Unlimited Cycles of Death: 211. Hopeless Eternal Life (16)

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The action of Cruise sending the card did not go smoothly. The attention of other players was taken away by the 3574 with the horn, and the 3574’s horn was extremely loud and deafening.

In this case, Cruise also had to concentrate and listen to 3574 subconsciously.

3574 raised the horn to tell the many players present that he had been preparing for a long time important news.

3574 said: “Everyone, since the inexplicable new master **** released the final game, one hour has passed. I believe you already know a little bit about this so-called’final game’, and I am afraid that you will also hold it in your hand. A few cards snatched from others…Of course, I think there are also many players who only have their first ten cards in their hands, or even no cards.”

“Whether you have cards or not, this is not the main problem.”

“You may have discovered that among our group of players, several or even more players have unique powers, which we call ‘mental power’.”

“A power that can use words and actions to give spiritual hints to control others. This power is not limited by the system and has become the mainstream method used to **** other people’s cards.”

3574 raised his right hand to the many players present, and clicked them one by one: “I believe that among you present now, there are people with similar powers, and they are about to use this mental power to control others.”

As soon as the words of 3574 fell, the players present became nervous. They looked at each other and looked at the players around them, but they didn’t seem to notice anything unusual.

Observing for a long time did not find anything special, the players gave up the observation, had to turn their heads one after another, continue to listen to 3574 speech.

3574 looked at the nervous group of players in front of them, and smiled: “You can even suspect that I am such a person. You doubt what I said to you. Every word is a spiritual hint. You doubt me for the next second. It will say, “Hand over all your cards to me”… Oh, it seems that I have already said it.”

The atmosphere on the scene was very tense, and the players’ nerves were also tense, but 3576 said such misleading and questionable remarks at such an anxious moment.

Even if this is just a mere joke, Cruise feels that there is a high probability that the players present will discuss, make noise, and even make trouble.

But things went beyond Cruise’s expectations. The players on the field were very quiet. Everyone said nothing. No one took action. The silence was a bit too much.

Cruise thought it was a little strange.

He felt a strange feeling of inexplicability, and the air seemed to be filled with an atmosphere that made Cruise’s whole body uneasy. This atmosphere quietly spread when 3574 took the stage to speak. It was silent. Without interest, it affects every player in this small safe house.

But this weird atmosphere is so low-key, like a frog boiled in warm water, gentle, slow, and unobtrusive.

Cruise can’t say clearly, maybe the subtle incompatibility he felt was just an illusion of him.

It felt like a momentary event. Soon the 3574, who was driving the horn, once again attracted Cruise’s attention with his speech.

3574 went on to say: “I won’t sell it anymore. I know that all players have a common purpose, which is to escape this **** fringe world and run towards our bright future tomorrow.”

“But before implementing this goal, I don’t know if you players have thought about it seriously. We are a group of’dead people’ in the real world, a group of dead people who have died for various reasons, and we Most of them have committed crimes or even murder.”

“Don’t talk about social stability or legal justice, but I ask you to ask yourself, are you really willing to return to the real world? Do you really think that your family and society will accept you after you go back? You really feel that you are qualified to return Real world?”

“Those who feel qualified to go back…please raise your hand!” 3574 said these words and shook the horn in his hand, but he did not raise his hand himself.

Not only did he not raise his hand, but everyone present, after watching each other for a while, none of them raised their hands.

Cruise didn’t think about qualifications or disqualifications, because he is not a human being. But at this moment, in order to be low-key and inconspicuous, he did nothing to follow the trend.

“It seems that most people…no, everyone feels that they are not qualified.” 3574 laughed, with a self-deprecating smile, “So why are you participating in this game?”

It seems that someone stepped forward and wanted to answer 3574’s question, but 3574 interrupted him mercilessly and continued: “Actually, I know what you think. It’s nothing more than this one:’Anyway Death, why not try it, what if?'”

“Typical gambler psychology, but this means that you all have hope in your heart. You still hope that you can win, or that you can go out, even if you know you are not qualified.”

When 3574 said this, he paused for a while. He suddenly lowered his voice and said something puzzling. He said: “But the only advantage is that under this kind of psychological hint, all of you Everyone is mentally prepared-even if you work hard, you will definitely lose.”

“So at this moment, the result of failure is no longer a scary thing for you.”

Cruise didn’t understand the meaning of 3574’s words too much. In his opinion, he said that before 3574 there was some big news to be announced, but after talking about it for a long time, he didn’t say any important points.

Cruise thinks this guy is just telling a bunch of nonsense.

3574 on the field continued to speak.

But Cruise couldn’t listen anymore. He couldn’t bear it anymore. His patience reached the tipping point. So much time was wasted listening to this guy talking about a bunch of nonsense. The cards that could be sent out tomorrow morning are now all Still held in his own hands.

And why is everyone so quiet? Is there so many players present, no one realizes that this guy is talking nonsense?

The unbearable Cruise looked around the players around and found that everyone was staring at 3574 standing in the center. No one seemed to be willing to express doubts.

Waited and waited, and found that 3574 still didn’t say any important points, from discussing the player’s **** gambler psychology to such social issues, Cruise was very irritable.

Cruise couldn’t wait, so he interrupted 3574’s speech. He shouted: “Stop talking nonsense! What is the news that you said to announce before!? You talked a lot and didn’t mention it. Important! Don’t waste other people’s time!”

Cruise successfully calmed down the 3574 over there with a single sentence. He put down the horn and looked towards Cruise. As he looked over, the players around him suddenly got out of the way with a tacit understanding. , Leaving Cruise in the back row exposed to everyone.

Everyone is watching Cruise.

Suddenly, Cruise felt that the strange sense of incongruity he had smelled before was now enlarged, exponentially multiplying, and expanding into an unbearable atmosphere.

It was only then that Cruise realized the problem. He looked around for a while, and he found that the faces of every player present were expressionless, their eyes were cold and emotionless, and they stared directly at Cruise.

What is going on here?

This question flashed through Cruise’s mind, but 3574 over there laughed again after a brief silence. While staring at Cruise, he held the horn and whispered: “In fact, The news I want to announce has just been announced, but this friend… doesn’t seem to realize it yet!”

Seeing that 3574 has been staring at him, so Cruise knows that the other party is talking about him.

However, Cruise really feels that this 3574 has not announced any valuable news. He frowned and said: “I don’t understand, what news did you announce? Can you repeat it again?”

“I don’t need to repeat…” 3574 put down the horn and walked slowly towards Cruise, “I remember your number, you are… 1408, right?”

“Yes.” Cruise took another look at the expressionless players around him.

“So that’s it, I see, you are the’that one’!” 3574 smiled brightly, he walked up to Cruise and introduced himself: “My number is 3574, but the number seems too It’s unfamiliar, you can also call my name, I believe you have heard my name, my name is Jin.”

The name Kim really sounds familiar to Cruise. Although Cruise has always regarded the person holding this name as an ant, now he has realized something inexplicably.

Crew couldn’t help taking a step forward and said: “You…could it be…”

But before Cruise finished speaking, Jin over there took a step back. He narrowed his eyes, raised his left hand at Cruise, and snapped his fingers.

It’s just a small, crisp sound.

But it has brought about earth-shaking changes in the fringe world.

Cruise was stunned, watching everything in front of him start to collapse like crazy!

First, the floor cracked and fell into pieces, and then it extended to the surrounding walls and ceiling.

The disappearing floor brought weightlessness, but the strange thing was that Cruise didn’t fall with the floor, he was just empty under his feet, and then he felt like he was floating in place.

He looked at the surrounding players and found that everyone was just like him, floating steadily in place in various postures. They did not move, they kept their indifferent faces as before, even Still staring at Cruise all.

Outside the collapsed safe house is empty darkness. This darkness is the most primitive appearance of the fringe world… a dark space.

Although it is a dark space, it is not completely pitch black. There is a faint blue light in the space, which is enough for Cruise to see the surrounding environment clearly.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing this crazy scene, Cruise was shocked and couldn’t help but cast his eyes on Jin over there. He shouted at Jin, “What the **** did you do!?”

“I didn’t do anything!” Jin Innocent spread his hands and said, “You want me to announce the news that I know, I just announce it to you.”

“What do you mean! Make it clear!?” Cruise was shocked and angry. He didn’t understand the current situation. Isn’t this self-proclaimed “Golden” the human that he had caught before? Before meeting Zhou Yue, Cruise originally wanted to capture this gold to do experiments, because this guy has a high-quality soul.

But Kim ran away, and he hid after hiding in the fringe world. And Cruise did not rush to find him at first, because Cruise met Zhou Yue, a better subject.

After meeting Zhou Yue, Cruise almost wholeheartedly circled Zhou Yue, and completely left behind the so-called gold. He didn’t expect that Jin would suddenly appear in such a critical period. Knowing what means was used, he pitted Cruise.

After the safe house collapsed, Cruise waved his arm in the void. He tried to contact the limbic system to give instructions, but after calling the system for a long time, the system did not respond at all.

“The safe house has collapsed.” Jin floated not far away and said to the futile Cruise, “The player assistance system in the safe house also collapsed. Now we can’t go anywhere.”

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