Transcending the Nine Heavens Chapter 183: How can this continent tolerate me?

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The Sword Spirit in Nine Tribulations Space was also stunned. He desperately catalyzed the pharmacological power originally stored in the Chu Yang meridian and the pharmacological power he had withdrawn all into soul force and transported it. It even includes some of the power of existing spirit medicine.

This already is the maximum power that Sword Spirit can draw!

How exaggerated is Sword Spirit‘s refining power? How amazing is the ability? With the convenience of the spirit body and the desperate speed of one and only over the past 90,000 years, how can spare no effort‘s extracting medicine power be horrible, fast and effective …

It is entirely conceivable how terrible the soul force delivered by Sword Spirit this time!

But at this time, people stopped fighting.

Once the medicinal power is transformed into soul force, Sword Spirit ca n’t be pumped, but it only leaves a huge soul force in the Chu Yang meridian …

this moment, Sword Spirit are also stuck.

Why is this deserves death not playing at this time? soul force already The wild wave is generally instilled into it. It is definitely too late to send it to Dantian in the shortest time that can be tolerated. What can we do? Is there actually a Master of Nine Tribulations Sword death method that was actually killed by his own Sword Spirit

This is a joke …

But right now, it’s really helpless. If Sword Spirit has a body, then help out now, actually can survive the difficulties; but he does not.

If you let Wei Wuyan help, it will reveal the secret of Master of Nine Tribulations Sword!

Sword Spirit and Chu Yang are helpless at the same time: It really doesn’t work, it seems that only Wei Wuyan can help. Leaking secrets … Just leaking secrets … but I’m afraid … even Wei Wuyan, I can’t absorb these forces now, and the possibility of Wei Wuyan bursting out is infinitely close to 100%

“Is this enough for you to be refreshed again?” The man in white stood in the air, looking at Chu Yang, and said lightly, “Quick, let me see if I break through five levels in one hour.”

“You …” Chu Yang almost vomited blood: “You just for this?”

People in white said leisurely: “Isn’t that what you said?”

Chu Yang is silent: “That was before! When Martial Artist broke five stages in one hour, can it be compared with the current Sword Majesty? A level of Sword Majesty is enough for a thousand people to break through Martial Artist at the same time!”

People in white said faintly: “How does it matter? When you were in Martial Artist, your meridians could bear Yuan Qi that broke through five levels at the same time, then when you were in Sword Majesty, you would definitely be able to withstand five breakthroughs at the same time. Level spiritual energy! This is the same, the level of knowledge is different, that’s all. “

Chu Yang‘s body already is a bit swollen, with a red face and a thick neck, exhaling and panting: “You are pure farting … you try? According to you, your current body should also allow you to withstand five breakthroughs at the same time. The power of each stage, you can break through and see for yourself? Standing and speaking do not hurt back … “

The man in white said quietly, “I think actually … But in this world, where is there enough for me to absorb five levels of spiritual energy at one time …”

Speaking, he turned out to be a little hesitant, took a deep breath.

Chu Yang said angrily: “Don’t sigh! I’m about to explode! You pit people … hurry up and find a way … Shit, you can’t pit me into this and leave it alone, I inform you, then The power of Dao State, I lost it as soon as I burst! “

In Nine Tribulations Space, Sword Spirit jumped anxiously: “My dear, you threatened him … a few soft words will die …”

Although I ca n’t see the expression of the man in white, Chu Yang also feels that the other party seems to be frowned, and he wonders, “Can’t you solve this situation? What a great opportunity ?!”

Chu Yang was so anxious that he didn’t notice that when people in white said “you” instead of “you”, they were furious and said, “In this case, the only solution is to bump into you once. , And then vented this power to restore the original cultivation base. Although severely injured internally, it was not fatal at all. That is the only way! “

“Nonsense!” the white-clad man was furious: “I have spent so much effort to dig out all your potential, dig out your hidden medicine power, and then use Great Magic to hide heaven and earth, leaving you without Vent everywhere to create such a rare opportunity for you to come out, you want to vent like this? Wasted?!

“A rare opportunity?” Chu Yang groaned, holding his head about to burst, “Is it an explosion opportunity?”

At this moment, the man in white was vaguely imaginary, standing in front of the Chu Yang in front of the empty space, and said a little, a little impatience: “Suppress the blood of fighting, and Dan Tian swallow it once, isn’t it? No? “

Chu Yang endured the feeling of swollen meridians, biting his teeth: “When the war is rising, the natural blood is like boiling; how to use the rising war to suppress the blood instead? As for Dan Tian vomiting … not to mention Dantian swallowed and vomited, and the meridian was reversed. At this critical moment, there was no hope at all … Besides, even after Dantian swallowed, the meridian was successfully reversed. With such great power, Dantian would burst … … “

As for such an uncomfortable moment, I still have the mood and people in white to discuss such important Martial Study issues. Sword Master Chu feels a little incredible.

People in white said angrily: “Stupid! The human body Dantian is a treasure given by heaven and earth. How can it burst so easily? Dantian throughput is the practice method. How can the meridian retrograde? Dantian throughput actually needs meridian retrograde to cooperate? What’s the messy doctrine of Butong (blocked) taught in this continent?!

Even though Chu Yang is now on the verge of collapse, already can’t help but startled at the words: “What’s the truth in this continent … Aren’t you … Aren’t you from this continent?”

White man coldly snorted, angry: “How can this continent tolerate me!”

When this sentence came out, Chu Yang only felt a shock in his heart, and his mind suddenly appeared a short stagnation, and a short period of clarity … It was a soberness almost heaven falls and earth rends.

How can this continent tolerate me!

What a word of pride and howling!

In the shock of the extreme, Chu Yang gritted his teeth and asked, “But … war and blood, how can I … suppress it?”

People in white coldly snorted: “The war is rising in the brain, but the blood is boiling but it is because of the heart! Don’t you understand? You don’t control your heart, how can you see Great Way!”

His eyes are gazing at Chu Yang already‘s swollen body, indifferently said: “If you one day, you can understand the meaning of this sentence, so that the war will rise and devour the world; but the blood will be steady Running like ice and snow, then … in this Nine Heavens, you will be invincible! “

The war will rise and devour the earth; but the blood will run smoothly like ice and snow! In this way, you can be invincible!

Chu Yang‘s heart moved, and he firmly remembered this sentence in his heart.

The body is getting more and more uncomfortable. Chu Yang already feels that the meridians are slowly cracking. He tried to recover his combat intention to suppress the blood in accordance with the method of white people, but tried several times. Can’t do it.

People in white looked at it silently, and finally sighed, saying, “After all, it’s not … let me help you!”

The figure in white flutters forward, his left palm goes up, and he holds it.

Chu Yang suddenly felt that the intangible and mysterious things that rose to the surface and the war in his heart were caught by this hand!

Stop it!

This is intangible at all, but the white man just grabbed it with his real fingers.

Chu Yang can even feel that the hands of white people are cold!

Immediately, the white man pressed his other hand against the heart of Chu Yang and pressed in.

Chu Yang chest suddenly sags inward, a cold feeling floods into the heart, the heart that is rushing like a galloping horse slowly calms down, at the same time, the white hand of the person in the left hand sends it down and releases it. That war of intentions was suddenly released, and a violent mood in my head began to oppress …

The heart beats more and more slowly, and the rage above is getting more and more fierce, totally contradictory up and down!

Seeing to meet in Dantian!

On the moment where the heart of Chu Yang stopped beating, a white man slaps a slap on his Dantian, and then **** out and presses inward.

Chu Yang A moan of ‘吭’, I just felt that all the soul force in Dantian were sucked out, there was no trickle left, and the hollow of Dantian was empty and uncomfortable. Just like your own cultivation base was completely abolished in this moment.

If you stay in this state, you won’t even listen to your own command with a finger!

Immediately, the wild cultivation base turned around. The spiritual energy that was just sucked out was actually sent in again. Actually completed Dan Tian’s swallow and spit in this way!

Moreover, Chu Yang found that in moment of Dantian hollow, it discovered a big secret by itself!

That’s where Dantian is, in fact, an infinite space! And I think the full and inflated cultivation base, in fact, actually only occupied a small part of Dantian!

If it’s not completely hollow, you won’t find it!

Why is this?

But he didn’t have time to think about it, because in the short process of spitting and swallowing, the entire Dantian was completely hollow, and all the soul force in the meridian that was about to burst into the same time entered Dantian. The soul force that just spit out is back, fused with these soul forces that just came in.

Dantian drums out, and it returns to its original state!

Starting from Dantian, flowing upwards, starting a new cycle …

Chu Yang suddenly found that all the discomfort and all the bloating feelings were actually in this moment and all disappeared! And the body is full of energy, and it is completely the best state.

This kind of problem that Nine Heavens Continent can’t solve even Supreme can be solved so easily in this way!

It’s such a blessing to talk about such a disastrous change? !!

Chu Yang this moment is really confused.

Who is he in white?

This way, Sword Spirit is absolutely unknown. If Sword Spirit knows, I am afraid that I am already Supreme now … and people in white have also said: How can this mainland tolerate me?

So, who is he? Where did it come from?

Why does he stay here Black Blood Forest? Nine Heavens is so big. With his cultivation base, where is it not to rule the king?


Can’t stand it …

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