Unlimited Cycles of Death: 58. Library (4)

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Mu Qin’s remarks were actually deliberately provoking Shi Hai and the others. Mu Qin couldn’t really tell whether there was any so-called “ghost” among the three of them.

But the trained Mu Qin has an extremely good and accurate intuition. This intuition tells Mu Qin that the three of them are temporarily “safe”. Mu Qin has always been very sensitive to the kind of “dangerous” people, and this The three of them, regardless of their appearance, temperament and expression, Mu Qin didn’t have any particular feelings. Therefore, Mu Qin’s provocation was just to disturb the human side’s line of sight thinking. As for their instigation of Mu Qin, Mu Qin was not very concerned.

What Muchin noticed is…Everyone is connected to the map. However, the map of the library is the same as the last time in Despair Paradise. It is a map that anyone can enter. As long as someone has come here to read a book, It can be said to be connected to the map.

Mu Qin doesn’t know whether Shihai and the others are simply connected to the map because they came here to read books, or they were sent to this map for other reasons…The former is fine, the latter It is worth thinking about Mu Qin.

Mu Qin didn’t know what cards the three of them were holding. Shihai and Qiao Yuanfei obviously agreed to enter the game at the same time, and they also successfully matched the teammates. They are all old people. Before entering the game, maybe like Mu Qin, they will also take them from the game mall. Or enter the game from the cards in the hands of card traders like Viscount, plus the new cards they draw in the game, they should have two main cards in their hands.

I don’t know what cards humans have, or how to deal with it. After thinking about it so much, I still can’t think of any good way. Mu Qin took a deep breath and slowly relaxed his mind.

After that, the two groups of people with different thoughts really split up like this. Mu Qin walked towards the elevator with Chu Xin. He planned to go upstairs to check the situation first, because he had seen the light upstairs turned on before, and the one among the six who had not yet appeared should still be upstairs.

While Shihai, Qiao Yuanfei and the others, after watching Mu Qin and Chu Xin enter the elevator, they gathered to discuss for a while. After the discussion was over, Mu Qin paid attention to their movements and found that they seemed to be really ready to go. Look for the hidden escape route in the basement that Muqin said.

In the elevator, Chu Xin courageously asked Mu Qin, or the newcomer Chu Xin asked: “What are you talking about ‘ghost’…?”

Mu Qin also thinks it is necessary to explain the situation to Chu Xin, and briefly explain the rules of the game and some elements of the fringe world.

Chu Xin was half-understood, but she understood anyway, she asked Mu Qin straightforwardly: “Are you a ghost?”

Mu Qin also admitted very readily: “Yes.”

“Will you kill me then?” Chu Xin asked obediently.

“You will be fine if you are obediently obedient.” Muqin replied.

Chu Xin really nodded obediently: “Don’t kill me, I will listen to you.”

This girl is a little weirdly well-behaved. Mu Qin couldn’t help turning her head to look at Chu Xin, who also looked at Mu Qin. The two looked at each other for a while, and Mu Qin stretched out his hand and squeezed Chu Xin’s small face. Chu Xinren’s small face was also small, his body was skinny, but there was some delicate soft flesh on his face, making it very comfortable to pinch.

Mu Qin pinched one cheek, Chu Xin couldn’t help but squinted the other side’s eyes. The little gesture was very cute like a cat.

“You know how to read people’s faces.” Mu Qin half-dipped his eyelids, looked at Chu Xin condescendingly, and said softly, “And he knows how to grasp his own advantages. You know that as long as you behave weakly, you can make me treat you Softhearted.”

Mu Qin saw through Chu Xin in one sentence, but it didn’t make Chu Xin flustered. Of course, Chu said honestly: “I am weak at first. If I want to survive, of course I have to make good use of the sympathy of others.”

Mu Qin understood that this girl has always survived like this. She is weak, powerless, and has no ability to protect herself, so she can only rely on others, obey others, look at other people’s faces and act, and endure everything she can endure. The thing, as long as she can survive on her own.

In this regard, she is very smart. She learns to find someone she feels suitable to rely on in any situation. In order to let others accept her, she knows how to look at that person’s face, and she will not hesitate to sell herself when necessary. The flesh.

Mu Qin sighed slightly: “You will survive, better than I thought… But I hope that one day in the future, you can try to live by yourself.”

Chu Xin just looked at Mu Qin and didn’t speak. Mu Qin didn’t know if the girl understood his words, and then Mu Qin thought, maybe she understood it a long time ago.

After that, Muqin was in the elevator and began to sort out some of the clues he got from this library.

“This library had some strange reports before.” Muqin took out the newspaper he had put on him from his pocket. He took it from the newspaper rack at the front desk of the library. The reason he wanted to take this Newspaper, because there is a big-print report in the newspaper, which says: Haunted incident in the Central Library.

Events related to the map often also prompted clues about the props and exits in the map, so Muqin subconsciously accepted the newspaper. He decided to take some time to read the description of the event in the newspaper carefully, so he took advantage of it. Sitting on the elevator, Mu Qin quickly scanned a newspaper.

The incident in the newspaper is like this. It is said that the frequent haunting phenomenon in the X city center library has been going on for about two years. Readers who borrow books at night, as well as the maintenance and cleaning staff of the library, often hear weird crying from the second floor of the library, the kind of woman crying hoarsely, and often there will be books inexplicably from themselves on the shelf Strange phenomena such as falling, moving tables and chairs, and objects scattered on the ground appeared. In the surveillance video of the library, we can clearly see the bizarre occurrence of this weird phenomenon.

No one can explain why this is. Many people think that this is just a deliberate hype and a gimmick by the library. If you put out the edited surveillance video, it’s really a phenomenon, but when you don’t believe it With the mentality of dismantling, after coming to the evening library to experience it in person, each of them changed their minds and said that there are definitely ghosts in this library.

When the haunting incident became more and more widespread and aroused public attention, someone picked up a murder case that occurred in the library two years ago on an online forum.

The location of the X city center library is very close to a nearby city key high school—yes, it is the high school where Muqin went to school. Because the school is close to the library, a large number of students in high schools will come to the central library to apply for library cards and borrow books in their spare time. Even the school has cooperated with the library to encourage and help students collectively apply for library cards.

So every weekend, the library can almost be filled with nearby high school students.

The murder case was also caused by this group of high school students. It seems that it was a young couple who fell in love in the second grade. The man cheated and dumped the girl to pursue others. The girl who was dumped was extremely painful and angry. After a few days, the boys were invited to the second floor of this library in the evening, because there was a separate study room on the second floor, which was a very small small room with tables, chairs and small bookshelves for students to sit alone in. The homework is only for students, so student ID, loan card, and a certain amount of rent are needed to open it. In this kind of small study room, the girl killed the boy with a meat cleaver.

It is said that the girl was very cruel. After killing the boy, she spent the whole night dismembering and chopping her up, and the boy’s flesh and blood covered all the walls of the study room, even if there was a lot of blood on the ceiling.

Then the girl wrote a suicide note and put it on the table, and then she committed suicide in the study room.

There is nothing in the suicide note. It mentioned that I was sorry for my parents, saying that I could not control the anger for a while and did this kind of thing, and I wish to repay my parents for their nurturing in the next life.

This murder had a profound impact at the time, causing the downtown library to close for a long time. The key high school also terminated its cooperation with the library, and no longer encouraged students to come to the library to borrow books, and even Students are forbidden to borrow books in this library.

The library reopened after a long period of rectification. They blocked the study room where the murder occurred, and even the door of the study room was blocked with cement. But despite this, the facade of the library is still very sluggish, unlike the bustling scene of the crowded city before.

When this vicious murder case slowly faded out of sight, the library suddenly began a strange haunting incident, and it was a riot for two years. People who borrowed books often heard crying from the second floor and saw all sorts of supernatural phenomena in the library. Gradually, people began to rumors that it was the girl who murdered back then, whose soul was trapped in the concrete-blocked study room, and that’s why it caused this terrible phenomenon today.

However, what’s interesting is that the host of the post on the Internet about this matter broke a very special story. The host of the post said that he knew the girl who committed suicide after killing two years ago, and learned about it. A little secret of a girl. The host said that in this library in City X, there is a novel written by the murder girl using her blood as ink. The murdered girl in this novel is hidden on a shelf in the library and mixed with other ordinary books. Finding this book and burning it can put an end to all sorts of weird and supernatural phenomena in the library.

However, this statement has been questioned by many people, because many old readers who borrow books from the library all the year round have never seen this “blood book” on any shelf, so they think this statement is nonsense In other words, it is superstitious and rumor to criticize the poster who posted it.

All sorts of weird events in the library were later recorded by newspaper reporters and published as headlines in newspapers. They were written in great detail, so Muqin could fully understand the whole process of the event. He learned from these reports Some important clues were found, such as the study room on the second floor blocked by concrete, and the “blood book” that may exist.

The reason why Mu Qin wanted to read these reports and sort them out was because Mu Qin thought of the inverse star card on his body. The effect of reversed stars, as long as Muqin continues to destroy the map props available to the humans, the speed of humans will become slower and slower. Therefore, as long as Muqin takes the lead in obtaining some props and destroys them, it can cause a great obstacle to the humans.

However, this is not Muqin’s main goal. His current goal is to find another “ghost” as soon as possible, and then kill him, so that Muqin can slaughter mankind in the next time without worry.

Shi Hai, Qiao Yuanfei, and the newcomers around them, Mu Qin concluded that there was no “ghost” among the three. Although he guessed it, there may be many variables in this game after all. But Muqin still decided to trust his instincts, his feelings rarely went wrong, so… Since these three people don’t seem to be “ghosts”, then “ghosts” are likely to be the one who hasn’t shown up yet.

Mu Qin saw the lights on the fourth floor come on when he was downstairs.

Mu Qin feels that the other party may be still on the fourth floor, hiding in a corner, and then brewing or planning some conspiracy, especially the fourth floor has a great visual advantage, the other party may be observing Mu Qin upstairs With Shihai and the movements of the two groups, all the actions of Muqin and others were fully visible.

If the other party sees Mu Qin and Chu Xin coming upstairs, they will definitely make some preparations, such as setting up some traps. But Mu Qin couldn’t persuade him. Since he had the consciousness of actively choosing to be a ghost in this game, he must have the courage to kill another “ghost”.

So when he went upstairs this time, he deliberately went to trouble the other party.

In order to prevent Chu Xin from becoming the enemy’s handle to contain Mu Qin, Mu Qin decided to hide Chu Xin. He quickly found a suitable hiding place. There was a storage cabinet for brooms and brooms in the stairwell. The kind of cabinet that is embedded in the wall, when opened, there is a very narrow space inside. Mu Qin picked up Chu Xin and stuffed her whole body in. Fortunately, Chu Xin was short and small. Although the cabinet was not big, it could still hold Chu Xin.

Chu Xin curled up obediently and let Mu Qin carry her around. After hiding Chu Xin, Mu Qin softly told her not to come out unless Mu Qin came to call her.

“If you are in danger, the card on your body can save your life.” Muqin decided to teach her how to use cards. “If someone wants to hurt you, touch the trial card on your body with your hand. , And then stare at your enemy, thinking of the words’use judgment’ in my heart.”

Chu Xin nodded to indicate that she had listened, so Mu Qin safely closed the door of the storage cabinet, then walked up to the fourth floor alone and looked at the lights on the fourth floor.

The fourth floor of the library is not for reading books. It has been transformed into a place similar to a tea bar. It is still designed in ancient ink and wash style, with soft sofas and small round tables, wooden ceilings, and windows with venetian blinds. , The entrance counter sells a variety of tea, drinks and snacks, and there are one or two rows of bookshelves against the wall, which are filled with fashion magazines or popular novels. It is estimated that this is a place for readers who are tired from reading downstairs to come up to have a tea and rest. In order to avoid the noise of chatting while drinking tea from affecting the readers who are quietly reading downstairs, the entire tea bar on the fourth floor is surrounded by soundproof glass. stand up.

Although it is surrounded by glass, you can still look downstairs through the glass. The lobby on the first floor is unobstructed under the wide view of the fourth floor.

Mu Qin entered the door of the tea bar, first turned on a table lamp on the counter next to the entrance, and looked around the tea bar on the fourth floor under the faint light of the table lamp. The innermost floor lamps of the tea bar are turned on. The light is not very bright. Most of the places are dim, but at least the lights are on here, so whether it is tables, chairs or other objects, Mu Qin can clearly See… He didn’t see anyone else there.

No one… is it in the toilet?

The tea bar on the fourth floor also has a toilet. Not only there is a toilet, but there is also a pantry behind the counter, where the service staff specializes in making tea and drinks. After thinking about it, Mu Qin took out a flashlight from the drawer of the counter, and took the flashlight into the pantry behind the counter. The pantry is not big, a bit like a small kitchen, with various tools for making beverages, such as a blender and Coffee machine or something.

Mu Qin first stood carefully at the door of the pantry and illuminated it with a flashlight, and found no abnormalities, then went in and turned on the light in the pantry. There was no one inside.

Mu Qin quickly retreated from the pantry, took the flashlight and then went to the toilet next to him. The toilets in the entire library building are similar in structure. Mu Qinti walked into the men’s bathroom with a flashlight, but no one was seen, and then into the women’s bathroom, but still no one was seen.

After coming out, Mu Qin couldn’t help frowning, he thought: Did I guess wrong?

Is the guy who hasn’t shown up yet is no longer on the fourth floor? If he is not on the fourth floor, he may have walked downstairs. He did not use the elevator because he did not hear the sound of the elevator starting. It is estimated that he walked the safe staircase next to the elevator… Wait, if he walked the safe staircase… …Chu Xin is still in the locker in the stairwell, shouldn’t she be found?

Mu Qin felt a little worried when he thought of this, and he turned around and left the cafe on the fourth floor. He started to walk back. He wanted to go back to find Chu Xin.

When Mu Qin walked back to the stairwell where Chu Xin was hiding, Mu Qin saw a figure standing between the corners of the third and fourth floors.

The stairwell is a bit dark, and Mu Qin can’t see the person’s appearance, but this seems to be a man, about 1.76 meters tall. He is crouching and looking at the locker where Chu Xin is hiding. , He may have noticed something in the storage cabinet, so he wants to open it and check it.

But the movement made by Mu Qin when he went downstairs interrupted the man’s movements. Hearing Mu Qin’s footsteps, the man gave up to open the door of the locker and turned his head to look at Mu Qin. , Mu Qin could feel the opponent’s sharp gaze, and it stabbed Mu Qin on Mu Qin’s body like a sharp knife.

Mu Qin took the opportunity to raise the flashlight in his hand and shined the light of the flashlight on the person.

He seemed to be a very ordinary man. He was not tall, short, fat, or thin. He was very well-proportioned. His appearance was only average. His features were mediocre. With a capable head, he looked refreshed. His expression was peaceful and seemed to have no malice, but he gave Muqin a sense of lifelessness.

The man turned his head to see Mu Qin, and put on a surprised expression, and said hello to Mu Qin: “Hello.”

Muqin came closer, then noticed that the man was holding a knife in his hand.

The other party also noticed that Muqin was staring at his blade, and the man raised the blade at will and said, “Oh…I forgot to put it away.”

“You don’t have to put it away.” Mu Qintan calmly took a deep breath, and took out the blade from his pocket. “We will use it anyway.”

The man was even more surprised when he saw Mu Qin drew his knife. He murmured hoarsely: “The double ghost game, it’s really bad, do you have to fight when you come up? You have the courage to come directly to the door.”

“I don’t have the mind to hide my identity and go around with you.” Muqin said in a low voice, “I want to end this game as soon as possible, so I hope you die soon.”

The man seemed to be a little helpless, saying: “It’s so direct…Well, I don’t want someone to grab the head with me, so let’s compete.”

Being able to start the battle so straightforwardly is what Mu Qin hopes most, but when Mu Qin is holding the blade and preparing to fight the opponent, something that Mu Qin did not expect suddenly happened. Qin realized that the “ghost” in front of him might have an extra inversion card, or possess some skills that Mu Qin didn’t understand, because this guy, he was actually…invisible in front of Mu Qin’s eyes!

Yes! He is invisible!

The enemy suddenly disappeared in stealth, which surprised Muqin, and immediately stood still on the spot. Mu Qin can’t see the enemy…but this stairwell is already very dim. There are lights in the stairwell, but it is a voice-controlled light. It will only be on when you shout. The light is so dim that it is maddening. Meaningless.

But Muqin still feels uncomfortable with being completely invisible, because he has never fought an ‘invisible enemy’.

The good news is that although Mu Qin can’t see the enemy’s voice, he will breathe slightly when he gets close, and Mu Qin can hear it! Especially when the enemy swings a knife to attack Mu Qin, Mu Qin can hear the sound of breaking through the air with the blade cutting through the air!

So, as long as Mu Qin heard the sound, he would instinctively raise his knife back to resist, just enough to block the blade of the enemy swinging at him.

The man seemed to be surprised by Muqin’s ability to react. He let out a “Huh” and said, “You are very good.”

After that, the man reappeared in front of Mu Qin. He did not fully manifest, but the body showed a kind of if there is nothing, which is very strange. He said to Mu Qin, “Should we try to cooperate? You two and I two, although you can only guarantee the bottom, but at least you don’t have to worry about excessive losses.”

“That’s too little score.” Muqin said mercilessly, “I want more scores.”

“It means you are not willing to cooperate with me?” After the enemy said this, he completely disappeared from Muqin’s vision, but his voice continued, “Greed is not a good thing, you really Do you think I’m so easy to deal with?”

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