Transcending the Nine Heavens Chapter 532: Helplessness of Li Chunbo

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“I need Purple Crystal! The more, the better! The better, the better!”

A certain ‘Purple Crystal Aristocratic Family heir’ is waving his arms and roaring, his face is excited, his eyes are frantic, and his body is convulsive!

“I need to arrange my accommodation as soon as possible!”

“I need free access to Purple Crystal Mine!”

“I need you to get everything I need in moment!”

“I need …”

Chu Yang is crazy and generally mentions the conditions repeatedly: “I need Purple Crystal to improve Purple Crystal divine art and speed up the cracking speed! Such a huge treasure, I ca n’t wait for moment! I need to go in and out freely for the convenience of inspiration! It’s day or night! Whether it’s early morning or three more! “

“Do you understand?”

“My residence is the most luxurious. I need to be able to swim in the room! I can get rid of it in the room and I can’t smell it! It’s all about my mood! My mood is bad. It’s slow! “

“I need someone to serve! I need one of my worst maids to go out to participate in the Nine Heavens beauty pageant! It must not be too short! It must not be fat, it must not be thin; it must not be flat! “

“This affects my vision, my vision will affect my mood! My mood will lead to …”

“I like Lilisoso, and I don’t like to drag the water … In the future, my order must be executed as soon as possible, with a slight delay, there is no pardon!”

“The space I need! When I crack this huge Purple Crystal Mine, except for the moment that is about to succeed, everyone else is far away! I am not a monkey show!”

“If the above conditions can’t be satisfied me … I, I, … I’m not alive …”

The general conditions of the Chu Yang renault cannon will directly shake all the Li Family people who have not yet woke up from the huge surprise!

But who is Li Wubo?

This is the head of the family of Nine Great Clans! How old is it? How clever? It only took a moment to reflect it, and even Zhu Zhuan generally issued an order!

“Immediately prepare Purple Crystal for Sir Zi! Prepare 10,000 yuan first!”

“Plan your core residence now!”

“Give command token to Sir Zi free access to Purple Crystal Mine immediately!”

“When Sir Zi cracks Purple Crystal Mine, no one is allowed to watch!”

“Immediately prepare a maid for Sir Zi! Want the highest-quality beauties! All the daughters of clear as ice and clean as jade!”

“Immediately …”

Chu Yang waved his hand: “Send these prepared Purple Crystal to where I live! Tonight, I have to work overtime!”

Then he sat on the ground with his buttocks: “Just a lot of effort. I was overstretched … I can’t move.”

Li Wubo yelled hurriedly: “Come here, lift Sir Zi back. bsp; a group of people holding the moon generally lifted Sir Zi and sent it back, its cautious and solemn is no less than a white-haired mother-in-law who is waiting for a serious illness !

Suddenly found that this Purple Crystal Mine has such a huge amount of amazing treasures. Sir Zi is currently in the status of Li Family, and now already has risen to the status of “cherishing national treasure”.

Don’t annoy this man; don’t make this man unhappy!

The whole future of Li Family is now on this man’s Purple Crystal divine art.

Li Family‘s thinking is very complicated and simple: it is an eventful season; and once this batch of Purple Crystal has been mined. It will have amazing value!

Also. Be able to create massive masters for Li Family in the shortest time!

Especially now, One of the Nine Tribulations is in his family. In this respect, their own family already actually broke with other Eight Great Clans!

After that, Master of Nine Tribulations Sword comes up. It is inevitable for his own family to battle with other Eight Great Clanss! This is no chance of winning … even if facing a family alone, there is no chance of winning! Not to mention eight?

The situation of if by any chance is clear, and they are attacked by the group. Then, Li Family can finally keep an Li Xiongtu. already is a godsend! To the Yu Family family, there are several others who can follow the Li Xiongtu to create the future of the millennium … it is really not sure!

But God help me too!

Just then, in my own family, suddenly found such an amazing treasure! And it is a big treasure that can create more than a dozen Supreme grade nine masters in the shortest time …

Li Family. Wouldn’t it be even better? If this is true, and then cooperate with the power of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword … then, Li Family can simply leap forward for the new century at a very small price!

This …

This already is not a pie in the sky, it is a BRIC in the sky!

And for the ‘Purple Crystal Aristocratic Family heir’ who is the only one in the world who can mine this treasure, would n’t he be more afraid of falling in his hands, and becoming more afraid of being in his mouth?

So Li Wubo agreed to the Chu Yang condition almost without thinking. He knew deeply: under the huge surprise of discovering the huge treasure; the Purple Crystal descendant already was a little crazy.

If you make him feel uncomfortable at this time, it is tantamount to pouring a spoonful of cold water on the furnace, and the reaction will be incalculably serious!

Looking at a Purple Crystal family heir was taken away, Li Wubo couldn’t control his face: “I’m going to find the old ancestor!”

Run away without a shadow.


“… Old ancestors. This is how things look!” In the hidden hall of Li Family, there are four black-clothed person sitting. Listen to the introduction of Li Wubo.

Four people are as hard as iron, and their faces are a bit dull.

Only when I heard the words ‘Soul of Purple Crystal, Sacred Crystal, Divine Crystal‘, the eyes of the three people suddenly flashed; then, the old man in black was also slowly raise one’s head, two in his eyes Dao swept away as if he had condensed into reality!

It’s just a glance, it seems that the vicissitudes of passing of time are heavy, which makes people feel a sense of depression.

Li Wubo‘s introduction already is completed, and the hall sinks into a silence. After a long time, the middle man nodded slowly and said, “This is a good thing. You can give him whatever he wants! How, now is the first priority to take out the treasure! “

Although he can’t see how old he is, his energy and complexion both look healthy and ruddy; only now he speaks. The sound was unexpectedly hoarse and hard.

It seems to be a strange, harsh noise when the iron rust has been rubbed suddenly for years.

“Yes.” Li Wubo was flattered and agreed respectfully, his face flushed with excitement.

The one who speaks is the true founder of Li Clan, the son of Nine Tribulations! Li Family Li Chunbo!

For many years, Li Wubo has seen this old ancestor several times. But every time the ancestor was silent. No matter what he said, he didn’t raise his brow.

“But … some future plans …” Li Chunbo frowned stopped talking and closed his eyes again.

“Yes. Grandson intends this way. Even if he is given Purple Crystal, he only needs to strictly control his going out. Where can he go under the control of our family? As long as he can take it out successfully, then , Our family is the biggest beneficiary. “

“Even, grandson still thinks; if it is possible to match the beautiful woman of the family descendant to this Zi Xiaoyan as a wife … if it succeeds, give birth to descendant … then, we also have Purple Crystal blood in our family .At that time, this person will kill or prison … all in our thoughts! “

Li Wubo respectful obituary. He uttered his intentions, including all the conspiracies, without any reservation. He knew that no one could hide his thoughts and secrets in the presence of the old ancestor.

Li Chunbo took a long breath and shook his head; then, he paused. He shook his head again before opening his eyes. In his eyes, there was a heavy hate iron for not becoming steel and disagreement.

“Old ancestors must …” said Li Wubo cautious and solemn.

“Children of unworthy!” Li Chunbo sighed a little, some stunned: “Use your heart. You can change your heart … No one can make friends; you can see from what you said. Then Jiang Hu rules, bold heart, In our Li Family, already is lost!

Li Chunbo seems to be a little angry, and has spoken a lot of words.

“Even if you can succeed for a while with this method, can you … succeed for the next 90,000 years? Li Family, sooner or later is the end of the family’s defeat and blood loss!”

“Why didn’t you think about making friends? It’s far more effective to use affection than to threaten it; To understand reason is more broad than to lure it …. If you really make friends, you can Li Family added a lot of help … If you cross the river to tear down the bridge … I know you will cultivate it later, you can’t betray you! “

“For Li Family, I have been disappointed! I founded Li Family in one hand, and now I can only watch Li Family step by step! Even if there are 10,000 of these treasures … But people’s hearts are not right, I don’t want to keep it Live! “

Li Chunbo disappeared as soon as he shook his body.

“Family matters, I have retired for a long time, no longer in charge. You take care of it … For thousands of years, Li Family‘s thought already has been distorted for seven thousand years … even though I am the founder of Li Chunbo … What is Force of Heaven? I can change the face of the river, but how can I change my children and grandchildren already distorted the hearts of people for 7,000 years? “

Last sigh: “I hope you can remember! To be Nine Great Clans … you need to be … alone! Only fine!”

Li Chunbo disappeared.

The other three disappeared.

Li Wubo stood up blankly, a little bit nervous; but, after a long time, his heart settled down again; he gritted his teeth and thought silently: The old ancestors have not been born these years, and they are not familiar with the current Jiang Hu … … I treat you as a gentleman, but who treats me as a gentleman? In that way, isn’t Li Family broken faster?

To recruit a descendant of Supreme of Swords Purple Crystal whose personality and spleen are all already stereotypes, where can I rest assured to cultivate one by myself?

The urgent task now is to protect the whole family family first; as a gentleman … or wait for this Nine Tribulations catastrophe to pass, let’s talk slowly …

At that time, as long as you have the strength, the ingenuity, and the means, what kind of friends can’t you make? Why do we have to do Huairou at this critical moment?

Li Wubo strode out.

behind the body In the void, a sad sigh came …


Part 2.

Hurrying to the husband ’s house in the afternoon, it turned out that the Sir and the mother-in-law were fighting … really powerful, Ding Ding dāng dāng fell to the ground … but, I got to the point where I myself were beaten head and scorched brow, and finally I took the Sir mother-in-law first. Returned to my house …

The old man likes to grow flowers. He went to an old friend’s house in Linyi yesterday and asked his grandfather to tell his grandma to move back a pot of flowers. It is said to be precious. But the leaves have fallen …

The old lady saw that already withered and occupied such a delicate flower pot. When the old man was not at home, he pulled up and threw it into the henhouse, and replaced the spider plant with a pot …

I knew it just for a pot of flowers to quarrel like this …

I’m really helpless, so old …

I continue to code … I’m … I don’t know if I will fight with my wife because of a pot of flowers? > {www.Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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