Unlimited Cycles of Death: 139. Silent Echo (9)

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This is an anti-theft seal, it will be replaced after one hour.   Zhou Yue smiled when he said this, or it can be called a smirk. His attitude is very serious. He seems to have this kind of consciousness… to become a murderer like an executioner. Because of this awareness, he can give up his principles and beliefs without scruple.

“What is the standard for the game system to kill you? If you don’t kill everyone, you will die, or do you only need to kill some people? And… If you didn’t kill people, how will the system determine?” Mu Qin I want to know this specifically.

Zhou Yue’s simple answer: “I will die if there are less than two. Exactly two are up to the standard, but I don’t have any reward points to get. If someone dies but I didn’t do it, it can only count as half of me. Personal head.”

Mu Qin felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this, and bit his lower lip: “This is forcing you to kill.”

“The system forces me to kill people, but you don’t have to.” Zhou Yue seemed to be indicating to Mu Qin something, “I don’t want you to betray others to help me. Mu Qin, if you feel uncomfortable, please In the next time, do your best to help your teammates and stop me.”

Mu Qin didn’t speak. He fixed his eyes on Zhou Yue and looked at it for a while. He hesitated for a long time. Finally, he sighed silently and said to Zhou Yue: “I understand, no matter what, I will wait after the separation. See you again and I won’t recognize you again.”

“That’s it.” Zhou Yue said softly and gently, “Take me as an enemy, Mu Qin, I don’t mind, but I like you, I…love you very very much.”

Mu Qin couldn’t continue listening to Zhou Yue. He turned his head and walked quickly out of this small and empty room, and left the room where Zhou Yue was there.

When Mu Qin left, Zhou Yue watched him go out. When Zhou Yue couldn’t see Mu Qin’s back at all, Zhou Yue lowered his head and continued to play with his death card, which was disguised as a fool’s card. Then he suddenly disappeared. I took out another tarot card in my pocket, and when I looked closely, I found that the tarot card that Zhou Yuexin took out was a dirty-looking card, and the card face was against the Fool. This card was from the previous Han After Li was thrown away, Zhou Yue picked it up.

Then Muqin walked to the stairwell on the third floor and quickly went downstairs. When going down the stairs, he did not deliberately lower the sound of his footsteps, but went downstairs quickly, so he quickly I met someone who made a noise just downstairs.

As Mu Qin expected, it was Xu Fu.

Xu Fu seems to have come to the infirmary on the first floor of the apartment building to find some medicine. His leg was injured as Muqin expected. He seemed to have clamped it with a wooden board. Now it is wrapped in white. Bandage.

When Mu Qin and Xu Fu met, Xu Fu just walked out of the infirmary. He may have noticed the intricate blood stains all over the floor, and the interior of the infirmary that was turned over, and heard Mu Qin go downstairs. With the rush of footsteps, Mu Qin didn’t know what Xu Fu thought in his heart. What Mu Qin was thinking about was Zhou Yue who was still upstairs.

Mu Qin thought of what the other party said when he and Zhou Yue were parting, and forced himself to calm down after taking a deep breath. At this time, Mu Qin had to pretend that he had never seen Zhou Yue and didn’t know the identity of Zhou Yue’s killer. At this time, Mu Qin always thought that Xu Fu was the killer, so…

After seeing Xu Fu, Mu Qin quickly assumed a defensive posture, because Xu Fu was standing at the top of the stairs. Mu Qin could not go up the stairs, so he could only stand on the stairs and stare at Xu Fu.

Xu Fu did not come forward to attack Mu Qin, but stood still and looked at Mu Qin. After the two looked at each other for a while, Xu Fu spoke first and said, “Calm down, I have something to discuss with you. Click.”

Mu Qin replied unceremoniously: “Are you discussing **** me?”

“I am not a killer.” Xu Fu argued for himself, “You are all newcomers, and there are still many things you don’t understand about this game. I will tell you the information. It is not too late for you to make judgments after listening.”

Mu Qin did not compromise so quickly. It was unnatural to compromise too quickly, so he frowned and looked at Xu Fu: “You just killed Cheng Guoxu, and now you still quibble that you are not a killer? I don’t believe you. In a word, if you want to do it, it’s best now!”

I am afraid that Xu Fu knows that he is not so easy to convince others, and he tried to patiently said: “Players who are not killers in this game will deduct reward points for killing each other.”

“This sentence of you proves your assassin’s identity!” Muqin made his defensive attitude more obvious, and he took a few steps back.

Xu Fu seemed to have a headache. He rubbed his temples and said: “I mean…I think you should have noticed that the players who enter this game basically have criminal history, that is Said that people who enter this strange world are all sinners. And one thing in common is that you are all connected to this orphanage.”

Mu Qin listened to Xu Fu’s words, and Wei Wei showed a thoughtful look and lowered his defensive attitude. Mu Qin replied, “Yes, I can see this too…what? You Do you want to ask me what crime I have committed before?”

“What crimes you committed before has nothing to do with me.” Xu Fu said, looking at Mu Qin up and down, and said: “But I know Cheng Guoxu’s crimes. This guy is a serial murderer who abuses and kills children. He specifically targeted the orphans in this orphanage. Among the children he had dealt with was my sister. My sister was abducted by human traffickers before, but then the human trafficker gang was detected by the police and a dozen of them were trafficked. The child was rescued. The police did not find out my sister’s biological parents and place of birth at the first time. They could only temporarily send her to the orphanage. Unexpectedly, when my family came to find her, my sister was killed by the murderer. “

Xu Fu said a long list of words, and at last he seemed to gritted his teeth: “My parents were so angry that they both died of illness after seeing the body of my sister. After that, I have been tracking the traces of this murderer for more than ten years, but because of Others broke into conflicts and beat them to death, so I went to jail. Thinking that my sister’s murderer had not been found, I was anxious, and finally made an escape from prison, but it was unsuccessful and was shot directly by the police.”

“So, you killed Cheng Guoxu in this game, did you finally avenge your sister!?” Mu Qin deliberately frowned and expressed his disbelief: “The family of the deceased and the murderer who traced the murderer appeared In the same game on the same map, this kind of coincidence is like a fantasy, do you think I will believe it?”

“I don’t know why this is the case.” Xu Fu said to Mu Qin earnestly, “But it is true. Most of the maps in this game are based on buildings or scenes in the real world, and enter this The people on this map are definitely related to this map. I don’t know if it will be the same in the future. I only experienced two game reincarnations.”

Mu Qin suddenly thought of Zhou Yue. Does Zhou Yue have anything to do with this orphanage?

Or just because Zhou Yue and Mu Qin have a relationship, they joined Mu Qin to enter this orphanage map because of their ties. Just like Qiu Zijia, Qiu Zijia and Iris Orphanage are not directly connected, only But it was because the brother who was killed by Qiu Zijia was an orphan in this orphanage, so he came in.

“Why do everyone have a relationship with the map, don’t you know at all?” Mu Qin seemed to be convinced by Xu Fu’s words.

Xu Fu said his speculation: “I think… probably because the game system is deliberately creating contradictions.”

“Create a contradiction?” Mu Qin suddenly understood what Xu Fu meant: “Are you saying that this game deliberately let those of us who are connected with the map come in, not only let the killer chase them, but also let them kill each other? ?”

“I think this is the case. If we have conflicts and conflicts, we will distrust each other, suspicion each other, and even kill each other. The game reduces our chances of uniting against the killer. It may be for the balance of the opposing parties. Sex…After all, there is only one killer, we have five people.”

“Okay.” Muqin said, “Thank you for telling me the information, but you didn’t come up with the proof that you are not a killer. Even if you killed Cheng Guoxu because of personal grievances, you died in this stairwell. Didn’t you kill the dead body?”

“The corpse?” Mu Qin said, Xu Fu seemed to think about it, and suddenly looked up and down the staircase: “The corpse is gone!?”

“You don’t know?” Mu Qin pretended to be surprised, “I thought someone dragged the body away, so I just went upstairs to look it up, but no one saw anyone…”

“No, it was not dragged away!” Xu Fu looked at the intricate and messy **** footprints on the ground…and then looked at the series of footprints in the infirmary. The series of footprints were connected together and could hardly be seen clearly. Some have become dim due to the washing of rain, but Xu Fu still sees the clue, “That guy left by himself!”

Mu Qin slowly led the topic to the direction he wanted, expressing his astonishment to Xu Fu: “The corpse will stand up and walk on its own!?”

“You don’t understand!” Xu Fu became a little anxious, “In this game, only the killer has the function of resurrection.”

Mu Qin didn’t dare to say anything: “You said… the killer will be resurrected!?”

Muqin woke up standing, which is strange. Because he should have lost consciousness, he should be lying on the ground dripping with blood. In any case, how could he “stand” awake unconsciously?

Mu Qin didn’t have time to figure this out. He soon felt a gust of wind blowing on him, causing goose bumps all over his body. He shivered coldly, raised his head and looked around, and then found himself in a very The run-down courtyard.

The kind of courtyard with towering walls and iron gates. The tops of the walls and iron gates have sharp corners and iron gill nets to prevent theft and intrusion, which can not only prevent people from coming in, but also prevent the inside People out.

The courtyard is not large, and I can only visually inspect the area of ​​two basketball courts. There are a few invisible dead trees and weedy flower beds in the yard, as well as some equipment for children to play, slides, Sandpit and swing.

But these things are too shabby. They are covered with dust, leaves, mold, and rotten stench.

It seems to be a courtyard that has not been taken care of or patronized for a long time.

Mu Qin raised his head to look at the sky. The sky was gray, but it was not at night. It was just very dark. There was no sunlight… it was gray and full of dark clouds. It is the kind of dark cloud that is ready for a storm to come, and it is a very low cloud that makes the air solidify with a depressive taste. This storm is destined to be very manic, able to wash away all the dirty.

Mu Qin didn’t know how he appeared here, his memory only stayed at the moment the truck rushed towards him, and then what he could feel was cold and dark, and the blood in his body slowly went out. The terrible touch that flows… an unprecedented death experience.

If I am not dead in a car accident, I should be in the hospital.

Thinking about this, Mu Qin looked at the dilapidated and desolate courtyard around…not in such a place where weirdness was revealed everywhere.

What’s even stranger is that my body does not seem to have any injuries, no wounds, and intact.

Mu Qin touched his face and torso. He found that he was wearing a gray prisoner-like costume, a gray shirt and gray trousers. The trousers have two trouser pockets, and all the pockets on the clothes. No. On his feet are a pair of old-style cloth shoes, which reminds Muqin of the cloth shoes issued by the school during military training when he was a student.

This is not my clothes, nor my shoes…Is anyone changing my clothes? As Mu Qin thought, he fumbled for his clothes. He found something in his only two trouser pockets… I’m afraid it was something that the person who left him here put in his pocket.

A…Tarot card?

Mu Qin was right. It was a tarot card with an image of “The Fool” painted on it, and an image of a young man walking on the edge of a cliff with a dog carrying a package.

This image seems to be much more refined than traditional Tarot cards. The picture is beautiful, the color tone is soft, the people on the image are lifelike, and the clothes are flying, just like the exquisite game original paintings in some online games. It caters to contemporary youth. Human aesthetic trend.

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