Transcending the Nine Heavens Chapter 250: Devil King! Awaken!

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Suddenly, there was a boom, and the black mist floating around the side of Tan Tan suddenly exploded!

A dark shadow appeared suddenly!

Tan Tan!

Tan Tan‘s body seems to be a little taller in this moment. Wearing black robe on the body gives a feeling of extreme fit.

The strange logo on his forehead, already is half full, and is shining. His facial features are still the same, but somehow it seems to have added countless charms!

this moment, no one thinks he is ugly!

I don’t know when already broke down.

A black hair with bright hair, just so smooth down in the middle, straight down to the chest, exposing a straight hairline in the middle.

It’s such a smooth and bright hair, but it gives everyone a spooky feeling of violence! Moreover, a sense of vicissitudes of recovery, sprang up!

The sudden loud noise made everyone with a red eye on the battlefield stunned and stopped their hands involuntarily!

Tan Tan stepped out slowly. His movements were very strange. The first three steps taken seemed to be uncomfortable and very uncoordinated, so he stopped after three steps.

Then, lowering her head, looking at her legs in amazement, two eyebrows, one high and one low, were slightly wrinkled. This wrinkle, then the two eyebrows started to move.

He frowned, looked at his body with dissatisfaction, and murmured: “What awkward!”

He then stretched out his hands, his arms fluttered, and a black mist visible to the naked eye suddenly diffused. Then, with the vibration of his arms, a long hair that split in and down suddenly suddenly rose upwards. Like aquatic plants on the sea floor, all of a sudden, the roots are upward and erratic!

Then his whole body twisted suddenly.

Weird twisted.

Crapping a burst of pea-like noise from his body, it was a soothing voice.

Everyone who heard this voice felt clearly that the bones of Tan Tan were all misplaced in this moment, and then the order was disrupted and re-integrated.

Then he raised his arms, his hair fell, and it was still a subtle mid-point, with a gloomy smell, desolate loneliness.

He lowered his arms and raised his head.

this moment, Xie Danfeng beside him clearly felt: Tan Tan suddenly grew taller at this moment! At least two inches higher than just now!

Somehow, Xie Danfeng suddenly had a strange feeling, slowly rising from the heart.

This feeling makes Xie Danfeng extremely scared, sore in his eyes, and wants to cry. But I don’t know why I cry. I just feel uncomfortable, my heart is broken.

Tan Tan raised his head and twisted his neck. The neck also made a clicking noise. He twisted left, twisted right, then straightened his head.

These moves are funny, but none of them dare to laugh. Even when he did all these moves, everyone felt a cold in his heart.

Even Gu Duxing Dong Wushang feels that his heart is shaking violently and coldly with the action of Tan Tan … shocked!

Then Tan Tan takes the fourth step!

But the fourth step is very different from the first three steps!

This step came out gently, and fell to the ground gently. Even the grass on the ground didn’t shake much! But the Ao Clan people in front of him clearly felt that at this step, already was a ground-breaking sky before him!

The surroundings are quiet, but Ao Clan‘s eyes are clearly the end of the world: the mountains have fallen, the water on the ground has washed up into the sky, the clouds and mist have been torn in the sky, and there seems to be a big hole in the sky. .

And in front of it all, there is a figure in black, with long hair hanging down, his eyes cold and indifferent looking at the human beings, standing against his hands.

King of heaven!

This is not the kind of monarch that belongs to the emperor, but a kind of … the kind of paramount monarch that truly controls the entire world!

Tan Tan takes the fifth step.

In front of Ao Mengyun, I immediately felt that a magnificent mountain came to the top!

I don’t know what he thinks. Suddenly, his knees softened and he fell down and fell to his knees.

Knelt in front of Tan Tan.

The strangest thing is that everyone who sees all of this Ao Clan doesn’t feel anything wrong in their hearts. It seems that facing this person, Young Master knelt down … That’s as it should be by rights‘s business!

Even if Young Master doesn’t kneel …, these people have to kick themselves in the bend of his leg, let him kneel!

How can you not kneel in front of this person? !! It’s simply upset!

Tan Tan looked at the Ao Mengyun indifferently, and did not seem to see the big living person kneeling in front of him. He finally stood still, still carrying his hands, Zheng Wei raised his head, and his eyes slowly swept around. After a circle, then I looked farther away, looked at it slightly, and then recovered my gaze.

The four Monarch Level masters of Zhuge Clan who have been in the distance have contacted him for a moment.

Nothing unusual.

But after he looked away, all of a sudden he felt that his heart was beating again. The peng peng peng jumped more and more violently, and all four people’s faces became red.

They didn’t feel anything just now, but under the indifferent glance of the other side, even the heartbeat was controlled by the other side!

The four looked at each other suddenly, all of them were shocked!

This awakener … how so powerful? Didn’t you say that the awakening of Three Stars Sacred Clan? “Why …”, it’s as if it was directly Devil King?

In this moment, the feelings of the four people are faintly rising: Is it … really overcast?

But after looking away from Tan Tan for a while, the skepticism of the four people did not know why vanish like smoke in thin air … Damn, we have five big killers in our hands, and we can’t deal with a small blood awakener?

This kind of change of mind, placed on an Monarch Level master, is an irresponsible thing, but it is exactly how it changed.

The Chu Yang hidden in the dark, I just feel that Tan Tan sees myself clearly, and this vision seems to shine directly into my heart! Could not help but hesitated in my heart: Tan Tan …, finally started that kind of …, change?

In the tangled space, Sword Spirit was madly shocked, loudly said: “What is this power? This is the magic! This is clearly the power of Devil King!”

Chu Yang sinks into my heart.

Tan Tan finally stopped his glance, and suddenly took a long breath. This breath actually sucked the entire forest space into a vacuum!

When he took a breath, everyone felt a suffocation.

Tan Tan exhaled suddenly, murmured, indifferently and whispered, “This world …, has really changed …”,

He then took a deep breath, said to himself: “I’m too weak.”

Then he looked at the only 58 people left in front of the Ao Clan, frowned, and said, “I’m just not as good as these ants …, forced to such a point?”

Speaking, he turned his lips slightly, and smiled slightly. In this indifferent and ridiculous smile, it is clearly with contempt for the entire Nine Heavens!

He looks at these people back, but even Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang feel that Tan Tan is now standing on the top of the highest mountain in the world, looking down at them!

Tan Tan immediately stretched out his hand, and put five fingers lightly on Ao Mengyun‘s head. Capturing his hair, he said indifferently, “This offering … is too weak … weak and scary!”

Ao Mengyun is trembling all over, being struck by his own body like a puppy, struggling with his fatal vitality, and even a little consciousness of resistance cannot be born.

Tan Tan‘s hands are raised.

When his hand was raised, Ao Mengyun‘s head was actually lifted by silently … from the neck cavity, and then lifted up completely.

It’s as if this head had been cut off with a sharp knife long ago, and now it is just placed on top of it in a tight joint.

The head is gone, but there is still a piece in the neck cavity, and even a drop of blood does not emerge.

Tan Tan grabbed head, frowned, and threw it out.

Ao Mengyun The blood in the neck suddenly rushed up to the sky!

“This is the taste of blood …” Tan Tan indifferently said, looking at the blood rushing in front of the eyes, was very nostalgic: “How many years … I haven’t smelled …”

He frowned suddenly, and grabbed Ao Langyun again

Ao Langyun was separated from him by three people, but it just came to his hands in such a flash.

He then grabbed Ao Langyun‘s head very easily, let Ao Langyun stand upright in front of him, and twisted it by hand twice.

Ao Langyun is grasped by him like a puppet, and his feet are rooted. It seems to be cast on the ground, but from the ankle to the Heavenly Spirit cover, he is easily twisted into a huge twist!

With clothes, to muscles, bones, and even skulls. They all appear thread after loop.

Ao Langyun died without a word, but the sound of clicking and clicking on his body kept ringing, and it sounded very rhythmic. Tan Tan twisted it twice, then frowned, slightly turned his head, listening to the sound of the cracked bones, indifferently said: “Heard again, the bones of people in this world have not changed.”

He looked up and smiled slightly, saying, “A long time ago, this is a piece of music. I named it” skeleton Order “.

His faint explanation seems to explain to himself: “As long as you use a very stable force to twist a person from head to toe into a very uniform twist, you will play this sensation. One hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred and sixteen 150 thousand nine hundred and sixty-three hair will automatically stand up, a pleasant tune! “

“I haven’t heard it for a long time.” Tan Tan smiled with a sigh of relief, and said with some nostalgia. He licked his lips, tilted his head, learned the voice in his mouth, squinted and whispered, “Kacha … Kacha,” Kapu, “

His teeth were looming at this time, and in Ye Se (night scenes), there was a luster.

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