Unlimited Cycles of Death: 189. Resurrection from the dead (15)

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Only by firmly controlling Cruise, the boulder hanging in Zhou Yue’s heart can it fall to the ground.

It’s not enough to just attract Cruise’s sight. The ghost knows whether this alien will be on a whim, so he suddenly changed his mind and chose to leave Zhou Yue here and do his own thing.

If this is the case, then what is the use of Zhou Yue’s time delay tactics?

So Zhou Yue had to find a way to “catch” Cruise.

Thinking about it, it seems a good plan to lure him in and play games with him.

Sure enough, after Zhou Yue made this request, Cruise looked down for a moment and nodded to Zhou Yue on the screen. After all, he values ​​Zhou Yue very much, and Zhou Yue’s request…at least on the surface, there is nothing excessive.

“I can go in and play that game with you.” Cruise still has some vigilance and doubts, and asks: “But you have to tell me what kind of game it is…I have to be a little bit prepared for it. .”

“You still have to prepare?” Zhou Yue was shocked, and said with a sarcasm: “Aren’t you supposed to be omnipotent? It’s just a simple little game, why bother? What a lot of trouble?”

“I don’t know what you are thinking, Zhou Yue.” Cruise stared at Zhou Yue intently. “Your hearts are always filled with secrets that I don’t understand or understand.”

Zhou Yue understands the meaning of Cruise’s remarks and also knows the other’s concerns. So Zhou Yue did not refute, and opened his hand to show that it didn’t matter: “Well, since you don’t want to believe me, then…”

“It’s actually not difficult, Cruise.” Zhou Yue said, “After all, I am different from you. I think I am a kind person, so I won’t let you play any murderous games with me. .”

“I just want you to come in… and get in touch with the players here.”

“This world created by you, these people who are imprisoned by you, don’t you want to see it with your own eyes and see what they are like?”


Holding Mu Qingyun, who was still unable to sleep, Jin fixed her on the throne. Several thorns wrapped around her body, all of which were pulled out by Jin one by one.

Using the pile of cards that Mu Chen had put on him before, Jin Chenggong and Mu Qingyun exchanged positions, allowing Mu Qingyun to sit on the throne in place of Jin for the time being.

At the same time, Jin also activated the defensive “enchantment” Mu Chen set up for him in the throne map early. At least for a long time, this throne map will become a small barrier, and the limbic system will not Monitor here, and Mu Qingyun will spend a long and deep sleep in the barrier of safety.

“How is it?” After setting all the gold, he turned to ask Mu Xing who was resting in the corner.

Mu Xing sat on the ground with his head bowed, and his hands covering his chest. He panted slightly, sweating, and looking painful and intolerable.

Then he shook his head slightly to Jin and replied: “No, Mu Chen was hurt too badly. He needs to sleep for a while…Sure enough, I have to take over this task.”

“Well, I see. But at least the result is still within your expectations, right?” King asked.

“Yes, you just need to act according to the plan.” Mu Xing took a deep breath, as if something was brewing.

Shortly afterwards, Mu Xing raised his head to look at Jin, “I’m ready, come on.”

According to the blueprint designed, at this moment, it should have been Mu Chen going to the world to steal the alien Cruise’s machine-a machine with basically the same function as the “3D bioprinter”.

But Mu Chen really was hurt too badly, and the power of the mental blade was beyond imagination. Fortunately, they had also anticipated this situation, so naturally they could only come up with a substitute plan, and Mu Xing stepped forward to replace Mu Chen. Responsibilities.

Mu Xing and Mu Chen are spiritually connected and share a part of his memory, so after Mu Xing arrives in this world, he only needs to act with the memory Mu Chen gave him and everything will be fine.

But in fact, this is Mu Xing’s first time…Leaving the world that has trapped him for three hundred years, and heading to the real world he has been dreaming of.

What kind of feeling it was, Mu Xing couldn’t tell. Before, he desperately tried to escape from the fringe world, but he couldn’t do it anyway. Now he let it go, and no longer insisted, but easily got the opportunity.

If you intentionally plant flowers but don’t bloom, unintentionally plant willows and willows make a shade.

Therefore, there was an indescribable excitement and panic in Mu Xing’s heart, but this complex and opposing emotion could not be realized by Jin in front of Mu Xing, and Mu Chen, who was sleeping in Mu Xing’s body, could not. .

He can only suppress himself silently.

At this time, Jin listened to Mu Xing’s words and started to do it. In order for Mu Xing to go to the real world, naturally he could only kill the body he is now boarding. The executioner at the scene was only Jin the most suitable.

Because Mu Xing is no longer a marginal will…Neither is Mu Chen. Their current identity is similar to the “black households” in the marginal world. They are not registered by the system. As long as they are killed, they can leave here quietly. .

Jin’s hand holding the knife trembled a little.

His mood is also very complicated, because his current situation is also inexplicably similar to Mu Xing.

Not long ago, Jin was just a puppet controlled by Mu Xing. He spent several years in the fringe world. During this time, he was helping Mu Xing with things, as a force that Mu Xing buried among the players. .

In order to protect his consciousness, Jin even made himself a “superficial personality”. As long as he feels the approach of Mu Xing’s spiritual power, he will subconsciously turn on this personality, turning Jin into a somewhat crazy believer. .

Mu Chen’s intervention changed everything. Mu Chen obliterated Mu Xing, who was a marginal will, and reshaped him.

The reshaped Mu Xing no longer has the huge, distorted and forbidding ideology before, nor the cold and chaotic power. As long as Jin can’t feel this power, his superficial personality won’t Will trigger.

Probably it will not trigger again in the future.

Jin feels a bit ironic when he thinks of this. This “god” he has always hated and feared is now in front of him as a lamb to be slaughtered under his hands. This scene and its irony.

Mu Xing certainly wouldn’t resist. He knelt on the ground, bowed his head and closed his eyes, folded his hands on his chest, his identity with Jin seemed to have been reversed, as if Mu Xing was the real “believer” at this moment. Is using the most humble posture, praying to a great god.

No, there is no real **** in this world.

Jin squeezed the knife, stretched out his left hand to press on Mu Xing’s shoulder, raised the knife slightly in his right hand, and whispered to him: “Offended… Don’t worry, it will be over in an instant.” /


It’s really just a moment.

Although sometimes, Mu Xing would feel that this moment was stretched infinitely, and his consciousness was like duckweed floating in the ocean, drifting far away with the waves.

Then he woke up and came to the reality.


Mu Xing opened his eyes in a daze and looked around at the surrounding environment. He found that he was lying in a “crystal coffin” with thin hoses plugged into certain parts of his body.

This so-called crystal coffin is actually a petri dish used by aliens to preserve their bodies. It is filled with an unknown transparent liquid, which is colorless and tasteless, and seems to be ordinary water.

But if it is ordinary water, it cannot be easily inhaled into the lungs and then exhaled.

Mu Xing looked at the body he had now. It was not his body. It should have belonged to Mu Chen. It was kept here by the alien Cruise decades ago. It is in the long run. Half-frozen state.

Slowing down the growth and metabolic cycle, this body retains its youth, coupled with the maintenance of the unknown liquid in the crystal coffin, it is not weakened by long-term inactivity, and it is still full of vitality.

Squeeze a fist slightly, and you can even see the tendons and blood vessels that protrude on your wrist when you apply force.

Mu Xing can’t describe how he feels at the moment, is this the real world? Is there any difference from the fringe world?

Mu Xing pressed his hand on the transparent glass of the “coffin” and felt the cold temperature of the glass. Using these eyes with good eyesight, he could see the outside of his coffin, there are countless neatly arranged coffin.

Some are placed on the ground, and some are suspended in mid-air. Each coffin is connected with some thick pipes, and a human-like body is faintly floating in the coffin.

Here is reality. I went from dream…to reality.

Maybe it was detected that Mu Xing’s awakening was detected. The crystal coffin with Mu Xing closed seemed to have activated some function. The unknown liquid inside began to fall, and the liquid flowed through the water outlet under the coffin.

When the liquid is clean, the door of the crystal coffin will automatically open. Even the hoses inserted in Mu Xing’s body will automatically fall off, but there is no bleeding. There is only a red mark in the place where the hose pierced. .

The naked/naked Mu Xing crawled out of it after being sluggish for a second, and took the first breath of fresh air from the real world.

The lungs are cramping, and the fluid remaining in the lungs comes out of the nose and mouth.

Mu Xing couldn’t help coughing, but he dared not cough too loudly while covering his mouth and nose. He always felt that the sound would attract something, or it would wake up the creatures in the coffin that filled the hall.

However, in fact, his coughing sounded nothing alarmed, and the surroundings were still silent, and the lamp above his head was shining with suitable light, not glaring or too dim.

Mu Xing finally realized the difference between the real world and the fringe world.

Mu Qin, Zhou Yue, and Mu Chen have all lived in the real world. They probably don’t feel much, but Mu Xing, who has always been born in a fringe world, can see this subtle difference. .

The body is heavier.

Mu Xing looked at his arm and moved his leg again.

It feels colder to the touch.

The bare feet touched the icy floor, and the cold was piercing.

The light is more natural.

Mu Xing looked up at the light overhead, as if it was the first time he saw this light, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Yes, this is indeed the real world, a more real and cruel world.

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