Unlimited Cycles of Death: 59. Library (5)

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Mu Qin can roughly understand the enemy’s power. In short, it is “invisibility”, allowing his body and some of the objects touched by the body to be completely integrated into the background like a chameleon. In the middle, no flaw can be seen with the naked eye, that is pure and perfect invisibility.

But there are also imperfections, that is, there is no way to hide the “voice”. Muqin can hear the sound of invisible enemies’ footsteps, breathing, and movements. Muqin can hear clearly, even in Dangmu. When Qin couldn’t see the enemy, he was able to more keenly collect any small noises made by the opponent when he moved.

But it required Muqin’s full attention, so he started to stand in place and stopped moving. He forgot everything in his sight, and simply caught any sound that could be heard by his ears. His “death awareness” ability to concentrate his mind In this case, it can also play an excellent effect, because when Muchin concentrates, not only the things in his eyes become “slow”, but the voice he hears will also become slow.

The skill “Death Awareness” should have been a “human” skill. It was a skill that Muchin could use only when he was a “human” in the game. Now Muchin who is a “killer” cannot use it.

But in fact, Mu Qin is not really “using” this skill, because there is only one active skill of “Death Awareness”, which is to help Mu Qin adjust the flexibility and coordination of his body, so that Mu Qin can control his own Body, and made him react in a fraction of a second beyond human imagination.

As for the ability to concentrate, react faster, and speed up thinking, these are all passiveness of death awareness.

However, the passiveness of skills seems to work forever, regardless of whether Muchin’s identity is a human or a killer…This is his talent and will not be wiped out because of the change in his identity. In addition, Mu Qin originally had the enhanced aura of the death card on his body, so there was no big difference between the active skills of Death Awareness and the absence of it. Just relying on passiveness, Mu Qin didn’t use anyone at all.

Mu Qin has long known that his skills are very, very useful, but he really didn’t expect to be able to use it so well. “Death-consciousness passiveness” allows him to react faster than others at any time. , So he can always make excellent and accurate fatal attacks or defensive counterattacks. When this completely invisible enemy approaches Muchin, Muchin has already judged the opponent’s position and his approximate sound for the first time. action.

Mu Qin took the shot. The moment the opponent got close to him, Mu Qin drew out his blade and stabs it in the approximate direction of the enemy.

This blow seemed to have failed. Judging from the feeling of the blade in his hand, Muqin didn’t stabbed anything. Perhaps it was because he made a mistake in judging the enemy’s position and distance, which made Muqin regretful. , I decided to adjust my mentality and do it again.

But while Mu Qin was thinking this way, the invisible enemy on the opposite side pulled away from Mu Qin with a cold sweat on his face, squatted halfway in the corner, and stared at Mu Qin with extreme horror.

Muqin was able to judge the opponent’s position by voice, so he kept staring at the enemy’s footing position. He actually faced the enemy face to face, even though he couldn’t see anything.

But because I knew he couldn’t see.

Yu Lei felt he was terrible.

“Hello! Are you cheating too much like this?” Yu Lei spoke to Mu Qin, trying to distract Mu Qin a little, “You seem to be able to see me all the time, and I doubt mine. Has the card expired?”

“Can be invisible…what kind of card?” Mu Qin asked calmly, still staring at where Yu Lei was, although there was nothing in his sight.

“An inverse recluse, so that the person carrying it can hide himself at any time as he wishes.” Yu Lei answered Mu Qin casually, then breathed slowly, trying to slowly reduce the noise he made, he stood up, lightly Chao took a step next to him, and he realized that Mu Qin judged his position based on his voice, although the accuracy of Mu Qin’s hearing and defense made him feel terrified.

It was probably because Yu Lei was moving extremely quietly, trying not to make any noise. Mu Qin didn’t seem to “hear” his movement, and his eyes were still staring at the corner he had just stood on.

Seeing that Mu Qin didn’t move his sight, Yu Lei knew that he still had a chance, and approached Mu Qin more carefully and slowly from the side.

Then Muqin suddenly said: “Since you got the Death card in this round, you brought in this rebellious hermit from the outside. You actually brought an rebellious card. You had expected it a long time ago. Will I become a ghost?”

Yu Lei didn’t answer him. Talking was tantamount to revealing his position. Yu Lei was not so stupid. He would go to Mu Qin’s obvious hook, so he chose to remain silent. He approached Mu Qin calmly. He thought that as long as When he was close enough to launch a sudden attack on Muqin, Muqin had absolutely no way to escape.

However, in fact, he underestimated Muchin’s abilities.

In the beginning, when Yu Lei carefully lowered his voice and moved slowly to the side, Mu Qin did not hear the sound of him moving, but when he started to approach Mu Qin, and entered Mu Qin’s “detection”. “Measuring Range”, even if his footsteps are quieter, they can be easily caught by Mu Qin.

However, Mu Qin was also very scheming, pretending that he did not perceive the sound of the other person when he was approaching, he kept pointing his head and eyes at the corner where Yu Lei had made the sound before, and Yu Lei took it for granted that he did not Feeling his approach, Yu Lei was full of joy that this attack would never fail. Who knows that when he suddenly violently wanted to launch a fatal blow on Mu Qin, Mu Qin once again took the lead and stepped sideways, holding the knife to block Yu Lei. The blade of Yu Lei, with a fist in the other hand, hit Yu Lei’s stomach with a heavy blow.

If Mu Qin’s identity is a human being, it’s okay, but Mu Qin is the same killer as Yu Lei. The killer’s full blow can’t be passed with patience, especially if two killers both kill each other. , The damage caused could not be recovered by the high-speed self-healing of the Death Card. The pain was so obvious that Yu Lei was suddenly hit hard by this, and he immediately backed away from Muqin again, breathing vigorously and covering his abdomen.

“Are you really unable to see me?” Yu Lei felt very strange, “Or do you have any skills that can make you see me?”

Mu Qin did not answer him, but took a defensive posture and aimed at Yu Lei’s position again. He took a deep breath and slightly relaxed his concentration…

Although Mu Qin can’t use the active ability of Death Awareness now, it also requires Mu Qin to keep focusing on being passive.

However, concentration is a stamina-consuming task. Although Muchin later worked out a way to use skills while saving energy while training in the training room of the safe house. It’s very simple, just concentrate for a while, and then Pause, take a deep breath in the middle to adjust, so that you can greatly reduce the physical consumption, but the rhythm should be controlled, because the enemy is likely to launch an attack while Muchin relaxes.

It is worth mentioning that after returning to the safe house this time, Muchin found that his skills had been upgraded.

The skills held by the player have levels and can be upgraded, and there is no upper limit for all skill levels. The more the player uses the skill, the higher the proficiency, and when the proficiency reaches 100%, the skill will be automatically upgraded.

Of course, players can also use the reward points to let the system help upgrade their skills. The first time is 10,000 reward points, the second time is 20,000, the third time is 40,000, and the fourth time is 80,000. By analogy, you can imagine how huge the value is needed in the later stages, and if you want to upgrade, you have to pay an incredible amount of “hard-earned money.”

Muqin’s current “Death Awareness” skill is Level 2, which is strange. The “Death Awareness” skill is a skill that Muqin can exchange with the system after he escapes from the “Orphanage” map after passing the novice level. The actual combat experience of the skill…It was only used in the battle against the female killer Lu Jiayi in the “Paradise of Despair”. The proficiency should not be high. At that time, Muqin was not as powerful as it is now when he used this skill, and it was consumed. quickly.

But then he escaped from the Paradise of Despair and returned to the safe house after wasting three days in the real world. Muqin found that his skill had reached Level 2 directly.

Mu Qin thought about it and didn’t know why, but finally realized… Maybe it was because Mu Qin had also used “skills” in the real world.

Yes, Muchin has also used the skill “Death Awareness” in the real world.

In the present world, because of the loss of memory, perhaps Muqin was not conscious at the time. At that time, he only acted instinctively when the situation was extremely dangerous, but afterwards, when he returned to safety Wu, when he recalled all this, Muqin realized…that he could actually use the skills that can only be used in the fringe world in the real world.

Mu Qin checked with his personal system. He asked the system if one day he escapes from the fringe world and returns to this world, can the skills he learned in the fringe world still be used?

The system’s answer is “No”.

The system says: “If one day players can escape from the edge world, the will of the world will erase all the player’s memories of the edge world. At the same time, all the rewards, props, and skills the player has won will no longer exist, and the player will re-exist. Become an’ordinary person’ in the real world.”

Mu Qin understood. He said to himself: “As long as you leave this game completely, you will be’deleted’…right.”

The will of the marginal world will erase Muchin’s memory, and the world will will revise and eliminate all people or things related to the marginal world. The “king” on the Butterfly Throne is a special case, and the memory of the person possessed by the King and the impact and damage caused by it will also be revised by the will of the world. Zhou Yue, who had been back in the real world for two days before, slowly experienced some “short-term memory loss” the next night.

According to common sense, it is impossible for Muchin to use “skills” related to the fringe world in the real world, because the will of the fringe world will never allow him to do so.

But Muqin used it, and it took him a long, long time. After being attacked by Pengzhe, who was possessed by the king, he kept it turned on in order to allow him to drive to Xu Lin’s hospital smoothly.” The state of the “Death Awareness” skill relies on the active effect of this skill to adjust the coordination and control of the body. This state is maintained for about an hour. I drove the car all the way down the high speed, and finally fainted after exhausting my energy. Parked the car at the red light.

Because the “Death Awareness” has been used to the limit this hour, Muqin’s proficiency in this skill was instantly full and he was directly promoted to the second level.

In addition, Muqin has realized how to save energy, even if he can only use passively, he can continue to use this skill for a long period of time.

It’s only a second-level skill… even the passive second-level skills can make Muqin clearly feel the “powerfulness” in it, and I don’t know what it will become in the future. Muqin had an inexplicable sense of excitement.

He started a protracted battle with the enemy Yu Lei in front of him. No matter how Yu Lei launched an attack, Mu Qin could detect his movements and counterattack immediately. Over time, Yu Lei realized that he was fighting. But Muchin did.

What should I do if I can’t beat it?

Yu Lei gritted his teeth and decided to escape. He is now invisible. It is actually very easy to escape. As long as he runs out of the range of Muqin’s auditory perception, he just finds a corner to squat silently, Muqin can’t see He, can’t hear his voice, it is impossible to know where he is at all.

Yu Lei is no longer a newcomer. He has reincarnated many times in the fringe world. He has played against all kinds of terrible and difficult “ghosts”, and he has also had all kinds of weird “teammates”. He has lived to this day. It’s not just luck, Yu Lei has always been a cautious, step-by-step man.

When he is in danger, he will patiently think about how to move forward and think about what to do to keep himself alive.

The reward points available in the game are not important, but the important thing is to survive.

So, what should I do to make myself alive? Yu Lei turned his mind and thoughts, he thought: He is not Muqin’s opponent in this game, so he must choose to bypass Muqin, steal two heads by himself, and then hide, relying on the hermit card. The card kept hiding from Muqin until the end of the game, anyway, he didn’t need to look for the exit of the map like the human side.

Therefore, as long as Muqin can’t find him, Muqin can only choose to kill the remaining two people to get the bottom head, and then all humans die, and the game is over.

This approach is quite stable. Yu Lei doesn’t have to worry about getting enough heads and being obliterated by the system, nor does he have to worry about fighting Muqin. He can definitely win without accident. But this approach is quite persuasive. It means that Yu Lei dared not take any risks to fight against Mu Qin, and would rather use this method to maintain the unnecessary “peace” with Mu Qin.

But I really can’t beat it.

Yu Lei squatted in the dark to observe Mu Qin silently. On the surface, Mu Qin looked like a handsome man with a good figure. His dark eyes revealed sharp eyes, and Yu Lei’s strong arms made Yu Lei know that this guy must After considerable training, his reaction ability and observation ability surpassed ordinary people, and his body seemed to be surrounded by a creepy inexplicable aura. When Yu Lei first saw Mu Qinqi, he knew that this guy was not easy to deal with.

It’s really unlucky. Fortunately, I brought one more Reverse Hermit, otherwise I don’t know how ugly it would be to die.

Yu Lei reached out and touched the reclusive hermit in his pocket, but the cold and flimsy cards gave Yu Lei a sense of security and made him feel a little at ease. Yu Lei is very foresighted. He foresees in advance that he will draw a death card with a high probability in this game, so he brought this rebellious hermit…

Said it is foresight. It’s not that Yu Lei really has any predictive abilities or skills, but Yu Lei has learned through various intelligence collections that most players will be in the fifth or sixth round. There is a high probability. Will draw the death card.

There are six players in a round, and there is only one death card, and the chance of drawing is one-sixth. Newcomers who just entered the game have a very low probability of getting Death, even unprecedented. Newcomers who have only experienced two or three rounds have a very low probability. Players who have played more than three rounds have a chance to become “Reaper”. , The probability of the fifth and sixth innings is the highest.

After the player has been a “ghost” once, the probability of drawing a ghost card in the next round will be greatly reduced. After about one or two rounds, there will be a high probability of drawing a “death” card.

This game is a game of probabilities. Yu Lei sees it thoroughly. For this reason, he has collected a lot of information. He also knows when he will get the “Reaper”. The “Library” map of this game, It happened to be Yu Lei’s sixth game in the fringe world. In the last game, he also brought an inversion card for insurance, but he was fortunate not to draw Death, so he hid the inversion card and cleverly lived to the end.

In this round, Yu Lei knew that he was definitely the “God of Death”, so he brought the rebellious hermit who he thought was the best among the reversal cards he collected.

The reason for bringing this reversal card was also because he was afraid of encountering a double ghost game. At that time, he thought that if it was really a double ghost, he could at least use the hermit’s invisibility effect to hide to the end.

Unexpectedly, I became a confession, and I really ran into a double ghost game.

If this is the case, the counseling can only be forced to the end.

Yu Lei, who made up his mind, stopped attacking Mu Qin. Instead, he shrank in the corner and moved slowly without making any sound. He tried to stay away from Mu Qin as much as possible. Mu Qin couldn’t see where the others were. Lei stopped attacking him for a long time, and Mu Qin realized Yu Lei’s thoughts.

“Do you want to hide?” Mu Qin stood there. He didn’t hear the footsteps made by Yu Lei when he fled, so he judged that Yu Lei should be still near him, but the other party stopped making a sound and did not move. I thought I was going to drag time with Muqin.

“Coward, did you even lose the courage to fight?” Mu Qin’s provocation did not shake Yu Lei’s will at all, and Yu Lei still squatted in the corner without making a sound.

Mu Qin finds it a bit difficult. Since the other party is silent and Mu Qin can’t see people and can’t locate his specific location, he must think of other ways.

Mu Qin stood in the corridor and looked around, and finally locked a fire extinguisher hung on the corridor wall. There are usually fire-fighting equipment in the corridor, and there are fire-fighting equipment everywhere in the library. After all, books They are all paper flammable materials, and the loss will be huge in case of fire.

After Mu Qin saw the fire extinguisher, he took two steps and took the fire extinguisher off directly. His actions surprised Yu Lei, who was silent in the corner.

After that, Mu Qin even opened the safety plug of the fire extinguisher. He took two steps towards the direction where Yu Lei made the last sound, and began to use the dry powder of the fire extinguisher to spray indiscriminately in all directions.

Yu Lei is in a corner near Muqin. Invisibility can hide his figure, but he does not become a transparent and untouchable thing. Sprinkling dry powder on him can definitely make him appear, so he is in While Mu Qin was spraying dry powder with the fire extinguisher, Yu Lei immediately jumped up and started running downstairs.

As soon as he ran, the sound of footsteps immediately attracted Mu Qin’s attention. To be on the safe side, Mu Qin did not throw away the fire extinguisher, but took the fire extinguisher and chased it towards the direction of the sound.

Yu Lei went downstairs all the way down the stairs. He wanted to find a more complicated place to go around with Mu Qin a few times to get rid of him. He didn’t expect Mu Qin to stick him very tightly, so he turned his head and looked. Mu Qin was able to see Mu Qin closely behind him, Mu Qin found Yu Lei’s position with great precision, and Mu Qin also used the fire extinguisher in his hand as a throwing object and slammed it directly toward Yu Lei’s back.

Yu Lei dashed too fast, feeling the strong wind coming from the fire extinguisher jar behind him, instinctively wanted to hide, but it was not easy to hide on the stairs, he stepped on the ground under his feet, and rolled down the stairs directly without waiting for him to react. Coming over, Mu Qin jumped up and rushed towards him, the blade in his hand poked directly at Yu Lei’s chest.

Yu Lei is also experienced, even in such a critical situation, he instinctively blocked Mu Qin’s blade with his arm, and put a foot on Mu Qin’s stomach, kicking Mu Qin away.

Yu Lei, who had been stabbed in his arm, appeared in an instant, and blood dripped down his arm to the ground. He covered his wound and glared at Mu Qin with resentment.

Mu Qin turned a blind eye to his somewhat resentful look, shook the blade, shook off the blood on the knife, and glared at Yu Lei in a posture.

“I think I’m going to be planted here today.” Although Yu Lei felt resentful, he was helpless and could only look at Mu Qin helplessly: “Can you tell me your name?”

“…Mu Qin.” Mu Qin did not avoid this question, and answered him straightforwardly.

“My name is Yu Lei…Although you probably won’t remember my name.” Yu Lei took a deep breath, “A guy like you doesn’t care how many people you kill or the name of the person you kill.”

Muqin said: “No, I remember… I remember the names of all the people I killed.”

Mu Qin still remembers the names of the gold shop robbers he killed.

Yu Lei doesn’t seem to believe what Muqin said, he smiled bitterly: “It’s really hard to survive, even though I have worked so hard.”

“I admire your efforts, but I still want to kill you.” Muqin said.

“I can’t compromise so easily.” After Yu Lei said, he went into invisibility again. The Hermit card can conceal the blood on his injured arm, but the blood on the ground will not. This invisibility may not be of much significance, but Yu Lei still did it, at least it can slightly confuse Mu Qin’s senses. It’s better than exposing him to Muqin.

Yu Lei, who became invisible again, did not choose to escape, but immediately attacked Muqin. Offense was the best defense. He had to do his best this time, regardless of the outcome.

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