Unlimited Cycles of Death: 48. Recalling (2)

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Following Muqin’s instructions, Xu Haoyu used another phone to call his sister. Xu Haoyu’s sister’s name is Xu Lin. From the beginning, she answered the phone with the voice of “Hello, what’s the matter?” She seemed to be a gentle lady.

However, after Xu Haoyu called out the first “sister”, the gentle and lovely lady instantly changed her tone, and said with a bit of disgust in her sturdy tone: “Why are you?”

Xu Haoyu sneered and said: “Sister, why can’t it be me?”

“Why don’t you call me on the usual phone?” Xu Lin seemed to be impatient with her younger brother, even though she was impatient, she did not hang up Xu Haoyu’s call.

Then she said: “Didn’t I say not to call me during non-private time? My current number is used to receive customers!”

“Sister! You make me so sad. You have a gentle tone to customers like an angel. Why do you have a different face to me?” Xu Haoyu was so wronged that he was heartbroken on the phone, even though his sister saw Less than.

“Nonsense! If you can give me large sums of money, I can treat you as gentle as an angel!” Xu Lin seemed to knock on the table on the other side of the phone, “Don’t waste my time, what Say something quickly!”

“It’s me yesterday…didn’t I send you a patient? A vegetative person.” Xu Haoyu no longer makes a fuss, and becomes serious, “How is that person?”

“How is it?” Xu Lin listened unclearly, she said confidently, “Of course it was in the single ward I specially arranged to fall asleep with good food and drink. I chose the best one. The nurse took care of him, and selected a few bodyguards to stand at the door of his ward according to your requirements. Even the windows were standing and guarded. They were strictly fenced up and down, so that even a fly could not get in. What else could be done? I said that you are engaged in such a big battle, when the time comes, nursing, medicine, manpower…you have to figure out these costs for me!”

“That’s that…I’m sure to figure it out for you, but…Sister, the family members of this patient are not at ease, saying that they are going to your hospital to guard the patients. I have already handed in the address of your hospital. I gave it to him. He called a car and was about to come.”

“I see. It means that I will be able to receive the patient’s family, right?” Xu Lin seemed to understand what her brother was thinking. This vegetative named Zhou Yue sent me here and asked me to call out the best security guards and nurses to wait for the good students. This week Zhou Yue…who is it?”

“I don’t know who he is!” Xu Haoyu forced, “It’s my good comrade, you know, that good buddy named Mu Qin. We haven’t seen each other for many years, and he suddenly beat Call me to ask me to take care of this Zhou Yue. He also said that Zhou Yue is in a very dangerous situation. The implication is that someone is chasing them and he has no place to take care of a vegetative person, so I can only help. Who am I, Xu Haoyu? Also, of course I promised, isn’t this just thinking that you have a private hospital? It’s easy to do things with you!”

“It will be greasy.” Xu Lin scolded him, but after listening to Xu Haoyu’s simple explanation, Xu Lin couldn’t ask too much, “Let’s talk about it, shouldn’t it be more than that for asking me for help?”

“Sister, you are so smart!” Xu Haoyu continued to flatter his elder sister, “The truth is this, my comrade-in-arms seems to be worried. He said that you want you to go to Zhouyue’s ward to look at him, and keep looking at me. The comrade-in-arms rushed to the hospital.”

“What? Let me watch?” Xu Lin was inexplicable when she heard it, “Are you comrade-in-arms? I have hired so many high-ranking security guards to guard, all of them have been tempered from the army. , Why is he worried?”

“Don’t ask.” Xu Haoyu didn’t want to waste time, “just do what he says.”

Xu Lin thought for a while, and decided that the lion opened his mouth: “Okay, but the cost has to be doubled. My hospital is going to operate and make money…Ah! To save the dead and heal the wounded, you sent this person to take up so much resources. Just return.”

“Go and go, do what you said, sister, hurry up! Don’t hang up our phone, my comrade-in-arms said that we need to keep in touch at all times.” Xu Haoyu’s request and Xu Lin were fulfilled, and she did not hang up. He walked to Zhou Yue’s ward while holding his mobile phone.

She was in the office of her private hospital, so she quickly rushed to Zhou Yue’s ward. Outside Zhou Yue’s ward were a few one-meter-long blue security guards who nodded and shouted when they saw Xu Lin. : “Hello Big Sister!”

Xu Lin nodded to them and asked: “How are the people inside?”

The security guards answered neatly: “Safe and sound.”

Xu Lin walked into the ward to investigate. In that room, Zhou Yue was lying soundly, nothing unusual. The medical equipment connected to him showed that he was in good health, except that he could not sleep for a long time and gave him some nutrition. Poor, weak muscles.

Xu Lin was surprised that she had taken care of this guy named Zhou Yue strictly inside and out, why the so-called “family” of the patient still couldn’t rest assured, she had to get everyone to run over and come forward. She even asked her brother Xu Haoyu to call her, and she had to ask Xu Lin to help her watch.

Is there really any danger?

Xu Lin thought about these things in a mixed manner, and subconsciously walked to the bedside of Zhou Yue’s hospital bed to observe Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue, like many patients she had met, was pale, thin, and vulnerable. Because of his long-term weakness, Zhou Yue looked scrawny and embarrassed. However, his strong skeleton showed that he was a good figure. Tall and powerful man.

Xu Lin checked Zhou Yue’s background and knew that this man was also from the army and had a brilliant record. However, an accident happened during a mission and became a vegetable. According to his cases, he was previously placed in provincial and municipal military hospitals, spent a lot of money, treated with top-notch medical equipment, and the most expensive caregivers spent a full two years in this way.

Zhou Yue’s family is very rich. Zhou’s family is a well-known wealthy and aristocratic family in China. Their family runs a world-renowned top company with contacts in all walks of life. A very influential company can be called a wealthy country.

However, in the past two years, Zhou’s family seems to have begun to show signs of decline. After all, the economy has been booming recently, and various emerging companies have sprung up like mushrooms. While these companies are growing stubbornly and stubbornly, they are also squeezing Zhou. ‘S living space.

The “family” of the patient who sent Zhou Yue over, that is, Mu Qin, Xu Haoyu’s comrade-in-arms. As far as Xu Lin knew, this person named Mu Qin was not Zhou Yue’s real family member, but seemed to be a caregiver from Zhou Yue’s mother.

Xu Lin found it strange, how could a “caregiver” move the dignified Zhou family from the hospital without permission, and moved to her small private hospital?

Although it was strange, Xu Lin accepted Zhou Yue without hesitation, because this was the person her brother sent over, and Xu Lin trusted her brother.

Xu Lin looked at Zhou Yue for a while, picked up the phone that was not hung up, and continued to talk to Xu Haoyu: “People are right in front of me, and they are living well.”

“That’s good.” Xu Haoyu said thankfully, “Sister, look at him first, don’t walk away, just wait for my comrade-in-arms to come over.”

Xu Lin pulled a chair in the ward and sat down, still holding the phone: “I said, Xu Haoyu, why are you helping your comrade-in-arms so much?”

“This is a man’s friendship, sister, you don’t understand.” Xu Haoyu was still glib.

“Who said I don’t understand?” Xu Lin was dissatisfied, “I still don’t understand your character. If you really don’t have any expectations, can you treat others like this?”

Xu Haoyu chuckled and laughed: “Sister, you really don’t understand. Mu Qin suffered with me in the team during those years. I spent so long together day and night. My heart is not made of steel bars. How can I have no feelings… and, He also saved my life.”


“Mu Qin, are you okay?” Peng Zhe, who drove in the front row, clenched the steering wheel. He was driving the car he had just rented, leading Mu Qin to the private hospital of Xu Haoyu’s sister’s house.

The private hospital is a bit far away, and it takes three hours to reach it by car on the highway, so they shouldn’t waste any time easily.

Pengzhe while driving saw Mu Qin clutching his head tightly through the rearview mirror. He found that Mu Qin was shaking slightly, lowering his head and leaning against the window glass. Peng Zhe stretched out his hand and fiddled with the rearview mirror, pointed it at Mu Qin, and couldn’t help but asked worriedly, “Mu Qin, do you have a headache?”

Mu Qin didn’t answer immediately, but after taking a deep breath, he slowly shook his head and said, “No, I’m okay… It’s not a problem… By the way, Peng Zhe, do you have a pen?”

“Pen?” Peng Zhe found that Mu Qin was always able to make strange demands, “Are you talking about writing pens?”

“Yes, it’s the pen for writing…” Mu Qin’s voice seemed a little inaudible, like the whisper before he died, the feeling of weakness and dying, which could be heard by Peng Zhe in the front row. They all began to frighten.

“Mu Qin… you hold on a little bit, I have a pen.” Peng Zhe took out a water-based pen from his jacket pocket. He held the steering wheel in one hand and stretched the pen back in the other, and waited. It took a moment for Mu Qin to reach out and take the pen in his hand.

Mu Qin clenched the pen that Pengzhe gave him with a trembling hand. He must grasp it firmly, otherwise his weak hand would not be able to hold this simple and lightweight pen.

He felt that his gaze was spinning around the world, and everything in front of him had a double phantom.

He couldn’t hear any sound. He just felt that the strange roar in his head became louder and louder, overshadowing all other sounds, and it buzzed in Muqin’s mind, devouring his Spirit and memory.

Muqin can already feel his memory is fading.

Yes, he can feel that his memory is being slowly affected by the power of the marginal world. Under the effect of that terrible and powerful force, what he can recall, those things about the marginal world… It seemed that an eraser suddenly appeared, slowly erasing the image in Mu Qin’s mind.

Mu Qin couldn’t describe that feeling, the feeling that he was being deprived of his memory…It was terrifying, so terrible that no words could describe Mu Qin’s feelings at this moment.

Before I forget…

Muqin was thinking in a daze, and this sentence echoed in his mind—before I forget it…I must do something.

Mu Qin held the pen and stretched the tip of the pen to his mouth, then he opened his mouth to bite open the cap, and then wrote a line on his wrist with trembling handwriting.

Peng Zhe, who was driving in the front row, paid a little attention to the road conditions, and then he did not hear Mu Qin’s voice behind him. After he turned his attention from the road conditions, he glanced at Mu Qin through the rearview mirror. Mu Qin was found lying limply on the sofa in the back seat.

“Mu Qin!” Peng Zhe called him anxiously. However, Mu Qin who was unconscious did not say a word or said a word. Peng Zhe gritted his teeth, ignored him, and continued to hold the steering wheel towards his destination. .

When renting this car and driving to Xu Haoyu’s private hospital with Peng Zhe, Mu Qin especially told Peng Zhe that no matter what happened on the road, the first task was to take him. The place where Zhou Yue is.

Peng Zhe did plan to do this, but not long after Mu Qin passed out, Peng Zhe started to slow down slowly while holding the car. He stopped at an emergency stop on the highway shortly after he decelerated.

Peng Zhe, who stopped the car, opened the driver’s door, got out of the car, then lowered his head to open the rear door.

After opening the door, Mu Qin, who was leaning on the door, immediately lost support because of the opening of the door, and fell down on the ground outside the car along the seat.

Pengzhe didn’t reach out to take it either, leaving Mu Qin half of his body to fall outside the car. Mu Qin also had a wound on his head because his head was knocked on the ground. Now this time, the wound split a lot, and mottled blood stains were faintly visible on the white gauze.

Peng Zhe lowered his head and stared at Mu Qin with completely dark eyes.

At this time, the cell phone in Mu Qin’s pocket rang… In order to keep in touch with Xu Haoyu, the two of them kept on the phone. Xu Haoyu walked away when he called his sister before, and now he wants to talk to him again. Mu Qin spoke and he wanted to tell Mu Qin that his sister was ready.

But just after Xu Haoyu took the phone to “hey hey hey” a few times, Xu Haoyu heard a strange chuckle on the other end of the phone.

The laughter made Xu Haoyu a little stunned. Before he recovered, the phone on Mu Qin’s side hung up, and only a busy tone came from the phone.

When I called back again, it was turned off.

Xu Haoyu squeezed the phone in his hand for a while, then stood up suddenly, took his coat from the seat next to him, and walked outside the office.

On Mu Qin’s side, Peng Zhe, who had just turned off Mu Qin’s mobile phone, threw the mobile phone on the waste grass on the side of the highway, and then reached out to help Mu Qin up.

He fumbled on Muqin, and quickly found the white card in Muqin’s pocket.

“Why don’t you just give it to me honestly?” Peng Zhe took out his white card to observe in front of him, and said slowly, “Why should I take my life for this?”

Peng Zhe who got the white card was about to show a triumphant smile. At this moment…the sleeping Mu Qin suddenly woke up. When he woke up, he raised his head to see Peng Zhe in front of him and saw the white in Peng Zhe’s hand. Card, instinctively and directly reach out to grab this card.

Pengzhe’s reaction speed was very fast. As soon as Mu Qin stretched out his hand, he quickly backed away and avoided Mu Qin’s hand.

“Give me…that’s mine…” Muqin leaned weakly against the car, with blood on his forehead flowing down his eyebrows, across his face, and falling down on his chin.

“You guy is really difficult.” The other party turned a deaf ear to Muqin’s words, shook the white card in his hand, and said to himself, “The mental power is too strong, I can’t invade your brain at all, and you This spirit can also affect others, as long as you are… the people around you can hardly be “upper body” by me. If it weren’t for your weakness, I wouldn’t even be able to control this named Pengzhe.”

Mu Qin coughed twice. In fact, he couldn’t hear Pengzhe’s words at all. The pain in his mind tortured every nerve of his.

Muqin can only breathe as deeply as possible, trying to keep himself calm. Calmness is his greatest strength, and it is an excellent weapon for him to overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles.

He raised his head and stared at Peng Zhe with a blurred vision. Now Peng Zhe’s face shows an exaggerated smile. Peng Zhe’s eyes are black…The pupils, including the white part of the eyes, are all that kind of abnormal black. , The whole eyes are black holes, and the look is very permeating.

“You…not Pengzhe.” Mu Qin reached out and wiped the blood from his face. The blood from his head flowed into his eye sockets, staining his eyes bright red.

“Of course I am not Pengzhe, and you are too slow.” Pengzhe grinned at Mu Qin.

Muqin asked him: “Who are you?”

“I don’t have to tell you who I am… and the important thing is that you are going to die here today.” The person holding Pengzhe’s body squeezed the white card in his hand, and approached Muqin, killing him. The turbulent and violent coming also made Mu Qin clearly aware of this…sad.

Mu Qin actually hasn’t thought of a countermeasure. He lowered his head to check his body. He felt weak and his head hurt. His memory was like a pot of porridge, and everything was stuffed. Inside, Muqin didn’t even know what happened.

When Mu Qin lowered his head, he found a line of writing on his left wrist. The line was familiar and clearly written by himself. It reads like this:

Don’t leave him.

Who? Don’t leave anyone’s side?

Mu Qin’s head became more and more painful, and he was almost unsteady while leaning on the car. He could only let Pengzhe approach him. Pengzhe said to himself: “I can’t kill you directly, but we can have an accident. ‘.”

After finishing speaking, Peng Zhe reached out and grabbed Mu Qin’s neck. Mu Qin had no strength to fight back, and when he was pinched, he didn’t even have the strength to struggle, so Peng Zhe easily controlled Mu Qin.

Pengzhe, who controlled Muqin, first punched and kicked him. In order to weaken his mobility, Pengzhe stomped on his knee joints and kicked his stomach, wherever it hurts and hit him… …Mu Qin didn’t have much strength at first, and he was beaten so horribly, he collapsed directly to the ground, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose.

The highway is relatively cold at this moment, no other vehicles passing by, and no one has witnessed Pengzhe’s brutal behavior towards Muqin at this moment.

Then Pengzhe opened the door of the driver’s seat of the car, dragged Mu Qin in and pushed Mu Qin in. He let Mu Qin sit in the driver’s seat, and incidentally tied Mu Qin’s seat belt.

Mu Qin was beaten to the dying. He could only breathe faintly with his head down. Following Peng Zhe’s wanton fiddling, Peng Zhe grabbed Mu Qin’s hand to let him grab the steering wheel and put his foot on the accelerator. , Step on the clutch, turn on the gear, and turn the key to ignite.

When he did these actions, Muqin had vaguely understood his purpose. Muqin said: “…you…want me to drive?”

“You are very weak now.” Peng Zhe smiled, “Fatigue driving is a major cause of car accidents.”

Mu Qin felt that he was confused: “Why do you…why… do this? What is the purpose of…?”

“I just want you to die.” Peng Zhe whispered softly, “I’ll let Zhou Yue die together later, let you be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks, okay?”

Zhou Yue…

The name made Muqin feel inexplicably painful and sore, and even made him feel a little suffocated in his chest and couldn’t breathe.

“You still have a chance to survive.” Peng Zhe said, “As long as you can drive down the highway in this state, seek help from others…but I think it’s difficult for you to do it.”

After that, Peng Zhe hit Mu Qin with an elbow severely on the neck, making Mu Qin dizzy and lying on the steering wheel, and then Peng Zhe found something—his own backpack. Pressed on Muqin’s foot on the accelerator.

After adjusting the position of the steering wheel, Peng Zhe twisted the key to start the car’s engine completely. When he saw the car started to move forward at a slow speed, Peng Zhe stepped back and stood outside and closed the driver’s door.

Then he stood there watching Mu Qin sitting in the driver’s seat, and the car drove forward toward the adjusted position. If Mu Qin didn’t adjust the steering wheel, the car would rush out of the highway diagonally. There is a hillside over the highway, and Mu Qin will directly rush down the hillside.

This is the way Pengzhe thought of killing Mu Qin. As long as it is not the person he kills directly, the will of the marginal world cannot easily interfere with the result, and Mu Qin will undoubtedly die.

The backpack pressed on the accelerator is a little heavier, the accelerator is pressed to the bottom, so the car will sprint at full speed from the beginning, Mu Qin lay on the steering wheel and panted, trying to move his limp body, occasionally on the highway. If he does not react faster with passing vehicles, even if he does not rush out of the highway and slide down the hill to death, he will be killed in a series of car accidents.

In such a dangerous moment, Muqin couldn’t think of any way to save himself.

Will I die?

Mu Qin thought so.

If he dies, what should Zhou Yue do? His Zhou Yue, his favorite Zhou Yue, his favorite Zhou Yue.

I have to return to him.

I must return to him.

Mu Qin is lying on the steering wheel, he can see his left wrist, on which it is written in scribbled and confusing handwriting:

Don’t leave him.

Mu Qin raised his hand with all his strength. His hand had just been stepped on by Peng Zhe, which seemed to break his bones, but Mu Qin resisted the pain, raised his arm, and forcibly grabbed the steering wheel.

Then Muqin concentrated, he didn’t know what he did, but when he concentrated, his ability to interpret the environment was terribly improved, and everything became slow in his sight.

Relying on the elasticity of the seat belt strapped to his body, Mu Qin slightly adjusted his body posture so that he could sit upright. Then he moved the steering wheel with one hand and tried to put the gear shift with the other, so that the car that was rushing all the way came. Gorgeous big turn, and the speeding lane on the left side of the highway was extremely accurate.

While he was turning, a car on the highway sprinted past Muqin’s car, and almost ran into Muqin’s car who had just turned. The other side treated Muqin as if he was drunk and not yet. The driver with the turn signal turned on was very angry, and he blew his horn twice as a warning.

Mu Qin ignored him, panting heavily, holding the steering wheel with only one hand, adjusting the stability of the car slightly. Because his body was weak, he couldn’t move too much, and the blood gurgling on his head was a little muddy in his vision.

But Mu Qin did not dare to reach out to wipe his face, so he had to fine-tune his body. He moved his legs a little so that the backpack on his feet could slide down by himself, so that he could control the speed of the accelerator. .

Mu Qin’s series of movements came suddenly and quickly, and Peng Zhe who was waiting for Mu Qin to rush out of the highway couldn’t help but be astonished. He walked a few steps forward, feeling inexplicable, but could only watch Mu Qin drove farther and farther on the highway.

“This is impossible!” Peng Zhe looked incredulous. “His physical state is fine without fainting directly. How can he drive…”

But even if it was impossible, Mu Qin had already drove further away. Naturally, Pengzhe could not catch up. He gritted his teeth and thought for a while, then took out the white card he had brought back, and said to himself He said: “Well, anyway, the card is taken back, and then just kill Zhou Yue.”

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