do you have a way to increase the probability?” Muqin asked.

“There are two ways. The first is what you are doing now. Use the ghost identity to swipe the ghost’s reward box, and bring some luck-enhancing secondary cards to increase the probability of the reward box being out of the world, although the probability is still not very good. High, but compared to other methods, this is already the highest probability. The second is to play a magician, a magician can be transformed into a world card, but the probability of failure is also very high. However, I have to tell you, use the magician Out of the world is the most efficient way, because the magician card is the only card that can be used in the safe house outside the game. You can buy a large number of magicians from the mall or other players, and then Try to change one by one until the’world’ is changed.”

“So that’s the case.” Mu Qin nodded clearly: “Compared with being a ghost in every game, killing people, scoring points, and opening boxes to bet on the slim probability, it is indeed more efficient to play a magician… Why hasn’t anyone done this before?”

“Because most players think that the main card can only be used in the game… But the magician is a cunning liar, he always likes to deceive the world.”

The words of the ghost girl were very interesting, and Mu Qin couldn’t help but look at her a few more times.

Then Muqin asked the ghost curiously: “You know too much, even though you have explained the reason, I still can’t help but want to doubt…”

The ghost girl laughed and opened her hands indifferently: “Please feel free to doubt any questions. I am only responsible for telling what you want to know and what I know.”

Mu Qin said: “Well, anyway, thank you very much.”

“You suspect that I am also normal.” The ghost suddenly said something inexplicable to Mu Qin. She said, “Mu Qin…the world is inhumane, and everything is a dog. All coincidences that happen in this world are It is an inevitable result, and I hope you understand… what I mean.”

Although the ghost girl said that she hoped that Mu Qin could understand, in fact Mu Qin was confused by her words. He was puzzled and couldn’t help asking the girl for verification. He said, “What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

The ghost girl didn’t answer Muqin’s doubts directly. She changed the subject and said, “I think you have other questions that you want to get answers from me. Let’s talk… as long as I can answer them. .”

The way the ghost girl changed the topic was so awkward, but Muqin still took advantage of the trend and asked casually: “Is the fringe world really a place that only the dead can enter?”

“Generally speaking.” The ghost replied, “Except for some special circumstances, such as if you are locked by the king’s “white card”, then you will enter the fringe world without death—but This situation has a benefit. As long as your physical body in the real world does not die, then no matter how many times you die in the marginal world, you can continue to’restart’ as always.”

“Is there anyone… he was not locked by the white card, but he still entered the fringe world?” Muqin thought of himself at this moment.

The ghost girl thought for a while, and replied: “There is no white card lock but still enters the fringe world… This is also the case, usually something similar to a’medium’. There are some objects in the real world, especially Antiques, cultural relics and the like will have some strange magnetic fields remaining on them. If ordinary people frequently come into contact with this kind of magnetic fields, they will enter the fringe world in their dreams when they sleep at night.”

“But they only vaguely peeped into a corner of the edge world in their dreams, watching the life and death struggles of the players in the edge world from the perspective of a bystander. When they wake up, they will forget everything, not like you. Play killing games in the fringe world.”

Mu Qin understood a little bit, but this kind of comprehension also made him feel some panic-like emotions in his heart. He took a little deep breath to ease his tense nerves, and said to the ghost: “If there is someone… he doesn’t There is no death, but there is no white card, let alone this so-called medium. Is it possible for him to enter the fringe world to play the game?”

“This is impossible. Except for the lock-in effect of the white card, the marginal world will never accept the undead.” The ghost girl searched for the information stored in her mind, and categorically replied, “If the marginal world accepts You, then you are definitely a dead person, no doubt.”

With these words, Mu Qin couldn’t help but start self-examination. He thought to himself: Is it possible that I am already dead?

No, I am not dead.

The suspicion that he was dead just wandered in Mu Qin’s mind for two seconds, and soon Mu Qin firmly dispelled the doubt…If you don’t know it, Mu Qin just believed that he was not dead, he I even felt that I would never die…Even when I entered the fringe world for the first time and entered the map of the orphanage, there was clearly a memory of death in a car accident in his mind, but Muqin always had a certain degree of suspicion about that memory. , He subconsciously thought that he was not dead, and this strange confidence made Muqin feel quite confused.

“If you are asking yourself this question…” Mu Qin thought, the ghost girl seemed to realize the reason why Mu Qin raised these questions, so she added, “That means you didn’t die. , There is no white card, no medium, but you have entered the fringe world, and you don’t understand why, so you asked me, am I right?”

Mu Qin didn’t say anything to the girl, he became silent, which represented acquiescence.

“If this happens, I can actually give you an explanation.” The ghost girl seemed to think about it, and finally sighed helplessly, “It’s just this kind of explanation, which is very important to you… Cruel.”

Mu Qin asked her: “What’s the explanation?”

The ghost girl hesitated for a long time, and replied: “All the players in the fringe world are dead in the real world. If you are sure that you are not dead, have not been locked by a white card or touched something similar to the medium, you still enter In this world, there is only one possibility that can explain what happened to you, and that is…you were born in a fringe world.”

“You’re kidding.” Muqin felt that this statement was a fantasy, but inexplicably stormy waves were set off in his heart.

The ghost girl is very sure: “I’m not joking, there is only this possibility.”

Mu Qin stretched out his hand to support his forehead. He felt his head hurt. All kinds of chaotic thoughts swirled in his mind. He couldn’t help but start recalling his childhood. He didn’t know who his parents were. , Where was he born, spent three years in the orphanage, and the “ghost mother” who once thought it was an illusion.

Everything is so weird, as unreal as a nightmare.

“If I was really born in a fringe world, how was I born?” Muchin kept breathing deeply to keep himself calm.

The ghost girl turned around in front of Muqin, swinging her clothes, and said: “How do you think I was born?”

Mu Qin found it ridiculous: “Is it possible that I am also a product of the so-called will of the world like you? If so… then I should be trapped in a certain map like you, along with the map That’s right. How could I run into the real world and grow up like an ordinary person.”

The ghost girl shook her head: “Then I don’t know, I just give you an explanation. As for the truth, you must find it yourself.”

After that, Mu Qin didn’t talk to the ghost girl any more about the deep-seated world of the marginal world, because the ghost girl reminded Mu Qin that if he chats with her for too long, he might be found strange by the will of the world, the will of the world. It’s not that leisure to monitor the player’s movements in each map at all times, but occasionally they will still inspect. If World Will finds out that she is chatting with Mu Qin, and after telling Mu Qin a lot of information that shouldn’t be said, I am afraid it will immediately erase Mu Qin’s memory.

So Muqin could only say goodbye to the ghost girl. He took the notebook he got from the ghost and went downstairs to find Chu Xin.

Chu Xin obediently, she has been reading a book on a chair in the lobby on the first floor, and she read it with gusto. She didn’t notice when Mu Qin walked slowly to her side. Then Mu Qin silently stretched out his hand and touched Chu Xin’s head. This sudden contact made Chu Xin shiver with fright, jumped up from the chair, and stared at Mu Qin with big beautiful eyes.

Seeing that it was Mu Qin, Chu Xin seemed to relax a little, and asked softly, “Is it resolved?”

“Solved.” Mu Qin answered casually, took out the ghost girl’s “novel” from his pocket, then looked at Chu Xin, and suddenly asked, “Do you like reading?”

Chu Xin smiled brightly in the sun immediately, she became happy like never before, feeling that if she had a tail, she would be able to stand up high, she nodded excitedly: “Like it, I used to like to go to this library to read books. , Can stay for one day!”

Mu Qin put the “blood novel” in his hand into Chu’s arms, and said gently to her: “Since you have a lot of experience, let’s take a look at this.”

“What is this?” Chu Xin puzzled over the notebook in his hand wrapped in a blue cover, opened the two lines, and asked Mu Qin uncertainly: “This looks like a book. Novel?”

“It’s a novel, you can see how it is written.” Muqin paused after speaking, and then said: “You watch here first, I’ll do something else.”

Although I don’t understand why Mu Qin asked her to read such a novel, the well-behaved Chu Xin didn’t ask much, holding the blue notebook and sitting down in the chair again to read.

This thin notebook can’t write many words. Chu Xin reads books very fast. When Mu Qin fiddled with him, he found an old iron bucket, and then brought a lot of books over as fuel. When Chu Xin got a lighter and started burning the book, Chu Xin had already read most of it.

Mu Qin tore off the pages of a book and threw it into the burning iron barrel. After waiting for a while, he looked back at Chu Xin and asked loudly: “Have you finished reading?”

“It’s finished.” Chu Xin turned the last few pages, nodded, got up and walked to Mu Qin’s side.

Mu Qin asked: “What kind of story is it?”

“Well… it’s a beautiful story of innocence. It is a high school student falling in love. The boy has money and background at home, and the girl is a Cinderella. One day they fell in love. Although there were twists and turns, they were still together. After I finished speaking, I still felt a little puzzled, “Why do you want to show this to me? Although the plot is simple and cliché…but it’s still pretty.”

“Because I don’t want to be the author’s first and last reader.” Mu Qin also smiled, and then took the notebook back from Chu Xin’s hands. He opened the cover and found the key hidden in the notebook. , And then threw the book cover and notebook into the burning iron barrel.

“Ah!” Seeing that Mu Qin threw away the notebook and burned, Chu Xin said with a little regret, “It’s a pretty good story…why burn it…”

“You like it very much?” Muqin asked her.

Chu Xin nodded earnestly: “I like it, although the author’s story is clichéd but vivid, and the handwriting is also very beautiful… If I can read well, I might be able to write stories like hers and hers. Word.”

Mu Qin said: “You can write about it, it’s not too late anyway.”

“We are already in this world, is it really not too late?” Chu Xin seemed to have little confidence in herself.

Mu Qin comforted her gently: “No matter when or where, it’s not too late.”

After that, Mu Qin gave Chu Xin the key and took Chu Xin to open the hidden exit in the basement. This was also the first time Mu Qin found a hidden exit in the game.

In the process of searching, Mu Qin gradually realized that the hidden exits in each map may be related to some plots in the map.

Like this time the key to the hidden exit of the library is linked to the blood novel written by the ghost girl. Players must find a way to find the novel before they can get the key to open the hidden exit.

The key to the front or back door of the library, you will always find the key to the entire library. But the key to hide the exit must be the first to get the clue to the haunted second floor. If Muqin hadn’t read the newspaper report about the haunted library in the library, perhaps he would not trigger the supernatural phenomenon of “books suddenly falling on their own” on the second floor, let alone smash that wall and look for what’s hidden in the wall. Fiction.

But when Mu Qin read the newspaper cautiously, his investigative and analytical skills were as strong as ever, and he always brought unexpected surprises to himself.

Before finding the hidden exit and sending Chu Xin to leave, Mu Qin told Chu Xin about the rules of the game and some information about the fringe world in detail. No matter whether Chu Xin could digest it or not, he kept going into Chu Xin’s mind. Stuff these things in.

Speaking at the end, he said to Chu to his heart: “The next road, you have to live on your own efforts. In the next game, you will not be so lucky to meet me or meet someone like me again. So we must learn to protect ourselves.”

Mu Qin’s heart-warming words made Chu Xin become more cautious. She nodded and thanked Mu Qin, and after saying parting, she was ready to step into the hidden exit and leave.

The hidden exit of the basement is a dark door when opened. It is vaguely visible that there is a long corridor in the dark. Occasionally, the whistling wind can be heard from the dark passage, and you can feel it A icy wind blew on the faces of Mu Qin and Chu Xin.

Mu Qin handed Chu Xin a flashlight that he turned over everywhere in his hand, and told her to enter the dark passage to try. If it is indeed a hidden exit, then the moment Chu Xin enters, it will be directly It was teleported back to the safe house, turned into a light spot and disappeared in front of Muqin’s eyes.

Just before Chu Xin was about to step into the hidden exit, she seemed to remember something, turned her head and looked at Mu Qin, and said to him: “After I go out, can I still contact you?”

“Contact me?” Mu Qin hesitated, “Yes, you can leave me a message on the’blackboard’ and write my name. If I can see it, I will contact you.”

Chu Xin was very happy with Mu Qin’s permission. She said to Mu Qin very sincerely: “Thank you, Mu Qin, you are the best person I have ever met in my life.”

Mu Qin was very helpless after hearing this: “Am I being issued a good person card?”

Chu Xin didn’t speak, but just smiled, and then she left, stepping into the dark corridor, and it turned into a spot of light as Mu Qin expected.

Perhaps this seemingly soft but quite strong girl will embark on a path that Muqin can’t imagine.

But this is no longer something Muchin can guess and intervene.


“Mu Qin! You are awake!” When Mu Qin opened his eyes, he saw Xu Haoyu’s enlarged face, which was very close, almost nose to nose to Mu Qin.

Mu Qin was frightened by his face, and then he reached out and pressed Xu Haoyu’s face with some irritation, pinched his cheek, and moved his face away.

Xu Haoyu was a little hurt by Mu Qin’s hand, begging for mercy: “Oh, you lighten it, oh it hurts!”

Mu Qin let go of his hand, and Xu Haoyu sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his face grievously, and complained: “I have been guarding you for two days without sleep, and you treated me like this when you woke up. Are you still a human!?”

Mu Qin glanced at his red face and sneered to express his disbelief: “Look at your ruddy face and full of energy, saying you guarded for two days? That is absolutely unbelievable.”

Xu Haoyu, who was exposed to the lie, chuckled twice, and then said to Mu Qin: “Although there is no sleeplessness, I come to see you every day.”

“Thank you, Xu Haoyu.” Mu Qin said this sincerely.

Xu Haoyu, who was thanked, turned redder and said embarrassedly: “Actually, my sister is the one who guards you all the time…”

“Then I have to thank your sister well.” Muqin said.

After a while, Mu Qin asked Xu Haoyu: “I slept for two days?”

Xu Haoyu replied: “Yeah…it’s strange. It’s just a fracture and a slight concussion. I don’t want to sleep for two days. I can’t wake up no matter how I call it. I’m really worried about death. Up.”

“Where is Zhou Yue?” Mu Qin glanced around and found that Zhou Yue hadn’t been seen.

Xu Haoyu said with some jealousy: “As soon as you wake up, Zhou Yue called Zhou Yue…but it is also very strange. He has been in a coma for two days just like you. He has not regained consciousness. Clean up in the bathroom. After two days, people should always wash and scrub, right?”

Speaking, there happened to be a carer pushing Zhou Yue out of the bathroom in the ward while pushing Zhou Yue in a wheelchair, and he was well-trained to put Zhou Yue back on the bed.

Mu Qin sat on his hospital bed and looked at Zhou Yue. After watching for a while, he said to Xu Haoyu: “I’m sorry, I trouble you.”

“No, no, no trouble at all!” Xu Haoyu waved his hand to Mu Qin, then leaned to Mu Qin’s ear and said, “This Zhouyue’s mother is really rich. I paid my sister one in advance. It’s a big expense. I want my sister to ask the best nurse in the hospital to take good care of you two. This doesn’t…My sister treats you both as treasures!”

Mu Qin couldn’t laugh or cry after hearing this.

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