Unlimited Cycles of Death: 12. Iris (12)

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In the dark rainy night, the rain continued to flow like broken pearls, drop by drop on Mu Qin, Qiu Zijia and others.

Mu Qin endured the cold, pushed aside the tall weeds, and followed the darkness to look at the door of the small church that was faintly lit not far away. He did not see Xu Fu chasing out of the church, maybe Xu Fu is still in the church, maybe he has already gone out through the back door of the church… This small church has a back door, just behind the church stage.

Although Xu Fu did not seem to chase after Mu Qin and others, this does not mean that Mu Qin is safe now. After watching the church for a while, Mu Qin turned his head and looked in other directions. Orphan In addition to the apartment building, there is an office building in the courtyard. Muqin and others have not been to this office building. It is a small building that does not seem to be large. It is only four stories high by visual inspection. There may be clues to the key to the exit door.

The current form is not clear, and Mu Qin is not sure where the safe place is. Instead of pursuing the vague sense of security, Mu Qin feels that he is still risking the possibility of escape. , So he pulled Qiu Zijia next to him, and pointed to Qiu Zijia the furthest office building.

“Let’s go there.” Muqin said, “We haven’t explored there… and the building is dark with lights.”

Muqin and the others have explored apartment buildings and chapels one after another. Every room they pass through will turn on the lights one after another, so the rooms with lights on are the places they have already explored.

Qiu Zijia said: “But we only explored the first and second floors of the apartment building. We haven’t been there yet. And the second floor of the chapel has not been able to go up…”

Mu Qin turned his head and glanced at the direction of the church, and replied: “I haven’t seen Xu Fu coming out of the church. Whether he is still in the church or is out of the back door of the church, we should all Go to the building furthest from the church.”

Qiu Zijia was still very scared: “But we went to that office building, and then turned on the office building lights during the search. Didn’t Xu Fu know that we were there?”

“He has to know sooner or later.” Muqin continued, “and we can’t stop searching just because he will know, we must find the key to the exit door.”

Qiu Zijia was unable to refute Mu Qin’s words. He knew that Mu Qin was right. This orphanage is such a large area. The killer is here, so they will bypass here and go to the other side to explore; if the killer is on the other side, They went around and continued to explore here. It was nothing more than hide-and-seek and fight guerrilla warfare. It was a very simple reason.

“Well, I will listen to you.” Qiu Zijia said.

After the simple plan of action was finalized, Mu Qin folded and lifted Han Li, who was unconscious, leaning against the tree. When he lifted up, Mu Qin felt that the woman’s body was hot, so he said to Qiu Zijia; “Han Li has a very serious fever, we must get her back with anti-fever medicine.”

“Fever-reducing medicine!?” Qiu Zijia seemed nervous after hearing this. Mu Qin thought Qiu Zijia would directly persuade herself to leave Han Li. After all, Qiu Zijia didn’t wait to see this female teacher before, and at this time. Running around with a patient is also quite dangerous, but the result was unexpected. Qiu Zijia was silent for a moment and said: “Okay, how can I find it?”

“You come to carry her.” Mu Qin didn’t bother to care why he suddenly changed his mind, but decided to directly hand over Han Li on his back to Qiu Zijia.

He said to Qiu Zijia: “You carry her on your back…walk along the fence of the courtyard towards the office building. Because the edge is very dark, there are trees, flower beds and weeds beside the fence, these plants can help you It should be safe to be concealed. As for me, I will go to the infirmary in the apartment building over there. There should be some medicines in it.”

Qiu Zijia roughly understands what Mu Qin meant: “Are you saying that we were acting separately? Go get the anti-fever medicine, and I will carry her to the direction of the office building.”

“Yes, when I find the medicine, I will go there to meet you.” Muqin said.

Qiu Zijia panicked: “What if something goes wrong halfway? What if we are found by the killer?”

“There are only two situations where the problem occurred. One is that I was found by the killer, and the second is that you and Han Li were found by the killer.” Mu Qin lowered his voice and said solemnly, “If I was found by the killer, you don’t need to Just take care of me and just walk to the office building. I will find a way to get out. If I have not come to you for a long time, it means that I am in a bad mood. At that time, you are willing to continue to take Han Li, or discard her, both Your wishes.”

“On the contrary, if you are found by the killer, then you will lose the car to protect the handsome, throw Han Li as an abandoned son to the killer, and then run to me, I will protect you.” Muqin said.

Qiu Zijia asked Mu Qin with a complicated expression: “Do you mean to let me use Han Li as a shield?”

Qiu Zijia’s question made Mu Qin look sharply at Qiu Zijia for a while, and then Mu Qin said: “Yes, if necessary, she is your human shield.”

“Since she is a shield, why do you take the risk to find her anti-fever medicine?” Qiu Zijia didn’t understand. “Why not just make her a bait, for example, tie her under the light and find an old radio to play loud music next to her. This posture can definitely attract a killer to eat this bait. When he is bitten by the bait, we can I searched for the office building over there without hesitation, didn’t he?”

Mu Qin looked at Qiu Zijia with a deep gaze: “I’m not a good person, Qiu Zijia… but I don’t do bad things. If I think I can do it, I am willing to save people and risk this woman. The risk of looking for anti-fever medicine alone is not the reason why I did it, but that you…will you do the same thing as me?”

“I won’t.” Qiu Zijia shook her head, “I won’t take any risks for this woman. My life is the most important thing!”

After listening to Qiu Zijia’s words, Mu Qin suddenly laughed. This is the first time Qiu Zijia saw a clear smile on Mu Qin’s face. Mu Qin has always looked cold and cold. This time he suddenly smiled. It really made Qiu Zijia a little embarrassed.

“It’s human nature to be selfish and self-serving.” Muqin said, “If you lived like this before, then you will continue to live like this in the future. No one will blame you.”

Qiu Zijia stopped talking. He looked at Mu Qin with a little bit of fear and sadness. Mu Qin could not imagine how Qiu Zijia understood the meaning of his words, and did not know what Qiu Zijia was thinking about. Mu Qin was too lazy. Go and pay attention.

After Mu Qin handed the female teacher to Qiu Zijia, he gave him a “start to act” gesture, and then watched Qiu Zijia crawl into the grass with Han Li on his back.

Shortly afterwards, Mu Qin also left the grass flowerbed and walked to the stone road in the courtyard. Following the rustling rain, he walked step by step towards the illuminated apartment building.

The apartment building is not far away. Mu Qin walked a few steps and quickly entered the open corridor on the first floor of the apartment building. Then Mu Qin raised his head and looked around to observe the movement, except for the sound of rain. The voice seemed peaceful and peaceful.

So Muqin began to search for the location of the infirmary. The location of the infirmary on the first floor is next to the apartment building’s stairs. It is not difficult to find because there are door numbers on the door of each room.

Just when Mu Qin walked to the door of the infirmary, Mu Qin had to stop in horror.

Because he saw a lot of blood on the ground.

The fact that there are blood stains on the ground shouldn’t have surprised Mu Qin, because in the stairwell on the first floor of the apartment building, there was the corpse that Mu Qin and others had seen before.

The deceased was stabbed in the neck. When he fled from the courtyard to the apartment building and climbed the apartment stairs, he left a lot of blood stains on the ground. Then Xu Fu stepped on these blood stains when he came to take Han Li away. , Leaving intricate blood footprints. Later, when Mu Qin, Qiu Zijia and Cheng Guoxu left the apartment building, they also stepped on these blood stains, so more blood footprints were left behind.

So, there was blood everywhere on the stairs from the second floor to the first floor of the apartment building, and the blood stains spread from the corridor on the first floor to the outside courtyard, but now because of the rain, the blood stains in the courtyard are all covered. The rain was blurred and seeped into the slate and mud.

But why is there blood stains at the entrance of the infirmary?

Although the infirmary is next to the stairs of the apartment building, it is still a distance away. Mu Qin is sure that when he leaves the apartment building with Qiu Zijia and Cheng Guoxu, he has not lingered in front of the infirmary. In Muqin’s impression, the floor of this place should be very clean.

Mu Qin carefully observed the footprints on the floor at the entrance of the infirmary. The footprints were quite fresh. At the same time, he noticed the direction of the footprints…The person who left the footprints seemed to have entered the infirmary before, and the footprints were facing the door of the infirmary. It stretched in, and then came out again, possibly rummaging in some medicines or medical supplies in the infirmary.

Who has been here before?

Since you are in the infirmary, it means that the other party is injured or sick and looking for medicine. Mu Qin thought. Among the six people, except Han Li, he could confirm that three of them had been injured. The first was the dead body lying on the stairs next door, but he was dead. After all, Mu Qin personally probed. After the pulse and the heartbeat.

Next was Cheng Guoxu. Mu Qin witnessed Xu Fu cutting Cheng Guoxu’s neck with his own eyes, but he did not see Cheng Guoxu’s true death. Mu Qin speculates that Cheng Guoxu’s physique is not as good as Xu Fu’s, and not as good as the deceased person on the stairs next door, so Cheng Guoxu can’t escape from under Xu Fu’s hands at all. It is impossible to run into this infirmary to search for medicine. Thing.

In the end, it was Xu Fu. Xu Fu was designed by Mu Qin to smash his leg with a candle chandelier. This was also what Mu Qin saw with his own eyes. However, Mu Qin did not know what his leg was injured in.

Xu Fu is indeed the most likely person to come to this infirmary. His leg may be injured or even broken, and he may need to be bandaged or fixed. However, Mu Qin and Qiu Zijia just squatted in the grass for a long time, and they didn’t see anyone coming out from the church gate, so Xu Fu might have walked through the back door of the church.

After wandering through these messy thoughts and inferences, Mu Qin slowly squatted down and gently pushed open the door of the infirmary. The **** footprints at the door showed signs that the people who entered had come out again. Then the infirmary is now I am afraid that there is no one, but Mu Qin still feels uneasy. He acts as concealedly and quietly as possible. He pushes open the hidden door of the infirmary and probes inside to observe.

When Mu Qin was still with Qiu Zijia, Cheng Guoxu, and Han Li before, they searched this infirmary. The infirmary was relatively spacious, the lights were on, and the contents were discarded. There was only a simple canopy bed with a mattress on it. The mattress was covered with disgusting black marks, whether it was blood stains or some other secretions.

In addition to this canopy bed, there are rows of cabinets next to the wall. They are filled with some medicines and medical supplies. Most of the cabinets are empty, but there are still some medicines left. Mu Qin hopes that there are anti-fever medicines in them, even if they are expired.

Observing that there was indeed no one in the infirmary, Muqin stopped tiptoing but moved quickly. He quickly rushed to the rows of cabinets and began to overturn the cabinets. He found that these cabinets might have also been overturned. He was the one who left blood stains at the entrance of the infirmary. He came in and turned over these cabinets and left a lot of **** handprints on the cabinets.

Mu Qin checked the cabinets along the **** fingerprints on the cabinets. About five or six cabinets were turned over. The man took the gauze, bandages and alcohol from the cabinets.

Muqin, who noticed these, continued to look through other cabinets. Inside, he saw bottles, cans and boxes of various medicines. He didn’t know what antipyretics were, so he could only look at the bottles or boxes one by one. Description.

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