Transcending the Nine Heavens Chapter 554: Come one, kill one!

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Brush brush brush …

The two are locked in silence, fighting the same Martial Artist.

However, the seemingly ordinary sword body is actually a colossal force that is hidden and not sent out. Once triggered, it is earth-shattering. As long as it touches flesh and blood, it can instantly destroy Divine Soul, making Divine Soul altogether extinguished, consigned to eternal damnation.

For a series of nineteen swords, Wu Yun has been dodging, but he suddenly found that already had retreated to the corner, and there was no way back.

And the sword in front of him is still like a sacral sacrifice, and he is still chasing after him.

When cold light flashes again, Sword Point pauses before throat.

Wu Yun flashes of despair in his eyes.

I am not an opponent at all!

“Who the **** are you?” Wu Yun asked dryly: “Only one sword is used in this day, but three moves and two styles can push me to such a point, there are only a handful of them, where are you? One? “

The young man in black said coldly, “My name is Gu Duxing; it’s a strange name. I don’t think it will be one of those people you think.”

Wu Yun‘s eyes flashed and murmured: “Heaven Mixing Sword Emperor Gu Duxing, how can such a thunderous name be unfamiliar … How can you be here? And you also participated in the Exquisite Flower defense? Not afraid of others Say you demean yourself? “

Heaven Mixing Sword Emperor? Self-degrading status?

Gu Duxing does not seem to really know, when did I have an extra eye-catching nickname.

It turns out that among the everyone brothers who have the “Emperor” status, they are not Xie Danqiong, they are themselves!

The extreme nickname of eye-catching makes Gu Duxing feel uncomfortable.

Even if he is a Duxing (solitary) swordsman or a lonely swordsman, in his own opinion, it is much better than this ‘Heaven Mixing Sword Emperor’.

Gu Duxing will never forget, what the Xie Danqiong name was played by a group of brothers on the day, as long as the Xie Danqiong of the day replaced with yourself, the heart will be shuddering and trembling!

The uncomfortable mood needs a way to vent. It seems that the Wu Yun in front of him is the best prop for venting. All this unhappiness mood was caused by him!

“I think you should have something serious to say.” Gu Duxing Sword Point refers to the throat of Wu Yun, Sword Point, a group of destroyed sword energy condensed into a blue ball.

As long as you vomit a little, this cyan sword energy will immediately enter the body of Wu Yun, fully convert his five viscera and six bowels to fine powder, and let his soul fly.

Wu Yun smiled bleakly: “In my life, I have killed so many people and destroyed the innocent home, no less than tens of thousands; how can there be so much to say? Heaven Mixing Sword emperor in front, what else Yes! “

Gu Duxing is getting colder, and his eyes are sharper: “Say, how many people have you come to this time?”

Wu Yun laughed: “Master Sword Majesty, this is the wrong person to ask … absolutely no one among us knows how many people came because we don’t know each other at all; Sword Majesty adults Ask me … why don’t we people want to ask the answer to this question, Hahaha … “

The clouds on took a deep breath and Black Dragon Sword in Gu Duxing generally rise. Cyan sword energy came out.

Wu Yun‘s throat giggle rang and murmured: “I’m Wu Yun, I have no luck today.”

Suddenly a weird smile suddenly appeared: “But it’s lucky to die in the hands of Sword Majesty …”

Without the last word, my body is already straight.

Gu Duxing was silent for a while, and drew his sword away.

At the same time, Chu Yang looked at the old man in black who was constantly struggling under the attack of Chu Le’er extreme poison, and said, “You just say one person, and I will give you a good deal.”

Old man bitter smile: “I really want to be happy, but unfortunately … I really don’t even know anyone.”

Chu Yang to close eye sighed, Nine Tribulations Sword came out, one sword ended.

In the middle of the night.

The brothers were all concentrated in Mo Tianji‘s room, and everyone looked heavy.

At the end of the night, the people you found were basically sure that they had come to trouble, and all already had been cleaned up.

But everyone’s face is extra heavy.

“Nothing found?” Mo Tianji looked up at the roof and asked gently.

The crowd hearing this was silent for a while.

Yes, there were more than fifty Celestial Level masters who died under the brothers this night, and there were more than ten Sage Level masters.

This is only the first day!

If in terms of cleanliness, the shot hit rate is 100%, there is no escape, the action should be considered very successful, but the success of the action is the minimum and most basic requirements. Only fulfilled this minimum requirement!

Except for the success of Qingying, there is nothing to gain, because the targets being attacked have one thing in common.

That’s it-know nothing.

Everything is just a personal action after receiving the order.

Even they couldn’t even tell the one line they connected to. Not because you do n’t want to say it, but you really ca n’t say it, or you do n’t know what to say.

Rui Butong used to burn a person with Nirvana fire until it became ashes.

However, under the pain of peak, the favour thread collapses, crying, tearing, kneeling, begging for mercy, but only swift death, but still can’t say anything useful.

“Perhaps this is the most terrible place for the other party.” Mo Tianji frowned.

“There are definitely more than thirty people in the other side, and definitely fish that escaped the net existence.” Mo Tianji whispered softly: “But … do you find it?”

Chu Yang sat on it and said faintly: “Tonight, I and Le’er dispose of eight people in total. There is a faint feeling to these people, that … these people may really not know each other, but they come from the same One place. “

As soon as the seemingly contradictory words came out, Ji Mo and the others was an instant accompaniment: “Yes, I also feel this way. Looking at the appearance alone, I really don’t see anything, but once I fight That kind of silence and viciousness are the same. “

“It’s almost like the same mother.”

Mo Tianji sighed heavily.

“This is the situation I am most worried about.” Mo Tianji exhaled, calmly said: “It finally happened.”

“It is naturally impossible for them to be born to the same mother, but their skills are from the same organization, which also proves why they do not know each other, and some deep places are very similar, and These people ’s heads, and even their heads, are all brought together and assigned to the same person. It is also because of this reason that the current situation is caused. Although these people have the same goals, they have no connection with each other, and they need to be their own. If it is used for war, it will undoubtedly be a piece of sand; but if it is used for trouble in the ceremony, it is an excellent one, even the best one. “

“Each has its own calculations, and each has its own way of doing things. Ten people have ten people’s ideas. One hundred people have one hundred people’s ideas. You can prevent one, ten, and one hundred. A thousand, or even more? As long as one person can make a success in addition to the omissions, the ceremony will become a joke … “

Chu Yang was aware of this as early as already, so now he is frowning. Although he is wise and resourceful, he faces such a chaotic situation, and there is really no way to cope with it.

“At the moment, the only way to continue to find these people clean up; but, while clearing up, we must pay special attention to how they feel about them … rely on the natural instinct of Martial Artist to find those hidden People, at least … people who do n’t seem to have any abnormal identities.

Mo Tianji said slowly: “Come one, kill one! Come two, kill one pair! Kill as many as you can, but rather kill by mistake, rather than let them get away.”

Chu Yang hearing this was shocked and said: “No, you must not kill innocent indiscriminately. Although the situation is not good at this time, you cannot give up the principle.”

Mo Tianji narrowed his eyes and said, “The enemy is not sure at all. For the sake of the overall situation, it is inevitable to kill one or two mistakes occasionally. It is inevitable that the big thing will happen …”

Chu Yang flatly said: “Absolutely not possible! You must have confidence in order to shoot at the target, and you must not open the killing ring!”

It looks like this is the first time the two have a dispute.

Mo Tianji lowered its head and considered it carefully. It took a long time to sigh and said, “Then try not to hurt innocent.”

Chu Yang also sighed, Chu Yang understands that Mo Tianji can say so, already is a big step back.

This time the ceremony was too heavy for Mo Tianji. Just adding the phrase “can’t hurt innocent” will have to increase the workload of the Mo Tianji several times out of thin air.

Because he needs to conduct more detailed investigations and eliminations, the mental and physical effort will be at least three times as much as before!

The brothers are expressionless, but they all look gloating over Mo Tianji. It’s rare to see Mo Tianji eating, everyone is secretive-including Gu Duxing.

I can do it for you, can you see if you can? !!

Not killing innocent indiscriminately is the bottom line for everyone. Although it is clear that the issue between Chu Yang and Mo Tianji is a matter of principle, as long as they see Mo Tianji eating, everyone feels comfortable.

“The poison of Miss Le’er … don’t know how well prepared?” Mo Tianji‘s voice softened suddenly.

“It’s almost there, and it can be used at any time in another two days.” Chu Le’er said with a low eyebrow.

Mo Tianji talked strongly and praised: “Good job! It is indeed Miss Le’er with high quality and heart. Tianji (Heavenly Secret) is the thing that you can rest assured. Where is the stupid thing that doesn’t have four or six, I have to do everything afterwards.”

Chu Yang looks at the sky with two eyes. Rolling eyes.

Mo Tianji said this, but it is directly offending people with no difference great range, all brothers were shot innocent!

“Spit ~~~”

Ji Mo Luo Kedi vomited with Dong Wushang.

Mo Tianji turned to kill the general eyes, and the three of them smiled sternly: “Sorry, we have eaten before, who made us all stupid thing, excuse me …” , The novel is better updated and faster!)

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