Unlimited Cycles of Death: 57. Library (3)

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Mu Qin turned on the light in the men’s room.

Although the light in the toilet is slightly dim, it still gives a clear view of this small bathroom. Under such lights, Chu Xin, who was shrinking over there, couldn’t help but raised her head cautiously and glanced at Mu Qin. She looked at Mu Qin’s face, as if she wanted to see Mu Qin’s face clearly. I don’t know if she can see clearly, she quickly lowered her head again.

Mu Qin didn’t care about Chu Xin’s sight, but looked around the men’s toilet. The men’s toilet is still relatively clean and there is not much odor. I think there should be cleaning staff working hard to maintain it. Therefore, the tiles on the wall and floor of the toilet are polished sharply, so transparent that they can reflect the figures of Mu Qin and Chu Xin.

Mu Qin grabbed Chu Xin’s hand and pulled her behind him, then closed the toilet door, and then he dragged Chu Xin to the toilet sink.

“Wash the blood off your body.” After saying this, Mu Qin opened the faucet of a certain wash basin to Chu Xin. After listening to Mu Qin’s words, Chu Xin looked at a loss. She thought she was injured. Yes, but I took a photo in front of the mirror and found that there were only some blood stains on my face and neck, as well as bruises from being pinched, and no wounds.

The blood stain on Chu Xin’s body was left by Mu Qin, because Mu Qin had a wound on his left hand, although it was healed.

Mu Qin took the opportunity to wash away the blood from his hands in another washbasin, causing the water in the men’s toilet to rattle.

Waiting for Mu Qin to wash her hands, she turned her head and looked at Chu Xin next to her. The girl was still slowly cleaning the blood stains on her body. This made Mu Qin a little impatient, and said, “Move faster!”

Mu Qin’s tone was not very good. His sharp attitude made Chu Xin very nervous. The more nervous, Chu Xin’s movements became messy. She immediately accelerated her action, desperately trying to wash herself with water, but she did away with the clothes. The front and sleeves were all wet.

Mu Qin couldn’t stand it anymore, stretched out his hand and grabbed Chu Xin’s arm, drew someone over, and wiped her face with his sleeve.

“How old are you?” Chu Xin is too short. Although visually it seems to be 1.6 meters, the net height is estimated to be one or two centimeters short. He is short and small, skinny and skinny, and has been lying in the hospital for two years. Zhou Yue feels even thinner. Mu Qin was nearly 1.8 meters tall. When Mu Qin wiped her face, he had to bow his head slightly, which made Mu Qin feel like he was facing a little girl.

Chu Xin’s face was flushed by Mu Qin’s rude movements, and he answered obediently: “Nineteen…”

“Have you been to college?” Muqin asked again. He stopped wiping Chu Xin’s face because he found that he couldn’t control his strength. The Death Card increased his power, which made him uncomfortable and made him stay here as long as he didn’t pay attention. There was a bruise on the girl’s face, even though Chu Xin was obedient, she didn’t cry out for pain.

Chu Xin listened to Mu Qin’s question and shook her head and said; “I only went to elementary school.”

“Only attended elementary school…why?” Chu Xin’s answer aroused some curiosity in Mu Qin.

Chu Xin opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she wanted to say something but stopped. She was silent for a while and then said: “My family is very poor, and my father is a gambler, so I won’t let me study.”

Mu Qin noticed that when the girl said this, her head was lowered, but her hands trembled slightly.

“Are you lying?” Muqin asked again.

Chu Xin immediately raised her head and looked at Mu Qin with dark eyes. She seemed a little angry, and softly emphasized: “I didn’t lie.”

“What about your mother?” Mu Qin asked casually.

“Mom is dead.” Chu Xin said, “He died of illness. I died of breast cancer when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school.”

“What then? What do you do if you are not going to school?”

“Dad owed a lot of money for gambling, and he couldn’t pay it back. Those debt collectors came to the door with knives to chop him. So Dad took me to pay off the debt and sold them to them, and they let me do it… “When Chu Xin talked about this past, she felt quite calm, without much turbulence in her tone, as if she was telling something that happened to someone else.

Chu Xin continued: “I have been fifteen years old, and then got into trouble because I killed the customer, and that customer wanted to play with me. I didn’t want to, so I hit him with a glass ashtray. Head, he is dead. I am very scared… I escaped by myself. Back then, taking advantage of the railway system did not reform, I got on a train and went to a completely unfamiliar city.”

“At that time, I didn’t have an ID card and didn’t have much money on me. People who wanted to work had to register their ID cards. So in order to eat, I stole a student’s student ID and ID card and pretended to be part-time workers to earn money. For dinner, I rented a utility room to live. I barely survived like this… But a while ago, those people found me, they caught me and locked me in a basement, saying they wanted Sell ​​me to some poor country as a wife to someone else.”

“I just don’t know why. At first they would give me water and food. Then they might encounter some problems. They ran away and left me and didn’t come back. But I was still locked in that basement, that place. There is no window and only one door. I knocked on the door desperately and no one heard… Then because there was no water and food, I starved to death.”

Mu Qin was shocked by this girl’s words. He felt that his heart was tightened by an invisible hand, making his breathing slightly stagnant.

Mu Qin knew that the girl did not lie, and when some people tell lies, they tend to be affectionate and pretend to be true. There are also people who are expressionless and waveless when telling the truth, as if reading a boring speech.

“Did you ever ask for help when you escaped? For example, the police?” Although she knew that she might never have asked for help like this, Muqin asked.

Chu Xin seemed to be at a loss, and said, “The police…are they really useful?”

Mu Qin took a deep breath, then said to Chu Xin: “Well, you should know that you are dead now, right?”

Chu Xin nodded: “Well, I clearly remember that I was dead, because the feeling of starving to death is too deep…I can’t forget it at all.”

Mu Qin couldn’t help holding his breath.

Chu Xin seemed to be very strange, and asked Mu Qin boldly, “Since I am dead, is this hell?”

Mu Qin felt that she seemed to have heard this sentence. After careful recall, it was discovered that Duan Qun had asked almost the same question in the last game.

“Why do you think you are going to hell?” Muchin said.

Chu Xin is very docile: “Because I have always been disobedient, my mother said that good children will be taken to heaven, and bad children will go to hell.”

“You are a good boy.” Mu Qin reached out and touched the girl’s head. His movements made Chu Xin a little uncomfortable, but it seemed to have made Chu a little bit more courageous. She raised her head and asked Mu Qin: “That… If we are going to pretend to be a boyfriend or girlfriend, you should tell me your name so that you won’t be able to wear it… But why should we pretend to be a couple?”

“My name is Mu Qin.” Mu Qin smiled helplessly: “I can’t explain it for a while, you just have to listen to my orders to stay by my side the whole time.”

Chu Xin didn’t ask, but still nodded obediently and replied: “Okay.”

She seems to be accustomed to resignation, or has regarded being dominated by others as the most normal thing in her life.

Muqin said: “You should have a card on you, take it out and have a look.”

“Card…?” Chu Xin subconsciously fumbled in the pocket of her clothes, and then she found a card. Without even looking at it herself, she handed the card directly to Muqin.

Mu Qin took it and took a look, but was slightly taken aback.

This is too much luck, right?

The card Chu Xin drew was a trial.

On the card is a blond angel blowing the horn. She is entwined by cloud butterflies and red poppies. This card symbolizes liquidation and repayment, and symbolizes the day of judgment. All souls will be called, their wishes will be felt, their crimes will be read, they will be judged and purified, and they may be destroyed or awakened and reborn.

On the back of the card is a line like this:

Decision made in cruelty and reborn in death.

Go ahead, you know what must be done.

ps: Attack card, summon the thunder and lightning of the gods to judge the evil killer, so that the killer temporarily loses the ability to move.

An upright card specifically for ghosts. Before Mu Qin had expected that since he could draw the reversed stars that are extremely beneficial to ghosts, then there must be someone on the human side drawing a card that is beneficial to humans, but Mu Qin really didn’t expect to get all the cards in one go. Yes, it is simply God who helped him.

After reading the cards, Muqin returned the trial card to Chu Xin, and told her: “You take this card well, as long as I don’t say it, don’t show it to anyone. I will teach you how to do it later. Use, and to whom.”

Chu Xin, who took the trial card back, was at a loss. She didn’t understand why a card was still used or not, but she still obediently put the card in her pocket and said: “I It will be done very well, anything.”

Mu Qin stared at the girl for a while, and couldn’t help but ask Chu Xin: “Have you been to this library?”

“Library?” Chu Xin was puzzled: “Are we in a library?”

“Yes, X City Center Library.” Muqin replied, “Have you been here?”

“Ah, it’s that library… I’ve been here many years ago.” Chu Xin said, “When I sold myself to pay off my debts, in addition to work… they would still give me some money and free time. I I like to read books, so I went to the library, but I don’t know many characters, and some books are very difficult to read.”

“So that’s it.” Mu Qin understood a little, he reached out to Chu Xin, “Come on, we should go out.”

Chu Xin put her hand into Mu Qin’s palm and was led out of the toilet by him. After coming out, Muqin noticed some changes in the library. First of all, there were some noisy noises at the front entrance of the library on the first floor. It seemed that many people gathered there to talk.

Secondly, Muqin noticed that some of the lights upstairs were on and it was no longer completely dark.

Mu Qin silently remembered these changes in his heart, holding Chu Xin and walking towards the place where there was noise at the entrance of the hall, when he and Chu Xin walked through the rows of bookshelves and saw the library At the gate, it really seemed that three people gathered there.

Three people, plus Mu Qin and Chu Xin, the five people are all but one short.

Mu Qin approached them calmly, and then stopped not far away. The three people on the opposite side also noticed Mu Qin and Chu Xin. They stopped talking and squinted to look at Mu Qin Chu. Xin two people, and Mu Qin is also observing them.

The three men are all males. The image is like a combination of tall, short and fat. One of the men is about 30 years old, with a sad face and stubble on his face. He is quite tall, almost like Mu Qin. The shorter one is about 1.7 meters, a young guy about twenty years old, with a bright smile on his face and a little handsome appearance. The last one is a fat man, of moderate height, and not very fat. He has a fleshy feeling on his body and a round face.

First of all, the one-meter-and-seven young guy spoke to Mu Qin. He smiled brightly in the sun and said with a brisk voice, “Are you a newcomer?”

“No.” Muqin directly vetoed it, confirming his identity.

“That’s great, I thought I was going to talk a lot of nonsense.” The sunny young guy introduced himself to Mu Qin: “My name is Shihai, I’m an experienced veteran.”

“What about the two people next to you?” Muqin looked at the tall man and the fat man next to him.

“One is my trusted companion, and his name is Qiao Yuanfei.” Shi Hai put his hand on the shoulder of the tall man.

Then put another hand on Fatty’s shoulder: “One is a newcomer who I think is okay, his name is Song Yang.”

“What about you? What’s your name, and who is she?” After Shi Hai finished speaking, he glanced at Chu Xin beside Mu Qin.

Mu Qin took Chu Xin’s hand and asked her to take a step forward, and said to the three of Shihai: “My name is Mu Qin. This is my girlfriend, and her name is Chu Xin. She has been following me all the time.”

When Mu Qin introduced this way, Chu Xin seemed a little frightened, holding Mu Qin’s arm and shrank behind him.

“Oh! I’m really envious!” Shi Hai still smiled. To be honest, this man kept his smile on his face, looking at Mu Qin a little uncomfortable.

But Shihai kept that smile, and said in a tone that seemed jealous but also mocking: “Who else can keep true pure love in this kind of game?”

Mu Qin probably understood what he meant. Mu Qin said calmly: “Do you think the identity of our couple needs to be studied?”

“Whether you are a lover or not has nothing to do with me.” Shihai seemed to decide to open the skylight and say good, he no longer smiled, but stared at Mu Qin suspiciously: “I don’t plan to act with you. For the rest of the time, I will only stay with my companion Qiao Yuanfei and the newcomer Song Yang, so you can go wherever you like. Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with us.”

“So that’s it, I know.” Mu Qin’s face was suddenly realized. He was silent for a while, and then suddenly intentionally said in a weird tone, “So you plan to look for clues in this map in a group of three, and a group of three to resist the killer that may appear at any time, and a group of three to escape here. A map…right?”

After Mu Qin finished speaking, Shi Hai’s complexion was a little broken, but he still confidently said: “Don’t you think the three of us can’t do it?”

“Excuse me.” Mu Qin carefully looked at Shi Hai and the others. “The tall man next to you named Qiao Yuanfei has a chance to escape. He looks good in physique, and that fat man is a burden. As for you… Maybe you can choose to hide in a cabinet or something.”

Shi Hai was irritated by Mu Qin’s words, and his face was a bit distorted with anger. He took a step towards Mu Qin. As soon as he opened his mouth to say something, his companion Qiao Yuanfei stopped him. Although Qiao Yuanfei looked a bit strange “Like an unhappy uncle” with a sad face, but calmly speaking, he said to Mu Qin: “If you want to join us, it’s okay, but you need to show your cards.”

“No, I don’t want to join you.” Muqin said, “I just want to exchange information with you, and then we can act separately.”

“Intelligence?” Shi Hai said with disdain, “What information do you have to exchange?”

“The library looks on the fourth floor on the surface. In fact, it also has a basement level, which serves as a warehouse for storing sundries and a power distribution room for temporary power supply.” Muqin High School often came to this book in those years. The library, I understand it well, although the interior of the entire library has been renovated, the structure of the basement should not be changed much.

Shi Hai became even more disdainful: “What kind of information is this? You can find this kind of thing on the map of the library.”

Mu Qin remained unmoved and continued: “A long, long time ago this library was not a library, but a desolate sandy soil. There used to be an air-raid shelter here, which was left during the war. People rebuilt this land. When I built this library, I found the air-raid shelter, but it was not easy to fill it out, so I changed the air-raid shelter to the basement level of the library.

“But you have to know that air-raid shelters generally have an emergency escape exit, a hidden tunnel. This tunnel still exists today. I remember it leads to the underground parking lot of a shopping mall next door to the library.”

Qiao Yuanfei said: “So, you are telling us that besides the two front and rear doors, there is a third exit in this library… Maybe it is still a hidden exit, right?”

Mu Qin chuckled: “Yes, do you think this information is valuable?”

Qiao Yuanfei squeezed his nose and said: “It is indeed valuable…Then, what information do you want from us?”

Mu Qin thought for a while, and said calmly: “I want to know if any of you is a ghost?”

Mu Qin’s words made Qiao Yuanfei’s three people look different. Qiao Yuanfei’s face was a little dark, while Shi Hai stared at Mu Qin with suspicion. The fat newcomer Song Yangze who has not spoken It’s completely at a loss.

Then Qiao Yuanfei hesitated for a moment, and said to Muqin: “It’s not so good for you to ask like this. Do you think if there are really “killers” among us, would we tell you so openly?”

“You have told me honestly.” Mu Qin looked at the expressions of the three of them. He smiled and said meaningfully, then he took Chu Xin’s hand and said to the three of Qiao Yuanfei: “I I have already got what I want to know, so I won’t bother you anymore, just part ways.”

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